;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; mvn_swe_convert_units ;PURPOSE: ; Convert units for SPEC, PAD, and 3D data. ;AUTHOR: ; David L. Mitchell ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_swe_convert_units, data, units, SCALE=SCALE ;INPUTS: ; Data: A 3D, PAD, or SPEC data structure for SWEA ; Units: Units to convert the structure to. Recognized units are: ; COUNTS : raw counts, uncorrected for deadtime ; RATE : raw count rate, uncorrected for deadtime ; CRATE : count rate, corrected for deadtime ; FLUX : differential number flux (1/cm^2-s-ster-eV) ; EFLUX : differential energy flux (eV/cm^2-s-ster-eV) ; E2FLUX : energy flux per energy bin (eV/cm^2-s-ster-bin) ; DF : distribution function (1/(cm^3-(km/s)^3)) ;KEYWORDS: ; SCALE: Returns the array of conversion factors used ;OUTPUTS: ; Returns the same data structure in the new units ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-15 12:42:31 -0700 (Fri, 15 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26814 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_convert_units.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swe_convert_units, data, units, scale=scale compile_opt idl2 if (n_params() eq 0) then return if (strupcase(units) eq strupcase(data[0].units_name)) then return c = 2.99792458D5 ; velocity of light [km/s] mass = (5.10998910D5)/(c*c) ; electron rest mass [eV/(km/s)^2] m_conv = 2D5/(mass*mass) ; mass conversion factor (flux to distribution function) ; Get information from input structure energy = data.energy ; [eV] denergy = data.denergy ; [eV] gf = data.gf*data.eff ; energy/angle dependent GF with MCP efficiency [cm2-ster-eV/eV] dt = data[0].integ_t ; integration time [sec] per energy/angle bin (unsummed) dt_arr = data.dt_arr ; #energies * #anodes per bin for rate and dead time corrections dtc = data.dtc ; dead time correction: 1. - (raw count rate)*dead ; The dead time correction (dtc) is stored separately in the data structure. ; This makes it possible to convert back and forth between units with and without ; the dead time correction applied. ; Use the same energy scale factor for adjacent energy steps that are binned. ; (This is not needed for denergy, which is used only for units of e2flux.) n_a = 1 n_e = 64 grp = replicate(0, n_elements(data)) str_element, data[0], 'nbins', n_a str_element, data[0], 'nenergy', n_e str_element, data, 'group', grp if (n_e gt 1) then begin indx = where(grp eq 1, count) if (count gt 0) then begin unity = replicate(1.,2) energy1 = reform(energy[*,*,indx], n_e, n_a*count) for i=0,(n_e-1),2 do energy1[i:(i+1),*] = unity # average(energy1[i:(i+1),*],1) energy[*,*,indx] = reform(energy1, n_e, n_a, count) endif indx = where(grp eq 2, count) if (count gt 0) then begin unity = replicate(1.,4) energy1 = reform(energy[*,*,indx], n_e, n_a*count) for i=0,(n_e-1),4 do energy1[i:(i+3),*] = unity # average(energy1[i:(i+3),*],1) energy[*,*,indx] = reform(energy1, n_e, n_a, count) endif endif ; Calculate the conversion factors case strupcase(data[0].units_name) of 'COUNTS' : scale = 1D ; Raw counts 'RATE' : scale = 1D*dt*dt_arr ; Raw counts/sec 'CRATE' : scale = 1D*dtc*dt*dt_arr ; Corrected counts/sec 'E2FLUX' : scale = 1D*dtc*dt*dt_arr*gf / denergy ; eV/cm^2-sec-sr 'EFLUX' : scale = 1D*dtc*dt*dt_arr*gf ; eV/cm^2-sec-sr-eV 'FLUX' : scale = 1D*dtc*dt*dt_arr*gf * energy ; 1/cm^2-sec-sr-eV 'DF' : scale = 1D*dtc*dt*dt_arr*gf * energy^2. * m_conv ; 1/(cm^3-(km/s)^3) else : begin print, 'Unknown starting units: ',data[0].units_name return end endcase case strupcase(units) of 'COUNTS' : scale = scale * 1D 'RATE' : scale = scale * 1D/(dt * dt_arr) 'CRATE' : scale = scale * 1D/(dtc * dt * dt_arr) 'E2FLUX' : scale = scale * 1D/(dtc * dt * dt_arr * gf / denergy) 'EFLUX' : scale = scale * 1D/(dtc * dt * dt_arr * gf) 'FLUX' : scale = scale * 1D/(dtc * dt * dt_arr * gf * energy) 'DF' : scale = scale * 1D/(dtc * dt * dt_arr * gf * energy^2 * m_conv) else : begin print, 'Unknown units: ',units return end endcase ; Scale to new units data.units_name = units data.data = data.data * scale data.var = data.var * (scale*scale) data.bkg = data.bkg * scale return end