;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mvn_swe_lpw_scpot ; PURPOSE: ; ; !!! This routine could take a very long time to generate the data !!! ; !!! To load pre-generated data quickly, use 'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_restore' !!! ; ; Empirically derives spacecraft potentials using SWEA/STA and LPW. ; Inflection points in LPW I-V curves are tuned to positive and negative ; spacecraft potentials estimated from SWEA/STA energy spectra ; (mvn_swe_sc_pot, mvn_swe_sc_negpot, mvn_sta_scpot_load). ; ; Does not work in shadow. ; ; For more information, see ; http://research.ssl.berkeley.edu/~haraday/tools/mvn_swe_lpw_scpot.pdf ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; timespan,'16-01-01',14 ;- make sure to set a long time range ; mvn_swe_lpw_scpot ; OUTPUT TPLOT VARIABLES: ; mvn_swe_lpw_scpot : best-estimate scpot data ; (currently "mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol") ; mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_lin : spacecraft potentials derived from ; linear fitting of Vswe v. -Vinfl ; mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol : spacecraft potentials derived from ; 2nd-order polynomial fitting of Vswe v. -Vinfl ; mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pow : (obsolete) ; KEYWORDS: ; trange: time range ; norbwin: odd number of orbits used for Vswe-Vinfl fitting (Def. 37) ; minndata: minimum number of data points for Vswe-Vinfl fitting ; (Def. 1e4) ; maxgap: maximum time gap allowed for interpolation (Def. 257) ; plot: if set, plot the time series and fitting ; noload: if set, use pre-existing input tplot variables: ; 'swe_pos', 'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV' ; vrinfl: voltage range for searching the inflection point ; (Def. [-15,18]) ; ntsmo: time smooth width (Def. 3) ; NOTES: ; 1) The data quality are not good before 2015-01-24. ; 2) The peak fitting algorithm sometimes breaks down ; when multiple peaks are present in dI/dV curves. ; Check the quality flag: mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl_qflag ; 1 = good, 0 = bad ; As a rule of thumb, the quality is generally good if flag > 0.8 ; You may need caution if 0.5 < flag < 0.8 (check the consistency with SWEA spectra) ; 3) Short time scale variations will be smoothed out by default. ; Setting ntsmo=1 will improve the time resolution ; at the expense of better statistics. ; 4) Potential values between 0 and +3 V are interpolated ; - they cannot be verified by SWEA measurements ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2016-02-29 ; Major update on 2017-07-24 - incl. negative pot ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-11-25 19:45:00 -0800 (Mon, 25 Nov 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28067 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_lpw_scpot.pro $ ;- pro mvn_swe_lpw_scpot, trange=trange, norbwin=norbwin, minndata=minndata, maxgap=maxgap, plot=plot, noload=noload, vrinfl=vrinfl, ntsmo=ntsmo, angcorr=angcorr, novinfl=novinfl, icur_thld=icur_thld, swel0=swel0, figdir=figdir, atrtname=atrtname, scatdir=scatdir, thld_out=thld_out, l2iv=l2iv, alt_swepos=alt_swepos, alt_sweneg=alt_sweneg, alt_sta=alt_sta, good_qflag=good_qflag if size(figdir,/type) eq 0 then begin figdir = '/disks/maja/home/haraday/fig/maven/mvn_swe_lpw_scpot/' if ~file_test(figdir,/directory) then figdir = 0 endif ;;; set default parameters if ~keyword_set(norbwin) then norbwin = 37 ;- odd number if ~keyword_set(minndata) then minNdata = 1.e4 if ~keyword_set(maxgap) then maxgap = 257. if ~keyword_set(vrinfl) then vrinfl = [-15,18] ;- inflection point V range if ~keyword_set(ntsmo) then ntsmo = 3 ;- odd number, smooth IV curves in time if ~keyword_set(atrtname) then atrtname = 'mvn_lpw_atr_swp' if ~keyword_set(icur_thld) then icur_thld = -0.5 ;- 10^icur_thld drop from median -> invalid if ~keyword_set(thld_out) then thld_out = 2.5 ;- reject outliers of scatter plots if ~keyword_set(alt_swepos) then alt_swepos = [400,1e4] ;- alt range for SWE+ if ~keyword_set(alt_sta) then alt_sta = [170,400] ;- alt range for STA if ~keyword_set(alt_sweneg) then alt_sweneg = [0,170] ;- alt range for SWE- if ~keyword_set(good_qflag) then good_qflag = .7 tr = timerange(trange) orbdata = mvn_orbit_num() worb = where( orbdata.peri_time gt tr[0] $ and orbdata.peri_time+4.6*3600. lt tr[1] , nworb ) orbnums = orbdata[worb].num tperi0 = orbdata[worb].peri_time tperi1 = orbdata[worb+1].peri_time if nworb lt norbwin then begin dprint,'Time range is too short: minimum Norb = '+string(norbwin,f='(i0)') return endif ;;; L2 lpiv usable after 2015-12-09/07:30, set l2iv=-1 to force to use L0 time_l2ok = time_double('2015-12-09/07:30') if size(l2iv,/type) eq 0 then if tr[0] gt time_l2ok then l2iv = 1 else l2iv = 0 ;;; load data if ~keyword_set(noload) then begin maven_orbit_tplot, /current, /loadonly ;,result=scpos if l2iv gt 0 then begin mvn_lpw_load_l2,'lpiv',/notplot get_data,'mvn_lpw_lp_iv_l2',data=d,dtype=dtype if dtype ne 0 then store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV',data={x:d.x,y:d.y,v:d.v} endif else begin ;;; load LPW L0 data tf = ['mvn_lpw_swp1_IV','mvn_lpw_swp1_mode',atrtname] ;- wanted tplot variables f = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(/l0,trange=tr) if getenv('ROOT_DATA_DIR') eq '' then setenv,'ROOT_DATA_DIR='+root_data_dir() ;- for LPW loader for ifile=0,n_elements(f)-1 do begin l0pref = 'mvn_pfp_all_l0_' idx = strpos(f[ifile],l0pref) today = time_double(strmid(f[ifile],idx+strlen(l0pref),8),tf='YYYYMMDD') YYYY_MM_DD = time_string(today,tf='YYYY-MM-DD') packet = 'nohsbm' s = execute( 'mvn_lpw_load, YYYY_MM_DD,/notatlasp,/noserver,/leavespice,packet=packet' ) if ~s then s = execute( 'mvn_lpw_load, YYYY_MM_DD,/notatlasp,/noserver,/leavespice,packet=packet,/nospice' ) ;- try /nospice for itf=0,n_elements(tf)-1 do begin get_data,tf[itf],dtype=dtype if dtype eq 1 then tplot_rename,tf[itf],time_string(today,tf='YYYYMMDD_')+tf[itf] endfor store_data,'mvn_lpw_*',/del mvn_spc_clear_spice_kernels timespan,tr endfor ;;; concat and sort for itf=0,n_elements(tf)-1 do begin tn = tnames('????????_'+tf[itf],ntn) if ntn gt 0 then begin for itn=0,ntn-1 do begin get_data,tn[itn],data=d,dlim=dlim if itn eq 0 then begin newx = d.x newy = d.y if tag_exist(d,'V') then newv = d.v endif else begin newx = [newx,d.x] newy = [newy,d.y] if tag_exist(d,'V') then begin if size(d.v,/n_dim) eq 2 then newv = [newv,d.v] endif endelse endfor if tag_exist(d,'V') then $ store_data,tf[itf],data={x:newx,y:newy,v:newv},dlim=dlim $ else store_data,tf[itf],data={x:newx,y:newy},dlim=dlim tplot_sort,tf[itf] store_data,tn,/del endif endfor if l2iv ge 0 and tr[1] gt time_l2ok then begin ;- override L0 by L2 after time_l2ok mvn_lpw_load_l2,'lpiv',/notplot get_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV',data=div,dtype=divtype get_data,'mvn_lpw_lp_iv_l2',data=d,dtype=dtype if dtype*divtype ne 0 then begin w0 = where( div.x lt