;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_hskplot ;PURPOSE: ; Plots time series summary plots of SWEA housekeeping data over arbitrarily ; long time spans. The result is stored in TPLOT variables. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_hskplot, trange=trange, orbit=orbit, hsk=hsk ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; TRANGE: Time range over which load data. Must have at least two ; elements, in any format accepted by time_double(). If ; not specified, then load data using the current timespan. ; ; ORBIT: Load data by orbit number (overrides TRANGE and TIMESPAN ; methods). ; ; HSK: Restore housekeeping from this IDL save/restore file. ; (Full path and name required.) ; ; RESET: Sets common block HSK to zero. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-10-21 10:15:04 -0700 (Mon, 21 Oct 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27902 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_hskplot.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2017-04-06 ;- pro mvn_swe_hskplot, trange=trange, orbit=orbit, hsk=hsk, reset=reset, pans=pans @mvn_swe_com oneday = 86400D if keyword_set(reset) then swe_hsk = 0 rflg = 0 if (size(hsk,/type) eq 7) then begin finfo = file_info(hsk) if (finfo.exists) then begin if (size(swe_hsk,/type) eq 8) then begin hsk_save = swe_hsk rflg = 1 endif restore, file=hsk trange = minmax(swe_hsk.time) timespan, time_string([trange[0],trange[1]+oneday],prec=-3) endif else begin print,"File not found: ",hsk return endelse endif if (~rflg and size(swe_hsk,/type) eq 8) then begin trange = minmax(swe_hsk.time) timespan, time_string([trange[0],trange[1]+oneday],prec=-3) hsk_save = swe_hsk rflg = 1 endif if (~rflg) then begin if keyword_set(orbit) then begin imin = min(orbit, max=imax) trange = mvn_orbit_num(orbnum=[imin-0.5,imax+0.5]) endif tplot_options, get_opt=topt tspan_exists = (max(topt.trange_full) gt time_double('2013-11-18')) if ((size(trange,/type) eq 0) and tspan_exists) then trange = topt.trange_full if (size(trange,/type) eq 0) then begin print,"You must specify a time range or an orbit range, or set a timespan." return endif start_day = time_double(time_string(min(trange), prec=-3)) stop_day = time_double(time_string(max(trange), prec=-3)) ndays = floor((stop_day - start_day)/oneday) + 1L tsp = [start_day, (start_day + oneday)] ok = 0 while (not ok) do begin mvn_swe_clear mvn_swe_load_hsk, tsp if (size(swe_hsk,/type) eq 8) then begin all_hsk = swe_hsk ok = 1 endif else begin tsp += oneday if (tsp[1] gt stop_day) then begin print,"No data within specified time range." return endif endelse endwhile while (tsp[1] lt stop_day) do begin tsp += oneday mvn_swe_clear mvn_swe_load_hsk, tsp if (size(swe_hsk,/type) eq 8) then all_hsk = [temporary(all_hsk), swe_hsk] endwhile swe_hsk = temporary(all_hsk) endif ; Make tplot variables pdT = [''] pdC = [''] TClab = replicate('',8) TCcol = round(findgen(8)*((254.-32.)/7.)) + 32 ; optimized for color table 43 TCcol[0] = 1 Vlab = TClab Tlab = TClab[0:2] store_data,'TV_frame',data={x:[0D], y:replicate(-100.,1,7), v:findgen(7)} options,'TV_frame','colors',TCcol dTmax = 10. dCmax = 10. vflg = 1 if (vflg) then begin vnorm = [28., 12., 5., 3.3, 2.5] voff = vnorm endif else begin vnorm = replicate(1.,5) voff = replicate(0.,5) endelse store_data,'LVPST' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.LVPST} store_data,'MCPHV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.MCPHV} options,'MCPHV','ynozero',1 store_data,'NRV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.NRV} store_data,'ANALV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.ANALV} store_data,'DEF1V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.DEF1V} store_data,'DEF2V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.DEF2V} store_data,'V0V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.V0V} store_data,'ANALT' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.ANALT} store_data,'P12V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P12V-voff[1])/vnorm[1])} store_data,'N12V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.N12V+voff[1])/vnorm[1])} store_data,'MCP28V',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