;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_sweep ;PURPOSE: ; Generates a SWEA sweep table exactly as done in flight software (same digital ; commands, same checksum). This table is combined with calibration data to ; determine energy sweep and deflection angle. ; ; Eight pre-defined tables are provided via keyword TABNUM. Tables 1-4 are ; obsolete. Tables 5 and 6 correspond to tables as loaded into flight software ; during commissioning in October 2014. Table 8 will be loaded into flight ; software as part of an EEPROM update in late August 2018. Table 7 will be ; loaded via CDI commands, since there is no contiguous block of PFDPU memory ; large enough to hold the table. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; RESULT: Named variable to hold result structure: analyzer, deflector, ; and V0 sweeps, energy/angle sweeps, energy resolution (dE/E) ; and geometric factor vs. energy. ; ; TPLOT: Create tplot variables. ; ; DOPLOT: Plot Va, Vd, V0, E, dE/E, X, TH, and GFW for one 2-sec sweep. ; ; TSTART: Arbitrary start time for DOPLOT. ; ; PROP: Print the table properties: checksum, energy and angle ranges. ; ; TABNUM: Table number corresponding to predefined settings. Currently, ; there are eight tables defined: ; ; 1 : Xmax = 6., Vrange = [0.75, 750.], V0scale = 1., /old_def ; primary table for ATLO and Inner Cruise (first turnon) ; -64 < Elev < +66 ; 7 < E < 4650 ; Chksum = 'CC'X ; ; 2 : Xmax = 6., Vrange = [0.75, 375.], V0scale = 1., /old_def ; alternate table for ATLO and Inner Cruise (never used) ; -64 < Elev < +66 ; 7 < E < 2340 ; Chksum = '1E'X ; ; 3 : Xmax = 5.5, Vrange = [3./Ka, 750.], V0scale = 0., /old_def ; primary table for Outer Cruise ; -59 < Elev < +61 ; 3 < E < 4630 ; Chksum = 'C0'X ; GSEOS svn rev 8360 ; ; 4 : Xmax = 5.5, Vrange = [2./Ka, 750.], V0scale = 1., /old_def ; alternate table for Outer Cruise ; -59 < Elev < +61 ; 3 < E < 4650 ; Chksum = 'DE'X ; GSEOS svn rev 8361 ; ; 5 : Xmax = 5.5, Vrange = [3./Ka, 750.], V0scale = 0. ; primary table for Transition and Science ; -59 < Elev < +61 ; 3 < E < 4630 ; Chksum = 'CC'X ; GSEOS svn rev 8481 ; LUT = 0 ; ; 6 : Xmax = 5.5, Vrange = [2./Ka, 750.], V0scale = 1. ; alternate table for Transition and Science ; -59 < Elev < +61 ; 3 < E < 4650 ; Chksum = '82'X ; GSEOS svn rev 8482 ; LUT = 1 ; ; 7 : Xmax = 5.5, Erange = [200.,200.], V0scale = 0. ; Hires 32-Hz at 200 eV ; -59 < Elev < +61 ; E = 200 ; Chksum = '00'X ; LUT = 2 ; ; 8 : Xmax = 5.5, Erange = [50.,50.], V0scale = 0. ; Hires 32-Hz at 50 eV ; -59 < Elev < +61 ; E = 50 ; Chksum = '00'X ; LUT = 3 ; ; Otherwise, use the following keywords to define the sweep. ; ; CHKSUM: Use checksum to determine which table to use. Only works ; for table numbers >= 3. ; ; Xmax: Maximum ratio of deflector voltage to analyzer voltage. ; (Controls maximum deflection angle.) Default = 6. ; ; V0scale: Scale factor for V0 (a number from 0 to 1). ; |V0| = E/2 < (25*V0scale) Volts ; Default = 1. ; ; Vrange: Voltage range of sweep (commanded). Default = [0.75, 750.]