time_l2ok , nw0 ) w1 = where( d.x gt time_l2ok , nw1 ) if nw0 gt 0 and nw1 gt 0 then begin tplot_rename,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV','mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_old' dnew = { x:[div.x[w0],d.x[w1]], $ y:[div.y[w0,*],d.y[w1,*]], $ v:[div.v[w0,*],d.v[w1,*]] } store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV',data=dnew endif endif endif endelse ;;; load SWEA data if keyword_set(swel0) then mvn_swe_load_l0, tr $ else mvn_swe_load_l2, tr, /spec, ddd=angcorr mvn_swe_sumplot,/loadonly mvn_swe_sc_pot,angcorr=angcorr mvn_swe_sc_negpot mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid=['c6'] mvn_sta_l2_tplot, /replace endif ;- noload ;;; get LPW IV curves get_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV',data=div,dtype=divtype if divtype eq 0 then begin dprint,'No valid tplot variables for lpw iv' return endif ;;; get S/C pot tscpot_all = [!values.d_nan] scpot_all = [!values.f_nan] get_data,'alt',data=dalt,dtype=dalttype get_data,'swe_pos',data=dvswe,dtype=dvswetype if dvswetype*dalttype ne 0 then begin alt = interp(dalt.y,dalt.x,dvswe.x,/no_ex,interp=600) w = where(finite(dvswe.y) and alt gt alt_swepos[0] and alt lt alt_swepos[1],nw) if nw gt 0 then begin tscpot_all = dvswe.x[w] scpot_all = dvswe.y[w] endif endif get_data,'neg_pot',data=dvsweneg,dtype=dvswenegtype if dvswenegtype*dalttype ne 0 then begin alt = interp(dalt.y,dalt.x,dvsweneg.x,/no_ex,interp=600) w = where(finite(dvsweneg.y) and (alt gt alt_sweneg[0] and alt lt alt_sweneg[1]) $ or dvsweneg.y lt -10 ,nw) ;- trust if V < -10 V if nw gt 0 then begin tscpot_all = [ tscpot_all, dvsweneg.x[w] ] scpot_all = [ scpot_all, dvsweneg.y[w] ] endif endif get_data,'mvn_sta_c6_scpot',data=dvsta,dtype=dvstatype if dvstatype*dalttype ne 0 then begin alt = interp(dalt.y,dalt.x,dvsta.x,/no_ex,interp=600) w = where(dvsta.y lt 0 and alt gt alt_sta[0] and alt lt alt_sta[1] ,nw) if nw gt 0 then begin tscpot_all = [ tscpot_all, dvsta.x[w] ] scpot_all = [ scpot_all, dvsta.y[w] ] endif endif scpot_all = scpot_all[sort(tscpot_all)] tscpot_all = tscpot_all[sort(tscpot_all)] if total(finite(scpot_all)) eq 0 then begin dprint,'No valid scpot data' return endif store_data,'scpot0_all',data={x:tscpot_all,y:scpot_all},dlim={colors:1} ;;; if plot, set up tplot options if keyword_set(plot) then begin options,'swe_a4',zrange=[1.e5,1.e9],minzlog=1.e-30,yticklen=-.01,datagap=maxgap options,'swe_pos',psym=3,constant=[3],yrange=[0,20] store_data,'swe_comb',data=['swe_a4','swe_pos'], $ dlim={yrange:[3,4627.5],ystyle:1} options,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV',spec=1,zrange=[-1.e-7,1.e-7],yrange=[-45,45],ystyle=1, $ yticklen=-.01,no_interp=1,ytitle='LPW!cswp1',datagap=maxgap options,'alt2',panel_size=.5,ytitle='Alt!c[km]',ylog=1,yrange=[100,1e4], $ constant=[alt_swepos,alt_sta,alt_sweneg] options,'mvn_sta_c6_neg_scpot',colors=6 store_data,'sta_comb',data=['mvn_sta_c6_P1D_E','mvn_sta_c6_neg_scpot'], $ dlim={ytitle:'STA c6!cEnergy!c[eV]',yticklen:-.01,yrange:[0.164,30e3],minzlog:1e-30} get_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_mode',data=dmode,dtype=dtypemode if dtypemode ne 0 then $ store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_mode_bar', $ data={x:dmode.x,y:[[dmode.y],[dmode.y]],v:[0,1]}, $ dlim={spec:1,panel_size:.1,no_color_scale:1,zrange:[0,15], $ ytitle:'',yticks:1,yminor:1, $ ytickname:[' ',' ']} options,'neg_pot',colors=6,psym=1,symsize=.1 endif ;- plot ;;; generate iv inflection voltages if ~keyword_set(novinfl) then begin ;;; set up data containers ders = fltarr(n_elements(div.x),128)*!values.f_nan vols = transpose(rebin( (findgen(128)+.5)/128.