;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_sumplot ;PURPOSE: ; Plots information generated by MAVEN SWEA APID's. ; ; See 'mvn_swe_load_l0.pro' for details. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_sumplot ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; EPH: Load the MAVEN ephemeris and include a panel showing altitude, ; color coded by nominal plasma regime. ; ; ORB: Include the orbit number along the horizontal axis. ; ; SPICE: Create a panel showing spice coverage. ; ; VNORM: Subtract nominal values from all housekeeping voltages and plot all ; voltage differences in a single panel. Default = 1 (yes). ; ; CMDCNT: Plot the SWEA command counter. ; ; SFLG: Plot Energy Spectra and PAD's as spectrograms. Default = 1 (yes). ; ; PAD_E: PAD energy to plot. Default = 280 eV. ; ; PAD_SMO: Number of PAD energy bins to smooth over. ; ; A4_SUM: Force sum mode for A4 and A5. Not needed for EM or for FM post ATLO. ; ; EUNITS: Units for plotting energy spectra (A4 and A5). Default = 'crate'. ; ; TFIRST: Earliest time to plot. (Used for realtime plotting loop.) ; ; TITLE: Title of TPLOT window. ; ; TSPAN: Maximum number of hours to plot. Default = plot all data. ; ; APID: APID's to plot. Housekeeping (APID 28) is always plotted. 3D ; distributions (A0 and A1) are never plotted. (Use swe_3d_snap to ; display A0 and A1.) This keyword controls plotting of A2-A5. ; Default: ['A2','A4']. ; ; HSK: String array indicating additional housekeeping panels to plot ; (e.g., HSK = ['MCPHV'] during HV ramps). Default = ['']. ; ; FHSK: Create tplot variables for fast housekeeping. Default = 0 (no). ; ; FSHIFT: Shift fast housekeeping packets to the start time of the first. ; ; FNORM: Normalize the fast housekeeping channels to the nominal value. ; ; LUT: Plot the active LUT. ; ; SIFCTL: Plot SIF control register bits. ; ; TIMING: Plot packet timing. Useful to identify instrument mode and ; dropped packets. Default = 0 (no). ; ; LOADONLY: Load tplot variables but do not plot. ; ; PNG: Create a PNG image and place it in the default location. ; ; BURST: Plot a color bar showing PAD burst coverage. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-03-17 11:23:59 -0700 (Tue, 17 Mar 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28423 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_sumplot.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 07-24-12 ;- pro mvn_swe_sumplot, vnorm=vflg, cmdcnt=cmdcnt, sflg=sflg, pad_e=pad_e, a4_sum=a4_sum, $ tfirst=tfirst, title=title, tspan=tspan, apid=apid, hsk=hsk, $ lut=lut, timing=timing, sifctl=sifctl, tplot_vars_out=pans, $ eunits=eunits, png=png, pad_smo=smo, eph=eph, orb=orb, $ burst=burst, loadonly=loadonly, fhsk=fhsk, fshift=fshift, $ fnorm=fnorm, spice=spice @mvn_swe_com if (size(vflg,/type) eq 0) then vflg = 1 else vflg = keyword_set(vflg) if not keyword_set(sflg) then sflg = 1 else sflg = fix(sflg) if not keyword_set(pad_e) then pad_e = 280. if not keyword_set(smo) then smo = 1 if keyword_set(a4_sum) then a4_sum = 1 else a4_sum = 0 if (size(eunits,/type) ne 7) then eunits = 'eflux' if keyword_set(tfirst) then tfirst = time_double(tfirst) else tfirst = 0D if keyword_set(timing) then tflg = 1 else tflg = 0 if keyword_set(png) then dopng = 1 else dopng = 0 if keyword_set(loadonly) then doplot = 0 else doplot = 1 if (size(eph,/type) eq 0) then doeph = 1 else doeph = keyword_set(eph) if (size(burst,/type) eq 0) then doburst = 1 else doburst = keyword_set(burst) if (size(orb,/type) eq 0) then doorb = 1 else doorb = keyword_set(orb) fhsk = keyword_set(fhsk) swe_hsk_norm = [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 12., -12., 28., 28., $ 1., 1., 1., 2.5, 5., 3.3, 5., -5., 28., 1.] if not keyword_set(apid) then apid = ['A2','A4'] plotap = replicate(0,6) for i=0,(n_elements(apid)-1) do begin case apid[i] of 'A0' : print,"Plot A0 with swe_3d_snap" 'A1' : print,"Plot A1 with swe_3d_snap,/archive" 'A2' : plotap[2] = 1 'A3' : plotap[3] = 1 'A4' : plotap[4] = 1 'A5' : plotap[5] = 1 else : ; do nothing endcase endfor tsp = [0D] pans = [''] pdT = [''] pdC = [''] TClab = replicate('',8) TCcol = round(findgen(8)*((254.