. ; ; Erange: Energy range of sweep (commanded). Takes precendence over Vrange. ; This keyword allows one to set the energy range, correcting for ; V0, if necessary. No default. ; ; old_def: Use the old method for sweeping the deflectors. This is valid ; for ground tests, early cruise checkout (Dec 6-7, 2013), and ; outer cruise. ; ; DUMPFILE: Saves an ascii hex dump to this named file, for comparison with ; PFDPU EEPROM dump. ; ; CMDFILE: Saves an ascii command file for upload to the PFDPU. ; ; MEMADDR: PFDPU memory address to begin loading table. Only used if ; FORMAT < 2. ; ; SWEBUF: SWEA SLUT buffer to load table to (0-7). Only used if FORMAT = 2. ; ; FORMAT: Output sweep table in specified format: ; 0 = old PFDPU format (bytes) ; 1 = new PFDPU format (4-byte words) ; 2 = SWEA native format (2-byte words) ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-02-09 16:39:20 -0800 (Sat, 09 Feb 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26583 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_sweep.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2014-01-03 ;FILE: mvn_swe_sweep.pro ;- pro mvn_swe_sweep, result=dat, prop=prop, doplot=doplot, tabnum=tabnum, Xmax=Xmax, $ V0scale=V0scale, Vrange=Vrange, Erange=Erange, old_def=old_def, $ chksum=chksum, V0tweak=V0tweak, dumpfile=dumpfile, cmdfile=cmdfile, $ memaddr=memaddr, swebuf=swebuf, format=format, tstart=tstart, tplot=tplot @mvn_swe_com if (size(swe_Ka,/type) ne 4) then swe_Ka = 6.17 if (size(tabnum,/type) eq 0) then tabnum = 0 if (size(chksum,/type) ne 0) then tabnum = mvn_swe_tabnum(chksum) if keyword_set(old_def) then old_def = 1 else old_def = 0 if not keyword_set(V0tweak) then V0tweak = {gain:1.00, offset:0.} if not keyword_set(tstart) then tstart = 0D else tstart = (time_double(tstart))[0] doplot = keyword_set(doplot) if not keyword_set(format) then format = 0 if not keyword_set(swebuf) then swebuf = 0 case format of 0 : ; print, "Using old PFDPU format." 1 : ; print, "Using new PFDPU format." 2 : ; print, "Using SWEA format." else : begin print, "Unrecognized format: ", format return end endcase Ka = swe_Ka ; analyzer constant ; Use predefined parameters, if possible case tabnum of 0 : begin old_def = 0 old_cal = 0 comment = 'Custom table' end 1 : begin Xmax = 6D V0scale = 1D Vrange = [0.75D, 750D] old_def = 1 old_cal = 1 comment = 'ATLO and Inner Cruise: SWIND (V0 on)' end 2 : begin Xmax = 6D V0scale = 1D Vrange = [0.75D, 375D] old_def = 1 old_cal = 1 comment = 'ATLO and Inner Cruise: INTER (V0 on)' end 3 : begin Xmax = 5.5D V0scale = 0D Vrange = [3D/Ka, 750D] old_def = 1 old_cal = 0 comment = 'Outer Cruise: SWIND (V0 off)' end 4 : begin Xmax = 5.5D V0scale = 1D Vrange = [2D/Ka, 750D] old_def = 1 old_cal = 0 comment = 'Outer Cruise: INTER (V0 on)' end 5 : begin Xmax = 5.5D V0scale = 0D Vrange = [3D/Ka, 750D] old_def = 0 old_cal = 0 comment = 'Transition and Science: SWIND (V0 off)' end 6 : begin Xmax = 5.5D V0scale = 1D Vrange = [2D/Ka, 750D] old_def = 0 old_cal = 0 comment = 'Transition and Science: INTER (V0 on)' end 7 : begin Xmax = 5.5D