* 40.-20. , $ 128, n_elements(div.x))) vinfl = replicate(!values.f_nan,n_elements(div.x)) vfloat = replicate(!values.f_nan,n_elements(div.x)) cursmo = div.y*!values.f_nan chi2 = replicate(!values.f_nan,n_elements(div.x)) ;;; check valid IV curves validiv = replicate(1b,n_elements(div.x)) icur = reform(div.y[*,0]) icur_med = icur*!values.f_nan ;;; filter out positive/small Ii at V0 on an orbit-by-orbit basis for iperi=0,n_elements(tperi0)-1 do begin ww = where( div.x ge tperi0[iperi] and div.x lt tperi1[iperi] $ and finite(icur), nww ) if nww eq 0 then continue medtmp = median( icur[ww] ) icur_med[ww] = medtmp thld_now = medtmp * 10.^icur_thld < 0. ww = where( div.x ge tperi0[iperi] and div.x lt tperi1[iperi] $ and icur gt thld_now, nww ) if nww eq 0 then continue validiv[ww] = 0b endfor ;;; quick fix to erroneous I-V curves when the mode changes before ;;; first atr info available in the beginning of the day get_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_mode',data=dmode,dtype=dmodetype get_data,atrtname,data=datr,dtype=datrtype if dmodetype*datrtype ne 0 then begin day0 = time_double(time_string(tr[0],tf='YYYY-MM-DD')) day1 = time_double(time_string(tr[1],tf='YYYY-MM-DD')) ndays = long((day1 - day0)/86400d) + 1 for iday=0,ndays-1 do begin now = day0 + iday*86400d w0 = where( datr.x gt now , nw0 ) w1 = where( dmode.x gt now , nw1 ) if nw0*nw1 eq 0 then continue first_atr_time = datr.x[w0[0]] w2 = where( dmode.y[w1] ne dmode.y[w1[0]] , nw2 ) if nw2 eq 0 then continue first_mode_change_time = dmode.x[w1[w2[0]]] if first_atr_time ge first_mode_change_time-1d then begin w = where( div.x gt now and div.x lt first_mode_change_time , nw ) if nw gt 0 then validiv[w] = 0b endif endfor endif ;;; loop through time steps syst0 = systime(/sec) secnow = 0. for it=(ntsmo-1)/2,n_elements(div.x)-(ntsmo-1)/2-1 do begin if systime(/sec)-syst0 gt secnow+1 then begin secnow = secnow + 1 dprint,'Calc Vinfl: ' $ +string(100.*it/(n_elements(div.x)-1),f='(f8.4)') $ +' %, '+time_string(div.x[it]) endif if ~validiv[it] then continue vol = reform(div.v[it,*]) ;;; smooth in time cur = reform(div.y[it,*]) * 0. nsum = 0. for itsmo=-(ntsmo-1)/2,(ntsmo-1)/2 do begin vdif0 = total(abs(div.v[it+itsmo,*]-div.v[it,*])) if vdif0 eq 0 and validiv[it+itsmo] then begin ;- only same V steps cur = cur + reform(div.y[it+itsmo,*]) nsum = nsum + 1. endif endfor cur = cur / nsum cursmo[it,*] = cur ;;; compute the derivative from unique data points cur = cur[sort(vol)] vol = vol[sort(vol)] uni1 = uniq(vol) uni0 = [ 0, uni1[0:n_elements(uni1)-2]+1 ] uvol = vol[uni1] ucur = uvol*!values.f_nan for i=0,n_elements(uni1)-1 do ucur[i] = mean(cur[uni0[i]:uni1[i]]) vol = uvol cur = ucur if n_elements(vol) lt 5 then continue der = deriv(vol,cur) ;;; smooth high-res noisy area w = where( abs(vol) lt 5 and (abs(vol-shift(vol,1)) lt .2 $ or abs(vol-shift(vol,-1)) lt .2) ,nw) if nw gt 3 and max(vol[w])-min(vol[w]) gt .6 then begin cur2 = time_average(vol[w],cur[w],newt=vol2,tr=minmax(vol[w]),res=.2) der2 = deriv(vol2,cur2) cur[w[1]:w[nw-2]] = interp(cur2,vol2,vol[w[1]:w[nw-2]]) der[w[1]:w[nw-2]] = interp(der2,vol2,vol[w[1]:w[nw-2]]) endif ;;; get the floating potential cur = smooth(cur,7,/nan) w = where( vol gt -30 and vol lt 30 ) mincur = min(abs(cur[w]),imin) maxcur = max(abs(cur[w])) if