;+ ; ;FUNCTION: MVN_SWE_PADMAP_32HZ ; ;PURPOSE: Maps pitch angle over the SWEA field of view with high time ; resolution, taking into account magnetic field variations ; during the 2-second SWEA measurement cycle. Separate pitch ; angle maps are calculated for each of the 64 SWEA energy ; steps using 32-Hz MAG data. The results are appended as new ; tags to the PAD data structure. ; ; BEWARE! This routine requires accurate relative timing ; between MAG and SWEA. This is not guaranteed when using ; preliminary data that do not have accurate corrections ; for spacecraft clock drift. If you get a warning message ; about using MAG quicklook data, then you are on thin ice! ; You might still be OK if you can verify that the MAG and ; SWEA data were processed with the same SCLK kernel. ; ; ALSO! Since the purpose of this routine is to accurately ; map pitch angles when the magnetic field varies on time ; scales that are shorter than the 2-second SWEA measurement ; cycle, you should ask yourself whether the electrons are ; magnetized at all. How good is the adiabatic approximation? ; See mvn_swe_eparam.pro for more information. ; ;INPUTS: PAD data structure obtained from 'mvn_swe_getpad'. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; FBDATA: Tplot variable name of full resolution magnetic ; field data. Default = 'mvn_B_full'. ; ; STATUS: Returns the calculation result ; (Success: 1 / Failure: 0). ; ; MAGLEV: Returns the MAG data level. See warning above. ; 0 -> on-board determination or unknown ; 1 -> gains and zeroes only (quicklook) ; 2 -> fully calibrated ; ; L2ONLY: Insist on using MAG L2 data. ; ;CREATED BY: Takuya Hara on 2015-07-20. ; ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-15 12:41:01 -0700 (Fri, 15 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26811 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_padmap_32hz.pro $ ; ;- FUNCTION mvn_swe_padmap_32hz, pdat, fbdata=fbdata, verbose=verbose, status=status, $ maglev=maglev, l2only=l2only @mvn_swe_com status = 1 maglev = 0 opdat = pdat fpdat = pdat IF ~keyword_set(fbdata) THEN fbdata = 'mvn_B_full' get_data, fbdata, data=b, alim=alim, index=index IF index EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dprint, "No MAG 32Hz data found.", dlevel=2, verbose=verbose status = 0 RETURN, opdat ENDIF ELSE BEGIN kdx = WHERE(b.x GE pdat.time - 8.d0 AND b.x LE pdat.end_time + 4.d0, nk) IF nk GT 0 THEN b = {x: b.x[kdx], y: b.y[kdx, *]} $ ELSE BEGIN dprint, 'No MAG data found at the specified time period.', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose status = 0 RETURN, opdat ENDELSE str_element, alim, 'level', value=maglev if (size(maglev,/type) eq 7) then begin case strupcase(maglev) of 'L1' : maglev = 1 'L2' : maglev = 2 else : maglev = 0 endcase endif else maglev = 0 if (maglev lt 2) then begin dprint, 'WARNING: Quicklook MAG data - timing may be inaccurate!', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose if keyword_set(l2only) then begin status = 0 return, opdat endif endif IF tag_exist(alim, 'SPICE_FRAME') THEN BEGIN IF alim.spice_frame NE 'MAVEN_SWEA' THEN BEGIN IF alim.spice_frame EQ 'MAVEN_SPACECRAFT' THEN BEGIN idx = WHERE((b.x GT t_mtx[0]) AND (b.x LT t_mtx[2]), nstow, $ complement=jdx, ncomplement=ndeploy) IF (nstow GT 0L) THEN BEGIN dprint, "Using stowed boom rotation matrix for MAG1.", dlevel=2, verbose=verbose b.y[idx, *] = rotate_mag_to_swe(b.y[idx, *], magu=1, /stow, /payload) ENDIF IF (ndeploy GT 0L) THEN BEGIN dprint, "Using deployed boom rotation matrix for MAG1.", dlevel=2, verbose=verbose b.y[jdx, *] = rotate_mag_to_swe(b.y[jdx,*], magu=1, /payload) ENDIF undefine, idx, jdx, nstow, ndeploy ENDIF ELSE $ b.y = TRANSPOSE(spice_vector_rotate(TRANSPOSE(b.y), alim.spice_frame, b.x, alim.spice_frame, 'MAVEN_SWEA', $ check_object='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT', verbose=verbose)) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dprint, 'No SPICE_FRAME info found in tplot.', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose status = 0 RETURN, opdat ENDELSE IF tag_exist(pdat, 'time') THEN BEGIN dt = 1.95D/64D ftime = (pdat.time - 1.95D/2D + dt/2D) + dt*dindgen(64) ; center time of each energy bin str_element, fpdat, 'ftime', ftime, /add_replace ENDIF ENDELSE fmagf = FLTARR(64, 3) fmagf[*, 0] = SPLINE(b.x, b.y[*, 0], ftime, /double) fmagf[*, 1] = SPLINE(b.x, b.y[*, 1], ftime, /double) fmagf[*, 2] = SPLINE(b.x, b.y[*, 2], ftime, /double) str_element, fpdat, 'fmagf', fmagf, /add_replace str_element, pdat, 'Baz', success=ok ; make sure it's a PAD packet if (ok) then begin ; Anode, deflector, and 3D bins for each PAD bin ; aBaz = pkt.Baz ; aBel = pkt.Bel group = pdat.group ; i = fix((indgen(16) + aBaz/16) mod 16) ; 16 anode bins at each time ; j = swe_padlut[*,aBel] ; 16 deflector bins at each time ; k = j*16 + i ; 16 3D angle bins at each time i = pdat.iaz j = pdat.jel k = pdat.k3d ; Magnetic field azimuth and elevation in SWEA coordinates ; Use L1 or L2 MAG data, if available. Baz = atan(fmagf[*, 1], fmagf[*, 0]) iminus = WHERE(Baz LT 0., niminus) IF niminus GT 0 THEN Baz[iminus] += 2. * !PI Bel = ASIN(fmagf[*, 2] / SQRT(TOTAL(fmagf*fmagf, 2))) ; nxn azimuth-elevation array for each of the 16 PAD bins ; Elevations are energy dependent above ~2 keV. ddtor = !dpi/180D ddtors = replicate(ddtor,64) n = 17 ; patch size - odd integer daz = double((indgen(n*n) mod n) - (n-1)/2)/double(n-1) # double(swe_daz[i]) Saz = reform(replicate(1D,n*n) # double(swe_az[i]) + daz, n*n*16) # ddtors Sel = dblarr(n*n*16, 64) for m=0,63 do begin del = reform(replicate(1D,n) # double(indgen(n) - (n-1)/2)/double(n-1), n*n) # double(swe_del[j,m,group]) Sel[*,m] = reform(replicate(1D,n*n) # double(swe_el[j,m,group]) + del, n*n*16) endfor Sel = Sel*ddtor Saz = reform(Saz,n*n,16,64) ; nxn az-el patch, 16 pitch angle bins, 64 energies Sel = reform(Sel,n*n,16,64) ; Calculate the nominal (center) pitch angle for each bin ; This is a function of energy because the deflector high voltage supply ; tops out above ~2 keV, and it's function of time because the magnetic ; field varies: pam -> 16 angles X 64 energies. fBaz = REBIN(REFORM(TRANSPOSE(REBIN(baz, 64, 16)), [1, 16, 64]), n*n, 16, 64) fBel = REBIN(REFORM(TRANSPOSE(REBIN(bel, 64, 16)), [1, 16, 64]), n*n, 16, 64) pam = acos(cos(Saz - fBaz)*cos(Sel)*cos(fBel) + sin(Sel)*sin(fBel)) pa = TRANSPOSE(average(pam,1)) ; mean pitch angle pa_min = TRANSPOSE(min(pam,dim=1)) ; minimum pitch angle pa_max = TRANSPOSE(max(pam,dim=1)) ; maximum pitch angle dpa = pa_max - pa_min ; pitch angle range ; Inserts the new results str_element, fpdat, 'pa', FLOAT(pa), /add_replace str_element, fpdat, 'dpa', FLOAT(dpa), /add_replace str_element, fpdat, 'pa_min', FLOAT(pa_min), /add_replace str_element, fpdat, 'pa_max', FLOAT(pa_max), /add_replace str_element, fpdat, 'fBaz', FLOAT(Baz), /add_replace str_element, fpdat, 'fBel', FLOAT(Bel), /add_replace ; pam = { pa : float(pa) , $ ; mean pitch angles (radians) ; dpa : float(dpa) , $ ; pitch angle widths (radians) ; pa_min : float(pa_min) , $ ; minimum pitch angle (radians) ; pa_max : float(pa_max) , $ ; maximum pitch angle (radians) ; iaz : i , $ ; anode bin (0-15) ; jel : j , $ ; deflector bin (0-5) ; k3d : k , $ ; 3D angle bin (0-95) ; Baz : float(Baz) , $ ; Baz in SWEA coord. (radians) ; Bel : float(Bel) } ; Bel in SWEA coord. (radians) endif else fpdat = opdat RETURN, fpdat END