;+ ; NAME: ; MVN_SWE_MAKECDF_SPEC ; SYNTAX: ; MVN_SWE_MAKECDF_SPEC, DATA, FILE = FILE, VERSION = VERSION ; PURPOSE: ; Routine to produce CDF file from SWEA spec data structures ; INPUT: ; DATA: Structure with which to populate the CDF file ; (nominally created by mvn_swe_getspec.pro) ; OUTPUT: ; CDF file ; KEYWORDS: ; FILE: full name of the output file - only used for testing ; if not specified (usually won't be), the program creates the appropriate filename ; VERSION: integer; software version ; - read from common block (SWE_CFG) defined in mvn_swe_calib.pro ; - keyword no longer need (but kept for compatibility) ; HISTORY: ; created by Matt Fillingim (with code stolen from JH and RL) ; Added directory keyword, and deletion of old files, jmm, 2014-11-14 ; Read version number from common block; MOF: 2015-01-30 ; ISTP compliance scrub; DLM: 2016-04-08 ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-15 16:31:31 -0700 (Fri, 15 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26827 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_makecdf_spec.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swe_makecdf_spec, data, file = file, version = version, directory = directory @mvn_swe_com nrec = n_elements(data) if (nrec lt 2) then begin ; no data! print, 'No SPEC data!' print, 'CDF file not created.' return endif ; Identify data that do not use sweep table 3, 5 or 6. Table 3 ; is primary during cruise, and was superceded by table 5 during ; transition on Oct. 6, 2014. Table 6 is very similar to 5, ; except that it enables V0. Exclude invalid data from the CDF. indx = where(~mvn_swe_validlut(data.lut), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin data[indx].valid = 0B indx = where(data.valid, nrec) if (nrec eq 0L) then begin print, 'No valid SPEC data!' print, 'CDF file not created.' return endif data = temporary(data[indx]) endif ; Get data type -- survey or archive CASE data[0].apid OF 'A4'X: BEGIN tag = 'svy' title = 'MAVEN SWEA SPEC Survey' END 'A5'X: BEGIN tag = 'arc' title = 'MAVEN SWEA SPEC Archive' END ELSE: BEGIN PRINT, 'Invalid APID: ', data[0].apid tag = 'und' title = 'MAVEN SWEA SPEC Undefined' STOP ; kind of harsh END ENDCASE ; Get date (avoid any potential weird first-record-of-day timing) mid = nrec/2 dum_str = time_string(data[mid].time) ; use midpoint of day yyyy = strmid(dum_str, 0, 4) mm = strmid(dum_str, 5, 2) dd = strmid(dum_str, 8, 2) yyyymmdd = yyyy + mm + dd if (not keyword_set(file)) then begin ; hardcoded data directory path ; Added directory keyword, for testing, jmm, 2014-11-14 if (keyword_set(directory)) then path = directory[0] else $ path = '/disks/data/maven/data/sci/swe/l2/' + yyyy + '/' + mm + '/' if (n_elements(file_search(path)) Eq 0) then file_mkdir2, path, mode = '0775'o ; Ceate file name using SIS convention file = 'mvn_swe_l2_' + tag + 'spec_' + yyyymmdd ; Read version number from common block (SWE_CFG) defined in mvn_swe_calib.pro if (not keyword_set(version)) then version = mvn_swe_version ver_str = string(version, format='(i2.2)') file = file + '_v' + ver_str ; Search for previously generated CDF files for this date. ; Check for latest reversion number, add one to it (delete/overwrite old version) file_list = file_search(path + file + '*.cdf', count = nfiles) if (nfiles gt 0) then begin ; file for this day already exists latest = file_list[nfiles-1] ; latest should be last in list old_rev_str = strmid(latest, 5, 2, /reverse_offset) revision = fix(old_rev_str) + 1 endif else begin ; file for this day does not yet exist revision = 1 endelse ; Append version and revision to the file name ; file variable now contains full path, filename, and extension rev_str = string(revision, format='(i2.2)') head_file = file + '_r' + rev_str + '.cdf' temp_file = 'tmp_' + head_file file = path + head_file endif else begin ; if (not keyword_set(file)) path = file_dirname(file) + '/' head_file = file_basename(file) temp_file = 'tmp_' + head_file ver_str = '00' ; needed in the header rev_str = '00' ; needed in the header endelse print, file ; Use a temporary filename to hide from the automated transfer bot while ; the file is being assembled. file = path + temp_file ; compute various times ; load leap seconds cdf_leap_second_init ; get date ranges (for CDF files) date_range = time_double(['2013-11-18/00:00', '2030-12-31/23:59']) met_range = date_range - date_range[0] epoch_range = time_epoch(date_range) tt2000_range = long64((add_tt2000_offset(date_range) $ - time_double('2000-01-01/12:00'))*1e9) ; *** uses general/misc/time/time_epoch.pro *** ; time_epoch ==> return, 1000.d*(time_double(time) + 719528.d*24.d*3600.d) ; epoch is milliseconds from 0000-01-01/00:00:00.000 epoch = time_epoch(data.time) ; time is unix time in swea structures ; *** uses general/misc/time/TT2000/add_tt2000_offest.pro *** tt2000 = long64((add_tt2000_offset(data.time) $ - time_double('2000-01-01/12:00'))*1e9) t_start_str = time_string(data[0].time, tformat = 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ') t_end_str = time_string(data[nrec-1].end_time, tformat = 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ') ; include SPICE kernels used ; spacecraft clock kernel i = where(strmatch(swe_kernels,'*sclk*',/fold), count) if (count gt 0) then driftname = file_basename(swe_kernels[i]) ; leapseconds kernel