;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWE_ETSPEC ; ;PURPOSE: ; Makes tplot variables with respect to the MAVEN SWEA ; Energy-time spectrogram(s). ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_swe_etspec, ['2014-11-17/08:04:19', '2014-11-17/12:40:31'], $ ; units='eflux', data_type='3d', $ ; angle='pa', /default ; ;INPUTS: ; none - 3D, PAD, or SPEC data are obtained from SWEA common block. ; If you set the time interval, then a tplot variable is created ; between you specified time intervals. ; (Noted that it might take more than 10 minutes to resample pitch ; angle distributions if you use PAD data for 1 day, depending on ; your machine spec and data amount.) ; ;KEYWORDS: ; TRANGE: Instead of an input variable, you can alternatively specify ; the time interval when you want to create a tplot variable. ; ; DATA_TYPE: Chooses the data product type ('3d', 'pad', or 'spec') ; Default is 'spec'. ; ; ERANGE: Specifies energy range over which you want to plot . ; Default is the whole enegy range. ; ; UNITS: Sets the unit to prefer to use. Default = 'crate'. ; ; ANGLE: Selects the angular spectrum. Now 'pa' is only available. ; 'pa' means it can plot the pitch-angle-sorted, energy-time ; spectrogram. In near future, 'phi'(= azimuth anode), ; 'theta'(= deflection angle) will be available. ; ; PHI: Limits the azimuth anode (or looking direction) as ; 2-elements array [min, max], in degrees. ; ; THETA: Limits the deflection angle (or lookgin direction) as ; 2-elements array [min, max], in degrees. ; ; PITCH: Limits the pitch angle as 2-elements array [min, max], ; in dgrees. If it is used, 'mvn_swe_pad_resample' is ; automatically executed. ; ; SUFFIX: Sets a tplot suffix to apply when generating outputs. ; ; MASK: Masks the expected angular bins whose field of view is ; blocked by the spacecraft body and solar ; paddles. Automatically identifying the mission phases ; (cruise or science mapping). ; ; STOW: (Obsolete). Mask the angular bins whose field of view ; is blocked before the boom deploy. ; ; ARCHIVE: Uses the archive data, instead of the survey data. ; ; WINDOW: Set the window number to show the snapshot. Default = 0. ; ; ABINS: Specify which anode bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1,16) ; ; DBINS: Specify which deflection bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1,6) ; ; MBINS: Specify which angular (both anode and deflection) bins ; to include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1, 96) ; ; SC_POT: Account for the spacecraft potential correction. ; (Not completely activated yet) ; ; VERBOSE: Controls how often the processing information is shown ; onto the terminal. ; ; Default: If you use this keyword, the following tplot variables ; are automatically created: ; If you also use the keyword as angle='pa', ; - quasi-parallel (0-30 deg), ; - quasi-perpendicular (75-105 deg), ; - quasi-antiparallel (150-180 deg), ; Above 3 directional pitch-angle-sorted energy-time spectrograms ; are created. ; If you do NOT use 'angle' keyword, ; - sunward (+ MSO_X) ; - anti-sunward (- MSO_X) ; - duskward (+ MSO_Y) ; - dawnward (- MSO_Y) ; - northward (+ MSO_Z) ; - southward (- MSO_Z) ; Above 