;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_fovplot ;PURPOSE: ; Plots the results of a FOV calibration obtained with mvn_swe_fovcal. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_fovplot, dat, result=result ; ;INPUTS: ; dat1: A FOV calibration structure obtained with mvn_swe_fovcal. ; ; dat2: A FOV calibration structure obtained with mvn_swe_fovcal. ; If present, create the ratio dat2/dat and propagate errors. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; BAD: A set of solid angle bins to ignore when calculating the ; azimuth and elevation responses. Bins blocked by the ; spacecraft are automatically ignored. ; ; DATE: Date string associated with calibration ('MMM YYYY'). ; ; CRANGE: Color scale range. Default = [0.5,1.5]. ; ; YRANGE: RGF range for data point plot. Default = [0,1.4]. ; ; MAP: Mapping projection. Can be one of: ; 'mol' = Mollweide ; 'cyl' = Cylindrical ; 'ort' = Orthographic ; 'ait' = Aitoff (default) ; 'lam' = Lambert ; 'gno' = Gnomic ; 'mer' = Mercator ; ; LON: Center longitude for 3D map. Default = 180. ; ; LAT: Center latitude for 3D map. Default = 0. ; ; RESULT: Structure containing the azimuth and elevation responses ; with uncertainties. ; ; CAT: Print the results. ; ; PSNAME: File name for postscript output. ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2016-08-03 ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-08-26 16:48:53 -0700 (Mon, 26 Aug 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27655 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_fovplot.pro $ ;- pro mvn_swe_fovplot, dat1, dat2, bad=ondx, date=date, crange=crange, yrange=yrange, map=map, $ result=dat, lon=lon, lat=lat, psname=psname, cat=cat @mvn_swe_com gud = where(swe_sc_mask[*,1] eq 1, ngud) bad = where(swe_sc_mask[*,1] eq 0, nbad) mask = replicate(1.,96) mask[bad] = !values.f_nan if keyword_set(ondx) then begin mask[ondx] = !values.f_nan doo = 1 endif else doo = 0 if (size(date,/type) ne 7) then date = '' if (n_elements(crange) ge 2) then crange = minmax(crange) else crange = [0.5, 1.5] if (n_elements(yrange) ge 2) then yrange = minmax(yrange) else yrange = [0.0, 1.4] if (size(map,/type) ne 7) then map = 'ait' if not keyword_set(lon) then lon = 180. if not keyword_set(lat) then lat = 0. if (size(psname,/type) ne 7) then dops = 0 else dops = 1 ; Generate plot data if (size(dat1,/type) eq 8) then begin rgf = average(dat1.rgf, 2, stdev=rms, /nan) rgf_el = fltarr(6) rms_el = rgf_el for i=0,5 do begin rgf_el[i] = average(rgf[(i*16):(i*16+15),*],/nan) rms_el[i] = sqrt(average(rms[(i*16):(i*16+15),*]^2.,/nan)) endfor rgf_az = fltarr(16) rms_az = fltarr(16) for i=0,15 do begin rgf_az[i] = average(rgf[(16*(indgen(4)+2)+i),*],/nan) rms_az[i] = sqrt(average(rms[(16*(indgen(4)+2)+i),*]^2.,/nan)) endfor cal1 = {time:dat1.time, rgf:rgf, rms:rms, rgf_az:rgf_az, rms_az:rms_az, $ rgf_el:rgf_el, rms_el:rms_el} dat = cal1 endif else begin print, 'You must provide a calibration structure.' return endelse if (size(dat2,/type) eq 8) then begin rgf = average(dat2.rgf, 2, stdev=rms, /nan) rgf_el = fltarr(6) rms_el = rgf_el for i=0,5 do begin rgf_el[i] = average(rgf[(i*16):(i*16+15),*],/nan) rms_el[i] = sqrt(average(rms[(i*16):(i*16+15),*]^2.,/nan)) endfor rgf_az = fltarr(16) rms_az = fltarr(16) for i=0,15 do begin rgf_az[i] = average(rgf[(16*(indgen(4)+2)+i),*],/nan) rms_az[i] = sqrt(average(rms[(16*(indgen(4)+2)+i),*]^2.,/nan)) endfor cal2 = {time:dat1.time, rgf:rgf, rms:rms, rgf_az:rgf_az, rms_az:rms_az, $ rgf_el:rgf_el, rms_el:rms_el} rgf = cal2.rgf/cal1.rgf