;+ ;FUNCTION: mvn_swe_esuppress ;PURPOSE: ; Calculates the SWEA electron suppression constant (Ke). The correction is ; based on monthly calibration sequences, during which the sweep table ; alternates between table 5 (V0 disabled) and table 6 (V0 enabled) several ; times. ; ; Empirically, the energy dependence of the suppression behaves as if there ; is a slightly different work function near the entrance aperture (top cap ; and entrance to concentric hemispheres) compared with the hemispheres closer ; to the MCP. This is modeled as two ESA's in series that have different ; analyzer constants. The functional form of the correction factor is then an ; exponential: ; ; correction factor = exp(-(Ke/E_in)^2.) ; ; where E_in is the energy of the electron interior to the toroidal grids. ; When Ke = 0, the correction factor is unity. Otherwise, there is a steep ; drop in sensitivity for E_in <~ Ke. ; ; This is the same functional form as observed for STATIC ion suppression. ; For STATIC, there is a clear time dependence over the mission and a ; directionality (mainly in RAM) that points to the influence of atomic O ; on internal STATIC surfaces, which are coated with CuO (commonly known by ; the trade name "Ebonol C"). The hypothesis is that atomic oxygen is ; altering the work function of CuO near the aperture. ; ; However, SWEA internal surfaces are coated with Cu2S instead of CuO, and ; there is no clear variation of the electron suppression with time. This ; suggests that exposure to atomic O does not affect SWEA significantly, and ; consequently that the suppression has been present since launch. ; ;USAGE: ; Ke = mvn_swe_esuppress(time) ; ;INPUTS: ; time: A single time or an array of times in any format ; accepted by time_double(). ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ON: Enable suppression correction. ; ; OFF: Disable suppression correction. ; ; SET: Set the suppression constant to any fixed value > 0. ; (This also enables the suppression correction.) This ; value remains persistent until you override it with a ; different value or disable it altogether with SET = 0. ; Note that SET = 0 reverts to the nominal suppression ; constant; it does not disable the correction. ; ; This is useful for fine tuning the correction, ; especially outside of the calibrated time range ; (2015-03-01 to 2016-09-01). ; ; SILENT: Don't print any warnings or messages. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-10-02 16:44:57 -0700 (Mon, 02 Oct 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24086 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_esuppress.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2016-09-13 ;FILE: mvn_swe_esuppress.pro ;- function mvn_swe_esuppress, time, on=on, off=off, set=set, silent=silent @mvn_swe_com common swe_esuppress, setflg, setval, domsg, a ; Initialize the common block on first call if (size(setflg,/type) eq 0) then begin setflg = 1 setval = 2.77 ; default is a constant value domsg = 1 a = [2.8441D, -1.8395d-4] endif ; Process keywords to determine configuration if keyword_set(silent) then domsg = 0 if keyword_set(on) then begin swe_es_switch = 1 print,"Electron suppression correction ON" domsg = 1 endif if keyword_set(off) then begin swe_es_switch = 0 print,"Electron suppression correction OFF" domsg = 1 endif if (size(set,/type) ne 0) then begin swe_es_switch = 1 if (set gt 0) then begin setflg = 1 setval = float(set) print,"Using fixed suppression constant: ",setval endif else begin setflg = 1 setval = 2.79 print,"Using nominal suppression constant: ",setval endelse domsg = 1 endif ; If electron suppression switch is off, then return zero swe_Ke = replicate(0., (n_elements(time) > 1L)) if (~swe_es_switch) then return, swe_Ke ; If there is a set value, then return that. Note that the electron ; suppression switch must also be turned on. if (setflg) then begin swe_Ke = replicate(setval, (n_elements(time) > 1L)) return, swe_Ke endif ; Otherwise return the value based on in-flight calibrations if (size(time,/type) eq 0) then return, 0. t = time_double(time) day = (t - t_sup[0])/86400D swe_Ke = a[0] + a[1]*day if (domsg) then begin if (min(t) lt t_sup[0]) then $ print,"Warning: SWEA electron suppression constant extrapolated before ", $ time_string(t_sup[0],prec=-3) if (max(t) gt t_sup[1]) then $ print,"Warning: SWEA electron suppression constant extrapolated after ", $ time_string(t_sup[1],prec=-3) domsg = 0 endif return, swe_Ke end