6 directional enegry-time spectrograms ; are created if SPICE/Kernels are available. ; ; FRAME: Sets the coordinate system to define the direction. ; In the present version, the coordinate system(s) ; derived from the SPICE/Kernels are available, ; e.g., 'MAVEN_MSO', 'IAU_MARS', 'MAVEN_SWEA' or so on. ; ;CREATED BY: Takuya Hara on 2014-11-22. ; ; $LastChangedBy: hara $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-08-12 20:41:21 -0700 (Wed, 12 Aug 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 18478 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_etspec.pro $ ; ;MODIFICATION LOG: ;(YYYY-MM-DD) ; 2014-11-22: Starts to prepare this routine. ; ;- PRO mvn_swe_etspec_cotrans, var, tvar, pvar, from=from, to=to, verbose=silent, $ vx=vxn, vy=vyn, vz=vzn, theta=thetan, phi=phin, status=status dat = var time = (dat.time + dat.end_time)/2.d0 theta = tvar phi = pvar sphere_to_cart, 1.d0, dat.theta, dat.phi, vx, vy, vz q = spice_body_att(from, to, time, $ /quaternion, check_object='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT', $ verbose=-1) t2 = q[0]*q[1] ;- cf. quaternion_rotation.pro t3 = q[0]*q[2] t4 = q[0]*q[3] t5 = -q[1]*q[1] t6 = q[1]*q[2] t7 = q[1]*q[3] t8 = -q[2]*q[2] t9 = q[2]*q[3] t10 = -q[3]*q[3] vxn = 2*( (t8 + t10)*vx + (t6 - t4)*vy + (t3 + t7)*vz ) + vx vyn = 2*( (t4 + t6)*vx + (t5 + t10)*vy + (t9 - t2)*vz ) + vy vzn = 2*( (t7 - t3)*vx + (t2 + t9)*vy + (t5 + t8)*vz ) + vz thetan = 90. - ACOS(vzn)*!RADEG phin = ATAN(vyn, vxn) * !RADEG IF ((STRMID(to, 0, 5) EQ 'MAVEN' ) OR (to EQ 'IAU_MARS')) THEN RETURN undefine, vx, vy, vz, theta, phi RETURN END PRO mvn_swe_etspec_default, dat, theta, phi, units=units, y=y, v=v, index=i, suffix=suffix nan = !values.f_nan FOR j=0, N_ELEMENTS(suffix)-1 DO BEGIN ; j = 0, sunward (+ MSO_X) ; j = 1, anti sunward (- MSO_X) ; j = 2, duskward (+ MSO_Y) ; j = 3, dawnward (- MSO_Y) ; j = 4, northward (+ MSO_Z) ; j = 5, southward (- MSO_Z) CASE j OF 0: idx = WHERE( (ABS(theta) LE 45.) AND (ABS(phi) LE 45.), ndat) 1: idx = WHERE( (ABS(theta) LE 45.) AND (ABS(phi) GE 135.), ndat) 2: idx = WHERE( (ABS(theta) LE 45.) AND (phi GT 45. AND phi LT 135.), ndat) 3: idx = WHERE( (ABS(theta) LE 45.) AND (phi GT -135. AND phi LT -45.), ndat) 4: idx = WHERE( theta GT 45., ndat) 5: idx = WHERE( theta LT -45., ndat) ENDCASE IF ndat GT 0 THEN BEGIN weight = dat.data * 0. weight[idx] = 1. IF STRLOWCASE(units) NE 'counts' THEN $ y[j, i, *] = TOTAL(dat.data*dat.domega*weight, 2, /nan) / TOTAL(dat.domega*weight, 2, /nan) $ ELSE y[j, i, *] = TOTAL(dat.data*weight, 2, /nan) ENDIF ELSE y[j, i, *] = nan v[j, i, *] = average(dat.energy, 2, /nan) undefine, idx, ndat ENDFOR END PRO mvn_swe_etspec, var, trange=trange, data_type=data_type, erange=erange, units=units, $ angle=angle, phi=phrange, theta=thrange, pitch=pitch, suffix=suffix, $ mask=mask, stow=stow, archive=archive, window=wi, _extra=extra, $ abins=abins, dbins=dbins, mbins=mbins, sc_pot=sc_pot, $ verbose=vb, verbose=verbose, default=default, frame=frame COMPILE_OPT idl2 @mvn_swe_com nan = !values.f_nan fifb = string("15b) ;" from = 'MAVEN_SWEA' IF keyword_set(archive) THEN aflg = 1 ELSE aflg = 0 IF (aflg) THEN pname = 'Archive' ELSE pname = 'Survey' ; product