rms = rgf*sqrt((cal2.rms/cal2.rgf)^2. + (cal1.rms/cal1.rgf)^2.) rgf_az = cal2.rgf_az/cal1.rgf_az rms_az = rgf_az*sqrt((cal2.rms_az/cal2.rgf_az)^2. + (cal1.rms_az/cal1.rgf_az)^2.) rgf_el = cal2.rgf_el/cal1.rgf_el rms_el = rgf_el*sqrt((cal2.rms_el/cal2.rgf_el)^2. + (cal1.rms_el/cal1.rgf_el)^2.) time = [dat1.time, dat2.time] time = time[sort(time)] rat21 = {time:time, rgf:rgf, rms:rms, rgf_az:rgf_az, rms_az:rms_az, $ rgf_el:rgf_el, rms_el:rms_el} dat = rat21 endif ; Package plot data into a 3D structure fovcal = swe_3d_struct fovcal.project_name = 'SWEA Relative Geometric Factor -' fovcal.data_name = date fovcal.time = min(dat.time) fovcal.end_time = max(dat.time) fovcal.units_name = 'EFLUX' energy = swe_swp[*,0] # replicate(1.,96) fovcal.energy = energy fovcal.denergy[0,*] = abs(energy[0,*] - energy[1,*]) for i=1,62 do fovcal.denergy[i,*] = abs(energy[i-1,*] - energy[i+1,*])/2. fovcal.denergy[63,*] = abs(energy[62,*] - energy[63,*]) de = min(abs(125. - fovcal.energy[*,0]), ebin) fovcal.data = replicate(1.,64) # dat.rgf elev = transpose(swe_el[*,*,0]) delev = transpose(swe_del[*,*,0]) for i=0,95 do begin k = i/16 fovcal.theta[*,i] = elev[*,k] fovcal.dtheta[*,i] = delev[*,k] endfor for i=0,95 do begin k = i mod 16 fovcal.phi[*,i] = swe_az[k] fovcal.dphi[*,i] = swe_daz[k] endfor fovcal.domega = (2.*!dtor)*fovcal.dphi * $ cos(fovcal.theta*!dtor) * $ sin(fovcal.dtheta*!dtor/2.) fovcal.magf = [0.,0.,0.] fovcal.valid = 1B fovcal.gf = 1. fovcal.eff = 1. fovcal.dtc = 1. ; Make plots Twin = !d.window dev = !d.name if (dops) then begin popen, psname loadct2,34 endif else window,5,xsize=825,ysize=1000 ; 3D plot plot3d_options,map=map plot3d_new, fovcal, lat, lon, ebins=[ebin], zrange=crange, noerase=0, stack=[1,2], $ /noborder lab=strcompress(indgen(fovcal.nbins),/rem) xyouts,reform(fovcal.phi[63,*]),reform(fovcal.theta[63,*]),lab,align=0.5,$ charsize=!p.charsize ; XY plot !p.multi = [1,1,2,0,0] k3d = findgen(96) plot,k3d,dat.rgf,xrange=[0,96],/xsty,xticks=6,xminor=4,charsize=1.4, $ ytitle='Relative Geometric Factor',xtitle='Solid Angle Bin', $ psym=4,thick=4,yrange=yrange,/ysty,title='',xmargin=[8,5], $ ymargin=[5,5] oploterr,k3d,dat.rgf,dat.rms,3 if (doo) then oplot,k3d[ondx],dat.rgf[ondx],psym=4,thick=4,color=6 for i=0,5 do oplot,[i*16,(i+1)*16],[dat.rgf_el[i],dat.rgf_el[i]],color=4,thick=3 for i=1,14 do oplot,[i*16,i*16],[0,100],line=1 if (dops) then pclose ; Az-EL Plot if (dops) then begin popen, psname + '_AzEl' loadct2,34 endif else window,6,xsize=600,ysize=600 titlestring = fovcal.project_name + ' ' + fovcal.data_name !p.multi = [2,1,2,0,0] plot,findgen(16)+0.5,dat.rgf_az,psym=4,xrange=[0,16],/xsty,$ yrange=[0.5,1.5],/ysty,xtitle='Azlimuth Bin', $ ytitle='Relative Geometric Factor',charsize=1.4, $ title = titlestring,thick=3,xticks=4,xminor=4 oploterr,findgen(16)+0.5,dat.rgf_az,dat.rms_az,3 oplot,[0,16],[1,1],line=2,color=4 plot,findgen(6)+0.5,dat.rgf_el,psym=4,xrange=[0,6],/xsty,$ yrange=[0.5,1.5],/ysty,xtitle='Elevation Bin', $ ytitle='Relative Geometric Factor',charsize=1.4, thick=3 oploterr,findgen(6)+0.5,dat.rgf_el,dat.rms_el,3 oplot,[0,6],[1,1],line=2,color=4 !p.multi = 0 if (dops) then pclose loadct2,43 wset, Twin ; Print results if keyword_set(cat) then begin rgf2 = dat.rgf indx = where(~finite(rgf2), count) if (count gt 0) then rgf2[indx] = 1. for i=0,90,6 do print,rgf2[i:(i+5)],format='(6(f8.6," , "))' print,'' print,rgf_az,format='(16(f6.2))' print,rms_az,format='(16(f6.2))' print,'' print,rgf_el,format='(6(f6.2))' print,rms_el,format='(6(f6.2))' print,'' endif return end