;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; mvn_swe_shape_par_pad_l2 ; ;PURPOSE: ; ; Calculate pitch angle resolved shape parameters for loaded SWEA L2 ; PAD survey data and create tplot variable "Shape_PAD" ; ;AUTHOR: ; Shaosui Xu ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; If desire to correct for spacecraft potential, first run "mvn_swe_sc_pot" ; ;INPUTS: ; ; none ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; BURST: If set to 1, then use burst data to calculate the shape parameter, ; however, not tested yet ; ; SPEC: A pitch angle in degrees given to average. ; PA [0,SPEC] & [(180-SPEC),180] for two directions. ; The default value is 30 ; ; ERANGE: Shape parameter calculated based on the spectrum within this energy ; range. The default values are [20,80] eV ; ; MIN_PAD_EFLUX: Minimum energy flux level. ; ; MAG_GEO: A MAG structure that contains magnetic elevation angle. If not given, ; The program will load MAG data in GEO coordinates. ; ; POT: If set to 1, this program will correct the spacecraft potential for ; the electron energy spectrum. ; ; NSMO: Number of spectra to average over before calculating shape parameter. ; Default = 1 (no smoothing). ; ; TSMO: Boxcar smooth the PADs with this width (in seconds) before calculating ; the shape parameter. This method is slower but handles data gaps and ; changes in instrument mode. Takes precedence over NSMO. ; ;OUTPUTS: ; ; Tplot variable "Shape_PAD": store shape parameters for two directions, as well ; as the shape parameter for trapped population, spacecraft potentials, ; min/max pitch angle range to check if the PA coverage is enough ; ; Tplot variable "EFlux_ratio": store the flux ratio for two directions ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-11-30 21:19:45 -0800 (Thu, 30 Nov 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24373 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_shape_par_pad_l2.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: Shaosui Xu 12-08-16 ;- Pro mvn_swe_shape_par_pad_l2, burst=burst, spec=spec, $ nsmo=nsmo, erange=erange, oobins=oobins, mask_sc=mask_sc, $ abins=abins, dbins=dbins, mag_geo=mag_geo, pot=pot, $ tsmo=tsmo, min_pad_eflux=min_pad_eflux @mvn_swe_com @mvn_scpot_com if (size(min_pad_eflux,/type) eq 0) then min_pad_eflux = 6.e4 aflg = keyword_set(burst) if (size(mvn_swe_pad,/type) ne 8) then begin ;if pad data not loaded print,'Loading L2 PAD Survey data ...' mvn_swe_load_l2,/pad,burst=aflg,/noerase endif old_units = mvn_swe_pad[0].units_name mvn_swe_convert_units, mvn_swe_pad, 'eflux' ; Extract data from PAD structure npad = n_elements(mvn_swe_pad) pdat = mvn_swe_pad.data ; Mask noisy data print, "Masking noisy PAD data" endx = where(abs(mvn_swe_pad[0].energy[*,0] - 130) lt 20.,n_e) indx = where(mean(reform(pdat[endx,*,*],n_e*16,npad),dim=1,/nan) lt min_pad_eflux, count) if (count gt 0L) then pdat[*,*,indx] = !values.f_nan ; Smooth the data for better statistics if (size(tsmo,/type) gt 0) then begin print, "Smoothing PAD data" if (tsmo ge 4D) then begin pdat = transpose(reform(pdat, 64L*16L, npad)) pdat = smooth_in_time(pdat, mvn_swe_pad.time, tsmo) pdat = reform(transpose(pdat), 64, 16, npad) nsmo = 0 ; only one smoothing method endif endif if keyword_set(nsmo) then pdat = smooth(pdat,[1,1,nsmo],/nan) if not keyword_set(erange) then erange=[20,80] if (size(pot,/type) ne 0) then dopot=1 else dopot=0 if (size(spec,/type) ne 0) then begin swidth = (float(abs(spec)) > 30.)*!dtor endif else begin swidth = 30.