;+ ;PROCEDURE: swe_cal_snap ;PURPOSE: ; Plots snapshots of calibration data in a separate window for times selected ; with the cursor in a tplot window. Hold down the left mouse button and slide ; for a movie effect. ; ; Calibration data can be extracted from 3D, PAD, or SPEC data. ; ;USAGE: ; swe_cal_snap ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; DDD: Get calibration from 3D data. ; ; PAD: Get calibration from PAD data. ; ; SPEC: Get calibration from SPEC data. ; ; UNITS: Data units. ; ; KEEPWINS: If set, then don't close the snapshot window(s) on exit. ; ; ARCHIVE: If set, show snapshots of archive data. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-08-26 16:49:26 -0700 (Mon, 26 Aug 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27656 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/swe_cal_snap.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 07-24-12 ;- pro swe_cal_snap, ddd=ddd, pad=pad, spec=spec, keepwins=keepwins, units=units, $ archive=archive @mvn_swe_com @swe_snap_common if (size(snap_index,/type) eq 0) then swe_snap_layout, 0 if not keyword_set(units) then units = 'rate' if keyword_set(archive) then aflg = 1 else aflg = 0 if keyword_set(keepwins) then kflg = 0 else kflg = 1 if keyword_set(ddd) then doddd = 1 else doddd = 0 if keyword_set(pad) then dopad = 1 else dopad = 0 if keyword_set(spec) then begin if (size(mvn_swe_engy,/type) ne 8) then mvn_swe_makespec dospec = 1 endif else dospec = 0 if ((doddd + dopad + dospec) eq 0) then begin print,"You must set a data type keyword: DDD, PAD, SPEC" return endif ; Put up snapshot window Twin = !d.window if (size(Dopt,/type) ne 8) then swe_snap_layout, 0 window, /free, xsize=1440, ysize=850, xpos=240, ypos=-860 Cwin = !d.window limits = {no_interp:1, xrange:[3,5000], xstyle:1, yrange:[0,95], ystyle:1, $ xmargin:[10,10], xtitle:'Energy (eV)', ytitle:'Angle Bin', $ zlog:0, ztitle:'', xlog:1, ylog:0, charsize:1.5, title:''} ; Select the first time, then get the data closest that time print,'Use button 1 to select time; button 3 to quit.' wset,Twin ctime,trange,npoints=1,/silent ; cursor,cx,cy,/norm,/up ; make sure mouse button is released if (size(trange,/type) eq 2) then begin ; Abort before first time select. wdelete,Cwin ; Don't keep empty windows. wset,Twin return endif ok = 1 while (ok) do begin ; Calibration Plots wset, Cwin if (doddd) then begin dat = mvn_swe_get3d(trange[0],archive=aflg) if (size(dat,/type) eq 8) then begin mvn_swe_convert_units, dat, units x = dat.energy[*,0] y = findgen(dat.nbins) z1 = dat.data z2 = dat.gf z3 = dat.eff z4 = dat.dtc dz2 = max(abs(z2 - z2[0])) limits.xrange = [min(x),max(x)] limits.yrange = [min(y),max(y)] !p.multi = [0,2,2] limits.title = 'Data' limits.zlog = 1 limits.ztitle = strupcase(dat.units_name) specplot,x,y,z1,limits=limits limits.title = 'Geometric Factor (x10!u4!n)' limits.zlog = 0 limits.ztitle = '' if (dz2 lt 1e-5) then begin plot_oi,x,z2[*,0], xrange=limits.xrange, xstyle=limits.xstyle, $ xmargin=limits.xmargin, xtitle=limits.xtitle, $ ytitle='Geometric Factor (x10!u4!n)', $ charsize=limits.charsize, title=limits.title endif else specplot,x,y,z2,limits=limits limits.title = 'MCP Efficiency' specplot,x,y,z3,limits=limits limits.title = 'Deadtime Correction' str_element, 'limits', 'zrange', [swe_min_dtc,1.0], /add specplot,x,y,z4,limits=limits str_element, 'limits', 'zrange', [0,0], /add !p.multi = 0 endif endif if (dopad) then begin dat = mvn_swe_getpad(trange[0],archive=aflg) if (size(dat,/type) eq 8) then begin mvn_swe_convert_units, dat, units x = dat.energy[*,0] y = findgen(dat.nbins) z1 = dat.data z2 = dat.gf * 1.e4 z3 = dat.eff z4 = dat.dtc dz2 = max(abs(z2 - z2[0])) limits.xrange = [min(x),max(x)] limits.yrange = [min(y),max(y)] !p.multi = [0,2,2] limits.title = 'Data' limits.zlog = 1 limits.ztitle = strupcase(dat.units_name) specplot,x,y,z1,limits=limits limits.title = 'Geometric Factor (x10!u4!n)' limits.zlog = 0 limits.ztitle = '' if (dz2 lt 1e-5) then begin plot_oi,x,z2[*,0], xrange=limits.xrange, xstyle=limits.xstyle, $ xmargin=limits.xmargin, xtitle=limits.xtitle, $ ytitle='Geometric Factor (x10!u4!n)', $ charsize=limits.charsize, title=limits.title endif else specplot,x,y,z2,limits=limits limits.title = 'MCP Efficiency' specplot,x,y,z3,limits=limits limits.title = 'Deadtime Correction' str_element, limits, 'zrange', [swe_min_dtc,1.0], /add specplot,x,y,z4,limits=limits str_element, limits, 'zrange', [0,0], /add !p.multi = 0 endif endif if (dospec) then begin dat = mvn_swe_getspec(trange[0],archive=aflg) if (size(dat,/type) eq 8) then begin mvn_swe_convert_units, dat, units x = dat.energy y1 = dat.data y2 = dat.gf * 1.e4 y3 = dat.eff y4 = dat.dtc !p.multi = [0,2,2] plot_oo,x,y1,xtitle='Energy (eV)',ytitle=strupcase(dat.units_name),$ yrange=[1.,1.e6],psym=10,charsize=limits.charsize plot_oi,x,y2,xtitle='Energy (eV)',ytitle='Geometric Factor (x10!u4!n)',psym=10,$ charsize=limits.charsize plot_oi,x,y3,xtitle='Energy (eV)',ytitle='MCP Efficiency',psym=10,charsize=limits.charsize plot_oi,x,y4,xtitle='Energy (eV)',ytitle='Deadtime Correction',psym=10,$ yrange=[swe_min_dtc,1.0],/ysty,charsize=limits.charsize !p.multi = 0 endif endif ; Get the next button press wset,Twin ctime,trange,npoints=1,/silent ; cursor,cx,cy,/norm,/up ; make sure mouse button is released if (size(trange,/type) eq 5) then ok = 1 else ok = 0 endwhile if (kflg) then wdelete, Cwin wset, Twin return end