j = where(strmatch(swe_kernels,'*.tls',/fold), count) if (count gt 0) then leapname = file_basename(swe_kernels[j]) ; create and populate CDF file fileid = cdf_create(file, /single_file, /network_encoding, /clobber) varlist = ['epoch', 'time_tt2000', 'time_met', 'time_unix', $ 'num_accum', 'counts', 'diff_en_fluxes', 'weight_factor', $ 'geom_factor', 'g_engy', 'de_over_e', 'accum_time', 'energy', $ 'num_spec','en_label'] id0 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'TITLE', /global_scope) id1 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Project', /global_scope) id2 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Discipline', /global_scope) id3 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Source_name', /global_scope) id4 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Descriptor', /global_scope) id5 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Data_type', /global_scope) id6 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Data_version', /global_scope) id7 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'TEXT', /global_scope) id8 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'MODS', /global_scope) id9 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Logical_file_id', /global_scope) id10 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Logical_source', /global_scope) id11 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Logical_source_description', /global_scope) id12 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'PI_name', /global_scope) id13 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'PI_affiliation', /global_scope) id14 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Instrument_type', /global_scope) id15 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Mission_group', /global_scope) id16 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Parents', /global_scope) id17 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Spacecraft_clock_kernel', /global_scope) id18 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'Leapseconds_kernel', /global_scope) id19 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'PDS_collection_id', /global_scope) id20 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'PDS_start_time', /global_scope) id21 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'PDS_stop_time', /global_scope) id22 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'PDS_sclk_start_count', /global_scope) id23 = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'PDS_sclk_stop_count', /global_scope) cdf_attput, fileid, 'TITLE', 0, $ title cdf_attput, fileid, 'Project', 0, $ 'MAVEN' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Discipline', 0, $ 'Planetary Physics>Planetary Plasma Interactions' ; 'Planetary Physics>Particles' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Source_name', 0, $ 'MAVEN>Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Descriptor', 0, $ 'SWEA>Solar Wind Electron Analyzer' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Data_type', 0, $ 'CAL>Calibrated' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Data_version', 0, $ ver_str ; version cdf_attput, fileid, 'TEXT', 0, $ 'MAVEN SWEA Energy Spectra' cdf_attput, fileid, 'MODS', 0, $ 'Revision 0' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Logical_file_id', 0, $ head_file cdf_attput, fileid, 'Logical_source', 0, $ 'swea.calibrated.' + tag + '_spec' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Logical_source_description', 0, $ 'DERIVED FROM: MAVEN SWEA (Solar Wind Electron Analyzer) Energy Spectra' cdf_attput, fileid, 'PI_name', 0, $ 'David L. Mitchell (mitchell@ssl.berkeley.edu)' cdf_attput, fileid, 'PI_affiliation', 0, $ 'UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Instrument_type', 0, $ 'Plasma and Solar Wind' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Mission_group', 0, $ 'MAVEN' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Parents', 0, $ 'None' cdf_attput, fileid, 'Spacecraft_clock_kernel', 0, $ driftname[0] cdf_attput, fileid, 'Leapseconds_kernel', 0, $ leapname[0] cdf_attput, fileid, 'PDS_collection_id', 0, $ 'data.' + tag + '_spec' ; 'urn:nasa:pds:maven.swea.calibrated:data.' + tag + '_spec' cdf_attput, fileid, 'PDS_start_time', 0, $ t_start_str cdf_attput, fileid, 'PDS_stop_time', 0, $ t_end_str ;jmm, 2014-01-30, changed met to sclk count PDS_etime = time_ephemeris([data[0].time, data[nrec-1].end_time]) cspice_sce2c, -202, PDS_etime[0], PDS_sclk0 cspice_sce2c, -202, PDS_etime[1], PDS_sclk1 cdf_attput, fileid, 'PDS_sclk_start_count', 0, $ PDS_sclk0 cdf_attput, fileid, 'PDS_sclk_stop_count', 0, $ PDS_sclk1 dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'FIELDNAM', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'MONOTON', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'FORMAT', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'FORM_PTR', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'LABLAXIS', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'LABL_PTR_1', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'FILLVAL', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'DEPEND_0', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'DEPEND_1', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'VALIDMIN', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'VALIDMAX', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'SCALEMIN', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'SCALEMAX', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'TIME_BASE', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'UNITS', /variable_scope) dummy = cdf_attcreate(fileid, 'CATDESC', /variable_scope) ; for each item in varlist ; *** epoch *** (Actually time_tt2000) varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[0], /CDF_TIME_TT2000, /REC_VARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[1], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'I22', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[1], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, long64(-9223372036854775808), /ZVARIABLE, /CDF_EPOCH cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'epoch', tt2000_range[0], /ZVARIABLE, /CDF_EPOCH cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'epoch', tt2000_range[1], /ZVARIABLE, /CDF_EPOCH cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'epoch', tt2000[0], /ZVARIABLE, /CDF_EPOCH cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'epoch', tt2000[nrec-1], /ZVARIABLE, /CDF_EPOCH cdf_attput, fileid, 'TIME_BASE', 'epoch', 'J2000', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'epoch', 'ns', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'MONOTON', 'epoch', 'INCREASE', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'epoch', $ 'Time, center of sample, in TT2000 time base', /ZVARIABLE cdf_varput, fileid, 'epoch', tt2000 ; *** MET *** varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[2], /CDF_DOUBLE, /REC_VARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[2], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F25.6', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[2], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.d31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'time_met', met_range[0], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'time_met', met_range[1], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'time_met', data[0].met, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'time_met', data[nrec-1].met, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'time_met', 's', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'MONOTON', 'time_met', 'INCREASE', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'time_met', $ 'Time, center of sample, in raw mission elapsed time', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DEPEND_0', 'time_met', 'epoch' , /ZVARIABLE cdf_varput, fileid, 'time_met', data.met ; *** time_unix *** varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[3], /CDF_DOUBLE, /REC_VARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[3], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F25.6', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[3], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.d31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'time_unix', date_range[0], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'time_unix', date_range[1], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'time_unix', data[0].time, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'time_unix', data[nrec-1].time, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'time_unix', 's', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'MONOTON', 'time_unix', 'INCREASE', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'time_unix', $ 'Time, center of sample, in Unix time', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DEPEND_0', 'time_unix', 'epoch' , /ZVARIABLE cdf_varput, fileid, 'time_unix', data.time ; *** num_accum *** varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[4], /CDF_INT2, /REC_VARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[4], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'I7', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[4], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, fix(-32768), /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'num_accum', 1, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'num_accum', 100, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'num_accum', 1, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'num_accum', 10, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'num_accum', $ 'Number of two-second accumulations per energy spectrum', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DEPEND_0', 'num_accum', 'epoch', /ZVARIABLE num_accum = lonarr(nrec) ; check smode - sum mode ; number of data points equals number of a4*16 (16 spectra per a4) for i = 0l, nrec-1 do $ if (a4[i/16].smode EQ 0) then num_accum[i] = 1 $ else num_accum[i] = 2^a4[i/16].period cdf_varput, fileid, 'num_accum', fix(num_accum) ; *** counts *** dim_vary = [1] dim = [64] varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[5], /CDF_FLOAT, dim_vary, DIM = dim, /REC_VARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[5], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F15.1', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[5], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.e31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'counts', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'counts', 