;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_init ;PURPOSE: ; Initializes SWEA common block (mvn_swe_com). ; ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_init ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-10-02 16:45:21 -0700 (Mon, 02 Oct 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24087 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_init.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 02-01-15 ;FILE: mvn_swe_init.pro ;- pro mvn_swe_init @mvn_swe_com @swe_snap_common if (size(snap_index,/type) eq 0) then swe_snap_layout,0 ; Decompression: 19-to-8 ; 16-bit instrument messages are summed into 19-bit counters ; in the PFDPU. These 19-bit values are rounded down onboard ; to fit into the 8-bit compression scheme, so each compressed ; value corresponds to a range of possible counts. I take the ; middle of each range for decompression, so there are half ; counts. This is less than a ~3% (systematic) correction. ; ; Compression introduces digitization noise, which dominates ; the variance at high count rates. I treat digitization noise ; as additive white noise. decom = fltarr(16,16) decom[0,*] = findgen(16) decom[1,*] = 16. + findgen(16) for i=2,15 do decom[i,*] = 2.*decom[(i-1),*] d_floor = reform(transpose(decom),256) ; FSW rounds down d_ceil = shift(d_floor,-1) - 1. d_ceil[255] = 2.^19. - 1. ; 19-bit counter max d_mid = (d_ceil + d_floor)/2. ; mid-point n_pts = d_ceil - d_floor + 1. ; number of values in range d_var = d_mid + (n_pts^2. - 1.)/12. ; variance w/ dig. noise decom = d_mid ; decompressed counts devar = d_var ; variance w/ digitization noise ; Housekeeping names swe_hsk_names = ['LVPST' , $ ; 0: LVPS Temperature 'MCPHV' , $ ; 1: MCP HV Voltage 'NRV' , $ ; 2: NRHV +5V Supply Voltage 'ANALV' , $ ; 3: Analyzer Voltage 'DEF1V' , $ ; 4: Deflector 1 Voltage 'DEF2V' , $ ; 5: Deflector 2 Voltage '' , $ ; 6: ground/spare '' , $ ; 7: ground/spare 'V0V' , $ ; 8: V0 Voltage 'ANALT' , $ ; 9: Analyzer Temperature 'P12V' , $ ; 10: +12V Voltage 'N12V' , $ ; 11: -12V Voltage 'MCP28V' , $ ; 12: +28V Voltage (after MCPHV enable plug) 'NR28V' , $ ; 13: +28V Voltage (after NRHV enable plug) '' , $ ; 14: ground/spare '' , $ ; 15: ground/spare 'DIGT' , $ ; 16: Digital Temperature 'P2P5DV' , $ ; 17: +2.5V Digital Voltage 'P5DV' , $ ; 18: +5V Digital Voltage 'P3P3DV' , $ ; 19: +3.3V Digital Voltage 'P5AV' , $ ; 20: +5V Analog Voltage 'N5AV' , $ ; 21: -5V Analog Voltage 'P28V' , $ ; 22: +28V Voltage '' ] ; 23: ground/spare ; Housekeeping conversions swe_v = [ 1.000 , $ ; 0: LVPS Temperature -0.153355 , $ ; 1: MCP HV Voltage -0.000203 , $ ; 2: NRHV +5V Supply Voltage -0.030795 , $ ; 3: Analyzer Voltage -0.076870 , $ ; 4: Deflector 1 Voltage -0.075839 , $ ; 5: Deflector 2 Voltage 1.000 , $ ; 6: ground/spare 1.000 , $ ; 7: ground/spare 0.000763 , $ ; 8: V0 Voltage 1.000 , $ ; 9: Analyzer Temperature -0.000459 , $ ; 10: +12V Voltage -0.000459 , $ ; 11: -12V Voltage -0.001055 , $ ; 12: +28V Voltage (after MCPHV enable plug) -0.001055 , $ ; 13: +28V Voltage (after NRHV enable plug) 1.000 , $ ; 14: ground/spare 1.000 , $ ; 15: ground/spare 1.000 , $ ; 16: Digital Temperature -0.000169 , $ ; 17: +2.5V Digital Voltage -0.000191 , $ ; 18: +5V Digital Voltage -0.000169 , $ ; 19: +3.3V Digital Voltage -0.000191 , $ ; 20: +5V Analog Voltage -0.000191 , $ ; 21: -5V Analog Voltage -0.001055 , $ ; 22: +28V Voltage 1.000 ] ; 23: ground/spare swe_t = [1.6484d2, 3.9360d-2, 5.6761d-6, 4.4329d-10, 1.6701d-14, 2.4223d-19] pfp_v = [ 0.000173 , $ ; 0: DCB -5V Analog Voltage 0.000173 , $ ; 1: DCB +5V Analog Voltage 0.000173 , $ ; 2: DCB +5V Digital Voltage 0.000108 , $ ; 3: DCB +3.3V Digital Voltage 0.000076 , $ ; 4: DCB +1.3V Digital Voltage 0.001046 , $ ; 5: PFP +28V Voltage 0.006409 , $ ; 6: SWEA 28V Primary Current 1.000 , $ ; 7: PFP Regulator Temperature 0.019302 , $ ; 8: SWIA 28V Primary Current 0.025558 , $ ; 9: STATIC 28V Primary Current 0.009918 , $ ; 10: MAG1 28V Primary Current 0.009918 , $ ; 11: MAG2 28V Primary Current 0.020676 , $ ; 12: SEP 28V Primary Current 0.025406 , $ ; 13: LPW 28V Primary Current 0.001425 , $ ; 14: PFP 28V Primary Voltage 7.7065d-5 , $ ; 15: PFP 28V Primary Current 1.000 , $ ; 16: DCB Temperature 1.000 , $ ; 17: DCB FPGA Daughter Board Temperature 0.000153 , $ ; 18: Flash Bank 0 Voltage 0.000153 , $ ; 19: Flash Bank 1 Voltage 0.000153 , $ ; 20: +3.3V Digital Voltage 0.000076 , $ ; 21: +1.5V Digital Voltage 0.000076 , $ ; 22: Voltage Ref (Spare) 0.000000 , $ ; 23: Analog Ground 1.000 ] ; 24: Spare pfp_t = [1.6828d2, -3.3664d-2, 4.0411d-6, -2.5861d-10, 7.9111d-15, -9.2462d-20] ; Grouping and Period swe_ne = [64, 32, 16, 0] ; number of energy bins for group=0,1,2 swe_dt = 2D^(dindgen(6) + 1D) ; sample interval (sec) for period=0,1,2,3,4,5 ; Define structures for raw and processed data mvn_swe_struct ; Define times of configuration changes mvn_swe_config ; Set verbosity if (size(swe_verbose,/type) eq 0) then swe_verbose = 0 return end