;+ ;PROCEDURE: swe_3d_stitch ;PURPOSE: ; Constructs 3D spectrograms from A0 packets. Depending on the group parameter, ; 1, 2, or 4 A0 packets are needed to make one 3D. ; ;USAGE: ; swe_3d_stitch ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-25 20:07:01 -0700 (Mon, 25 Apr 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 20924 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/swe_3d_stitch.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 07-24-12 ;FILE: swe_3d_stitch.pro ;- pro swe_3d_stitch @mvn_swe_com ddd = {time : 0D , $ met : 0D , $ n_e : 0 , $ group : 0B , $ period : 0B , $ npkt : 0B , $ lut : 0B , $ data : fltarr(80,64) , $ var : fltarr(80,64) } if (size(a0,/type) eq 8) then begin npkt = n_elements(a0) e0 = a0.e0 ; frame counter istart = where(e0 eq 0, n3d) ; indices of lead frames tframe = a0.time ; time tags of all frames tstart = tframe[istart] ; time tags of lead frames swe_3d = replicate(ddd, n3d) swe_3d.time = a0[istart].time swe_3d.met = a0[istart].met swe_3d.group = a0[istart].group swe_3d.period = a0[istart].period swe_3d.npkt = a0[istart].npkt swe_3d.lut = a0[istart].lut swe_3d.n_e = swe_ne[swe_3d.group] nframes = swe_3d.n_e/16 ; number of A0 packets per 3D spectrum for i=0L,(n3d-1L) do begin if ((istart[i]+nframes[i]) le npkt) then begin dt = where(tframe[istart[i]:(istart[i]+nframes[i]-1)] ne tstart[i],count) tmsg = time_string(tstart[i]) if (count eq 0L) then begin for j=0,(nframes[i]-1) do begin if (e0[istart[i]+j] eq j) then begin k = j*16 swe_3d[i].data[*,k:(k+15)] = a0[istart[i]+j].data swe_3d[i].var[*,k:(k+15)] = a0[istart[i]+j].var endif else print,"A0 frame out of order: ",istart[i] + j," ",j," ",nframes[i]," ",tmsg endfor endif else print,"A0 frames have different time tags: ",istart[i]," ",tmsg endif else print,"A0 not enough frames left: ",istart[i]," ",tmsg endfor endif if (size(a1,/type) eq 8) then begin npkt = n_elements(a1) e0 = a1.e0 ; frame counter istart = where(e0 eq 0, n3d) ; indices of lead frames tframe = a1.time ; time tags of all frames tstart = tframe[istart] ; time tags of lead frames swe_3d_arc = replicate(ddd, n3d) swe_3d_arc.time = a1[istart].time swe_3d_arc.met = a1[istart].met swe_3d_arc.group = a1[istart].group swe_3d_arc.period = a1[istart].period swe_3d_arc.npkt = a1[istart].npkt swe_3d_arc.lut = a1[istart].lut swe_3d_arc.n_e = swe_ne[swe_3d_arc.group] nframes = swe_3d_arc.n_e/16 ; number of A1 packets per 3D spectrum for i=0L,(n3d-1L) do begin if ((istart[i]+nframes[i]) le npkt) then begin dt = where(tframe[istart[i]:(istart[i]+nframes[i]-1)] ne tstart[i],count) tmsg = time_string(tstart[i]) if (count eq 0L) then begin for j=0,(nframes[i]-1) do begin if (e0[istart[i]+j] eq j) then begin k = j*16 swe_3d_arc[i].data[*,k:(k+15)] = a1[istart[i]+j].data swe_3d_arc[i].var[*,k:(k+15)] = a1[istart[i]+j].var endif else print,"A1 frame out of order: ",istart[i] + j," ",j," ",nframes[i]," ",tmsg endfor endif else print,"A1 frames have different time tags: ",istart[i]," ",tmsg endif else print,"A1 not enough frames left: ",istart[i]," ",tmsg endfor endif return end