1.e10, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'counts', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'counts', 1.e6, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'counts', 'counts', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'counts', 'Raw Instrument Counts', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DEPEND_0', 'counts', 'epoch', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DEPEND_1', 'counts', 'energy', /ZVARIABLE ; Convert to units of raw counts mvn_swe_convert_units, data, 'counts' ; Extract geometric factor; look for changes with time that are caused ; by MCP bias adjustments (these are rare). When this happens, scale ; the raw counts to compensate for the change in geometric factor, ; because there can be only one geometric factor per UT day. gf_i = data.gf[0] geom_factor = median([gf_i]) ; most common value scale = geom_factor/gf_i ; unity except on days when MCP bias is adjusted scale = replicate(1.,64) # scale cdf_varput, fileid, 'counts', data.data * scale ; *** diff_en_fluxes -- Differential energy fluxes *** dim_vary = [1] dim = [64] varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[6], /CDF_FLOAT, dim_vary, DIM = dim, /REC_VARY, $ /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[6], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'E15.7', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[6], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.e31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'diff_en_fluxes', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'diff_en_fluxes', 1.e14, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'diff_en_fluxes', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'diff_en_fluxes', 1.e11, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'diff_en_fluxes', $ 'eV/[eV cm^2 sr s]', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', 'diff_en_fluxes', 'data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'diff_en_fluxes', $ 'Calibrated differential energy flux', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DEPEND_0', 'diff_en_fluxes', 'epoch', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DEPEND_1', 'diff_en_fluxes', 'energy', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABL_PTR_1', 'diff_en_fluxes', 'en_label', /ZVARIABLE ; convert to units of energy flux mvn_swe_convert_units, data, 'eflux' cdf_varput, fileid, 'diff_en_fluxes', data.data ; *** weight_factor -- Weighting factor *** varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[7], /CDF_FLOAT, /REC_NOVARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[7], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F15.7', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[7], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.e31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'weight_factor', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'weight_factor', 1., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'weight_factor', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'weight_factor', 1., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'weight_factor', $ 'Weighting factor for converting raw counts to raw count rate', /ZVARIABLE weight_factor = total(swe_hsk[0].dsf)/6. cdf_varput, fileid, 'weight_factor', weight_factor ; *** geom_factor -- Geometric factor *** varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[8], /CDF_FLOAT, /REC_NOVARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[8], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F15.7', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[8], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.e31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'geom_factor', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'geom_factor', 1., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'geom_factor', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'geom_factor', 1.e-2, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'geom_factor', 'cm^2 sr eV/eV', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'geom_factor', $ 'Full sensor geometric factor (per anode) at 1.4 keV', /ZVARIABLE cdf_varput, fileid, 'geom_factor', geom_factor ; *** g_engy -- Relative sensitivity as a function of energy *** dim_vary = [1] dim = 64 varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[9], /CDF_FLOAT, dim_vary, DIM = dim, /REC_NOVARY, $ /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[9], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F15.7', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[9], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.e31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'g_engy', 0.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'g_engy', 2.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'g_engy', 0.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'g_engy', 0.2, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'g_engy', $ 'Relative sensitivity as a function of energy', /ZVARIABLE g_engy = data[mid].eff*data[mid].gf/geom_factor ; [64] cdf_varput, fileid, 'g_engy', g_engy ; *** de_over_e -- DE/E *** dim_vary = [1] dim = 64 varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[10], /CDF_FLOAT, dim_vary, DIM = dim, /REC_NOVARY, $ /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[10], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F15.7', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[10], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.e31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'de_over_e', 0.