;+ ;FUNCTION: rotate_mag_to_swe ;PURPOSE: ; Rotates input vectors from MAG instrument coordinates to ; SWEA FSW coordinates. ; ;USAGE: ; v_out = rotate_mag_to_swe(v_in) ; ;INPUTS: ; v_in: Input vectors with dimensions of N x 3. The result ; will have the same dimensions. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; MAGU: Identifies the MAG sensor unit: 1 or 2. Default is 1. ; (MAG1 is used for on-board pitch angle mapping.) ; ; STOW: Calculate the transformation for a stowed SWEA boom. ; Default assumes a deployed boom. ; ; PAYLOAD: Input vectors are in payload coordinates. ; ; INVERSE: Reverse the rotation: swe to mag coordinates. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-10-31 14:15:03 -0700 (Fri, 31 Oct 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 16106 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/rotate_mag_to_swe.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 09/18/13 ;- function rotate_mag_to_swe, v_in, magu=magu, stow=stow, inverse=inverse, payload=payload if (size(v_in,/type) eq 0) then begin print,"You must specify an N x 3 input array." return, 0 endif npts = dimen(v_in) if (n_elements(npts) gt 2) then begin print,"Input array dimensions must be N x 3." return, 0 endif if ((reverse(npts))[0] ne 3) then begin print,"Input array dimensions must be N x 3." return, 0 endif if not keyword_set(magu) then magu = 1 if keyword_set(stow) then stow = 1 else stow = 0 if keyword_set(payload) then pl = 1 else pl = 0 ; MAG-1 is the located at the end of the +Y solar panel. +X_mag1 is aligned with ; +X_sc. There is a -20 degree rotation about X_mag1 to transform MAG1 coordinates ; to spacecraft coordinates. ; ; MAG-2 is the located at the end of the -Y solar panel. +X_mag2 is aligned with ; -X_sc. There is a -20 degree rotation about X_mag2 to align +Y_mag2 with -Y_sc ; and +Z_mag2 with +Z_sc. Then a 180-deg rotation about Z_mag2 transforms MAG2 ; coordinates to spacecraft coordinates. ; ; SWEA is located at the end of a 1.5-meter boom. When deployed, SWEA coordinates are ; aligned with spacecraft coordinates: +X_swea = +X_sc, +Y_swea = +Y_sc, +Zswea = +Z_sc. ; The SWEA +X axis is aligned with the purge port axis. ; Rotate by +140 degrees about Z_sc to align +X_sc with +X_fsw (Anode 15-0 boundary). alpha = 140.*!dtor rot1 = fltarr(3,3) rot1[*,0] = [ cos(alpha), sin(alpha), 0. ] rot1[*,1] = [-sin(alpha), cos(alpha), 0. ] rot1[*,2] = [ 0., 0., 1. ] ; If the SWEA boom is stowed, rotate by +135 degrees about Y_sc to align Z_sc with Z_fsw if (stow) then gamma = 135.*!dtor else gamma = 0. rot2 = fltarr(3,3) rot2[*,0] = [ cos(gamma), 0., -sin(gamma) ] rot2[*,1] = [ 0., 1., 0. ] rot2[*,2] = [ sin(gamma), 0., cos(gamma) ] ; Rotate by 180 degrees about Zmag2 = Z_sc to transform MAG2 coordinates to spacecraft ; coordinates: X -> -X ; Y -> -Y. Skip this rotation for MAG1. if ((magu eq 2) and (pl eq 0)) then delta = 180.*!dtor else delta = 0. rot3 = fltarr(3,3) rot3[*,0] = [ cos(delta), sin(delta), 0. ] rot3[*,1] = [-sin(delta), cos(delta), 0. ] rot3[*,2] = [ 0., 0., 1. ] ; Rotate about X_mag by -20 degrees (angle between inner and outer solar panels ; to form "gull wing") if (pl) then beta = 0. else beta = -20.*!dtor rot4 = fltarr(3,3) rot4[*,0] = [ 1., 0., 0. ] rot4[*,1] = [ 0., cos(beta), sin(beta) ] rot4[*,2] = [ 0., -sin(beta), cos(beta) ] ; Combine the rotations and apply to the input array mtx = (rot1 ## (rot2 ## (rot3 ## rot4))) if keyword_set(inverse) then mtx = transpose(mtx) return, mtx ## v_in end