V0scale = 0D e200 = 199.05093D ; energy bin 27 of table 5 Erange = [e200,e200] old_def = 0 old_cal = 0 comment = 'Hires 32-Hz at 200 eV (V0 off)' end 8 : begin Xmax = 5.5D V0scale = 0D e50 = 49.168077D ; energy bin 39 of table 5 Erange = [e50,e50] old_def = 0 old_cal = 0 comment = 'Hires 32-Hz at 50 eV (V0 off)' end else : begin print,"Unrecognized table number: ",tabnum return end endcase ; Maximum value of Vd/Va (controls maximum deflection angle) if (size(Xmax,/type) eq 0) then maxdefx = 6D else maxdefx = double(Xmax) ; Control of V0 (affects energy resolution and geometric factor) ; This keyword should be 0 or 1. Intermediate values are not useful. if (size(V0scale,/type) eq 0) then V0scale = 1D else V0scale = double(V0scale) ; Sweep constants maxdac = 65536D nbins = 64 ; number of energy bins nsteps = 28 ; number of steps at each energy nwait = 4 ; pause at beginning of each energy step nramp = (nsteps - nwait)/2 ; number of steps for each deflector ; HVPS gain factors for each of the surfaces Ga = 187.55D ; analyzer gain Gd1 = 936.72D ; deflector 1 gain Gd2 = 937.34D ; deflector 2 gain Gd = (Gd1 + Gd2)/2D G0 = 6.248D ; V0 gain if (old_cal) then begin ; old values for tables 1 and 2 only Ka = 6.1D ; needed to exactly replicate FSW tables Ga = 187.60D Gd = 943.28D G0 = 6.249D endif Ca_max = 4D ; maximum analyzer control voltage Cd_max = 1.92D ; maximum deflector control voltage C0_max = 4D ; maximum V0 control voltage Va_max = Ga*Ca_max ; maximum inner hemisphere potential Vd_max = Gd*Cd_max ; maximum deflector potential V0_max = G0*C0_max ; maximum V0 potential (absolute value) ; Gain on digital board output (resistor divider) Kd = 9.09D/7.32D Mdef = Ga/(Gd*Kd) ; Range of commanded analyzer voltages if keyword_set(Erange) then begin Erange = double(Erange) if (V0scale gt 0D) then kv0 = 1.5D else kv0 = 1D Va_low = min(Erange)/(kv0*Ka) Va_high = max(Erange)/Ka < Va_max Vrange = [Va_low, Va_high] endif if not keyword_set(Vrange) then Vrange = [0.75D, 750D] else Vrange = double(Vrange) Va_low = min(Vrange, max=Va_high) Emin = Ka*Va_low ; energy internal to the toroidal grids Emax = Ka*Va_high dlogE = alog(Emax/Emin)/double(nbins - 1) ; Generate Sweep Pattern ; Voltages Va = dblarr(nbins*nsteps) ; analyzer Vd1 = Va ; deflector 1 Vd2 = Va ; deflector 2 V0 = Va ; V0 ; Digital Commands CMD_ANLZ = lonarr(nbins*nsteps) ; analyzer CMD_DEF1 = CMD_ANLZ ; deflector 1 CMD_DEF2 = CMD_ANLZ ; deflector 2 CMD_V0 = CMD_ANLZ ; V0 for i=0,(nbins-1) do begin anlzn = sqrt(Emin/(Ca_max*Ka*Ga))*exp(double(nbins - 1 - i)*dlogE/2D) CMD_ANLZ[(nsteps*i):(nsteps*(i+1) - 1)] = long(maxdac*anlzn < (maxdac - 1D)) Va[(nsteps*i):(nsteps*(i+1) - 1)] = Va_max*(anlzn*anlzn) v0n = V0scale*(Ka/2D)*(Ga/G0)*(anlzn*anlzn) CMD_V0[(nsteps*i):(nsteps*(i+1) - 1)] = long(maxdac*v0n < (maxdac - 1D)) V0[(nsteps*i):(nsteps*(i+1) - 1)] = V0_max*v0n < V0_max Xmax = (Vd_max/Va_max)/(anlzn*anlzn) < maxdefx if (old_def) then dX = Xmax/double(nramp - 1) $ ; ATLO and cruise else dX = 2D*Xmax/double(2*nramp - 1) ; transition and beyond X = reverse(Xmax - dX*dindgen(nramp)) if (i mod 2) then begin k = nsteps*i for j=0,(nwait+nramp-1) do Vd1[k++] = 0D for j=0,(nramp-1) do begin defn = X[j]*Mdef CMD_DEF1[k] = long(maxdac*defn < (maxdac - 1D)) Vd1[k] = X[j]*Va[nsteps*i] k++ endfor k = nsteps*i for j=0,(nwait-1) do begin defn = Xmax*Mdef CMD_DEF2[k] = long(maxdac*defn < (maxdac - 1D)) Vd2[k] = Xmax*Va[nsteps*i] k++ endfor for j=0,(nramp-1) do begin defn = X[nramp - 1 - j]*Mdef CMD_DEF2[k] = long(maxdac*defn < (maxdac - 1D)) Vd2[k] = X[nramp - 1 - j]*Va[nsteps*i] k++ endfor for j=0,(nramp-1) do Vd2[k++] = 0D endif else begin k = nsteps*i for j=0,(nwait-1) do begin defn = Xmax*Mdef CMD_DEF1[k] = long(maxdac*defn < (maxdac - 1D)) Vd1[k] = Xmax*Va[nsteps*i] k++ endfor for j=0,(nramp-1) do begin defn = X[nramp - 1 - j]*Mdef CMD_DEF1[k] = long(maxdac*defn < (maxdac - 1D)) Vd1[k] = X[nramp - 1 - j]*Va[nsteps*i] k++ endfor for j=0,(nramp-1) do Vd1[k++] = 0D k = nsteps*i for j=0,(nwait+nramp-1) do Vd2[k++] = 0D for j=0,(nramp-1) do begin defn = X[j]*Mdef CMD_DEF2[k] = long(maxdac*defn < (maxdac - 1D)) Vd2[k] = X[j]*Va[nsteps*i] k++ endfor endelse endfor ; Calculate checksum msb = [CMD_ANLZ, CMD_DEF1, CMD_DEF2, CMD_V0]/256L lsb = [CMD_ANLZ, CMD_DEF1, CMD_DEF2, CMD_V0] mod 256L chksum = byte(total([msb,lsb],/int) mod 256L) ; Tweak V0 based on in-flight calibration (April 4, 2014). This applies to ; V0 only; it does not change the command voltages (CMD_V0). V0 = V0*V0tweak.gain + V0tweak.offset ; Analyzer and deflector voltages are shifted by V0. The inner toroidal grid, ; top cap, outer hemisphere, and exit grid are all set to V0. That is, the ; entire instrument interior to the inner toroidal grid is referenced to V0. ; The optics of the instrument interior works as if the analyzer and deflector ; voltages are unshifted. Thus, to calculate deflection angle, use the ; unshifted values of Va and Vd. Deflection angle is a linear function of ; X = Vd/Va, which was determined during final calibrations (March 2-6, 2013). X = (Vd1 - Vd2)/Va theta = -(10.888*X - 0.9046) ; The energy acceptance inside the instrument depends on the voltage across ; the hemispheres. Both hemispheres are biased by V0, so take the unshifted ; value of Va to calculate the energy acceptance inside the instrument. E_in = Va*Ka ; To get the energy of electrons before crossing the toroidal grids, shift ; by V0. (The instrument is effectively measuring higher energy electrons than ; would be selected without V0.) dE/E corresponds to the interior (lower) ; energy, which improves the effective energy resolution. (Note that V0 is ; negative, but this code uses the absolute value.) E = E_in + V0 dE_E = (0.17*E_in)/E ; effective energy resolution (FWHM) ; = 0.17*f, as defined below ; The geometric factor is reduced when using V0 by the factor "gfw". This is ; simply the conservation of phase space density between the inner and outer ; toroidal grids. f = 1./(1. + V0/E_in) gfw = f*f ; Generate the energy/angle array ; 16 azimuths x 6 elevations for each of 64 energies el = fltarr(448) ; 7 deflections