alog10(maxcur)-alog10(mincur) gt .5 then vfloat[it] = vol[w[imin]] $ else continue ;- flat curve -> skip ;;; discard edges w = where(finite(der),nw) if nw eq 0 then continue der[min(w)] = 0. der[max(w)] = 0. ;;; smooth the derivative here der = smooth(der,7,/nan) ;;; discard V >~ Vfloat, assuming Vinfl <~ Vfloat vbuffer = 2. w = where( vol gt vfloat[it]+vbuffer and finite(der) , nw) if nw gt 0 then der[w] = 0. if max(vol,/nan) lt 40 then begin ;;; average into 1 V regular bins and oversample der1v = time_average(vol,der,newt=vol1v,tr=[-20,20],res=1.) w = where(finite(der1v),nw) if nw eq 0 then continue ders[it,*] = interp( der1v[w], vol1v[w], vols[it,*], /no_ex ) ders[it,*] = ders[it,*] / max(ders[it,*],/nan) ;- normalize endif else begin ;- +/-45 V sweep ders[it,*] = interp( der, vol, vols[it,*], /no_ex ) ;- no ave ders[it,*] = ders[it,*] / max(ders[it,*],/nan) ;- normalize endelse ;;; grab the dI/dV peak w = where( vols[it,*] gt vrinfl[0]-1 and vols[it,*] lt vrinfl[1]+1 $ and finite(ders[it,*]), nw) if nw gt 6 then begin x = reform(vols[it,w]) y = reform(ders[it,w]) wpeaks = where( y gt .8 , nwpeaks ) if nwpeaks gt 0 then begin ;- only clear peaks imax = wpeaks[0] ;- lowest-V peak is trustable p = {a:2.d*(2.*!pi)^.5,s:1.d,x0:double(x[imax])} fit,x,y,param=p,funct='gauss2',verb=-1 ;- initial fit y2 = y w = where( x gt p.x0+p.s or x lt p.x0-p.s or x gt p.x0+1. , nw ) ;- experimental, aggressive suppression of high-V tails if div.x[it] lt time_double('2015-04-04') then w = where( x gt p.x0+p.s or x lt p.x0-p.s , nw ) ;- conservative suppression at early mission if nw gt 0 then y2[w] = 0. ;- suppress the wings fit,x,y2,param=p,funct='gauss2',verb=-1, $ ;- 2nd fit fitvalues=yfit if p.x0 gt vrinfl[0] and p.x0 lt vrinfl[1] then begin vinfl[it] = p.x0 ;- This is what I want chi2[it] = total((y-yfit)^2)/(n_elements(y)-3.) ;- chi2 for qflag endif endif ;; ymax = max(y,imax,/nan) ;; if ymax gt .5 then begin ;- only clear peaks ;; p = {a:2.d*(2.*!pi)^.5,s:1.d,x0:double(x[imax])} ;; fit,x,y,param=p,funct='gauss2',verb=-1 ;- initial fit ;; y2 = y ;; w = where( x gt p.x0+p.s or x lt p.x0-p.s , nw ) ;; if nw gt 0 then y2[w] = 0. ;- suppress the wings ;; fit,x,y2,param=p,funct='gauss2',verb=-1, $ ;- 2nd fit ;; fitvalues=yfit ;; if p.x0 gt vrinfl[0] and p.x0 lt vrinfl[1] then begin ;; vinfl[it] = p.x0 ;- This is what I want ;; chi2[it] = total((y-yfit)^2)/(n_elements(y)-3.) ;- chi2 for qflag ;; endif ;; endif endif endfor ;- it loop w = where(ders eq 0 , nw) if nw gt 0 then ders[w] = !values.f_nan ;- Don't plot invalid parts ;;; store tplot variables store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_log', $ data={x:div.x,y:alog10(abs(div.y)),v:div.v}, $ dlim={zrange:[-9,-5],yrange:[-20,20],yticklen:-.01, $ ytitle:'LPW!cswp1!c[V]',datagap:maxgap,spec:1,no_interp:1, $ ztitle:'log!d10!n(|I|)!c(corrected)'} store_data,'icur',data={x:div.x,y:alog10(abs(icur<0))}, $ dlim={yrange:[-10,-7],ystyle:1, $ labels:['I!dV0!n'],labflag:1,ytitle:'log(-I)', $ datagap:maxgap,psym:0,constant:findgen(7)/2.