;+ ;PROCEDURE: swe_plot_fhsk ;PURPOSE: ; Makes tplot variables for SWEA fast housekeeping data (A6). ; ;USAGE: ; swe_plot_fhsk ; ;INPUTS: ; None: All information is obtained from the common block. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; PANS: Returns the tplot variables created. ; ; TSPAN: Include only fast housekeeping packets within this ; time span. This is different from the next keyword! ; ; TRANGE: Returns a 2xN array of time ranges for the N ; tplot variables created. This makes it easy to ; zoom in to view each channel. For example: ; ; tplot, pans[i], trange=trange[*,i] ; ; TSHIFT: If set, then for each housekeeping channel, shift ; data from multiple sweeps to start at the time ; of the first sweep. This makes it easy to compare ; multiple channels synchronized to the sweep. In ; this case, TRANGE will have just two elements. ; ; VNORM: If set, normalize voltage housekeeping data to the ; nominal value for each channel. Temperatures and ; voltages that do not have a nominal value are left ; unchanged. ; ; AVG: If set, average multiple sweeps for each channel. ; Automatically sets TSHIFT. ; ; MODEL: When any of the fast housekeeping channels are one ; of the analyzer voltages (ANALV, DEF1V, DEF2V, V0V), ; overlay the expected voltages. ; ; RESULT: Named variable to hold structure of results. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-07-01 11:22:53 -0700 (Wed, 01 Jul 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28838 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/swe_plot_fhsk.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2017-01-15 ;- pro swe_plot_fhsk, pans=pans, trange=trange, tshift=tshift, vnorm=vnorm, avg=avg, $ model=model, toff=toff, tspan=tspan, result=result @mvn_swe_com if (size(a6,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"No fast housekeeping." return endif if (n_elements(tspan) lt 2) then tspan = minmax(a6.time) tspan = minmax(time_double(tspan)) tmin = tspan[0] - 2D tmax = tspan[1] + 4D indx = where((a6.time gt tmin) and (a6.time lt tmax), count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,'No fast housekeeping within time span.' return endif a6_save = a6 a6 = a6[indx] tshift = keyword_set(tshift) vnorm = keyword_set(vnorm) avg = keyword_set(avg) if (avg) then tshift = 1 if (size(toff,/type) eq 0) then toff = 0.0070D else toff = double(toff[0]) result = {name : 'SWEA Fast Housekeeping' , $ date : time_string(mean(a6.time),prec=-3) , $ tshift : tshift , $ vnorm : vnorm , $ avg : avg } ; Add sweep table information npkt = n_elements(a6) chksum = bytarr(npkt) tabnum = intarr(npkt) mvn_swe_getlut if (size(mvn_swe_engy,/type) ne 8) then mvn_swe_makespec for i=0,(npkt-1) do begin dt = min(abs(mvn_swe_engy.time - a6[i].time),j) tabnum[i] = mvn_swe_engy[j].lut chksum[i] = mvn_swe_tabnum(tabnum[i],/inverse) endfor str_element,a6,'chksum',chksum,/add str_element,a6,'tabnum',tabnum,/add ; Housekeeping (APID 28) ; SWEA housekeeping includes 3 temperatures (thermistors on the LVPS, ; digital board, and anode board), analyzer voltages, MCP bias, and ; numerous voltages provided by the LVPS to the front-end electronics ; and digital board. A total of 24 values are multiplexed into 224 ; housekeeping messages. Time resolutions are: ; ; anode counters : 448 messages in 1.95 sec --> 0.00435 sec ; hsk per channel : 9 messages in 1.95 sec --> 0.21 sec ; fast hsk (1 ch) : 224 messages in 1.95 sec --> 0.00871 sec ; dwell hsk (1 ch) : 448 messages in 1.95 sec --> 0.00435 sec ; ; Only one channel at a time can be the fast housekeeping channel, ; with 224 messages per cycle. ; ; In dwell mode, all 448 housekeeping messages are devoted to one ; channel -- all other channels are ignored. ; ; The 24 housekeeping channels are: ; ; Channel Value ; ----------------------------------------- ; 0 LVPST ; 1 MCPHV ; 2 NRV (scaled) ; 3 ANALV ; 4 DEF1V ; 5 DEF2V ; 6 - (unused) ; 7 - (unused) ; 8 V0V ; 9 ANALT ; 10 P12V ; 11 N12V ; 12 MCP28V (after enable plug) ; 13 NR28V (after enable plug) ; 14 - (unused) ; 15 - (unused) ; 16 DIGT ; 17 P2P5DV ; 18 P5DV ; 19 P3P3DV ; 20 P5AV ; 21 N5AV ; 22 P28V (before enable plug) ; 23 - (unused) ; ----------------------------------------- ; pans = [''] t0 = min(a6.time) trange = [0D,0D] sweep = (1.95D/224D)*dindgen(224) v_nrm = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, $ 12.0,-12.0, 28.0, 28.