for each of 64 energy bins, first is discarded el_hi = el el_lo = el for i=0,447 do begin j = i*4 el_hi[i] = theta[j] el_lo[i] = theta[j+3] el[i] = total(theta[j:(j+3)]) endfor el = el/4. el = reform(el,7,64) el = el[1:6,*] el_hi = reform(el_hi,7,64) el_hi = el_hi[1:6,*] el_lo = reform(el_lo,7,64) el_lo = el_lo[1:6,*] for i=1,63,2 do begin el[*,i] = reverse(el[*,i]) el_lo[*,i] = reverse(el_lo[*,i]) el_hi[*,i] = reverse(el_hi[*,i]) endfor ; Generate a time series if keyword_set(tplot) then begin dt = 1.95D/double(nbins*nsteps-1) t = tstart + dt*dindgen(nbins*nsteps) store_data,'Va',data={x:t, y:(Va-V0)} options,'Va','psym',10 store_data,'Vd1',data={x:t, y:(Vd1-V0)} options,'Vd1','psym',10 store_data,'Vd2',data={x:t, y:(Vd2-V0)} options,'Vd2','psym',10 store_data,'V0',data={x:t, y:V0} options,'V0','psym',10 store_data,'X',data={x:t, y:X} options,'X','psym',10 ylim,'X',-6,6,0 store_data,'theta',data={x:t, y:theta} options,'theta','psym',10 ylim,'theta',-65,65,0 store_data,'E',data={x:t, y:E} options,'E','psym',10 ylim,'E',0,0,1 store_data,'dE',data={x:t, y:dE_E} options,'dE','ytitle','dE/E' options,'dE','psym',10 ylim,'dE',0.1,0.2,0 store_data,'GFW',data={x:t, y:gfw} options,'GFW','psym',10 ylim,'GFW',0,1.1,0 if (doplot) then begin timefit,tstart+[0D,2D] pans = ['Va','Vd1','Vd2','V0','X','theta','E','dE','GFW'] tplot,pans endif endif ; Calculate energy sampling indx = 28*indgen(64) + 4 E = E[indx] dE_E = dE_E[indx] gfw = gfw[indx] E_in = E_in[indx] delta_E = (E - shift(E,-1))/sqrt(E*shift(E,-1))/dE_E delta_E[63] = delta_E[62] th = reform(theta,28,64) th = th[4:27,*] dat = {E:E, dE:dE_E, theta:el, th1:el_hi, th2:el_lo, gfw:gfw, $ Va:Va, Vd1:Vd1, Vd2:Vd2, V0:V0, delta_E:delta_E, $ cmd_anlz:cmd_anlz, cmd_def1:cmd_def1, cmd_def2:cmd_def2, $ cmd_v0:cmd_v0, chksum:chksum, tabnum:tabnum, th:th, $ E_in:E_in} if keyword_set(prop) then begin print,'Table number: ',tabnum,format='(a,i2)' print,'Checksum: ',chksum,format='(a,Z2.2," (hex)")' print,'Energy range: ',min(E),max(E),format='(a,f7.2," , ",F7.2)' print,'Angle range: ',min(el_lo),max(el_hi),format='(a,f7.2," , ",F7.2)' print,comment endif if (doplot) then begin twin = !d.window window,/free plot_oi,dat.E,dat.theta[0,*],yrange=[-70,70],/ysty,psym=-4, $ xtitle='Energy (eV)', ytitle='Deflection Angle', charsize=1.2 oplot,dat.E,dat.th1[0,*] oplot,dat.E,dat.th2[0,*] for i=1,5 do begin oplot,dat.E,dat.theta[i,*],psym=-4,color=i oplot,dat.E,dat.th1[i,*],color=i oplot,dat.E,dat.th2[i,*],color=i endfor wset,twin endif if (size(dumpfile,/type) eq 7) then begin openw, lun, dumpfile, /get_lun msb = cmd_def2 / 256 lsb = cmd_def2 mod 256 for i=0,223 do begin for j=i*8,i*8+7 do printf,lun,msb[j],lsb[j],format='(z2.2," ",z2.2," ",$)' printf,lun,'' endfor msb = cmd_def1 / 256 lsb = cmd_def1 mod 256 for i=0,223 do begin for j=i*8,i*8+7 do printf,lun,msb[j],lsb[j],format='(z2.2," ",z2.2," ",$)' printf,lun,'' endfor msb = cmd_anlz / 256 lsb = cmd_anlz mod 256 for i=0,223 do begin for j=i*8,i*8+7 do printf,lun,msb[j],lsb[j],format='(z2.2," ",z2.2," ",$)' printf,lun,'' endfor