-9.5} store_data,'icur_med',data={x:div.x,y:alog10(abs(icur_med<0))}, $ dlim={yrange:[-10,-7],ystyle:1,linestyle:2,colors:[2]} store_data,'validiv',data={x:div.x,y:validiv}, $ dlim={panel_size:.2,yrange:[-1,2],ystyle:1,psym:3, $ labels:'valid',labflag:1, $ ytitle:' ',yticks:1,yminor:1,ytickname:[' ',' ']} store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_log_smo', $ data={x:div.x,y:alog10(abs(cursmo)),v:div.v}, $ dlim={zrange:[-9,-5],yrange:[-20,20],yticklen:-.01, $ ytitle:'LPW!ctntsmo '+string(ntsmo,f='(i0)')+'!cswp1!c[V]', $ datagap:maxgap,spec:1,no_interp:1, $ ztitle:'log!d10!n(|I|)!c(corrected)'} store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_dIV_smo',data={x:div.x,y:ders,v:vols}, $ dlim={yrange:[-20,20],zrange:[0,1],spec:1,yticklen:-.01, $ ytitle:'LPW!cswp1!c[V]',ztitle:'Norm.!cdI/dV', $ constant:0,datagap:maxgap,no_interp:1} store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vfloat',data={x:div.x,y:vfloat}, $ dlim={colors:[5],datagap:maxgap} store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl',data={x:div.x,y:vinfl}, $ dlim={colors:[3],datagap:maxgap} store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl_chi2',data={x:div.x,y:chi2}, $ dlim={datagap:maxgap} vinfl_qflag = exp(-chi2^2/2/.05^2) store_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl_qflag', $ ;- experimental data={x:div.x,y:vinfl_qflag}, $ ;;; This is just an arbitrary function ;;; which shows goodness of dI/dV peak fit ;;; 1 = good, 0 = bad dlim={datagap:maxgap,yrange:[0,1],ytitle:'Vinfl!cqflag',constant:good_qflag} store_data,'IV_log_smo_comb', $ data=['mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_log_smo','mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vfloat'], $ dlim={yrange:[-20,20]} store_data,'dIV_smo_comb', $ data=['mvn_lpw_swp1_dIV_smo','mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl'], $ dlim={yrange:[-20,20]} endif ;- novinfl ;;; loop through orbits get_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl',data=dvinfl get_data,'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl_qflag',data=dqflag iorb0 = (norbwin-1)/2 iorb1 = nworb-1 - (norbwin-1)/2 for iorb=iorb0,iorb1 do begin orbstr = string(orbnums[iorb],f='(i5.5)') trorb = [ tperi0[iorb] , tperi1[iorb] ] trfit = [ tperi0[iorb-(norbwin-1)/2] , tperi1[iorb+(norbwin-1)/2] ] w = where(finite(scpot_all) and tscpot_all gt trfit[0] and tscpot_all lt trfit[1] , nw ) times = tscpot_all[w] Vswe = scpot_all[w] a = [!values.d_nan,!values.d_nan] corr = !values.d_nan apol = [!values.d_nan,!values.d_nan,!values.d_nan] pow = {func:'power_law',h:!values.d_nan,p:!values.d_nan,bkg:!values.d_nan} Nscat = 0l ;;; LPW IV Vinfl v Vswe w = where( div.x gt trfit[0] and div.x lt trfit[1], nw ) if nw gt minNdata then begin vinfl2 = interp(dvinfl.y,dvinfl.x,times,/no_ex,interp=maxgap) w = where( finite(vinfl2) ,nw ) if nw gt minNdata then begin x = Vswe[w] y = -vinfl2[w] t = times[w] ;; alad = ladfit(x,y) ;- initial fit, obsolete apol0 = [ -2.7, .73, -0.012 ] ;- nominal parameters ;;; filter out outliers and fit ;; w = where( abs(x-(y/alad[1]-alad[0]/alad[1])) lt thld_out , nw ) ;- obsolete w = where( abs(apol0[0]+apol0[1]*x+apol0[2]*x^2 - y) lt thld_out , nw ) Nscat = nw if nw gt minNdata then begin x2 = x[w] y2 = y[w] t2 = t[w] a = ladfit(x2,y2) ;- linear fit corr = correlate(x2,y2) apol = poly_fit(x2,y2,2) ;- polynomial fit ww = where(x2 gt 0,nww) ;- power law fit, obsolete if nww gt minNdata then begin apow = ladfit(x2[ww]^.35,y2[ww]) ;- get initial guess pow = {func:'power_law',h:apow[1],p:.35d,bkg:apow[0]} fit,x2[ww],y2[ww],para=pow,itmax=50,verb=-1 endif if keyword_set(scatdir) then begin file_mkdir,scatdir w2 = where(t2 gt trorb[0] and t2 lt trorb[1], nw2) if nw2 gt 0 then begin scat = {t:t2[w2],vswe:x2[w2],vinfl:-y2[w2]} save,scat,filename=scatdir+orbstr+'.sav',/compress endif endif endif w = where( dvinfl.x gt trorb[0] and dvinfl.x lt trorb[1] , nw ) tvinfl = dvinfl.x[w] qflag = dqflag.y[w] scpot_lin = ( (-dvinfl.y[w]) - a[0] ) / a[1] scpot_pol = ( -apol[1] + sqrt(apol[1]^2 - 4.