.MCP28V-voff[0])/vnorm[0])} store_data,'NR28V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.NR28V-voff[0])/vnorm[0])} store_data,'DIGT' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:swe_hsk.DIGT} store_data,'P2P5DV',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P2P5DV-voff[4])/vnorm[4])} store_data,'P5DV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P5DV-voff[2])/vnorm[2])} store_data,'P3P3DV',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P3P3DV-voff[3])/vnorm[3])} store_data,'P5AV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P5AV-voff[2])/vnorm[2])} store_data,'N5AV' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.N5AV+voff[2])/vnorm[2])} store_data,'P28V' ,data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:((swe_hsk.P28V-voff[0])/vnorm[0])} if (vflg) then begin options,'P28V', 'color',TCcol[0] ; magenta options,'P12V', 'color',TCcol[1] ; blue options,'N12V', 'color',TCcol[2] ; cyan options,'P5AV', 'color',TCcol[3] ; green options,'N5AV', 'color',TCcol[4] ; yellow options,'P5DV', 'color',TCcol[5] ; orange options,'P3P3DV','color',TCcol[6] ; red store_data,'VoltsC',data=['TV_frame','P28V','P12V','N12V', $ 'P5AV','N5AV','P5DV','P3P3DV'] ; skipping P2P5DV ylim,'VoltsC',-0.05,0.05,0 options,'VoltsC','ytitle','Volts (!4D!1HV/V)' ; DeltaV/V options,'VoltsC','yticks',2 options,'VoltsC','yminor',5 options,'VoltsC','labflag',1 options,'VoltsC','labels',['+28 V','+12 V','-12 V','+5 V','-5 V','5 DV','3.3 DV'] vpans = ['VoltsC'] endif else begin options,'P12V', 'color',TCcol[0] ; magenta options,'N12V', 'color',TCcol[1] ; blue options,'MCP28V','color',TCcol[2] ; cyan options,'NR28V', 'color',TCcol[3] ; green options,'P28V', 'color',TCcol[4] ; yellow options,'P2P2DV','color',TCcol[0] ; magenta options,'P3P3DV','color',TCcol[1] ; blue options,'P5DV', 'color',TCcol[2] ; cyan options,'P5AV', 'color',TCcol[3] ; green options,'N5AV', 'color',TCcol[4] ; yellow options,'NRV', 'color',TCcol[5] ; orange store_data,'VoltsA',data=['TV_frame','P12V','N12V','MCP28V','NR28V','P28V'] store_data,'VoltsB',data=['TV_frame','P2P5DV','P3P3DV','P5DV','P5AV','N5AV','NRV'] ylim,'VoltsA',-15,35,0 options,'VoltsA','ytitle','Volts' options,'VoltsA','yminor',5 options,'VoltsA','labflag',1 options,'VoltsA','labels',['+12 V','-12 V','MCP 28V','NR 28V','+28 V','',''] ylim,'VoltsB',-6,6,0 options,'VoltsB','ytitle','Volts' options,'VoltsB','yticks',2 options,'VoltsB','yminor',6 options,'VoltsB','labflag',1 options,'VoltsB','labels',['+2.5 DV','+3.3 DV','+5 DV','+5 V','-5 V','NRV',''] vpans = ['VoltsA','VoltsB'] endelse store_data,'Temps',data=['TV_frame','LVPST','ANALT','DIGT'] options,'Temps','ytitle','Temp (C)' options,'ANALT','color',TCcol[0] ; magenta options,'DIGT', 'color',TCcol[1] ; blue options,'LVPST','color',TCcol[2] ; cyan tlow = 5*floor((min(swe_hsk.lvpst) < min(swe_hsk.digt) < min(swe_hsk.analt))/5.) thigh = 5*ceil((max(swe_hsk.lvpst) > max(swe_hsk.digt) > max(swe_hsk.analt))/5.) ylim,'Temps',tlow,thigh,0 options,'Temps','constant',[-10,-5,0,5] options,'Temps','yticks',(thigh - tlow)/5 options,'Temps','yminor',5 options,'Temps','labflag',1 options,'Temps','labels',['ANALT','DIGT','LVPST','','','',''] store_data,'HSKREG',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:transpose(swe_hsk.HSKREG), v:indgen(16)} options,'HSKREG','spec',1 ylim,'HSKREG',0,12,0 zlim,'HSKREG',0,1,0 options,'HSKREG','yticks',3 options,'HSKREG','yminor',4 options,'HSKREG','ytitle','Dig HSK' options,'HSKREG','x_no_interp',1 options,'HSKREG','y_no_interp',1 options,'HSKREG','no_color_scale',1 options,'HSKREG','panel_size',0.5 dchsk = swe_hsk.npkt - shift(swe_hsk.npkt,1) dthsk = swe_hsk.time - shift(swe_hsk.time,1) store_data,'dchsk',data={x:swe_hsk[1:*].time, y:dchsk[1:*]} store_data,'dthsk',data={x:swe_hsk[1:*].time, y:dthsk[1:*]} options,'dchsk','ytitle','dN (28)' options,'dchsk','psym',5 options,'dthsk','ytitle','dT (28)' options,'dthsk','psym',5 options,'dthsk','ynozero',1 options,'dchsk','color',TCcol[0] options,'dthsk','color',TCcol[0] dCmax = dCmax > max(dchsk,/nan) dTmax = dTmax > max(dthsk,/nan) pans = ['HSKREG',vpans,'Temps'] pdC = [pdC,'dchsk'] pdT = [pdT,'dthsk'] TClab[0] = '28' if (rflg) then swe_hsk = hsk_save return end