;+ ; ;PROCEDURE: MVN_SWE_SLICE2D_SNAP ; ;PURPOSE: Plots 2D slice for the times and data type selected by cursor. ; Hold down the left mouse button and slide for a movie effect. ; ;INPUTS: None. ; But the specified time (or [tmin, tmax]) is set, it ; automatically show the snapshot. In this case, the ; cursor does not appear in a tplot window. ; ;CAUTION: *** !!! *** ; The velocity estimated from the SWEA electron 3D data ; via 'v_3d' is not likely reliable. ; Highly recommended to use the bulk velocity ; estimated from the other data (e.g., SWIA ion data). ; *** !!! *** ; ;KEYWORDS: All the keywords included in 'slice2d' are acceptable. ; ; ARCHIVE: Returns archive distribution instead of survey. ; ; BURST: Synonym for "ARCHIVE". ; ; WINDOW: Specifies window number to plot. ; A new window to show is generated as default. ; ; BLINE: Shows magnetic field direction by a black solid line. ; ; MSO: Rotates into the MSO coordinates (no effect on 'BV', ; 'BE', and 'perp' cuts). ; ; ABINS: Specifies which azimuth anode bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1, 16) ; ; DBINS: Specifies which deflection bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1, 6). ; ; OBINS: Specifies which angular bins to inclue in the ; analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = replicate(1, 96). ; ; MASK_SC: Mask solid angle bins that are blocked by the spacecraft. ; Default = 1 ; ; KEEPWIN: If set, then don't close the snapshot window on exit. ; ; SUM: If set, use cursor to specify time ranges for averaging. ; ;USAGE EXAMPLES: ; 1. ; Normal case ; ; Uses archive data, and shows the B field direction. ; ; Draws the X-Y plane slice in the SWEA coordinates. ; ; mvn_swe_slice2d_snap, /arc, /bline, rot='xy' ; ; 2. ; Specified time case ; ; Selects the time to show. ; ; ctime, t ; Clicks once or twice on the tplot window. ; ; ; Draws the electron velocity distribution ; ; function in the plane perpendicular to the B field. ; ; mvn_swe_slice2d_snap, t, rot='perp' ; ; 3. ; Advanced case ; ; Uses 'ctime' procedure with "routine" keyword. ; ; ctime, routine='mvn_swe_slice2d_snap' ; ;CREATED BY: Takuya Hara on 2015-07-13. ; ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; $LastChangedBy: hara $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-17 14:34:02 -0700 (Fri, 17 Jul 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 18173 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_slice2d_snap.pro $ ; ;- PRO mvn_swe_slice2d_snap, var1, var2, archive=archive, window=window, mso=mso, _extra=_extra, $ bline=bline, abins=abins, dbins=dbins, obins=obins, mask_sc=mask_sc, $ verbose=verbose, keepwin=keepwin, charsize=chsz, sum=sum, burst=burst, vel=vel @mvn_swe_com tplot_options, get_option=topt dsize = GET_SCREEN_SIZE() IF SIZE(var2, /type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN keepwin = 1 str_element, _extra, 'rot', 'BE', /add_replace str_element, _extra, 'showdata', 1, /add_replace window = topt.window + 1 ENDIF IF SIZE(var1, /type) NE 0 AND SIZE(var2, /type) EQ 0 THEN var2 = var1 IF SIZE(var2, /type) NE 0 THEN trange = time_double(var2) IF keyword_set(window) THEN wnum = window ELSE BEGIN WINDOW, /free, xsize=dsize[0]/2., ysize=dsize[1]*2./3., xpos=0., ypos=0. wnum = !d.window ENDELSE ochsz = !p.charsize IF keyword_set(chsz) THEN !p.charsize = chsz IF keyword_set(archive) THEN aflg = 1 IF keyword_set(burst) THEN aflg = 1 IF SIZE(aflg, /type) EQ 0 THEN aflg = 0 IF (N_ELEMENTS(abins) NE 16) THEN abins = REPLICATE(1B, 16) IF (N_ELEMENTS(dbins) NE 6) THEN dbins = REPLICATE(1B, 6) IF (N_ELEMENTS(abins) NE 96) THEN BEGIN obins = REPLICATE(1B, 96, 2) obins[*, 0] = REFORM(abins # dbins, 96) obins[*, 1] = obins[*, 0] ENDIF ELSE obins = BYTE(obins # [1B, 1B]) IF (SIZE(mask_sc, /type) EQ 0) THEN mask_sc = 1 IF keyword_set(mask_sc) THEN obins = swe_sc_mask * obins omask = REPLICATE(1., 96, 2) omask1 = omask idx = WHERE(obins EQ 0B, count) IF (count GT 0L) THEN BEGIN omask[idx] = !values.f_nan omask1[idx] = 0. ENDIF omask = REFORM(REPLICATE(1.,64) # REFORM(omask, 96*2), 64, 96, 2) omask1 = REFORM(REPLICATE(1.,64) # REFORM(omask1, 96*2), 64, 96, 2) undefine, idx, count IF SIZE(trange, /type) NE 0 THEN IF N_ELEMENTS(trange) GT 1 THEN sum = 1 IF keyword_set(sum) THEN npts = 2 ELSE npts = 1 IF SIZE(var1, /type) EQ 0 THEN $ dprint, 'Uses button 1 to select time: botton 3 to quit.', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose IF SIZE(var2, /type) EQ 0 THEN ctime, trange, npoints=npts, /silent ok = 1 WHILE (ok) DO BEGIN ddd = mvn_swe_get3d(trange, archive=aflg, all=doall, /sum) IF (SIZE(ddd, /type) EQ 8) THEN BEGIN str_element, ddd, 'bins', REPLICATE(1L, [ddd.nenergy, ddd.nbins]), /add IF (ddd.time GT t_mtx[2]) THEN boom = 1 ELSE boom = 0 data = ddd.data idx = WHERE(~FINITE(ddd.data), count) IF count GT 0 THEN ddd.data[idx] = 0. undefine, idx, count ddd.data = ddd.data * omask1[*, *, boom] vel = v_3d(ddd) ; ! Causion ! This estimated velocity is not reliable. ddd.data = data * omask[*, *, boom] IF keyword_set(mso) THEN BEGIN mvn_pfp_cotrans, ddd, from='MAVEN_SWEA', to='MAVEN_MSO', /overwrite bnew = spice_vector_rotate(ddd.magf, (ddd.time+ddd.end_time)/2.d, 'MAVEN_SWEA', 'MAVEN_MSO', check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT', verbose=verbose) str_element, ddd, 'magf', bnew, /add_replace ENDIF IF keyword_set(bline) THEN bdir = ddd.magf/SQRT(TOTAL(ddd.magf*ddd.magf)) wset, wnum status = EXECUTE("slice2d, ddd, _extra=_extra, sundir=bdir, vel=vel") undefine, status undefine, ddd, data, boom undefine, bnew, bdir, vel ENDIF ELSE dprint, 'Click again.', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose IF SIZE(var2, /type) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ctime, trange, npoints=npts, /silent IF (SIZE(trange, /type) EQ 5) THEN ok = 1 ELSE ok = 0 ENDIF ELSE ok = 0 undefine, ddd ENDWHILE IF ~keyword_set(keepwin) THEN wdelete, wnum !p.charsize = ochsz RETURN END