;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_eparam ;PURPOSE: ; Calculates the gyrofrequency, gyroradius and adiabatic condition ; (1st adiabatic invariant) for electrons: ; ; Fg = (28 Hz)*B ; gyrofrequency, [B] = nT ; ; Rg = (2.4 km)*sqrt(E)/B ; gyroradius, [E] = eV, [B] = nT ; ; (1/B)*(dB/dx)*Rg << 1 ; adiabatic condition ; ; Collision frequencies (s-1) for electrons with neutrals ([Te] = K, [n] = cm-3) ; (from Ionospheres by Schunk & Nagy, Table 4.6 on pg. 99): ; N2 (2.33e-11) * n(N2) * (1 - 1.21e-4*Te)*Te ; O2 (1.82e-10) * n(O2) * (1 + 3.60e-2*sqrt(Te))*sqrt(Te) ; O (8.90e-11) * n(O) * (1 + 5.70e-4*Te)*sqrt(Te) ; He (4.60e-10) * n(He) * sqrt(Te) ; H (4.50e-09) * n(H) * (1 - 1.35e-4*Te)*sqrt(Te) ; CO (2.34e-11) * n(CO) * (Te + 165) ; CO2 (3.68e-08) * n(CO2) * (1 + 4.1e-11*abs(4500 - Te)^2.93) ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_eparam ; ;INPUTS: ; None: Mag data are obtained from tplot variable. Spacecraft ephemeris ; is obtained from common block. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; MINALT: Below this altitude, electrons are assumed to be non-adiabatic ; because of collisions with atmospheric species. ; ; ENERGY: Electron energies (eV) for which to calculate parameters. ; Default = [1000.,100.,10.] ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-11-04 17:36:55 -0800 (Wed, 04 Nov 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 19246 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_eparam.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 09/18/15 ;- pro mvn_swe_eparam, minalt=minalt, energy=energy @maven_orbit_common if not keyword_set(minalt) then minalt = 200. if not keyword_set(energy) then energy = [1000.,100.,10.] n_e = n_elements(energy) elabs = strtrim(string(round(energy)),2) + ' eV' NaN = !values.f_nan ; Get the neutral atmosphere (maybe add this later) ; path = '/Users/mitchell/Documents/Home/Mars/MAVEN/Pressure Constraints/MTGCM/' ; fname = 'SMOD180.ATM.3am' ; read_mtgcm, path+fname, result=atm ; Te = (1.602e-12/1.38e-16) * 100. ; nu_CO2 = (3.68e-08) * atm.n_CO2 * (1 + 4.1e-11*abs(4500 - Te)^2.93) ; Calculate (1/B)*(dB/dx) get_data,'mvn_B_1sec',data=mag,index=i if (i eq 0) then begin print,"Load MAG data first." return endif t = mag.x npts = n_elements(t) dB = mag.y - shift(mag.y,1,0) dB = sqrt(total(dB^2,2)) dB[0] = dB[1] B = sqrt(total(mag.y^2,2)) B = (B + shift(B,1))/2. B[0] = B[1] dBdt = dB/B ; dB/B per sec if (size(state,/type) ne 8) then maven_orbit_tplot,/load v = spline(time, sqrt(total(state.mso_v^2.,2)), t) ; s/c velocity h = spline(time, hgt, t) ; s/c altitude dBdx = (abs(dBdt)/v) # replicate(1.,n_e) ; dB/B per km ; Calculate e- gyrofrequency Fg = 28.*B ; e- gyrofrequency (Hz) ; Calculate e- gyroradius B = B # replicate(1.,n_e) E = replicate(1.,npts) # energy Rg = 2.4*sqrt(E)/B ; e- gyroradius (km) ; Calculate adiabatic condition dBdRg = dBdx * Rg ; dB/B per gyroradius ; Collisional regime is not adiabatic either indx = where(h lt minalt, count) if (count gt 0L) then dBdRg[indx,*] = NaN ; e- in collisional regime ; Store result in tplot variables vname = 'Fg_elec' store_data,vname,data={x:t, y:Fg} options,vname,'ytitle','Fg (elec)' ylim,vname,0,0,1 vname = 'Rg_elec' store_data,vname,data={x:t, y:Rg, v:energy} options,vname,'ytitle','Rg (elec)' options,vname,'spec',0 ylim,vname,0.003,300,1 options,vname,'labels',elabs options,vname,'labflag',1 vname = 'dBdRg' store_data,vname,data={x:t, y:smooth(dBdRg,[11,1],/nan), v:energy} options,vname,'ytitle','dB/dRg' options,vname,'spec',0 ylim,vname,1e-4,1e1,1 options,vname,'labels',elabs options,vname,'labflag',1 options,vname,'constant',[0.01,1] end