-32.)/7.)) + 32 ; optimized for color table 43 TCcol[0] = 1 Vlab = TClab Tlab = TClab[0:2] store_data,'TV_frame',data={x:[0D], y:replicate(-100.,1,7), v:findgen(7)} options,'TV_frame','colors',TCcol dTmax = 10. dCmax = 10. ; PFP Analog Housekeeping (APID 23) if (size(pfp_hsk,/type) eq 8) then n_pfp = n_elements(pfp_hsk) else n_pfp = 0L if (n_pfp gt 2L) then begin tmin = min(pfp_hsk.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] store_data,'SWE28I' ,data={x:pfp_hsk.time, y:pfp_hsk.SWE28I} store_data,'PFP28V',data={x:pfp_hsk.time, y:pfp_hsk.P28V} store_data,'SC28V',data={x:pfp_hsk.time, y:pfp_hsk.PFP28V} store_data,'PF28V',data=['TV_frame','PFP28V','SC28V'] options,'SWE28I','ytitle','Current (mA)' options,'SWE28I','ynozero',1 options,'SC28V' ,'ynozero',1 options,'PFP28V','ynozero',1 options,'PF28V' ,'ynozero',1 options,'PF28V' ,'labflag',-1 options,'PF28V' ,'colors',[4,6] options,'PF28V' ,'labels',['S/C','PFP'] pans = [pans,'SWE28I'] endif ; SWEA Housekeeping (APID 28) ; ; Digital Housekeeping Register bit definitions ; ; Bit Definition ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; 0 Command Parity Error in previous step ; 1 Command Framing Error in previous step ; 2 NR Supply Enable ; 3 MCP Supply Enable ; 4 NR Supply Arm ; 5 MCP Supply Arm ; 6 HV Enable Allow ; 7 Spare (set to zero) ; 8 LUT write error ; 9 DAC write error ; 10 Test Pulser Enable ; 11 Actuator State (always zero) ; 12 Spare (set to zero) ; 13 Spare (set to zero) ; 14 Spare (set to zero) ; 15 Spare (set to zero) ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; SIF Control bit definitions ; ; Digital Housekeeping Register bit definitions ; Normal science operation is bits 0 and 15 on, all others off. ; ; Bit Definition ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; 0 HV enable allow (same as HSKREG[6]) ; 1 HV sync enable (always zero - never used) ; 2 Test pulser enable (same as HSKREG[10]) ; 3 Spare (set to zero) ; 4 Spare (set to zero) ; 5 Spare (set to zero) ; 6 Spare (set to zero) ; 7 Spare (set to zero) ; 8 Analyzer diagnostic mode ; 9 Deflector 1 diagnostic mode ; 10 Deflector 2 diagnostic mode ; 11 V0 diagnostic mode ; 12 Spare (set to zero) ; 13 Spare (set to zero) ; 14 Spare (set to zero) ; 15 Sweep Enable ; ------------------------------------------------------------ if (size(swe_hsk,/type) eq 8) then n_hsk = n_elements(swe_hsk) else n_hsk = 0L if (n_hsk gt 2L) then begin tmin = min(swe_hsk.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] if (vflg) then begin vnorm = [28., 12., 5., 3.3, 2.5] voff = vnorm endif else begin vnorm = replicate(1.,5) voff = replicate(0.,5) endelse store_data,'LVPST' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.LVPST} store_data,'MCPHV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.MCPHV} options,'MCPHV','ynozero',1 store_data,'NRV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.NRV} store_data,'ANALV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.ANALV} store_data,'DEF1V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.DEF1V} store_data,'DEF2V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.DEF2V} store_data,'V0V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.V0V} store_data,'ANALT' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.ANALT} store_data,'P12V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P12V-voff[1])/vnorm[1])} store_data,'N12V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.N12V+voff[1])/vnorm[1])} store_data,'MCP28V',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.MCP28V-voff[0])/vnorm[0])} store_data,'NR28V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.NR28V-voff[0])/vnorm[0])} store_data,'DIGT' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.DIGT} store_data,'P2P5DV',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P2P5DV-voff[4])/vnorm[4])} store_data,'P5DV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P5DV-voff[2])/vnorm[2])} store_data,'P3P3DV',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P3P3DV-voff[3])/vnorm[3])} store_data,'P5AV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P5AV-voff[2])/vnorm[2])} store_data,'N5AV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.N5AV+voff[2])/vnorm[2])} store_data,'P28V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P28V-voff[0])/vnorm[0])} if (vflg) then begin options,'P28V', 'color',TCcol[0] ; magenta options,'P12V', 'color',TCcol[1] ; blue options,'N12V', 'color',TCcol[2] ; cyan options,'P5AV', 'color',TCcol[3] ; green options,'N5AV', 'color',TCcol[4] ; yellow options,'P5DV', 'color',TCcol[5] ; orange options,'P3P3DV','color',TCcol[6] ; red store_data,'VoltsC',data=['TV_frame','P28V','P12V','N12V', $ 'P5AV','N5AV','P5DV','P3P3DV'] ; skipping P2P5DV ylim,'VoltsC',-0.05,0.05,0 options,'VoltsC','ytitle','Volts (!4D!1HV/V)' ; DeltaV/V options,'VoltsC','yticks',2 options,'VoltsC','yminor',5 options,'VoltsC','labflag',1 options,'VoltsC','labels',['+28 V','+12 V','-12 V','+5 V','-5 V','5 DV','3.3 DV'] vpans = ['VoltsC'] endif else begin options,'P12V', 'color',TCcol[0] ; magenta options,'N12V', 'color',TCcol[1] ; blue options,'MCP28V','color',TCcol[2] ; cyan options,'NR28V', 'color',TCcol[3] ; green options,'P28V', 'color',TCcol[4] ; yellow options,'P2P2DV','color',TCcol[0] ; magenta options,'P3P3DV','color',TCcol[1] ; blue options,'P5DV', 'color',TCcol[2] ; cyan options,'P5AV', 'color',TCcol[3] ; green options,'N5AV', 'color',TCcol[4] ; yellow options,'NRV', 'color',TCcol[5] ; orange store_data,'VoltsA',data=['TV_frame','P12V','N12V','MCP28V','NR28V','P28V'] store_data,'VoltsB',data=['TV_frame','P2P5DV','P3P3DV','P5DV','P5AV','N5AV','NRV'] ylim,'VoltsA',-15,35,0 options,'VoltsA','ytitle','Volts' options,'VoltsA','yminor',5 options,'VoltsA','labflag',1 options,'VoltsA','labels',['+12 V','-12 V','MCP 28V','NR 28V','+28 V','',''] ylim,'VoltsB',-6,6,0 options,'VoltsB','ytitle','Volts' options,'VoltsB','yticks',2 options,'VoltsB','yminor',6 options,'VoltsB','labflag',1 options,'VoltsB','labels',['+2.5 DV','+3.3 DV','+5 DV','+5 V','-5 V','NRV',''] vpans = ['VoltsA','VoltsB'] endelse store_data,'Temps',data=['TV_frame','LVPST','ANALT','DIGT'] options,'Temps','ytitle','Temp (C)' options,'ANALT','color',TCcol[0] ; magenta options,'DIGT', 'color',TCcol[1] ; blue options,'LVPST','color',TCcol[2] ; cyan tlow = 5*floor((min(swe_hsk.lvpst) < min(swe_hsk.digt) < min(swe_hsk.analt))/5.) thigh = 5*ceil((max(swe_hsk.lvpst) > max(swe_hsk.digt) > max(swe_hsk.analt))/5.) ylim,'Temps',tlow,thigh,0 options,'Temps','constant',[-10,-5,0,5,10] options,'Temps','yticks',(thigh - tlow)/5 options,'Temps','yminor',5 options,'Temps','labflag',1 options,'Temps','labels',['ANALT','DIGT','LVPST','','','',''] store_data,'HSKREG',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:transpose(swe_hsk.HSKREG), v:indgen(16)} options,'HSKREG','spec',1 ylim,'HSKREG',0,12,0 zlim,'HSKREG',0,1,0 options,'HSKREG','yticks',3 options,'HSKREG','yminor',4 options,'HSKREG','ytitle','Dig HSK' options,'HSKREG','x_no_interp',1 options,'HSKREG','y_no_interp',1 options,'HSKREG','no_color_scale',1 options,'HSKREG','panel_size',0.5 dchsk = swe_hsk.npkt - shift(swe_hsk.npkt,1) dthsk = swe_hsk.time - shift(swe_hsk.time,1) store_data,'dchsk',data={x:swe_hsk[1:*].time, y:dchsk[1:*]} store_data,'dthsk',data={x:swe_hsk[1:*].time, y:dthsk[1:*]} options,'dchsk','ytitle','dN (28)' options,'dchsk','psym',5 options,'dthsk','ytitle','dT (28)' options,'dthsk','psym',5 options,'dthsk','ynozero',1 options,'dchsk','color',TCcol[0] options,'dthsk','color',TCcol[0] dCmax = dCmax > max(dchsk,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dthsk,/nan) pans = [pans,'HSKREG',vpans,'Temps'] pdC = [pdC,'dchsk'] pdT = [pdT,'dthsk'] TClab[0] = '28' endif ; 3D Distributions, Survey (APID A0) ; Don't plot data (which is done with swe_3d_snap), just plot packet stats if (size(a0,/type) eq 8) then begin tmin = min(a0.