;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; mvn_swe_sc_pot ; ;PURPOSE: ; Estimates the spacecraft potential from SWEA energy spectra. The basic ; idea is to look for a break in the energy spectrum (sharp change in flux ; level and slope). No attempt is made to estimate the potential when the ; spacecraft is in darkness (expect negative potential) or below 250 km ; altitude (expect small or negative potential). ; ; ;AUTHOR: ; David L. Mitchell ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_swe_sc_pot, potential=dat ; ;INPUTS: ; none - energy spectra are obtained from SWEA common block. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; POTENTIAL: Returns spacecraft potentials in a structure. ; ; ERANGE: Energy range over which to search for the potential. ; Default = [3.,30.] ; ; THRESH: Threshold for the minimum slope: d(logF)/d(logE). ; Default = 0.05 ; ; A smaller value includes more data and extends the range ; over which you can estimate the potential, but at the ; expense of making more errors. ; ; MINFLUX: Minimum peak energy flux. Default = 1e6. ; ; DEMAX: The largest allowable energy width of the spacecraft ; potential feature. This excludes features not related ; to the spacecraft potential at higher energies (often ; observed downstream of the shock). Default = 6 eV. ; ; DDD: Use 3D data to calculate potential. Allows bin masking, ; but lower cadence and typically lower energy resolution. ; ; ABINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which anode bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1,16) ; ; DBINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which deflection bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1,6) ; ; OBINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which solid angle bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = reform(ABINS#DBINS,96). Takes precedence over ; ABINS and OBINS. ; ; MASK_SC: Mask the spacecraft blockage. This is in addition to any ; masking specified by the above three keywords. ; Default = 1 (yes). ; ; ANGCORR: Angular distribution correction based on interpolated 3d data ; to emphasize the returning photoelectrons and improve ; the edge detection (added by Yuki Harada). ; ; PANS: Named varible to hold the tplot panels created. ; ; BADVAL: If the algorithm cannot estimate the potential, then set it ; to this value. Units = volts. Default = NaN. ; ; FILL: Do not fill in the common block. Default = 0 (no). ; ; RESET: Initialize the spacecraft potential, discarding all previous ; estimates, and start fresh. ; ;OUTPUTS: ; None - Result is stored in SPEC data structure, returned via POTENTIAL ; keyword, and stored as a TPLOT variable. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-09-17 16:58:25 -0700 (Tue, 17 Sep 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27777 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_sc_pot.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swe_sc_pot, potential=pot, erange=erange2, thresh=thresh2, dEmax=dEmax2, $ ddd=ddd, abins=abins, dbins=dbins, obins=obins2, mask_sc=mask_sc, $ badval=badval2, angcorr=angcorr, minflux=minflux2, pans=pans, $ fill=fill, reset=reset compile_opt idl2 @mvn_swe_com @mvn_scpot_com pot = 0 pans = '' if (size(mvn_swe_engy,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"No energy data loaded. Use mvn_swe_load_l0 first." return endif ; Process keywords, set defaults if (size(Espan,/type) eq 0) then mvn_scpot_defaults ; Override defaults by keyword. Affects all routines that use mvn_scpot_com. if (n_elements(erange2) gt 1) then Espan = float(minmax(erange2)) if (size(thresh2,/type) gt 0) then thresh = float(thresh2) if (size(dEmax2,/type) gt 0) then dEmax = float(dEmax2) if (size(minflux2,/type) gt 0) then minflux = float(minflux2) if (size(badval2,/type) gt 0) then badval = float(badval2) reset = (keyword_set(reset) or (size(swe_sc_pot,/type) ne 8)) dofill = keyword_set(fill) if keyword_set(ddd) then dflg = 1 else dflg = 0 ; Configure the 3D FOV masK if ((size(obins,/type) eq 0) or keyword_set(abins) or keyword_set(dbins) or $ keyword_set(obins2) or (size(mask_sc,/type) ne 0)) then begin if (n_elements(abins) ne 16) then abins = replicate(1B, 16) if (n_elements(dbins) ne 6) then dbins = replicate(1B, 6) if (n_elements(obins2) ne 96) then begin obins = replicate(1B, 96, 2) obins[*,0] = reform(abins # dbins, 