;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_catalog ;PURPOSE: ; Looks in the SWEA L2 data directories and builds a catalog of files ; organized by type, year and month. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_catalog ; ;INPUTS: ; None. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; VERSION: Look for L2 files with this version number. ; Default is to use the current release version. ; ; REVISION: Look for L2 files with this revision number. ; Default is to look for the latest revision. ; ; MTIME: Look for L2 files modified after this time. ; Default is to look for all files regardless of ; modification time. ; ; RESULT: Named variable to hold the result structure ; containing all valid file names organized by ; type, year and month. ; ; VERBOSE: Print out number of files of each type by ; year and month. This is the main point, so ; the default is 1 (yes). ; ; TOUCH: Change the access and modification times of ; all files collected in RESULT to the current ; time. This can be used to "encourage" file ; transfers to the SDC. Works only in unix-like ; environments. Use with caution! ; ; TRANGE: Search for files only within this time range. ; Only year, month, day are used. ; ; PDS: Search for files only in this PDS release ; number or range. ; ; DROPBOX: Place copies of the files into the dropbox. ; This will force immediate delivery to the SDC. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-02-11 12:14:26 -0800 (Mon, 11 Feb 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26597 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_catalog.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 04-25-13 ;FILE: mvn_swe_catalog.pro ;- pro mvn_swe_catalog, version=version, revision=revision, mtime=mtime, result=dat, $ verbose=verbose, touch=touch, trange=trange, pds=pds, $ dropbox=dropbox ; Process keywords if (size(version,/type) eq 0) then ver = '??' else ver = string(version, format='(i2.2)') if (size(revision,/type) eq 0) then rev = '??' else rev = string(revision, format='(i2.2)') if (size(verbose,/type) eq 0) then blab = 1 else blab = keyword_set(verbose) if (size(mtime,/type) eq 0) then mtime = 0D else mtime = time_double(mtime) tflg = keyword_set(touch) dflg = keyword_set(dropbox) pflg = keyword_set(pds) if (tflg or dflg) then begin if (~pflg and (mtime eq 0D)) then begin print,'TOUCH or DROPBOX is set, but MTIME or PDS is not set!' print,'This could trigger a massive file transfer to the SDC!' endif else begin if (pflg) then begin pmsg = '' for i=min(pds),max(pds) do pmsg += string(i) print,'Transfer all SWEA L2 files for PDS release(s): ',strcompress(pmsg) endif if (mtime gt 0D) then print,'Transfer SWEA L2 files if created after ',time_string(mtime[0]) endelse yn = 'N' read, yn, prompt='Are you sure (y|n)? ', format='(a1)' if (strupcase(yn) ne 'Y') then tflg = 0 endif if (rev eq '??') then last = 1 else last = 0 ; Shush dprint dprint,' ', getdebug=bug, dlevel=4 dprint,' ', setdebug=-1, dlevel=4 ; Initialize oneday = 86400D drop_dir = root_data_dir() + 'maven/data/dropbox' if (dflg) then begin finfo = file_info(drop_dir) if (~finfo.exists) then begin print,'Dropbox directory not found: ',drop_dir return endif endif data_dir = 'maven/data/sci/swe/l2/' froot = 'mvn_swe_l2_' tmin = time_double('2014-03-01') tmax = double(ceil(systime(/sec,/utc)/oneday))*oneday if (n_elements(trange) gt 1) then trange = minmax(time_double(trange)) $ else trange = [tmin,tmax] if (pflg) then begin trange = replicate(time_struct('2014-11-15'), 2) trange.month += 3*fix([min(pds)-1, max(pds)]) trange = time_double(trange) trange[1] -= oneday endif tstr = time_struct(tmin) year0 = tstr.year tstr = time_struct(tmax) year1 = tstr.year nyear = year1 - year0 + 1 cat = {date : 0D , $ year : 0 , $ month : 0 , $ files : replicate('',31) , $ nfiles : 0 } cat = replicate(cat,nyear,12) cat.year = (year0 + indgen(nyear)) # replicate(1,12) cat.month = replicate(1,nyear) # (indgen(12) + 1) tstr = replicate(time_struct(0D),nyear,12) tstr.year = cat.year tstr.month = cat.month cat.date = time_double(tstr) ftypes = ['svy3d','svypad','svyspec','arc3d','arcpad'] ntypes = n_elements(ftypes) dat = replicate({ftype : '', years : cat[*,0].year, cat : cat}, ntypes) dat.ftype = ftypes ; Look for data print, ' ' print, 'Total number of files:' ntotal = 0 for k=0,(ntypes-1) do begin ftype = dat[k].ftype print, ftype ,format='(a7,": ",$)' nfound = 0 for i=0,(nyear-1) do begin for j=0,11 do begin yyyy = string(dat[k].cat[i,j].year,format='(i4.4)') mm = string(dat[k].cat[i,j].month,format='(i2.2)') nm = string(dat[k].cat[i,j].month+1,format='(i2.2)') path = data_dir + yyyy + '/' + mm + '/' fname = path + froot + ftype + '_' + yyyy + mm + 'DD_v' + ver + '_r' + rev + '.cdf' t1 = time_double(yyyy + '-' + mm) t2 = time_double(yyyy + '-' + nm) files = file_retrieve(fname,/no_server,last_version=last,trange=[t1,t2]) chksum = file_dirname(files) + '/' + file_basename(files,'.cdf') + '.md5' finfo = file_info(files) valid = where((finfo.exists and (finfo.mtime ge mtime)), nvalid) if (nvalid gt 0) then begin yyyy = strmid(files[valid],19,4,/reverse) mm = strmid(files[valid],15,2,/reverse) dd = strmid(files[valid],13,2,/reverse) times = time_double(yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd) indx = where((times ge trange[0]) and (times le trange[1]), nvalid) if (nvalid gt 0) then begin valid = valid[indx] dat[k].cat[i,j].files[0:(nvalid-1)] = files[valid] dat[k].cat[i,j].nfiles = nvalid nfound += nvalid if (tflg) then begin for m=0,(nvalid-1) do begin spawn, 'touch ' + files[valid[m]] spawn, 'touch ' + chksum[valid[m]] endfor endif if (dflg) then begin for m=0,(nvalid-1) do begin file_copy, files[valid[m]], drop_dir, /overwrite, /verbose file_copy, chksum[valid[m]], drop_dir, /overwrite, /verbose endfor endif endif endif endfor endfor print, string(nfound,format='(i5)') ntotal += nfound endfor print,'--------------' print,'total',ntotal,format='(a7,": ",i5)' print, ' ' ; Report the result if (blab) then begin for i=0,(nyear-1) do begin for j=0,11 do begin n = total(dat.cat[i,j].nfiles) if (n gt 0) then begin print, time_string(dat[0].cat[i,j].date,prec=-4) for k=0,(ntypes-1) do print,dat[k].ftype,dat[k].cat[i,j].nfiles,format='(2x,a7,2x,i3)' print,'--------------' print,'total',n,format='(2x,a7,2x,i3)' print,' ' endif endfor endfor endif ; Repackage into more convenient form k = 0 svy3d = {year:dat[k].cat[0,0].year, cat:reform(dat[k].cat[0,*])} svy3d = replicate(svy3d, nyear) for i=1,(nyear-1) do begin svy3d[i].year = dat[k].cat[i,0].year svy3d[i].cat = reform(dat[k].cat[i,*]) endfor k = 1 svypad = {year:dat[k].cat[0,0].year, cat:reform(dat[k].cat[0,*])} svypad = replicate(svypad, nyear) for i=1,(nyear-1) do begin svypad[i].year = dat[k].cat[i,0].year svypad[i].cat = reform(dat[k].cat[i,*]) endfor k = 2 svyspec = {year:dat[k].cat[0,0].year, cat:reform(dat[k].cat[0,*])} svyspec = replicate(svyspec, nyear) for i=1,(nyear-1) do begin svyspec[i].year = dat[k].cat[i,0].year svyspec[i].cat = reform(dat[k].cat[i,*]) endfor k = 3 arc3d = {year:dat[k].cat[0,0].year, cat:reform(dat[k].cat[0,*])} arc3d = replicate(arc3d, nyear) for i=1,(nyear-1) do begin arc3d[i].year = dat[k].cat[i,0].year arc3d[i].cat = reform(dat[k].cat[i,*]) endfor k = 4 arcpad = {year:dat[k].cat[0,0].year, cat:reform(dat[k].cat[0,*])} arcpad = replicate(arcpad, nyear) for i=1,(nyear-1) do begin arcpad[i].year = dat[k].cat[i,0].year arcpad[i].cat = reform(dat[k].cat[i,*]) endfor cat = {years:dat[0].cat[*,0].year, svy3d:svy3d, svypad:svypad, svyspec:svyspec, $ arc3d:arc3d, arcpad:arcpad} ; Restore debug state dprint,' ', setdebug=bug, dlevel=4 return end