*(apol[0]+dvinfl.y[w])*apol[2]) ) / (2.*apol[2]) scpot_pow = 10.^( alog10(((-dvinfl.y[w])-pow.bkg > 0.)/pow.h)/pow.p ) ;- obsolete w = where( ~finite(scpot_lin) , nw ) if nw gt 0 then scpot_pow[w] = !values.f_nan if nw gt 0 then scpot_pol[w] = !values.f_nan ;;; Filter out shadow regions get_data, 'wake', data=dwake, dtype=dtype if dtype ne 0 then begin shadow = interp(float(finite(dwake.y)), dwake.x, tvinfl, /no_ex) w = where(shadow gt 0., nw) if nw gt 0 then scpot_lin[w] = !values.f_nan if nw gt 0 then scpot_pow[w] = !values.f_nan if nw gt 0 then scpot_pol[w] = !values.f_nan endif ;;; Filter out bad fits scpot_good = scpot_pol wgood = where( qflag gt good_qflag , comp=cw, ncomp=ncw ) if ncw gt 0 then scpot_good[cw] = !values.f_nan ;;; store the results store_data,orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_lin', $ data={x:tvinfl,y:scpot_lin}, $ dlim={colors:2,datagap:maxgap, $ ytitle:'linear fit!cscpot!c[V]'} store_data,orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pow', $ data={x:tvinfl,y:scpot_pow}, $ dlim={colors:6,datagap:maxgap, $ ytitle:'power law fit!cscpot!c[V]'} store_data,orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol', $ data={x:tvinfl,y:scpot_pol}, $ dlim={colors:1,datagap:maxgap, $ ytitle:'poly fit!cscpot!c[V]'} store_data,orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_good', $ data={x:tvinfl,y:scpot_good}, $ dlim={colors:1,datagap:maxgap, $ ytitle:'good!cscpot!c[V]'} store_data,orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_lin_para', $ data={x:mean(trorb),y:[[a[0]],[a[1]],[corr]]}, $ dlim={psym:1,datagap:maxgap,labflag:1, $ labels:['offset','slope','corr'],colors:[2,6,0]} store_data,orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pow_para', $ data={x:mean(trorb),y:[[pow.p],[pow.h],[pow.bkg]]}, $ dlim={psym:1,datagap:maxgap,labflag:1, $ labels:['power','slope','offset'],colors:[0,2,6]} store_data,orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol_para', $ data={x:mean(trorb),y:[[apol[0]],[apol[1]],[apol[2]]]}, $ dlim={psym:1,datagap:maxgap,labflag:1, $ labels:['a0','a1','a2'],colors:[2,6,0]} store_data,orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_Ndata', $ data={x:mean(trorb),y:Nscat}, $ dlim={psym:1,datagap:maxgap} ;;; scat plot if keyword_set(plot) then begin bin2d,x,y,y,binsize=[.25,.25],xcent=xcent,ycent=ycent,flagnodata=!values.f_nan,binhist=binhist,xrange=[-20,20],yrange=[-20,20] w = where(xcent gt 10 ,nw) for iw=0,nw-1,2 do begin binhist[w[iw],*] = binhist[w[iw],*]+binhist[w[iw]+1,*] binhist[w[iw]+1,*] = binhist[w[iw],*] endfor specplot,xcent,ycent,binhist, $ limits={xrange:[-20,20],xstyle:1,yrange:[-20,20],ystyle:1, $ xtitle:'Vswe [V]',ytitle:'-Vinfl [V]', $ xmargin:[10,8],isotropic:1, $ title:time_string(trfit[0])+' -> ' $ +time_string(trfit[1]), $ no_interp:1,zlog:1, $ ztitle:'Ndata'} for il=-25,25,5 do oplot,[-100,100],[il,il],linestyle=1 for il=-25,25,5 do oplot,[il,il],[-100,100],linestyle=1 xplot = findgen(601)/10.