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] if (n_elements(a0) gt 1L) then begin dca0 = a0.npkt - shift(a0.npkt,1) dta0 = a0.time - shift(a0.time,1) store_data,'dca0',data={x:a0[1:*].time, y:dca0[1:*]} store_data,'dta0',data={x:a0[1:*].time, y:dta0[1:*]} options,'dca0','ytitle','dN (A0)' options,'dca0','psym',5 options,'dta0','ytitle','dT (A0)' options,'dta0','psym',5 options,'dta0','ynozero',1 options,'dca0','color',TCcol[1] options,'dta0','color',TCcol[1] dCmax = dCmax > max(dca0,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dta0,/nan) pdC = [pdC,'dca0'] pdT = [pdT,'dta0'] TClab[1] = 'A0' endif endif ; 3D Distributions, Archive (APID A1) ; Don't plot data (which is done with swe_3d_snap), just plot packet stats if (size(a1,/type) eq 8) then begin tmin = min(a1.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] n_a1 = n_elements(a1) if (n_a1 gt 1L) then begin dca1 = a1.npkt - shift(a1.npkt,1) dta1 = a1.time - shift(a1.time,1) store_data,'dca1',data={x:a1[1:*].time, y:dca1[1:*]} store_data,'dta1',data={x:a1[1:*].time, y:dta1[1:*]} options,'dca1','ytitle','dN (A1)' options,'dca1','psym',5 options,'dta1','ytitle','dT (A1)' options,'dta1','psym',5 options,'dta1','ynozero',1 options,'dca1','color',TCcol[2] options,'dta1','color',TCcol[2] dCmax = dCmax > max(dca1,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dta1,/nan) pdC = [pdC,'dca1'] pdT = [pdT,'dta1'] TClab[2] = 'A1' if (doburst) then begin bname = 'swe_a1_bar' y = replicate(0.2,n_a1,2) indx = where(dta1 gt 32D, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin y[indx,*] = !values.f_nan y[(indx-1L) > 0L,*] = !values.f_nan endif y[0L,*] = !values.f_nan y[n_a1-1L,*] = !values.f_nan store_data,bname,data={x:a1.time, y:y, v:[0,1]} ylim,bname,0,1,0 zlim,bname,0,1,0 options,bname,'spec',1 options,bname,'panel_size',0.05 options,bname,'ytitle','' options,bname,'yticks',1 options,bname,'yminor',1 options,bname,'no_interp',1 options,bname,'xstyle',4 options,bname,'ystyle',4 options,bname,'no_color_scale',1 ; pans = [pans, bname] endif endif endif ; PAD Spectra, Survey (APID A2) if (size(mvn_swe_pad,/type) eq 8) then begin tmin = min(mvn_swe_pad.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] npkt = n_elements(mvn_swe_pad) ; number of spectra x = dblarr(npkt) y = fltarr(npkt,16) for i=0L,(npkt-1L) do begin de = min(abs(mvn_swe_pad[i].energy[*,0] - pad_e),j) x[i] = mvn_swe_pad[i].time ; center time a2dat = smooth(mvn_swe_pad[i].data,[smo,1],/nan) ; smooth in energy y[i,*] = a2dat[j,*] ; data endfor case strupcase(mvn_swe_pad[0].units_name) of 'COUNTS' : begin zlo = 1 zhi = 1e5 end 'RATE' : begin zlo = 1 zhi = 1e6 end 'CRATE' : begin zlo = 1 zhi = 1e6 end 'FLUX' : begin zlo = 1 zhi = 1e8 end 'EFLUX' : begin zlo = 1e3 zhi = 3e9 end 'DF' : begin zlo = 1e-18 zhi = 1e-8 end else : begin zlo = 0 zhi = 0 end endcase ymax = max(y,/nan) if (ymax gt 0.) then begin zmax = 10.^(ceil(alog10(max(y,/nan)))) < zhi zlog = 1 endif else begin zlo = 0 zhi = 1 zmax = 1 zlog = 0 endelse pad_s = strtrim(string(round(pad_e)),2) pname = 'swe_pad_' + pad_s store_data,pname,data={x:x, y:y, v:findgen(16)} options,pname,'ytitle',('E PAD (' + pad_s + ')') if (sflg) then begin options,pname,'spec',1 ylim,pname,0,0,0 zlim,pname,zlo,zmax,zlog options,pname,'x_no_interp',1 options,pname,'y_no_interp',1 options,pname,'ztitle',strupcase(mvn_swe_pad[0].units_name) endif else begin options,pname,'spec',0 ylim,pname,zlo,zmax,1 endelse Baz = mvn_swe_pad.Baz*!radeg Bel = mvn_swe_pad.Bel*!radeg + 90. Bdir = fltarr(npkt,2) Bdir[*,0] = Baz Bdir[*,1] = Bel mname = 'swe_mag_svy' store_data,mname,data={x:(mvn_swe_pad.time + 1.5D), y:Bdir, z:[0,1]} ylim,mname,0,360,0 options,mname,'ytitle','SWE MAG' options,mname,'yticks',4 options,mname,'yminor',4 options,mname,'labels',['AZ','EL+90'] options,mname,'labflag',1 options,mname,'colors',TCcol[[1,6]] options,mname,'psym',3 if (plotap[2]) then pans = [pans,pname,mname] endif if (size(a2,/type) eq 8) then begin tmin = min(a2.