;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_padlut ;PURPOSE: ; Calculates the pitch angle sorting look up table. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_padlut, lut=lut ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; DLAT: Latitude range of each elevation bin (deg). This depends ; on the sweep table. ; ; Default at launch is 22.5 deg. ; Actual value is closer to 20 deg. ; ; LUT: Named variable to hold the LUT. ; ; DOPLOT: Plot the result. ; ; PRINTAB: Print the result. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-03-25 11:27:57 -0700 (Tue, 25 Mar 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14671 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_padlut.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 03-17-14 ;FILE: mvn_swe_padlut.pro ;- pro mvn_swe_padlut, dlat=dlat, lut=idef, doplot=doplot, printab=printab @mvn_swe_com ; Dimensions of lookup table (nlon X nlat) -- hard wired in FSW nlon = 16 nlat = 40 ; Center latitudes of lookup table bins lon = replicate(0.,nlat) lat = -90. + (180./float(nlat))*(findgen(nlat) + 0.5) ; Center longitudes and latitudes of instrument bins ; slon[i] = center longitude of azimuth bin i ; slat[j] = center latitude of elevation bin j dlon = 22.5 if not keyword_set(dlat) then dlat = 22.5 slon = (findgen(16) + 0.5)*dlon slat = (findgen(6) + 0.5 - 3.0)*dlat ; If the magnetic latitude is in SWEA's blind spot, then choose the ; great circle within SWEA's fov that is closest to the magnetic ; field direction. latmax = slat[5] + dlat/2. idef = intarr(nlon,nlat) for i=0,(nlat-1) do begin plat = (lat[i] < latmax) > (-latmax) plat = plat*cos((lon - slon)*!dtor) ; For each anode sector (azimuth bin) choose the deflector setting ; that provides a look direction closest to the great circle. ; lower deflector --> [ 0, 1, 2] ; upper deflector --> [ 3, 4, 5] indx = where(plat lt 0., count) if (count gt 0.) then idef[indx,i] = ceil(plat[indx]/dlat) + 2 indx = where(plat ge 0., count) if (count gt 0.) then idef[indx,i] = floor(plat[indx]/dlat) + 3 endfor ; Plot the result if keyword_set(doplot) then begin if (nlat gt 10) then begin limits = {x_no_interp:1, y_no_interp:1, xrange:[0,16], xmargin:[10,10], $ xstyle:1, yrange:[-90,90], ystyle:1, yticks:6, yminor:3, $ xtitle:'Azimuth Bin relative to Magnetic Reference Bin', $ ytitle:'Magnetic Elevation', ztitle:'Deflector Bin', charsize:1.2,$ zrange:[0,5],zticks:5} nbins = n_elements(slon) x = fltarr(nbins+2) x[1:nbins] = slon/dlon x[0] = x[1] - 1. x[nbins+1] = x[nbins] + 1 z = intarr(nbins+2,nlat) for i=1,16 do z[i,*] = idef[i-1,*] z[0,*] = z[1,*] z[nbins+1,*] = z[nbins,*] specplot,x,lat,z,limits=limits oplot,[0,16],[-latmax,-latmax],line=2 oplot,[0,16],[latmax,latmax],line=2 xyouts,8,-75,'Blind Spot',/data,charsize=1.5,align=0.5 xyouts,8,75,'Blind Spot',/data,charsize=1.5,align=0.5 blat = -90. + (180./float(nlat))*(findgen(nlat) + 1.) for i=0,nlat-1 do oplot,[0.,16.],[blat[i],blat[i]],/line blat = -90. + (180./float(nlat))*(findgen(nlat) + 0.2) for i=0,nlat-1 do xyouts,3.5,blat[i],string(i,format='(i2)') endif else begin plot,slon/dlon,idef[*,0],psym=10,xtitle='Anode Bin',ytitle='Deflector Bin',$ xrange=[0,16],/xsty,yrange=[-0.5,5.5],/ysty,charsize=1.2 for i=1,(nlat-1) do oplot,slon/dlon,idef[*,i],psym=10 endelse endif if keyword_set(printab) then begin for i=0,(nlat-1) do print,i,idef[*,i],format='(i4,3x,16(i4))' endif return end