;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_addmag ;PURPOSE: ; Loads MAG data from L2 or L1 save/restore files, rotates the MAG vectors to ; the SWEA frame, and stores the result in the SWEA common block for quick ; access by mvn_swe_getpad and mvn_swe_get3d. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_addmag ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; FULL: The default priority order for loading is (highest to lowest): ; L2_1SEC, L2_FULL, L1_1SEC, L1_FULL. ; ; If set, then the priority order is: L2_FULL, L1_FULL. ; ; USEPADMAG: If all else fails, then use the PAD angles as calculated ; onboard. In the best case, this close to MAG L1, except the ; angular resolution is reduced (256 azimuths, 40 elevations). ; In the worst case, it can be off by 10's of degrees. Use with ; caution! Default = 0 (never use PAD angles). If PAD angles ; are used, the MAG level is set to zero. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-05-06 10:24:30 -0700 (Fri, 06 May 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21034 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_addmag.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 03/18/14 ;- pro mvn_swe_addmag, full=full, usepadmag=usepadmag @mvn_swe_com swe_mag1 = 0 maglev = 'L0' ; Get the highest level MAG data available mvn_mag_load, 'L2_1SEC' get_data, 'mvn_B_1sec', data=mag1, alim=lim, index=i if (i eq 0) then begin print,"No MAG data found!" if keyword_set(usepadmag) then begin print,"*****************************************" print,"WARNING: USING PAD MAG ANGLES" print,"For rough estimates only - not for publication" print,"*****************************************" y = fltarr(n_elements(a2),3) mvn_swe_magdir, a2.time, a2.Baz, a2.Bel, Baz, Bel y[*,0] = cos(Baz)*cos(Bel) y[*,1] = sin(Baz)*cos(Bel) y[*,2] = sin(Bel) mag1 = {x:(a2.time + 1.5D), y:y} lim = {level:'L0'} endif else return endif str_element, lim, 'level', maglev, success=ok case strupcase(maglev) of 'L0' : maglev = 0 'L1' : maglev = 1 'L2' : maglev = 2 else : maglev = 0 endcase ; Rotate to the SWEA frame using same code as flight software (no SPICE) if (maglev gt 0) then begin print, string(maglev,format='("Using MAG L",i1," data.")') indx = where((mag1.x gt t_mtx[0]) and (mag1.x lt t_mtx[2]), nstow, $ complement=jndx, ncomplement=ndeploy) if (nstow gt 0L) then begin print,"Using stowed boom rotation matrix for MAG1" mag1.y[indx,*] = rotate_mag_to_swe(mag1.y[indx,*], magu=1, /stow, /payload) endif if (ndeploy gt 0L) then begin print,"Using deployed boom rotation matrix for MAG1" mag1.y[jndx,*] = rotate_mag_to_swe(mag1.y[jndx,*], magu=1, /payload) endif endif ; Store the result in the SWEA common block if (size(swe_mag_struct,/type) ne 8) then mvn_swe_struct swe_mag1 = replicate(swe_mag_struct, n_elements(mag1.x)) swe_mag1.time = mag1.x swe_mag1.magf = transpose(mag1.y) swe_mag1.Bamp = sqrt(total(mag1.y * mag1.y, 2)) swe_mag1.Bphi = atan(mag1.y[*,1], mag1.y[*,0]) indx = where(swe_mag1.Bphi lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then swe_mag1[indx].Bphi += (2.*!pi) swe_mag1.Bthe = asin(mag1.y[*,2]/swe_mag1.Bamp) swe_mag1.level = maglev swe_mag1.valid = 1B ; Store results and comparisons in TPLOT variables store_data,'Bphi1',data={x:swe_mag1.time, y:swe_mag1.Bphi*!radeg} store_data,'Bthe1',data={x:swe_mag1.time, y:swe_mag1.Bthe*!radeg} store_data,'Bamp1',data={x:swe_mag1.time, y:swe_mag1.Bamp} ylim,'Bphi1',0,360,0 options,'Bphi1','yticks',4 options,'Bphi1','yminor',3 options,'Bphi1','psym',3 options,'Bphi1','ytitle','Bphi (deg)' ylim,'Bthe1',-90,90,0 options,'Bthe1','yticks',2 options,'Bthe1','yminor',3 options,'Bthe1','psym',3 options,'Bthe1','ytitle','Bthe (deg)' ylim,'Bamp1',0.1,500,1 options,'Bamp1','ytitle','|B| (nT)' ; Compare MAG1 angles with SWEA PAD angles get_data,'swe_mag_svy',data=foo if (size(foo,/type) eq 8) then begin store_data,'Sphi',data={x:foo.x, y:foo.y[*,0]} store_data,'Sthe',data={x:foo.x, y:foo.y[*,1]-90.} store_data,'PAD_Phi',data=['Bphi1','Sphi'] store_data,'PAD_The',data=['Bthe1','Sthe'] ylim,'PAD_Phi',0,360,0 options,'PAD_Phi','ytitle','PAD Phi' options,'PAD_Phi','yticks',4 options,'PAD_Phi','yminor',3 ylim,'PAD_The',-90,90,0 options,'PAD_The','ytitle','PAD The' options,'PAD_The','yticks',2 options,'PAD_The','yminor',3 options,'Sphi','color',2 options,'Sthe','color',2 options,'Sphi','psym',3 options,'Sthe','psym',3 endif return end