;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_fovcal ;PURPOSE: ; Given 3D electron distributions, the magnetic field direction, the ; solar wind velocity, and the spacecraft potential, this routine ; estimates the relative sensitivities of the SWEA 3D angular bins. ; The technique takes advantage of the fact that the electron ; distribution should be very nearly gyrotropic in the plasma rest ; frame. ; ; Assumptions: (1) The measured magnetic field vector is accurate, and ; apparent deviations from gyrotropy are caused entirely ; by uncompensated variations in sensitivity around the ; field of view. ; ; (2) A polynomial fit to the measured distribution is a ; reasonable approximation to the "true" distribution. ; Corollary: There are no sharp features in the pitch ; angle distribution. ; ; Errors caused by (1) can be minimized by comparing the magnetic field ; vector to the symmetry direction of the electron angular distribution. ; Only times when these two directions agree to within a fraction of a ; ~20-deg-wide angular bin are used. Exceptions can be made when the ; magnetic field vector is in or near one of SWEA's blind spots, in which ; case the symmetry direction is ill defined. See swe_3d_strahl_dir. ; ; Errors caused by (2) can be minimized by visually inspecting the fits ; before adding the calibration to the database. There are, occasionally, ; sharp features in the pitch angle distribution, and these should be ; avoided. ; ; Since the calibration is based on numerous pitch angle distributions, ; each with its own polynomial fit, the assumption is that any remaining ; errors introduced by (1) and (2) will be averaged out. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_fovcal, result=result ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; UNITS: Units. ; ; MINCNTS: Minimum number of raw counts for calculating the result. ; Used to ensure reasonable statistics. Default = 30. ; ; ORDER: A one- or two-element integer array specifying the ; polynomial orders for each half of the pitch angle ; distribution. Default = [4,4]. ; ; MIDPA: Pitch angle at which to divide the spectrum for fitting ; each polynomial. Default = 90 deg. ; ; OLAP: Pitch angle width for overlapping MIDPA for polynomial ; fits. Produces more reasonable fits by constraining the ; polynomial to continue going through data points beyond ; MIDPA. Default = 10 deg. ; ; ENERGY: Energy at which to perform the calibration. Default is ; 125 eV. ; ; SYMDIR: Use the 3D symmetry direction instead of the magnetic ; field vector. Use with caution, since this routine is ; symmetrizes the distribution based on this direction. ; ; SCP: Set the spacecraft potential to this value. ; ; CALNUM: Set the nominal calibration to this solar wind period. ; Default = 1. ; ; RESULT: A structure containing the time and a 96-element array ; containing the relative geometric factors for the 3D ; bins. ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2016-08-03 ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-08-26 16:50:29 -0700 (Mon, 26 Aug 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27657 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_fovcal.pro $ ;- pro mvn_swe_fovcal, units=units, mincnts=mincnts, order=order, energy=energy, $ midpa=midpa, olap=olap, symdir=symdir, result=result, $ lon=lon, lat=lat, calnum=calnum, scp=scp @mvn_swe_com common colors_com ctab = color_table loadct2,34 a = 0.8 phi = findgen(49)*(2.*!pi/49) usersym,a*cos(phi),a*sin(phi),/fill dat = 0 twin = !d.window if (size(units,/type) ne 7) then units = 'eflux' if not keyword_set(mincnts) then mincnts = 30. if not keyword_set(energy) then eref = 125. else eref = float(energy) if not keyword_set(midpa) then midpa = 90. else midpa = float(midpa) if not keyword_set(olap) then olap = 10. else olap = float(olap) if not keyword_set(lon) then lon = 180. if not keyword_set(lat) then lat = 0. if not keyword_set(calnum) then calnum = 1 if keyword_set(symdir) then begin dosym = 1 get_data, 'Saz', data=Saz, index=i if (i eq 0) then dosym = 0 get_data, 'Sel', data=Sel, index=i if (i eq 0) then dosym = 0 endif else dosym = 0 names = ['a0','a1','a2','a3','a4','a5'] n = n_elements(order) if (n gt 0L) then name1 = names[0:(order[0]<5)>0] else name1 = names[0:4] if (n gt 1L) then name2 = names[0:(order[1]<5)>0] else name2 = names[0:4] ; Select 3D distributions for analysis swe_3d_snap,ddd=dat,units=units,sum=1,energy=eref if (size(dat,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"Abort!" loadct2,ctab return endif if (size(scp,/type) ne 0) then scp = float(scp) else scp = dat.sc_pot if (~finite(scp)) then begin print,"No spacecraft potential!" loadct2,ctab return endif trange = [dat.time - dat.delta_t/2D, dat.time + dat.delta_t/2D] ; Replace the magnetic field vector