name IF ~keyword_set(suffix) THEN suffix = '' ;; IF keyword_set(silent) THEN verbose = - silent ELSE verbose = 0 IF keyword_set(vb) THEN verbose = vb IF ~keyword_set(frame) THEN to = 'MAVEN_SWEA' ELSE to = frame IF keyword_set(default) THEN to = 'MAVEN_MSO' ; Data types ;--------------- IF SIZE(data_type, /type) EQ 0 THEN data_type = 'spec' CASE STRLOWCASE(data_type) OF 'spec': dtype = 0 '3d' : dtype = 1 'pad' : dtype = 2 ELSE : BEGIN dprint, 'Input did not include a valid data type.' RETURN END ENDCASE CASE dtype OF 0: IF (aflg) THEN dname = 'mvn_swe_engy_arc' ELSE dname = 'mvn_swe_engy' 1: IF (aflg) THEN dname = 'mvn_swe_3d_arc' ELSE dname = 'mvn_swe_3d' 2: IF (aflg) THEN dname = 'mvn_swe_pad_arc' ELSE dname = 'mvn_swe_pad' ENDCASE status = EXECUTE('dat = ' + dname) IF SIZE(dat, /type) NE 8 THEN BEGIN dprint, '', dlevel=1, verbose=verbose, /print_trace dprint, ' No ' + STRUPCASE(data_type) + ' ' + pname + ' L2 data. Try to search L0 data instead.', $ print_trace=0, dlevel=1, verbose=verbose dprint, " If you want to use L2 data, please use 'mvn_swe_load_l2' first.", print_trace=0, dlevel=2, verbose=verobse CASE dtype OF 0: IF (aflg) THEN dname = 'a5' ELSE dname = 'a4' 1: IF (aflg) THEN dname = 'swe_3d_arc' ELSE dname = 'swe_3d' 2: IF (aflg) THEN dname = 'a3' ELSE dname = 'a2' ENDCASE undefine, dat status = EXECUTE('dat = ' + dname) IF SIZE(dat, /type) NE 8 THEN BEGIN dprint, '', dlevel=1, verbose=verbose, /print_trace dprint, ' No ' + STRUPCASE(data_type) + ' ' + pname + ' L0 data.', print_trace=0, dlevel=1, verbose=verbose dprint, " Use 'mvn_swe_load_l0' first.", print_trace=0, dlevel=2, verbose=verbose dprint, print_trace=1, dwait=10. RETURN ENDIF ENDIF undefine, status dprint, 'Uses SWEA ' + STRUPCASE(data_type) + ' ' + pname + ' data.', dlevel=1, verbose=verbose, /print_trace ndat = N_ELEMENTS(dat) IF SIZE(var, /type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN trange = var IF SIZE(trange, /type) EQ 7 THEN trange = time_double(trange) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF ~keyword_set(trange) THEN trange = minmax(dat.time) $ ELSE trange = trange ENDELSE IF N_ELEMENTS(trange) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN idx = WHERE(dat.time GE MIN(trange) AND dat.time LE MAX(trange), ndat) IF ndat EQ 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, ptrace() PRINT, ' No data during the specified time you set.' RETURN ENDIF ELSE dat = dat[idx] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PRINT, ptrace() PRINT, ' You must input 2 elements of the time interval.' RETURN ENDELSE IF keyword_set(default) THEN mk = mvn_spice_kernels(/load, /all, trange=trange, verbose=verbose) IF keyword_set(aflg) THEN product = 'arc' ELSE product = 'svy' IF NOT keyword_set(units) THEN units = 'crate' CASE STRUPCASE(units) OF 'COUNTS' : ztit = 'Counts [#]' ; Raw counts 'RATE' : ztit = 'Counts Rate!C[#/sec]' ; Raw counts/sec 'CRATE' : ztit = 'Counts Rate!C[#/sec]' ; Corrected counts/sec 'EFLUX' : ztit = 'EFlux!C[eV/cm!E2!N sec sr eV]' ; eV/cm^2-sec-sr-eV 'FLUX' : ztit = 'Flux!C[#/cm!E2!N sec sr eV]' ; 1/cm^2-sec-sr-eV 'DF' : ztit = 'DF!C[cm!E-3!N(km/s)!E-3!N]' ; 1/(cm^3-(km/s)^3) ELSE : ztit = 'Unknown' ENDCASE