;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; mvn_swe_pot_conve ; ;PURPOSE: ; correct for potential and then convert to SWEA original resolution ; ;AUTHOR: ; Shaosui Xu ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; ;INPUTS: ; ; INEN: The energy array corresponding to the input energy spectrum ; ; INSPEC: Input electron energy spectrum ; ; ; POT: Specify the potential to be corrected ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; none ; ;OUTPUTS: ; ; OUTEN: The energy array corresponding to the input energy spectrum, ; currently set to be SWEA energy resolution ; ; OUTSPEC: The converted energy spectrum ; ; $LastChangedBy: xussui_lap $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-06-22 17:23:44 -0700 (Wed, 22 Jun 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21353 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_pot_conve.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: Shaosui Xu 06-22-16 ;- Pro mvn_swe_pot_conve, inEn, inspec, outEn, outspec, pot ; correct for potential and then convert to SWEA original resolution outEn=[4627.50,4118.51,3665.50,3262.32,2903.48,2584.12,2299.88,2046.91,1821.77,1621.38,1443.04,$ 1284.32,1143.05,1017.32,905.424,805.833,717.197,638.310,568.100,505.613,449.999,400.502,$ 356.449,317.242,282.348,251.291,223.651,199.051,177.157,157.671,140.328,124.893,111.155,$ 98.9290,88.0475,78.3628,69.7435,62.0721,55.2446,49.1681,43.7599,38.9466,34.6627,30.8501,$ 27.4568,24.4367,21.7488,19.3566,17.2275,15.3326,13.6461,12.1451,10.8092,9.62030,8.56213,$ 7.62036,6.78217,6.03617,5.37223,4.78132,4.25541,3.78734,3.37076,3.00000] outEn=double(outEn) nOE=n_elements(outEn) outspec = fltarr(nOE) ;oversampling the input spectra emax=max(inEn,min=emin) emax=30 indxe = where(inEn ge emax,complement=inc,cts) dE=0.25 & Nee=(emax-emin)/dE Elow=emax-findgen(Nee+1)*dE inflx1=10^(interpol(alog10(inspec[inc]),inEn[inc],Elow)) Etemp = [inEn[indxe],Elow] inflx = [inspec[indxe],inflx1] dee = Etemp dee[0:cts-1] = Etemp[0:cts-1]*0.167 dee[cts:n_elements(Etemp)-1]=dE phase=inflx/(Etemp^2) Etemp=Etemp[*]-pot;????????? inE=where(Etemp ge 0,cts) Etemp=Etemp[inE] inflx=phase[inE]*Etemp^2 fwhm=0.167/(2.*sqrt(2*alog(2))) for j=0, nOE-1 do begin nrm = exp(-0.5*((Etemp-outEn[j])/(fwhm*outEn[j]))^2)/(fwhm*outEn[j]*sqrt(2.*!pi)) outspec[j] = total(inflx*nrm*dEE[inE]) ;print,total(nrm*dE),outEn[j] endfor rev=0 if rev eq 1 then begin phase=outspec[*]/outEn[*]^2 Etemp=outEn[*]+pot outEn=Etemp outspec[*]=phase*Etemp^2 inE=where(outEn ge 0) outEn=outEn[inE] outspec=outspec[inE] endif ;if n_elements(where(outspec eq outspec)) gt 10 and pot le -10 then stop return end