with the symmetry direction if (dosym) then begin Bt = Saz.x Saz = Saz.y * !dtor Sel = Sel.y * !dtor Bamp = sqrt(total(dat.magf^2.)) Bx = Bamp*cos(Saz)*cos(Sel) By = Bamp*sin(Saz)*cos(Sel) Bz = Bamp*sin(Sel) indx = where((Bt ge trange[0]) and (Bt le trange[1]), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin dat.magf[0] = average(Bx[indx],/nan) dat.magf[1] = average(By[indx],/nan) dat.magf[2] = average(Bz[indx],/nan) endif else print,"No symmetry direction!" endif ; Transform to plasma rest frame, where gyrotropy condition applies edat = dat time = edat.time idat = mvn_swia_get_3dc(time) ivel = v_3d(idat) ; SWIA coordinate frame vel = spice_vector_rotate(ivel, time, 'MAVEN_SWIA', 'MAVEN_SWEA', $ check_objects='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT',verbose=1) vmag = sqrt(total(vel*vel)) vphi = atan(vel[1],vel[0])*!radeg vthe = asin(vel[2]/vmag)*!radeg data = convert_vframe(edat, vel, sc_pot=edat.sc_pot, /interpolate) mvn_swe_convert_units, data, units dat = data ; Extract variables for fitting mvn_swe_padmap_3d, dat e = dat.energy[*,0] de = min(abs(e - eref),i_e) f = reform(dat.data[i_e,*]) df = sqrt(reform(dat.var[i_e,*])) pa = reform(dat.pa[i_e,*])*!radeg c = dat mvn_swe_convert_units, c, 'counts' c = reform(c.data[i_e,*]) indx = where(c gt 1.e6, count) if (count gt 0L) then c[indx] = !values.f_nan ; Mask blockage by spacecraft gud = where((swe_sc_mask[*,1] eq 1) and (f gt 0.) and (c gt mincnts), ngud) if (ngud lt 2) then begin print,"Not enough good data!" loadct2,ctab return endif bad = where(swe_sc_mask[*,1] eq 0, nbad) mask = replicate(1.,96) mask[bad] = !values.f_nan ; Fit the 0-90-deg and 90-180-deg halves of the pitch angle distribution ; separately with polynomials. The ratio of the residuals to the fitted ; curves is an estimate of the relative geometric factor (with noise). ; (Assumes that the polynomial fits are an accurate representation of the ; "true" pitch angle distribution. Assumes that the pitch angle mapping ; over the field of view is accurate.) window,1,xsize=780,ysize=710 csz = 1.5 !p.multi = [2,1,2,0,0] plot_io,pa[gud],f[gud],psym=3,xrange=[0,180],/xsty,xticks=6,xminor=3,charsize=csz,$ ytitle='Eflux',xmargin=[12,10] oploterr,pa[gud],f[gud],df[gud],3 indx = where(pa[gud] le (midpa + olap)) x1 = pa[gud[indx]] y1 = f[gud[indx]] dy1 = df[gud[indx]] p1 = {a0:double(min(y1)), a1:0d, a2:0d, a3:0d, a4:0d, a5:0d} fit,x1,y1,dy=dy1,func='polycurve',par=p1,names=name1 npa = round(midpa) oplot,findgen(npa+1),polycurve(findgen(npa+1),par=p1),color=4,thick=2 jndx = where(pa[gud] gt (midpa - olap)) x2 = 180. - pa[gud[jndx]] y2 = f[gud[jndx]] dy2 = df[gud[jndx]] p2 = {a0:double(min(y2)), a1:0d, a2:0d, a3:0d, a4:0d, a5:0d} fit,x2,y2,dy=dy2,func='polycurve',par=p2,names=name2 npa = round(180. - midpa) oplot,180.-findgen(npa+1),polycurve(findgen(npa+1),par=p2),color=6,thick=2 indx = where(pa[gud] le midpa) ; use midpa boundary for calculating RGF jndx = where(pa[gud] gt midpa) rgf = replicate(!values.f_nan, n_elements(f)) rgf[gud[indx]] = f[gud[indx]]/polycurve(pa[gud[indx]],par=p1) rgf[gud[jndx]] = f[gud[jndx]]/polycurve(180. - pa[gud[jndx]],par=p2) plot,pa[gud],rgf[gud],psym=1,xrange=[0,180],/xsty,xticks=6,xminor=3,charsize=csz,$ ytitle='Residual',xmargin=[12,10],xtitle='Pitch Angle (deg)' oplot,[0.,180.],[1.,1.],line=2,color=4,thick=2 !p.multi = 0 ; Relative geometric factor as a function of k3d window,2,xsize=600,ysize=600 !p.multi = [2,1,2,0,0] k3d = findgen(96) plot,k3d,rgf,xrange=[0,96],/xsty,xticks=6,xminor=4,charsize=1.4, $ ytitle='Relative Geometric Factor',xtitle='Solid Angle Bin',psym=10 for i=1,14 do oplot,[i*16,i*16],[0,100],line=1 for i=0,5 do begin rgf_el = average(rgf[(i*16):(i*16+15)],/nan) oplot,[i*16,(i+1)*16],replicate(rgf_el,2),color=4,thick=3 endfor plot_io,k3d,c,xrange=[0,96],/xsty,xticks=6,xminor=4,charsize=1.4, $ ytitle='Raw Counts',xtitle='Solid Angle Bin',psym=10 for i=1,14 do oplot,[i*16,i*16],[1,1e5],line=1 oplot,minmax(k3d),[mincnts,mincnts],line=2,color=6 !p.multi = 0 ; Relative geometric factor map along with measured distribution window,3,xsize=1200,ysize=600 fovcal = dat indx = where(swe_sc_mask[*,1] eq 0B, count) mask = replicate(1.,96) if (count gt 0L) then mask[indx] = !values.f_nan fovcal.data[i_e,*] *= mask fovcal.data[i_e+1,*] = fovcal.data[i_e,*]/rgf ; current cal ogf = mvn_swe_flatfield(dat.time, /nominal, /silent) ; nominal cal fovcal.data[i_e+2,*] = fovcal.data[i_e,*]/ogf ff = mvn_swe_flatfield(/off, /silent) ; no cal fovcal.data[i_e+3,*] = rgf plot3d_options,map='cyl' plot3d_new, fovcal, lat, lon, ebins=[i_e,i_e+1,i_e+2,i_e+3], $ stack=[2,2], subtitle=['BEFORE','AFTER','NOMINAL','RGF'] oplot, [vphi], [vthe], psym=8, color=5, symsize=2 ; solar wind velocity direction wset,Twin result = {time:time, rgf:rgf, trange:trange} loadct2,ctab return end