*!dtor endelse ; if (n_elements(abins) ne 16) then abins = replicate(1B, 16) ; if (n_elements(dbins) ne 6) then dbins = replicate(1B, 6) ; if (n_elements(obins) ne 96) then begin ; obins = replicate(1B, 96, 2) ; obins[*,0] = reform(abins # dbins, 96) ; obins[*,1] = obins[*,0] ; endif else obins = byte(obins # [1B,1B]) ; if (size(mask_sc,/type) eq 0) then mask_sc = 1 ; if keyword_set(mask_sc) then obins = swe_sc_mask * obins print, "Calculating shape parameter with PAD data" shape = fltarr(npad, 3) time = dblarr(npad) ratio = dblarr(npad,64) print, 'Total PAD data points: ', npad ;Use B elevation angle to determine towards/away the planet if NOT keyword_set(mag_geo) then begin get_data,'mvn_B_1sec_iau_mars',data=mag_geo,index=i if (i eq 0) then begin mvn_mag_load mvn_mag_geom get_data,'mvn_B_1sec_iau_mars',data=mag_geo endif endif bdx = nn(mag_geo.x, mvn_swe_pad.time) B_elev = mag_geo.elev[bdx] B_azim = mag_geo.azim[bdx] ;padall = mvn_swe_getpad(trange,archive=aflg,units='eflux') padall = mvn_swe_pad padall.data = pdat ; don't overwrite mvn_swe_pad faway = dblarr(64,npad) ftwd = faway fmid = faway Bindx = where(B_elev le 0) parange = fltarr(npad,2) pots = fltarr(npad) pots[*] = !values.f_nan for n=0L, npad-1L do begin pad=padall[n] time[n] = pad.time ; if (pad.time gt t_mtx[2]) then boom = 1 else boom = 0 ; indx = where(obins[pad.k3d,boom] eq 0B, count) ; if (count gt 0L) then pad.data[*,indx] = !values.f_nan Fp = replicate(!values.f_nan,64) Fm = replicate(!values.f_nan,64) Fz = replicate(!values.f_nan,64) pndx = where(reform(pad.pa[63,*]) lt swidth, count) if (count gt 0L) then Fp = average(reform(pad.data[*,pndx]*pad.dpa[*,pndx]), 2, /nan)$ /average(pad.dpa[*,pndx], 2, /nan) mndx = where(reform(pad.pa[63,*]) gt (!pi - swidth), count) if (count gt 0L) then Fm =average(reform(pad.data[*,mndx]*pad.dpa[*,mndx]), 2, /nan)$ /average(pad.dpa[*,mndx], 2, /nan) zndx = where((reform(pad.pa[63,*]) lt (!pi - swidth)) and $ (reform(pad.pa[63,*]) gt swidth), count) if (count gt 0L) then Fz=average(reform(pad.data[*,zndx]*pad.dpa[*,zndx]), 2, /nan)$ /average(pad.dpa[*,zndx], 2, /nan) parange[n,0]=max(pad.pa[63,*]) parange[n,1]=min(pad.pa[63,*]) if dopot then begin ipot = mvn_sc_pot[nn(mvn_sc_pot.time, pad.time)].potential pots[n] = ipot if ipot eq ipot and abs(ipot) le 20 then begin;and ipot le -2 mvn_swe_pot_conve, pad.energy[*,0], Fp, outEn, Fpc, ipot mvn_swe_pot_conve, pad.energy[*,0], Fz, outEn, Fzc, ipot mvn_swe_pot_conve, pad.energy[*,0], Fm, outEn, Fmc, ipot ;if ipot le -10 then stop endif else begin Fpc = Fp Fzc = Fz Fmc = Fm endelse endif else begin Fpc = Fp Fzc = Fz Fmc = Fm endelse faway[*,n] = Fpc fmid[*,n] = Fzc ftwd[*,n] = Fmc endfor tmp1 = faway[*,Bindx] tmp2 = ftwd[*,Bindx] ftwd[*,Bindx] = tmp1 faway[*,Bindx] = tmp2 ratio = transpose(faway/ftwd) mvn_swe_calc_shape_arr, npad, faway, padall[1].energy[*,0], par_away, erange, aflg mvn_swe_calc_shape_arr, npad, fmid, padall[1].energy[*,0], par_mid, erange, aflg mvn_swe_calc_shape_arr, npad, ftwd, padall[1].energy[*,0], par_twd, erange, aflg shape[*, 0] = par_away shape[*, 1] = par_twd shape[*, 2] = par_mid ; stop ;create tplot variables store_data,'Shape_PAD',data={x:time, y:shape[*,0:1],mid:shape[*,2],$ pots:pots,parange:parange} options,'Shape_PAD','ytitle','Shape_PAD' options,'Shape_PAD','labels',['Away','Towards'] options,'Shape_PAD','labflag',1 options,'Shape_PAD','colors',[120,254] options,'Shape_PAD','constant',1. store_data,'EFlux_ratio',data={x:time,y:ratio,v:pad.energy[*,0],$ faway:faway,ftwd:ftwd,fmid:fmid} ename='EFlux_ratio' options,ename,'spec',1 ylim,ename,3,5000,1 options,ename,'ytitle','Energy (eV)' options,ename,'yticks',0 options,ename,'yminor',0 zlim,ename,0.1,5,1 options,ename,'ztitle',ename options,ename,'y_no_interp',1 options,ename,'x_no_interp',1 ;stop mvn_swe_convert_units, mvn_swe_pad, old_units return end