96) obins[*,1] = obins[*,0] endif else obins = byte(obins2 # [1B,1B]) if (size(mask_sc,/type) eq 0) then mask_sc = 1 if keyword_set(mask_sc) then obins = swe_sc_mask * obins endif ; Initialize the potential structure badphi = !values.f_nan ; bad value guaranteed to be a NaN npts = n_elements(mvn_swe_engy) pot = replicate(mvn_pot_struct, npts) pot.time = mvn_swe_engy.time pot.potential = badphi pot.method = -1 ; Get energy flux vs. energy from SPEC or 3D data if (dflg) then begin ok = 0 if (size(mvn_swe_3d,/type) eq 8) then begin t = mvn_swe_3d.time npts = n_elements(t) e = fltarr(64,npts) f = e ok = 1 endif if ((not ok) and size(swe_3d,/type) eq 8) then begin t = swe_3d.time npts = n_elements(t) e = fltarr(64,npts) f = e ok = 1 endif if (not ok) then begin print, "No valid 3D data." return endif for i=0L,(npts-1L) do begin ddd = mvn_swe_get3d(t[i], units='eflux') if (ddd.time gt t_mtx[2]) then boom = 1 else boom = 0 ondx = where(obins[*,boom] eq 1B, ocnt) onorm = float(ocnt) obins_b = replicate(1B, 64) # obins[*,boom] e[*,i] = ddd.energy[*,0] f[*,i] = total(ddd.data * obins_b, 2, /nan)/onorm endfor endif else begin old_units = mvn_swe_engy[0].units_name mvn_swe_convert_units, mvn_swe_engy, 'eflux' t = mvn_swe_engy.time npts = n_elements(t) e = mvn_swe_engy.energy f = mvn_swe_engy.data endelse ; Angular distribution correction based on interpolated 3d data ; to emphasize the returning photoelectrons. ; This section was added by Yuki Harada. if keyword_set(angcorr) and (size(mvn_swe_3d,/type) eq 8) then begin ww = finite(mvn_swe_3d.data) * 1. wsky = where( mvn_swe_3d.phi gt 112.5 and mvn_swe_3d.phi lt 292.5 $ and mvn_swe_3d.theta gt -45 and mvn_swe_3d.theta lt 45 , comp=cwsky ) ww[cwsky] = 0. skyflux = total(mvn_swe_3d.data*mvn_swe_3d.domega*ww,2,/nan) $ /total(mvn_swe_3d.domega*ww,2,/nan) ww = finite(mvn_swe_3d.data) * 1. aveflux = total(mvn_swe_3d.data*mvn_swe_3d.domega*ww,2,/nan) $ /total(mvn_swe_3d.domega*ww,2,/nan) fr = f * !values.f_nan for j=0,63 do fr[j,*] = interp(reform(skyflux[j,*]/aveflux[j,*]),mvn_swe_3d.time,t) < 1.2 ; A maximum factor of 1.2 is set to avoid too much emphasis on lowest ; energy photoelectrons f = f * fr endif ; Estimate the potentials using the SWE+ method print,"Estimating positive potentials from SWEA alone." phi = mvn_swe_sc_pospot(e,f) ; Oversample 3D grid to SPEC grid, if necessary if (dflg) then begin phi = interpol(phi, t, swe_sc_pot.time) indx = nn(t, swe_sc_pot.time) gap = where(abs(t[indx] - swe_sc_pot.time) gt maxdt, count) if (count gt 0L) then phi[gap] = badphi ; estimates too far away endif ; Fill in the potential structure igud = where(finite(phi), ngud) if (ngud gt 0L) then begin pot[igud].potential = phi[igud] pot[igud].method = 2 endif ; Filter for low flux fmax = max(mvn_swe_engy.data, dim=1) indx = where(fmax lt minflux, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin pot[indx].potential = badphi pot[indx].method = -1 endif ; Filter out shadow regions get_data, 'wake', data=wake, index=i if (i eq 0) then begin maven_orbit_tplot, /shadow, /loadonly get_data, 'wake', data=wake, index=i endif if (i gt 0) then begin shadow = interpol(float(finite(wake.y)), wake.x, mvn_swe_engy.time) indx = where(shadow gt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then begin pot[indx].potential = badphi pot[indx].method = -1 endif endif ; Filter out altitudes below 250 km get_data, 'alt', data=alt, index=i if (i eq 0) then begin maven_orbit_tplot, /current, /loadonly get_data, 'alt', data=alt, index=i endif if (i gt 0) then begin altitude = spline(alt.x, alt.y, mvn_swe_engy.time) indx = where(altitude lt 250., count) if (count gt 0L) then begin pot[indx].potential = badphi pot[indx].method = -1 endif endif ; Report the result igud = where(pot.method eq 2, ngud, complement=ibad, ncomplement=nbad) msg = string("SWE+ : ",ngud," valid potentials from ",npts," spectra",format='(a,i8,a,i8,a)') print, strcompress(strtrim(msg,2)) ; Make tplot variables for the swe+ method phi = {x:pot.time, y:pot.potential} store_data,'swe_pos',data=phi options,'swe_pos','color',2 if (n_elements(ee) gt 0L) then begin store_data,'df',data={x:pot.time, y:transpose(dfs), v:transpose(ee)} options,'df','spec',1 ylim,'df',min(Espan),max(Espan),0 zlim,'df',0,0,0 store_data,'d2f',data={x:pot.time, y:transpose(d2fs), v:transpose(ee)} options,'d2f','spec',1 ylim,'d2f',min(Espan),max(Espan),0 zlim,'d2f',0,0,0 endif return end