oytit = 'SWEA (' + STRUPCASE(data_type) + ')!CEnergy [eV]' di = 0 ; For Default setting case IF dtype EQ 0 THEN BEGIN mvn_swe_convert_units, dat, units x = dat.time y = TRANSPOSE(dat.data) ;tmin = MIN(x, max=tmax) ;tsp = [tsp, tmin, tmax] v = swe_swp[*, 0] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(default) THEN BEGIN ; theta (deflection angle or looking direction) selection IF keyword_set(thrange) THEN BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(thrange) LT 2 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Error: theta keyword should have 2 elements.' RETURN ENDIF ELSE thrange = minmax(thrange) IF thrange[0] LT -90. || thrange[1] GT 90. THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Error: theta must be between -90 and 90 deg.' RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ELSE thrange = [-90., 90.] ; phi (anode or looking direction) selection IF keyword_set(phrange) THEN BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(phrange) LT 2 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Error: phi keyword should have 2 elements.' RETURN ENDIF ELSE phrange = minmax(phrange) IF phrange[0] LT 0. || phrange[1] GT 360. THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Error: phi must be between 0 and 360 deg.' RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ELSE phrange = [0., 360.] ENDIF IF NOT keyword_set(angle) THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(abins) THEN abins = REPLICATE(1., 16) IF NOT keyword_set(dbins) THEN dbins = REPLICATE(1., 6) obins = REFORM(abins # dbins, 96) i = WHERE(obins EQ 0., cnt) IF cnt GT 0 THEN obins[i] = nan undefine, i, cnt stow = INTARR(ndat) stow[*] = 0 IF keyword_set(mask) THEN BEGIN mobins = FLTARR(96, 2) mdbins = [0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.] mabins = REPLICATE(1., 16) mobins[*, 1] = REFORM(mabins # mdbins, 96) mobins[*, 0] = 1. mobins[0:3, 0] = 0. mobins[16:19, 0] = 0. i = WHERE(dat.time LT t_mtx[2], cnt) IF cnt GT 0 THEN stow[i] = 1 undefine, i, cnt ENDIF ELSE IF keyword_set(mbins) THEN BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(mbins) EQ 96 THEN mobins = mbins $ ELSE BEGIN dprint, 'You should input 96 elements of array to mask.' mobins = REPLICATE(1., 96) ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE mobins = REPLICATE(1., 96) i = WHERE(mobins EQ 0., cnt) IF cnt GT 0 THEN mobins[i] = nan undefine, i, cnt x = dat.time IF keyword_set(default) THEN suffix = ['sun', 'anti_sun', 'dusk', 'dawn', 'north', 'south'] y = FLTARR(N_ELEMENTS(suffix), ndat, 64) y[*] = 0. v = y CASE dtype OF 1: BEGIN FOR i=0LL, ndat-1 DO BEGIN j = 0 swe = mvn_swe_get3d(dat[i].time, unit=units, archive=aflg) swe.data *= REBIN(TRANSPOSE(obins*mobins[*, stow[i]]), swe.nenergy, swe.nbins) theta = swe.theta phi = swe.phi IF from NE to THEN mvn_swe_etspec_cotrans, swe, theta, phi, theta=theta, phi=phi, $ from=from, to=to IF NOT keyword_set(default) THEN BEGIN ibins = WHERE( (theta GE thrange[0] AND theta LE thrange[1]) $ AND (phi GE phrange[0] AND phi LE phrange[1]), nibins) IF nibins GT 0 THEN y[j, i, *] = TOTAL(swe.data[*, ibins], 2, /nan) $ ELSE y[j, i, *] = nan v[j, i, *] = average(swe.energy, 2, /nan) ENDIF ELSE