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 3.3, $ 5.0, -5.0, 28.0, 1.0] for chan=0,23 do begin indx = where(a6.mux eq chan, count) if (count gt 0) then begin i = indx/4 ; packet index j = indx mod 4 ; mux index x = dblarr(count*224L) y = fltarr(count*224L) for k=0L,(count-1L) do begin if (tshift) then begin if (avg) then begin if (tabnum[i[k]] ne tabnum[i[0]]) then begin print,"WARNING: Sweep changed during average!" endif y[0:223] += a6[i[k]].value[*,j[k]] endif else begin x[(k*224L):(k*224L + 223L)] = t0 + sweep y[(k*224L):(k*224L + 223L)] = a6[i[k]].value[*,j[k]] y[k*224L + 223L] = !values.f_nan endelse endif else begin x[(k*224L):(k*224L + 223L)] = (a6[i[k]].time + 2D*j[k]) + sweep y[(k*224L):(k*224L + 223L)] = a6[i[k]].value[*,j[k]] y[k*224L + 223L] = !values.f_nan endelse endfor if (avg) then begin x = t0 + sweep y = y[0:223]/float(count) endif if (vnorm) then begin if (chan eq 1) then v_nrm[chan] = average(y,/nan) if (chan eq 2) then v_nrm[chan] = average((shift(y,40))[0:39],/nan) y /= v_nrm[chan] endif dat = {x:x, y:y, chan:chan, trange:(minmax(x) + [-0.05,0.05]), tabnum:tabnum[i]} name = a6[i[0]].name[j[0]] ; one channel -> one name tname = 'a6_' + name str_element, result, name, dat, /add store_data, tname, data=dat options, tname, 'ytitle', name options, tname, 'psym', 0 options, tname, 'ynozero', 1 pans = [pans, tname] trange = [trange, dat.trange] endif endfor pans = pans[1:*] if (tshift) then trange = [(t0 - 0.05),(t0 + 2D)] $ else trange = reform(trange[2:*], 2, n_elements(pans)) if keyword_set(model) then begin tswp = (1.95D/1792D)*dindgen(1792) str_element, result, 'ANALV', anlv, success=ok if (ok) then begin nswp = n_elements(anlv.x)/224L t = replicate(0D,nswp*1792L) v = t for i=0,(nswp-1) do begin mvn_swe_sweep, tab=anlv.tabnum[i], result=swp t[(i*1792L):(i*1792L + 1791L)] = anlv.x[i*224L] + tswp v[(i*1792L):(i*1792L + 1791L)] = swp.va endfor store_data,'ANALV_MOD',data={x:(t - toff), y:v} options,'ANALV_MOD','datagap',4D store_data,'ANALV_CMP',data=['a6_ANALV','ANALV_MOD'] ylim,'ANALV_CMP',0.1,1000,1 options,'ANALV_CMP','colors',[4,6] endif str_element, result, 'DEF1V', def1v, success=ok if (ok) then begin nswp = n_elements(def1v.x)/224L t = replicate(0D,nswp*1792L) v = t for i=0,(nswp-1) do begin mvn_swe_sweep, tab=def1v.tabnum[i], result=swp t[(i*1792L):(i*1792L + 1791L)] = def1v.x[i*224L] + tswp v[(i*1792L):(i*1792L + 1791L)] = swp.vd2 endfor store_data,'DEF1V_MOD',data={x:(t - toff), y:v} options,'DEF1V_MOD','datagap',4D store_data,'DEF1V_CMP',data=['a6_DEF1V','DEF1V_MOD'] ylim,'DEF1V_CMP',0.1,3000,1 options,'DEF1V_CMP','colors',[4,6] endif str_element, result, 'DEF2V', def2v, success=ok if (ok) then begin nswp = n_elements(def2v.x)/224L t = replicate(0D,nswp*1792L) v = t for i=0,(nswp-1) do begin mvn_swe_sweep, tab=def2v.tabnum[i], result=swp t[(i*1792L):(i*1792L + 1791L)] = def2v.x[i*224L] + tswp v[(i*1792L):(i*1792L + 1791L)] = swp.vd1 endfor store_data,'DEF2V_MOD',data={x:(t - toff), y:v} options,'DEF2V_MOD','datagap',4D store_data,'DEF2V_CMP',data=['a6_DEF2V','DEF2V_MOD'] ylim,'DEF2V_CMP',0.1,3000,1 options,'DEF2V_CMP','colors',[4,6] endif str_element, result, 'V0V', v0v, success=ok if (ok) then begin nswp = n_elements(v0v.x)/224L t = replicate(0D,nswp*1792L) v = t for i=0,(nswp-1) do begin mvn_swe_sweep, tab=v0v.tabnum[i], result=swp t[(i*1792L):(i*1792L + 1791L)] = v0v.x[i*224L] + tswp v[(i*1792L):(i*1792L + 1791L)] = -swp.v0 endfor store_data,'V0V_MOD',data={x:(t - toff), y:v} options,'V0V_MOD','datagap',4D store_data,'V0V_CMP',data=['a6_V0V','V0V_MOD'] ylim,'V0V_CMP',0,0,0 options,'V0V_CMP','colors',[4,6] options,'V0V_CMP','constant',[0] endif endif a6 = a6_save return end