msb = cmd_v0 / 256 lsb = cmd_v0 mod 256 for i=0,223 do begin for j=i*8,i*8+7 do printf,lun,msb[j],lsb[j],format='(z2.2," ",z2.2," ",$)' printf,lun,'' endfor free_lun,lun endif if (size(cmdfile,/type) eq 7) then begin if not keyword_set(memaddr) then memaddr = '0'XL nswp = 1792 ; number of time steps nbytes = nswp*4*2 ; time steps x surfaces x bytes-per-setting cmd = bytarr(nbytes) even = 2*indgen(nswp) ; big endian odd = even + 1 cmd[even] = cmd_def2 / 256 cmd[odd] = cmd_def2 mod 256 even += 2*nswp odd += 2*nswp cmd[even] = cmd_def1 / 256 cmd[odd] = cmd_def1 mod 256 even += 2*nswp odd += 2*nswp cmd[even] = cmd_anlz / 256 cmd[odd] = cmd_anlz mod 256 even += 2*nswp odd += 2*nswp cmd[even] = cmd_v0 / 256 cmd[odd] = cmd_v0 mod 256 case format of 0 : cmd = strtrim(string(cmd, format='(i)'),2) 1 : begin cmd = string(cmd, format='(z2.2)') cword = strarr(nbytes/4) for i=0,(nbytes-1),4 do cword[i/4] = '0x' + cmd[i] + cmd[i+1] + cmd[i+2] + cmd[i+3] cmd = cword end 2 : begin cmd = string(cmd, format='(z2.2)') cword = strarr(nbytes/2) for i=0,(nbytes-1),2 do cword[i/2] = '0x' + cmd[i] + cmd[i+1] cmd = cword end else : begin print, "This is impossible!" return end endcase openw, lun, cmdfile, /get_lun if (format lt 2) then begin printf,lun,"from MAVEN import *" printf,lun,"from fswutil import *" printf,lun,"import maven_log" printf,lun,"log = maven_log.log()" printf,lun,"from __main__ import *" printf,lun,"cmd = maven_cmd()" printf,lun,"" printf,lun,"def main():" printf,lun,"" printf,lun," LOAD_EEPROM_START(112)" j = 0 nload = nbytes/128 for i=0,(nload-1) do begin if (format eq 1) then begin head = 'pfdpu_load(0x' + string(memaddr,format='(z6.6)') + ',"' tail = '")' printf,lun,head,cmd[j:(j+31)],tail,format='(4x,a,31(a,","),a,a)' j += 32 endif else begin head = 'pfdpu_load(0x' + string(memaddr,format='(z6.6)') + ',[' tail = '])' printf,lun,head,cmd[j:(j+127)],tail,format='(4x,a,127(a,", "),a,a)' j += 128 endelse printf,lun," sleep(0.5)" memaddr += 128 ; byte address, not word address endfor nleft = nbytes mod 128 if (nleft gt 0) then begin if (format eq 1) then begin k = nleft/4 - 1 fmt = '(4x,a,' + strtrim(string(k),2) + '(a,","),a,a)' head = 'pfdpu_load(0x' + string(memaddr,format='(z6.6)') + ',"' tail = '")' printf,lun,head,cmd[j:(j+k)],tail,format=fmt endif else begin k = nleft - 1 fmt = '(4x,a,' + strtrim(string(k),2) + '(a,", "),a,a)' head = 'pfdpu_load(0x' + string(memaddr,format='(z6.6)') + ',[' tail = '])' printf,lun,head,cmd[j:(j+k)],tail,format=fmt endelse printf,lun," sleep(0.5)" endif printf,lun," LOAD_EEPROM_END()" endif else begin swebuf = strtrim(string(swebuf,format='(i)'),2) printf,lun,"cmd.SWE_SSCTL(0)" printf,lun,"time.sleep(0.1)" nload = nbytes/8 for j=0,3 do begin addr = string(2048*j,format='("0x",z4.4)') ; word address, not byte address printf,lun,"cmd.SWE_LUTPTR(" + swebuf + "," + addr + ")" printf,lun,"time.sleep(0.1)" for i=0,(nload-1) do begin printf,lun,"cmd.SWE_LUTDAT(" + cmd[i + nswp*j] + ")" printf,lun,"time.sleep(0.1)" endfor endfor endelse free_lun,lun endif return end