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] n_e = swe_ne[a2.group] ; number of energy channels dt = 2D*swe_duty/(6D*double(n_e)) ; integration time for each energy/deflector bin ; each PAD bin accumulates for one deflector bin npkt = n_elements(a2) ; number of packets x = dblarr(npkt) y = fltarr(npkt,16) for i=0L,(npkt-1L) do begin swp = swe_swp[*,a2[i].group] swp = swp[uniq(swp)] ; energies not duplicated in a2 packets de = min(abs(swp - pad_e),j) x[i] = a2[i].time + 1.95D*(double(j) + 0.5D)/double(n_e[i]) ; center time a2dat = smooth(a2[i].data[*,0:(n_e[i]-1)],[1,smo]) ; smooth in energy y[i,*] = transpose(a2dat[*,j])/dt[i] ; count rate endfor ; Correct for deadtime. yc = y/(1. - swe_dead*y) pad_s = strtrim(string(round(pad_e)),2) pname = 'swe_a2_' + pad_s store_data,pname,data={x:x, y:yc, v:findgen(16)} options,pname,'ytitle',('E PAD (' + pad_s + ')') if (sflg) then begin options,pname,'spec',1 ylim,pname,0,0,0 zlim,pname,0,0,1 options,pname,'x_no_interp',1 options,pname,'y_no_interp',1 options,pname,'ztitle','CRATE' endif else begin options,pname,'spec',0 ylim,pname,0,0,1 endelse mvn_swe_magdir, a2.time, a2.Baz, a2.Bel, Baz, Bel Baz = Baz*!radeg Bel = Bel*!radeg + 90. Bdir = fltarr(n_elements(a2),2) Bdir[*,0] = Baz Bdir[*,1] = Bel mname = 'swe_mag_svy' store_data,mname,data={x:(a2.time + 1.5D), y:Bdir, z:[0,1]} ylim,mname,0,360,0 options,mname,'ytitle','SWE MAG' options,mname,'yticks',4 options,mname,'yminor',4 options,mname,'labels',['AZ','EL+90'] options,mname,'labflag',1 options,mname,'colors',TCcol[[1,6]] options,mname,'psym',3 if (n_elements(a2) gt 1L) then begin dca2 = a2.npkt - shift(a2.npkt,1) dta2 = a2.time - shift(a2.time,1) store_data,'dca2',data={x:a2[1:*].time, y:dca2[1:*]} store_data,'dta2',data={x:a2[1:*].time, y:dta2[1:*]} options,'dca2','ytitle','dN (A2)' options,'dca2','psym',5 options,'dta2','ytitle','dT (A2)' options,'dta2','psym',5 options,'dta2','ynozero',1 options,'dca2','color',TCcol[3] options,'dta2','color',TCcol[3] dCmax = dCmax > max(dca2,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dta2,/nan) pdC = [pdC,'dca2'] pdT = [pdT,'dta2'] TClab[3] = 'A2' endif if (plotap[2]) then pans = [pans,pname,mname] endif ; PAD Spectra, Archive (APID A3) if (size(mvn_swe_pad_arc,/type) eq 8) then begin tmin = min(mvn_swe_pad_arc.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] npkt = n_elements(mvn_swe_pad_arc) ; number of spectra x = dblarr(npkt) y = fltarr(npkt,16) for i=0L,(npkt-1L) do begin de = min(abs(mvn_swe_pad_arc[i].energy[*,0] - pad_e),j) x[i] = mvn_swe_pad_arc[i].time ; center time a2dat = smooth(mvn_swe_pad_arc[i].data,[smo,1],/nan) ; smooth in energy y[i,*] = a2dat[j,*] ; data endfor case strupcase(mvn_swe_pad_arc[0].units_name) of 'COUNTS' : begin zlo = 1 zhi = 1e5 end 'RATE' : begin zlo = 1 zhi = 1e6 end 'CRATE' : begin zlo = 1 zhi = 1e6 end 'FLUX' : begin zlo = 1 zhi = 1e8 end 'EFLUX' : begin zlo = 1e3 zhi = 3e9 end 'DF' : begin zlo = 1e-18 zhi = 1e-8 end else : begin zlo = 0 zhi = 0 end endcase ymax = max(y,/nan) if (ymax gt 0.) then begin zmax = 10.^(ceil(alog10(max(y,/nan)))) < zhi zlog = 1 endif else begin zlo = 0 zhi = 1 zmax = 1 zlog = 0 endelse pad_s = strtrim(string(round(pad_e)),2) pname = 'swe_pad_arc_' + pad_s store_data,pname,data={x:x, y:y, v:findgen(16)} options,pname,'ytitle',('E PAD (' + pad_s + ')') if (sflg) then begin options,pname,'spec',1 ylim,pname,0,0,0 zlim,pname,zlo,zmax,zlog options,pname,'x_no_interp',1 options,pname,'y_no_interp',1 options,pname,'ztitle',strupcase(mvn_swe_pad_arc[0].units_name) endif else begin options,pname,'spec',0 ylim,pname,zlo,zmax,1 endelse if (doburst) then begin bname = 'swe_a3_bar' y = replicate(1.,npkt,2) dta3 = mvn_swe_pad_arc.time - shift(mvn_swe_pad_arc.time,1) indx = where(dta3 gt 16D, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin y[indx,*] = !values.f_nan y[(indx-1L) > 0L,*] = !values.f_nan endif y[0L,*] = !values.f_nan y[npkt-1L,*] = !values.f_nan store_data,bname,data={x:mvn_swe_pad_arc.time, y:y, v:[0,1]} ylim,bname,0,1,0 zlim,bname,0,1,0 options,bname,'spec',1 options,bname,'panel_size',0.05 options,bname,'ytitle','' options,bname,'yticks',1 options,bname,'yminor',1 options,bname,'no_interp',1 options,bname,'xstyle',4 