-30. oplot,xplot,a[0]+a[1]*xplot,color=2 oplot,xplot,apol[0]+apol[1]*xplot+apol[2]*xplot^2,color=1 ;; oplot,xplot,pow.bkg+pow.h*xplot^pow.p,color=6 ;; oplot,xplot,alad[0]+alad[1]*(xplot+thld_out),linestyle=2 ;; oplot,xplot,alad[0]+alad[1]*(xplot-thld_out),linestyle=2 oplot,xplot,apol0[0]+apol0[1]*xplot+apol0[2]*xplot^2+thld_out,linestyle=2 oplot,xplot,apol0[0]+apol0[1]*xplot+apol0[2]*xplot^2-thld_out,linestyle=2 xyouts,/norm,color=2,.15,.97,'linear fit!c' + $ 'y = '+string(a[0],f='(f5.2)') $ +string(a[1],f='(f+5.2)')+'x' $ +'!cCorr. = '+string(corr,f='(f5.2)') $ +'!cNdata = '+string(Nscat,f='(i0)') ;; xyouts,/norm,color=6,.55,.97,'power law fit!c' + $ ;; 'y = '+string(pow.bkg,f='(f6.2)') $ ;; +string(pow.h,f='(f+6.2)')+'x^' $ ;; +string(pow.p,f='(f4.2)') xyouts,/norm,color=1,.55,.97,'poly fit!c' + $ 'y = '+string(apol[0],f='(f6.2)') $ +string(apol[1],f='(f+6.2)')+'x' $ +string(apol[2],f='(f+8.4)')+'x^2' if keyword_set(figdir) then begin file_mkdir,figdir+time_string(mean(trorb),tf='scat/YYYY/MM/') makepng,figdir+time_string(mean(trorb),tf='scat/YYYY/MM/YYYYMMDD_')+orbstr endif endif endif ;- interp Vinfl to times -> minNdata endif ;- LPW Vinfl v Vswe store_data,'scpots', $ data=[orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol','swe_pos','neg_pot','mvn_sta_c6_scpot',orbstr+'_mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_good'], $ dlim={labels:['swe/lpw','swe+','swe-','sta','swe/lpw'], $ colors:[1,2,6,4,0],labflag:1,datagap:maxgap,yrange:[-20,20], $ constant:[0],panel_size:1.5} ;;; tplot if keyword_set(plot) then begin tplot,[ $ 'sta_comb', $ 'swe_comb', $ 'mvn_lpw_swp1_mode_bar', $ 'icur', $ 'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV', $ ; 'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_log', $ 'IV_log_smo_comb', $ 'dIV_smo_comb', $ 'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl_qflag', $ 'validiv', $ 'scpots', $ 'alt2' $ ],trange=trorb,title='orbit #'+orbstr tplot_panel,var='icur',oplot='icur_med' ; tplot_panel,var='scpots',oplot='scpot0_all',psym=3 if keyword_set(figdir) then begin file_mkdir,figdir+time_string(mean(trorb),tf='times/YYYY/MM/') makepng,figdir+time_string(mean(trorb),tf='times/YYYY/MM/YYYYMMDD_')+orbstr endif endif ;- plot endfor ;- iorb ;;; concat and sort tf = ['mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_lin','mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol','mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pow', $ 'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_lin_para','mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol_para','mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pow_para', $ 'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_Ndata','mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_good' ] for itf=0,n_elements(tf)-1 do begin tn = tnames('?????_'+tf[itf],ntn) if ntn gt 0 then begin for itn=0,ntn-1 do begin get_data,tn[itn],data=d,dlim=dlim if itn eq 0 then begin newx = d.x newy = d.y if tag_exist(d,'V') then newv = d.v endif else begin newx = [newx,d.x] newy = [newy,d.y] if tag_exist(d,'V') then begin if size(d.v,/n_dim) eq 2 then newv = [newv,d.v] endif endelse endfor if tag_exist(d,'V') then $ store_data,tf[itf],data={x:newx,y:newy,v:newv},dlim=dlim $ else store_data,tf[itf],data={x:newx,y:newy},dlim=dlim tplot_sort,tf[itf] store_data,tn,/del endif endfor def_scpot = 'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_good' get_data,def_scpot,data=d store_data,'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot',data=d, $ dlim={datagap:maxgap,ytitle:'SWEA-LPW!cscpot!c[V]'} store_data,'scpots', $ data=['mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_pol','swe_pos','neg_pot','mvn_sta_c6_scpot','mvn_swe_lpw_scpot'], $ dlim={labels:['swe/lpw','swe+','swe-','sta','swe/lpw'], $ colors:[1,2,6,4,0],labflag:1,datagap:maxgap,yrange:[-20,20], $ constant:0} end