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'de_over_e', 1.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'de_over_e', 0.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'de_over_e', 0.3, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'de_over_e', 'eV/eV', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'de_over_e', 'DeltaE/E (FWHM)', /ZVARIABLE cdf_varput, fileid, 'de_over_e', data[mid].denergy/data[mid].energy ; [64] ; *** accum_time -- Accumulation Time *** varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[11], /CDF_FLOAT, /REC_NOVARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[11], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F15.7', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[11], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.e31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'accum_time', 0.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'accum_time', 1.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'accum_time', 0.0, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'accum_time', 0.1, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'accum_time', 's', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'accum_time', 'Accumulation Time', /ZVARIABLE ; should be 96*4*1.09 ms -- data.integ_t is 4*1.09 ms cdf_varput, fileid, 'accum_time', 96.*data[mid].integ_t ; *** energy *** dim_vary = [1] dim = 64 varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[12], /CDF_FLOAT, dim_vary, DIM = dim, /REC_NOVARY, $ /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[12], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'F15.7', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[12], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, -1.e31, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'energy', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'energy', 5.e4, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'energy', 0., /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'energy', 5.e3, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'UNITS', 'energy', 'eV', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'energy', 'Energies', /ZVARIABLE cdf_varput, fileid, 'energy', data[mid].energy ; [64] ; *** Energy Label dim_vary = [1] dim = 64 varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[14], dim_vary, DIM = dim, /CDF_CHAR, /REC_NOVARY,/ZVARIABLE,numelem=3) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[14], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'A3', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'metadata', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, " ", /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'en_label','Energy Axis Label for CDF compatibility',/ZVARIABLE labs = 'E' + strcompress(string(indgen(64)),/rem) len = strlen(labs) w = where(len lt 3) if (w[0] ne -1) then labs(w) = ' ' + labs(w) cdf_varput, fileid, 'en_label', labs ; *** num_spec -- Number of Spectra *** varid = cdf_varcreate(fileid, varlist[13], /CDF_INT4, /REC_NOVARY, /ZVARIABLE) cdf_attput, fileid, 'FIELDNAM', varid, varlist[13], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FORMAT', varid, 'I12', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'LABLAXIS', varid, varlist[13], /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VAR_TYPE', varid, 'support_data', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'FILLVAL', varid, long(-2147483648), /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', varid, 'time_series', /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMIN', 'num_spec', 0L, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'VALIDMAX', 'num_spec', 43200L, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMIN', 'num_spec', 0L, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'SCALEMAX', 'num_spec', 43200L, /ZVARIABLE cdf_attput, fileid, 'CATDESC', 'num_spec', $ 'Number of energy spectra in file', /ZVARIABLE cdf_varput, fileid, 'num_spec', nrec cdf_close,fileid ; Rename the file to the original tofile = path + head_file cmd = 'mv ' + file + ' ' + tofile spawn, cmd, result, err if (err ne '') then begin print, "Error renaming file: " print, " ", cmd print, " ", err return endif file = tofile ; compression, md5, and permissions (rw--rw--r--) mvn_l2file_compress, file ; Try to make sure maven has group ownership ; (only works for the file's owner) cmd = 'chgrp maven ' + file spawn, cmd, result, err if (err ne '') then begin print, "Error changing group for file: " print, " ", cmd print, " ", err endif cmd = 'chgrp maven ' + file_dirname(file) + '/' + file_basename(file, '.cdf') + '.md5' spawn, cmd, result, err if (err ne '') then begin print, "Error changing group for file: " print, " ", cmd print, " ", err endif ;Delete old files, jmm, 2014-11-14, include md5's, jmm, 2014-11-25 if (nfiles Gt 0) then begin for j = 0, nfiles-1 do begin file_delete, file_list[j] md5j = file_dirname(file_list[j])+'/'+$ file_basename(file_list[j], '.cdf')+'.md5' if(keyword_set(file_search(md5j))) then file_delete, md5j endfor endif return end