options,bname,'ystyle',4 options,bname,'no_color_scale',1 pans = [pans, bname] endif Baz = mvn_swe_pad_arc.Baz*!radeg Bel = mvn_swe_pad_arc.Bel*!radeg + 90. Bdir = fltarr(npkt,2) Bdir[*,0] = Baz Bdir[*,1] = Bel mname = 'swe_mag_arc' store_data,mname,data={x:(mvn_swe_pad_arc.time + 1.5D), y:Bdir, z:[0,1]} ylim,mname,0,360,0 options,mname,'ytitle','SWE MAG' options,mname,'yticks',4 options,mname,'yminor',4 options,mname,'labels',['AZ','EL+90'] options,mname,'labflag',1 options,mname,'colors',TCcol[[1,6]] options,mname,'psym',3 if (plotap[2]) then pans = [pans,pname,mname] endif if (size(a3,/type) eq 8) then begin tmin = min(a3.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] n_e = swe_ne[a3.group] ; number of energy channels dt = 2D*swe_duty/(6D*double(n_e)) ; integration time for each energy/deflector bin ; each PAD bin accumulates for one deflector bin npkt = n_elements(a3) ; number of packets x = dblarr(npkt) y = fltarr(npkt,16) for i=0L,(npkt-1L) do begin swp = swe_swp[*,a3[i].group] swp = swp[uniq(swp)] ; energies not duplicated in a3 packets de = min(abs(swp - pad_e),j) x[i] = a3[i].time + 1.95D*(double(j) + 0.5D)/double(n_e[i]) ; center time a3dat = smooth(a3[i].data[*,0:(n_e[i]-1)],[1,smo]) ; smooth in energy y[i,*] = transpose(a3dat[*,j])/dt[i] ; count rate endfor ; Correct for deadtime. yc = y/(1. - swe_dead*y) pad_s = strtrim(string(round(pad_e)),2) pname = 'swe_a3_' + pad_s store_data,pname,data={x:x, y:yc, v:findgen(16)} options,pname,'ytitle',('E PAD (' + pad_s + ')') if (sflg) then begin options,pname,'spec',1 ylim,pname,0,0,0 zlim,pname,0,0,1 options,pname,'x_no_interp',1 options,pname,'y_no_interp',1 endif else begin options,pname,'spec',0 ylim,pname,0,0,1 endelse mvn_swe_magdir, a3.time, a3.Baz, a3.Bel, Baz, Bel Baz = Baz*!radeg Bel = Bel*!radeg + 90. Bdir = fltarr(n_elements(a3),2) Bdir[*,0] = Baz Bdir[*,1] = Bel mname = 'swe_mag_arc' store_data,mname,data={x:(a3.time + 1.5D), y:Bdir, z:[0,1]} ylim,mname,0,360,0 options,mname,'yticks',4 options,mname,'yminor',4 options,mname,'labels',['AZ','EL'] options,mname,'labflag',1 options,mname,'colors',TCcol[[1,6]] options,mname,'psym',3 if (doburst) then begin bname = 'swe_a3_bar' y = replicate(1.,npkt,2) dta3 = a3.time - shift(a3.time,1) indx = where(dta3 gt 16D, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin y[indx,*] = !values.f_nan y[(indx-1L) > 0L,*] = !values.f_nan endif y[0L,*] = !values.f_nan y[npkt-1L,*] = !values.f_nan store_data,bname,data={x:a3.time, y:y, v:[0,1]} ylim,bname,0,1,0 zlim,bname,0,1,0 options,bname,'spec',1 options,bname,'panel_size',0.05 options,bname,'ytitle','' options,bname,'yticks',1 options,bname,'yminor',1 options,bname,'no_interp',1 options,bname,'xstyle',4 options,bname,'ystyle',4 options,bname,'no_color_scale',1 pans = [pans, bname] endif if (n_elements(a3) gt 1L) then begin dca3 = a3.npkt - shift(a3.npkt,1) dta3 = a3.time - shift(a3.time,1) store_data,'dca3',data={x:a3[1:*].time, y:dca3[1:*]} store_data,'dta3',data={x:a3[1:*].time, y:dta3[1:*]} options,'dca3','ytitle','dN (A3)' options,'dca3','psym',5 options,'dta3','ytitle','dT (A3)' options,'dta3','psym',5 options,'dta3','ynozero',1 options,'dca3','color',TCcol[4] options,'dta3','color',TCcol[4] dCmax = dCmax > max(dca3,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dta3,/nan) pdC = [pdC,'dca3'] pdT = [pdT,'dta3'] TClab[4] = 'A3' endif if (plotap[3]) then pans = [pans,pname,mname] endif ; Energy Spectra, Survey (APID A4) if (size(mvn_swe_engy,/type) ne 8) then if (size(a4,/type) eq 8) then mvn_swe_makespec if (size(mvn_swe_engy,/type) eq 8) then begin mvn_swe_convert_units, mvn_swe_engy, eunits x = mvn_swe_engy.time y = transpose(mvn_swe_engy.data) dy = transpose(sqrt(mvn_swe_engy.var)) tmin = min(x, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] i = where(mvn_swe_engy.lut eq 5B, n) if (n gt 0L) then v = mvn_swe_engy[i[0]].energy else v = swe_swp[*,0] Emin = min(v, max=Emax) i = where(mvn_swe_engy.lut gt 6B, n) if (n gt 0L) then y[i,*] = !values.f_nan ; mask hires data ename = 'swe_a4' store_data,ename,data={x:x, y:y, dy:dy, v:v} if (sflg) then begin options,ename,'spec',1 ylim,ename,Emin,Emax,1 options,ename,'ytitle','Energy (eV)' options,ename,'yticks',0 options,ename,'yminor',0 zlim,ename,0,0,1 options,ename,'ztitle',strupcase(eunits) options,ename,'y_no_interp',1 options,ename,'x_no_interp',1 endif else begin options,ename,'spec',0 ylim,ename,1,1e6,1 options,ename,'ytitle',strupcase(eunits) options,ename,'yticks',0 options,ename,'yminor',0 endelse if (n_elements(a4) gt 1L) then begin dca4 = a4.npkt - shift(a4.npkt,1) dta4 = a4.time - shift(a4.time,1) store_data,'dca4',data={x:a4[1:*].time, y:dca4[1:*]} store_data,'dta4',data={x:a4[1:*].time, y:dta4[1:*]} options,'dca4','ytitle','dN (A4)' options,'dca4','psym',5 options,'dta4','ytitle','dT (A4)' options,'dta4','psym',5 options,'dta4','ynozero',1 options,'dca4','color',TCcol[5] options,'dta4','color',TCcol[5] dCmax = dCmax > max(dca4,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dta4,/nan) pdC = [pdC,'dca4'] pdT = [pdT,'dta4'] TClab[5] = 'A4' endif if (plotap[4]) then pans = [pans,ename] endif ; Energy Spectra, Archive (APID A5) if (size(mvn_swe_engy_arc,/type) ne 8) then if (size(a5,/type) eq 8) then mvn_swe_makespec if (size(mvn_swe_engy_arc,/type) eq 8) then begin mvn_swe_convert_units, mvn_swe_engy_arc, eunits x = mvn_swe_engy_arc.time y = transpose(mvn_swe_engy_arc.data) tmin = min(x, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] ename = 'swe_a5' store_data,ename,data={x:x, y:y, v:findgen(64)} if (sflg) then begin options,ename,'spec',1 ylim,ename,0,64,0 options,ename,'ytitle','E Bin' options,ename,'yticks',4 options,ename,'yminor',4 zlim,ename,0,0,1 options,ename,'ztitle',strupcase(eunits) options,ename,'y_no_interp',1 options,ename,'x_no_interp',1 endif else begin options,ename,'spec',0 ylim,ename,1,1e6,1 options,ename,'ytitle',strupcase(eunits) options,ename,'yticks',0 options,ename,'yminor',0 endelse if (n_elements(a5) gt 1L) then begin dca5 = a5.npkt - shift(a5.npkt,1) dta5 = a5.time - shift(a5.time,1) store_data,'dca5',data={x:a5[1:*].time, y:dca5[1:*]} store_data,'dta5',data={x:a5[1:*].time, y:dta5[1:*]} options,'dca5','ytitle','dN (A5)' options,'dca5','psym',5 options,'dta5','ytitle','dT (A5)' options,'dta5','psym',5 options,'dta5','ynozero',1 options,'dca5','color',TCcol[6] options,'dta5','color',TCcol[6] dCmax = dCmax > max(dca5,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dta5,/nan) pdC = [pdC,'dca5'] pdT = [pdT,'dta5'] TClab[6] = 'A5' endif if (plotap[5]) then pans = [pans,ename] endif ; Fast Housekeeping (APID A6) ; Use swe_plot_fhsk to plot the analyzer voltage pattern. if (size(a6,/type) eq 8) then begin tmin = min(a6.time, max=tmax) tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] store_data,'dca6',data={x:a6.time, y:replicate(1,n_elements(a6))} store_data,'dta6',data={x:a6.time, y:replicate(6D,n_elements(a6))} options,'dca6','ytitle','dN (A6)' options,'dca6','psym',5 options,'dta6','ytitle','dT (A6)' options,'dta6','psym',5 options,'dta6','ynozero',1 options,'dca6','color',TCcol[7] options,'dta6','color',TCcol[7] dCmax = dCmax > max(dca0,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dta0,/nan) pdC = [pdC,'dca6'] pdT = [pdT,'dta6'] TClab[7] = 'A6' if (fhsk) then begin na6 = n_elements(a6) tpkt = ((1.95D/224D)*dindgen(224)) # replicate(1D,4) spkt = replicate(1D,224) # (2D*dindgen(4)) tpkt = reform(tpkt + spkt, 224*4) # replicate(1D,na6) if keyword_set(fshift) then spkt = replicate(1D,224*4) # replicate(a6[0].time,na6) $ else spkt = replicate(1D,224*4) # a6.time x = reform(tpkt + spkt, 224L*4L*na6) y = reform(a6.value, 224L*4L*na6) mux = reform(replicate(1B,224) # reform(a6.mux,4L*na6), 224L*4L*na6) if keyword_set(fnorm) then ynorm = swe_hsk_norm else ynorm = replicate(1.,24) for i=0,23 do begin indx = where(mux eq i, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin tname = 'F_' + swe_hsk_names[i] store_data,tname,data={x:x[indx], y:y[indx]/ynorm[i]} options,tname,'ynozero',1 endif endfor endif endif ; SPICE coverage if keyword_set(spice) then begin oneday = 86400D