;+ ;FUNCTION: mvn_swe_crosscal ;PURPOSE: ; Calculates SWEA-SWIA cross calibration factor as a function of time. ; Based on polynomial fits to numerous cross calibrations between SWEA ; and SWIA in the upstream solar wind, when both instruments were ; measuring the complete electron and ion distributions, respectively. ; Only periods of steady solar wind, when the spacecraft potential can ; be reliably estimated from SWEA data are used. ; ; The variation of the cross calibration factor with time after each ; MCPHV bump is well fit with a quadratic, so I'll allow extrapolation ; into periods with no solar wind coverage. ; ; Assumptions: ; ; (1) Charge neutrality. ; ; (2) SWIA is measuring the entire ion distribution. This is safe ; in the upstream solar wind, as long as the spacecraft is Sun ; pointed, which is most of the time. Watch out for times of ; Earth point. ; ; (3) The energy flux in SWEA's blind spots is the same as the ; average energy flux over the rest of the field of view. This ; can be very much in error for the solar wind halo distribution; ; however, most of the density is in the core distribution, which ; is not strongly directional. ; ;USAGE: ; factor = mvn_swe_crosscal(time) ; ;INPUTS: ; time: A single time or an array of times in any format ; accepted by time_double(). ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ON: Turn cross calibation switch on. ; ; OFF: Turn cross calibration switch off. ; ; REFRESH: Refresh the polynomial coefficients. ; ; EXTRAP: Extrapolate past the last measured cross calibration ; factor using a quadratic fit to all values since the ; last MCPHV bump. (This is the default.) Set this ; keyword to zero to use the last known value instead. ; ; SILENT: Don't print any warnings or messages. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-03-17 11:20:05 -0700 (Tue, 17 Mar 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28420 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_crosscal.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 05-04-16 ;FILE: mvn_swe_crosscal.pro ;- function mvn_swe_crosscal, time, on=on, off=off, refresh=refresh, extrap=extrap, silent=silent @mvn_swe_com common swe_cc_com, tc, ac, eflg if ((size(tc,/type) eq 0) or keyword_set(refresh)) then begin tc = time_double(['2014-03-22','2014-11-12','2015-12-20','2016-10-25','2017-08-12','2018-11-13']) ac = dblarr(4, n_elements(tc)) ac[*,0] = [2.6D , 0.0D , 0.0D , 0.0D ] ; MCPHV = 2500 V ac[*,1] = [2.3368D, -9.9426d-4, 2.6014d-5, 0.0D ] ; MCPHV = 2600 V ac[*,2] = [2.2143D, 7.9280d-4, 1.4300d-5, 0.0D ] ; MCPHV = 2700 V ac[*,3] = [2.0027D, 7.2892d-3, -1.1918d-5, 0.0D ] ; MCPHV = 2750 V ac[*,4] = [2.2929D, 6.0841d-3, -2.0345d-5, 3.0202d-8] ; MCPHV = 2800 V ac[*,5] = [1.9086D, 4.6361d-3, -1.0890d-5, 0.0D ] ; MCPHV = 2875 V eflg = 0 endif domsg = ~keyword_set(silent) if (size(extrap,/type) gt 0) then begin eflg = keyword_set(extrap) if (domsg) then if (eflg) then print,"SWE-SWI crosscal extrapolation ON." $ else print,"SWE-SWI crosscal extrapolation OFF." return, 0. endif if keyword_set(on) then begin swe_cc_switch = 1 if (domsg) then print,"SWE-SWI crosscal enabled." return, 0. endif if keyword_set(off) then begin swe_cc_switch = 0 if (domsg) then print,"SWE-SWI crosscal disabled." return, 0. endif cc = replicate(1., n_elements(time)) if (~swe_cc_switch) then return, cc t = time_double(time) indx = where(t lt t_mcp[1], count) ; MCPHV = 2500 V if (count gt 0L) then cc[indx] = ac[0,0] indx = where((t ge t_mcp[1]) and (t lt t_mcp[2]), count) ; MCPHV = 2600 V if (count gt 0L) then cc[indx] = ac[0,1] indx = where((t ge t_mcp[2]) and (t lt t_mcp[3]), count) ; MCPHV = 2600 V if (count gt 0L) then begin i = 1 day = (t[indx] - tc[i])/86400D cc[indx] = ac[0,i] + day*(ac[1,i] + day*(ac[2,i] + day*ac[3,i])) endif indx = where((t ge t_mcp[3]) and (t lt t_mcp[4]), count) ; MCPHV = 2700 V if (count gt 0L) then begin i = 2 day = (t[indx] - tc[i])/86400D cc[indx] = ac[0,i] + day*(ac[1,i] + day*(ac[2,i] + day*ac[3,i])) endif indx = where((t ge t_mcp[4]) and (t lt t_mcp[5]), count) ; MCPHV = 2600 V if (count gt 0L) then begin i = 1 day = (t[indx] - tc[i])/86400D cc[indx] = ac[0,i] + day*(ac[1,i] + day*(ac[2,i] + day*ac[3,i])) endif indx = where((t ge t_mcp[5]) and (t lt t_mcp[6]), count) ; MCPHV = 2700 V if (count gt 0L) then begin i = 2 day = (t[indx] - tc[i])/86400D cc[indx] = ac[0,i] + day*(ac[1,i] + day*(ac[2,i] + day*ac[3,i])) endif indx = where((t ge t_mcp[6]) and (t lt t_mcp[7]), count) ; MCPHV = 2750 V if (count gt 0L) then begin i = 3 day = (t[indx] - tc[i])/86400D cc[indx] = (ac[0,i] + day*(ac[1,i] + day*(ac[2,i] + day*ac[3,i]))) > 2.25D endif indx = where((t ge t_mcp[7]) and (t lt t_mcp[8]), count) ; MCPHV = 2800 V if (count gt 0L) then begin i = 4 day = (t[indx] - tc[i])/86400D cc[indx] = ac[0,i] + day*(ac[1,i] + day*(ac[2,i] + day*ac[3,i])) endif indx = where((t ge t_mcp[8]) and (t lt t_mcp[9]), count) ; MCPHV = 2875 V if (count gt 0L) then begin i = 5 day = (t[indx] - tc[i])/86400D cc[indx] = ac[0,i] + day*(ac[1,i] + day*(ac[2,i] + day*ac[3,i])) endif indx = where(t ge t_mcp[9], count) if (count gt 0L) then begin i = 5 if (eflg) then begin day = (t[indx] - tc[i])/86400D if (domsg) then print,"Warning: SWE-SWI cross calibration factor extrapolated after ", $ time_string(t_mcp[9],prec=-3) endif else begin day = (t_mcp[9] - tc[i])/86400D if (domsg) then print,"Warning: SWE-SWI cross calibration factor fixed after ", $ time_string(t_mcp[9],prec=-3) endelse cc[indx] = ac[0,i] + day*(ac[1,i] + day*(ac[2,i] + day*ac[3,i])) endif return, cc end