mvn_swe_etspec_default, swe, theta, phi, units=units, y=y, v=v, index=i, suffix=suffix undefine, swe, ibins, nibins, theta, phi ENDFOR END 2: BEGIN FOR i=0LL, ndat-1 DO BEGIN j = 0 swe = mvn_swe_getpad(dat[i].time, unit=units, archive=aflg) swe.data *= REBIN(TRANSPOSE(obins[swe.k3d]*mobins[swe.k3d, stow[i]]), swe.nenergy, swe.nbins) theta = swe.theta phi = swe.phi IF from NE to THEN mvn_swe_etspec_cotrans, swe, theta, phi, theta=theta, phi=phi, from=from, to=to IF NOT keyword_set(default) THEN BEGIN ibins = WHERE( (theta GE thrange[0] AND theta LE thrange[1]) $ AND (phi GE phrange[0] AND phi LE phrange[1]), nibins) IF nibins GT 0 THEN y[j, i, *] = TOTAL(swe.data[*, ibins], 2, /nan) $ ELSE y[j, i, *] = nan v[j, i, *] = average(swe.energy, 2, /nan) ENDIF ELSE mvn_swe_etspec_default, swe, theta, phi, units=units, y=y, v=v, index=i, suffix=suffix undefine, swe, ibins, nibins ENDFOR END ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN CASE angle OF 'pa': BEGIN IF SIZE(swe_mag1, /type) NE 8 THEN BEGIN print, ptrace() print, ' No MAG1 data loaded. Use mvn_swe_addmag first.' RETURN ENDIF IF NOT keyword_set(default) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(pitch) THEN BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(pitch) LT 2 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Error: pitch keyword should have 2 elements.' RETURN ENDIF ELSE pitch = minmax(pitch) IF pitch[0] LT 0. || pitch[1] GT 180. THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Error: pitch must be 0 and 180 deg.' RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF mvn_swe_pad_resample, trange, result=result, snap=0, tplot=0, mask=mask, $ abins=abins, dbins=dbins, mbins=mbins, nbins=nbins, $ archive=aflg, map3d=2-dtype, verbose=verbose x = result.time default_loop_pa: IF keyword_set(default) THEN BEGIN CASE di OF 0: BEGIN pitch = [0., 30.] suffix = 'para' END 1: BEGIN pitch = [75., 105.] suffix = 'perp' END 2: BEGIN pitch = [150., 180.] suffix = 'anti_para' END ENDCASE ENDIF idx = WHERE(result[0].xax GE pitch[0] AND result[0].xax LE pitch[1], nidx) IF nidx GT 0 THEN y = TRANSPOSE(average(result.avg[*, idx, *], 2, /nan)) $ ELSE BEGIN dprint, 'There is no data found in your specified pitch angle ranges.' RETURN ENDELSE v = swe_swp[*, 0] END ENDCASE ENDELSE ENDELSE emin = MIN(v, max=emax) tname = 'mvn_swe_et_' + data_type + '_' + product IF suffix[0] NE '' THEN BEGIN ytit = oytit + '!C' + suffix tname += '_' + suffix ENDIF ELSE ytit = oytit FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(suffix)-1 DO BEGIN IF (dtype GT 0) AND SIZE(y, /n_dimension) GT 2 THEN BEGIN ydata = REFORM(y[i, *, *]) vdata = REFORM(v[i, *, *]) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ydata = y vdata = v ENDELSE store_data, tname[i], data={x:x, y:ydata, v:vdata}, $ dl={spec: 1, ytitle: ytit[i], yticks: 0, $ yminor: 0, y_no_interp: 1, x_no_interp: 1, $ ztitle: ztit, datagap: 300} undefine, ydata, vdata ENDFOR ylim, tname, emin, emax, 1, /def zlim, tname, 0, 0, 1, /def IF keyword_set(default) AND (di LT 2) THEN BEGIN di += 1 undefine, y, v undefine, idx, nidx undefine, pitch, suffix IF keyword_set(angle) THEN IF angle EQ 'pa' THEN GOTO, default_loop_pa ENDIF RETURN END