tmin = min(swe_hsk.time, max=tmax) tmin = floor(tmin/oneday)*oneday tmax = ceil(tmax/oneday)*oneday npts = round(tmax - tmin) + 1L time = tmin + dindgen(npts) bname = 'spice' y = replicate(1,npts,2) y[*,0] = mvn_spice_valid_times(time,tol=1) y[*,1] = y[*,0] store_data,bname,data={x:time, y:y, v:[0,1]} ylim,bname,0,1,0 zlim,bname,0,2,0 options,bname,'spec',1 options,bname,'panel_size',0.05 options,bname,'ytitle','' options,bname,'yticks',1 options,bname,'yminor',1 options,bname,'no_interp',1 options,bname,'xstyle',4 options,bname,'ystyle',4 options,bname,'no_color_scale',1 indx = where(y[*,0] eq 1, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin dt = indx - shift(indx,1) dt[0] = dt[1] gaps = where(dt gt 1, ngaps) if (ngaps gt 0L) then print,"Detected ",strtrim(string(ngaps),2)," gaps in SPICE coverage." $ else print,"No gaps in SPICE coverage." endif else print,"Warning: No valid SPICE data." npans = n_elements(pans) pans = [pans[0:(npans-2)],bname,pans[npans-1]] endif ; Gather panels, set limits, and plot store_data,'dC_lab',data={x:[0D], y:replicate(-1.,1,8), v:findgen(8)} options,'dC_lab','spec',0 options,'dC_lab','psym',3 options,'dC_lab','labflag',1 options,'dC_lab','labels',TClab options,'dC_lab','colors',TCcol pdC[0] = 'dC_lab' pdT[0] = 'dC_lab' store_data,'dC',data=pdC store_data,'dT',data=pdT options,'dC','ytitle','dN' options,'dT','ytitle','dT' ylim,'dC',1,100,1 ylim,'dT',1,1000,1 if (tflg) then pans = [pans[1:*],'dC','dT'] if keyword_set(lut) then begin store_data,'TABNUM',data={x:mvn_swe_engy.time, y:mvn_swe_engy.lut} ylim,'TABNUM',4.5,8.5,0 options,'TABNUM','panel_size',0.5 options,'TABNUM','ytitle','SWE LUT' options,'TABNUM','yminor',1 options,'TABNUM','psym',10 options,'TABNUM','colors',[4] options,'TABNUM','constant',[5,7,8] pans = [pans, 'TABNUM'] endif if keyword_set(SIFCTL) then begin sifctl = transpose(swe_hsk.sifctl) store_data,'SIFCTL',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:sifctl, v:indgen(16)} options,'SIFCTL','spec',1 ylim,'SIFCTL',0,15,0 zlim,'SIFCTL',0,1,0 options,'SIFCTL','panel_size',0.5 options,'SIFCTL','yticks',3 options,'SIFCTL','yminor',5 options,'SIFCTL','ytitle','SIFCTL' options,'SIFCTL','x_no_interp',1 options,'SIFCTL','y_no_interp',1 options,'SIFCTL','no_color_scale',1 pans = [pans, 'SIFCTL'] endif if keyword_set(cmdcnt) then begin dNcmd = swe_hsk.cmdcnt - shift(swe_hsk.cmdcnt,1) store_data,'dNcmd',data={x:swe_hsk[1:*].time, y:dNcmd[1:*]} options,'dNcmd','ytitle','dNcmd' options,'dNcmd','psym',10 pans = [pans, 'dNcmd'] endif if (n_elements(tsp) eq 1) then begin print,"No data. Nothing to plot." return endif tmin = min(tsp[1:*], max=tmax) tmin = tmin > tfirst if keyword_set(tspan) then tmin = tmin > (tmax - tspan*3600D) ; timefit,[tmin,tmax] if (doeph) then begin get_data,'alt2',data=alt2,index=i if (i eq 0) then maven_orbit_tplot, /loadonly, /shadow pans = ['alt2', pans] endif if (size(title,/type) eq 7) then tplot_options,'title',title if (size(hsk,/type) eq 7) then pans = [pans, strupcase(hsk)] if (n_elements(pans) eq 1) then begin print,"Nothing to plot!" return endif if (doorb) then begin npts = round((tmax - tmin)/60D) + 1L t = tmin + 60D*dindgen(npts) store_data,'orbnum',data={x:t, y:mvn_orbit_num(time=t)} tplot_options,'var_label','orbnum' endif tplot_options,'datagap',129D ; 1 sec longer than PFP housekeeping interval if (doplot) then begin tplot,pans,trange=[tmin,tmax] timebar,t_cfg,/line endif if (dopng) then begin tstr = time_struct(tmin) yyyy = string(tstr.year,format='(i4.4)') mm = string(tstr.month,format='(i2.2)') dd = string(tstr.date,format='(i2.2)') itype = 'png' path = getenv('ROOT_DATA_DIR') + 'maven/pfp/swe/ql/' + yyyy + '/' + mm + '/' pngname = 'mvn_swe_ql_' + yyyy + mm + dd + '.' + itype current_dev = !d.name set_plot,'z' print,"Writing png file: ",pngname," ... " loadct2,34 device,set_resolution=[1200,800] tplot,pans,trange=[tmin,tmax] timebar,t_cfg,/line img = tvrd() tvlct,red,green,blue,/get write_image,path+pngname,itype,img,red,green,blue print,"done" set_plot,current_dev endif return end