;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_mcpcal ;PURPOSE: ; Analyzes in-flight MCP calibration data to estimate the optimal ; MCP bias value. Returns the best value in decimal and hex. ; ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_mcpcal, trange ; ;INPUTS: ; trange: Time range bracketing calibration sequence. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; SCP: Spacecraft potential (volts). Assumes same potential ; across calibration sequence. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-08-15 17:53:12 -0700 (Tue, 15 Aug 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23798 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_mcpcal.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;FILE: mvn_swe_mcpcal.pro ;- pro mvn_swe_mcpcal, trange @mvn_swe_com @swe_snap_common tmin = min(time_double(trange), max=tmax) str_element, mvn_swe_engy, 'sc_pot', scpot, success=ok if (not ok) then begin print,"You must load SWEA data first." return endif igud = where(scpot ne 0.), ngud) if (ngud eq 0) then begin print,"You must determine the spacecraft potential first." return endif indx = where((mvn_swe_engy.time ge tmin) and (mvn_swe_engy.time le tmax), count) if (count gt 0) then pot = average(scpot[indx],/nan) else pot = 0. mvn_scpot, set=pot mvn_swe_n1d, minden=1e-5 ; Conversion from decimal to hex (for commanding the MCP bias) mcp_to_hex = 18.7244 ; Calculate density as a function of MCP bias get_data,'mvn_swe_spec_dens',data=n_e,index=i if (i eq 0) then begin print,"No density data." return endif get_data,'MCPHV',data=mcp indx = where((n_e.x ge tmin) and (n_e.x le tmax), count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,"No data within specified time range." return endif time = n_e.x[indx] dens = n_e.y[indx] nndx = nn(mcp.x, time) mcpv = mcp.y[nndx] ; Plot result tplot_options, get_opt=topt str_element, topt, 'window', value=Twin, success=ok if (not ok) then Twin = !d.window window, /free, xsize=Nopt.xsize, ysize=Nopt.ysize, xpos=Nopt.xpos, ypos=Nopt.ypos Nwin = !d.window wset, Nwin title = 'SWEA MCPHV Calibration' plot_io,mcpv,dens,psym=1,charsize=1.4, $ xtitle='MCP Bias (Volts)',ytitle='Ne (1/cc)',title=title oplot,[2600.,2600.],[1e-6,1e3],line=2,color=6 crosshairs,x,y print,round(x),round(x*mcp_to_hex),format='(i4," = ",z4.4)' wset, Twin return end