;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_coldion ;PURPOSE: ; Loads STATIC data and calculates density, temperature, and velocity of ; H+, O+, and O2+. The data are corrected for spacecraft potential and ; spacecraft motion when transforming to the MSO frame. Thermal electron ; density from LPW is included as a check on the total ion density ; measured by STATIC. Topology information based on the two-stream shape ; parameter (Xu) and PAD score (Weber) is attached to each measurement. ; A variety of ephemeris and geometry information are also included. ; ; This routine uses STATIC code developed by J. McFadden. ; ; This routine uses velocity moment code developed by Y. Harada and ; T. Hara. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_sta_coldion ; ;INPUTS: ; None: Data are loaded based on timespan. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; BEAM: Use the beam version of the moment calculation. Provides ; the most accurate densities around periapsis. Does not ; work at all away from periapsis. ; ; POTENTIAL: Use the composite spacecraft potential determined from ; SWEA, STATIC, and LPW. See mvn_scpot.pro for details. ; This should always be set! Default = 1. ; ; DENSITY: Calculate densities for O+ and O2+. If BEAM = 0, then ; H+ density is also determined. Automatically sets ; POTENTIAL = 1. ; ; TEMPERATURE: Calculate temperatures for O+ and O2+. If BEAM = 0, then ; H+ temperature is also determined. Automatically sets ; POTENTIAL = 1. ; ; VELOCITY: Calculate velocities of H+, O+, and/or O2+. ; ; VELOCITY = 1 --> calculate for all three species ; VELOCITY = [0,0,1] --> calculate only for O2+ ; ; If you set this keyword, then you must load one of the ; following APID's, in order of preference: ; ; d1 -> 32E x 8M x 4D x 16A, burst time resolution ; d0 -> 32E x 8M x 4D x 16A, survey time resolution ; cf -> 16E x 16M x 4D x 16A, burst time resolution ; ce -> 16E x 16M x 4D x 16A, survey time resolution ; ; FRAME: Reference frame for velocities. Default = 'mso'. Try 'app' ; to get apparent flow direction in APP frame. ; ; RESULT_H: Result structure for H+. ; ; RESULT_O1: Result structure for O+. ; ; RESULT_O2: Result structure for O2+. ; ; PARNG: Pitch angle range for 2-stream shape parameter. ; 1 : 0-30 deg (default) ; 2 : 0-45 deg ; 3 : 0-60 deg ; ; TAVG: Time averaging window size. Improves statistics and ; reduces run time. ; ; NOLOAD: Skip the step of loading data. ; ; PANS: Named variable to hold a space delimited string containing ; the tplot variable(s) created. ; ; RESET: Reinitialize the result structures. ; ; DOPLOT: Make tplot variables of the results. ; ; SUCCESS: Processing success flag. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-11-09 11:42:36 -0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26100 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_sta_coldion.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;- pro mvn_sta_coldion, beam=beam, potential=potential, adisc=adisc, parng=parng, $ density=density, velocity=velocity, tavg=tavg, pans=pans, $ result_h=result_h, result_o1=result_o1, result_o2=result_o2, $ noload=noload, temperature=temperature, reset=reset, $ frame=frame, doplot=doplot, success=success common coldion, cio_h, cio_o1, cio_o2 common mvn_sta_kk3_anode, kk3_anode common mvn_c6, mvn_c6_ind, mvn_c6_dat common mvn_c8, mvn_c8_ind, mvn_c8_dat common mvn_d0, mvn_d0_ind, mvn_d0_dat common mvn_d1, mvn_d1_ind, mvn_d1_dat success = 0 cio_h = 0 cio_o1 = 0 cio_o2 = 0 ; Process keywords if (size(potential,/type) eq 0) then potential = 1 dopot = keyword_set(potential) case n_elements(velocity) of 0 : dovel = [0, 0, 0] 1 : dovel = [velocity, 0, 0] 2 : dovel = [velocity, 0] else : dovel = velocity[0:2] endcase doden = keyword_set(density) dotmp = keyword_set(temperature) kk3_anode = keyword_set(adisc) if (kk3_anode) then begin uinfo = get_login_info() if (uinfo.user_name ne 'mitchell') then begin print,"Please contact DLM if you want to use this option." kk3_anode = 0 endif endif species = ['H+','O+','O2+'] m_arr = fltarr(3,3) m_arr[*,0] = [ 0, 1, 4] ; H+ m_arr[*,1] = [14,16,20] ; O+ m_arr[*,2] = [25,32,40] ; O2+ e_arr = fltarr(2,3) e_arr[*,0] = [0.,30000.] ; H+ e_arr[*,1] = [0., 3000.] ; O+ e_arr[*,2] = [0., 3000.] ; O2+ cols = get_colors() icols = [cols.blue,cols.green,cols.red] ; color for each species if (size(parng,/type) eq 0) then parng = 1 if not keyword_set(frame) then frame = 'mso' frame = mvn_frame_name(frame) if (frame eq 'MAVEN_APP') then begin vsc = 0 print,'Calculating apparent flow in APP frame - no s/c velocity correction.' endif else vsc = 1 ; Load STATIC data get_data, 'mvn_sta_c6_M', index=i get_data, 'mvn_sta_d1_E', index=j get_data, 'mvn_sta_d0_E', index=k if ((i eq 0) or (j+k eq 0)) then noload = 0 if ~keyword_set(noload) then begin mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid=['c0','c6','c8'] str_element, mvn_c6_dat, 'valid', valid, success=ok if (ok) then indx = where(valid, count) else count = 0L if (count eq 0L) then begin print,"No STATIC c6 data." return endif mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid=['d1'] str_element, mvn_d1_dat, 'valid', valid, success=ok if (ok) then indx = where(valid, count) else count = 0L if (count eq 0L) then begin print,"No STATIC d1 data." mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid=['d0'] str_element, mvn_d0_dat, 'valid', valid, success=ok if (ok) then indx = where(valid, count) else count = 0L if (count eq 0L) then begin print,"No STATIC d0 data." return endif endif mvn_sta_l2_tplot, /replace endif pans = [''] get_data, 'mvn_sta_c0_E', index=i if (i gt 0) then begin pans = [pans,'mvn_sta_c0_E'] ylim,'mvn_sta_c0_E',4e-1,4e4 options,'mvn_sta_c0_E','ytitle','sta c0!CEnergy!CeV' endif get_data, 'mvn_sta_c6_M', index=i if (i gt 0) then begin pans = [pans,'mvn_sta_c6_M'] options,'mvn_sta_c6_M','ytitle','sta c6!CMass!Camu' endif pans = pans[1:*] if (~doden and ~dotmp and (max(dovel) eq 0)) then return get_data, 'mvn_sta_d1_E', data=dat4d, index=i if (i eq 0) then begin get_data, 'mvn_sta_d0_E', data=dat4d, index=i if (i eq 0) then begin print, "No STATIC d1 or d0 data loaded." return endif else v_apid = 'd0' endif else v_apid = 'd1' if keyword_set(tavg) then dt = double(tavg) else dt = 16D tmin = min(timerange(), max=tmax) npts = ceil((tmax-tmin)/dt) time = tmin + dt*dindgen(npts) ; Initialize the result structures if ((size(result_h,/type) ne 8) or keyword_set(reset)) then begin v_bulk = mvn_sta_cio_struct(npts) v_bulk.time = time result_h = v_bulk result_o1 = v_bulk result_o2 = v_bulk endif ; Spacecraft potential mvn_scpot ; Determine the ion suppression method. Anode-dependent ion suppression ; uses experimental code and is for testing purposes only. if (doden or dotmp) then begin kk3_anode = keyword_set(adisc) if (kk3_anode) then begin uinfo = get_login_info() if (uinfo.user_name ne 'mitchell') then begin print,"This option uses unreleased, experimental code." kk3_anode = 0 endif endif kk = 0. if (kk3_anode) then begin kk = mvn_sta_get_kk3(mean(timerange())) isuppress = 'nbc_4d' tsuppress = 'tb_4d' ; don't have experimental version of this print,'Using attenuator-dependent ion suppression correction.' print,'kk3 = ',kk endif else begin kk = mvn_sta_get_kk2(mean(timerange())) isuppress = 'nb_4d' tsuppress = 'tb_4d' print,'Using basic ion suppression correction.' print,'kk2 = ',kk endelse if (max(kk) gt 4.) then begin msg = string("Warning: STATIC ion suppression factor = ",kk,format='(16(a,f3.1))') print,msg tplot_options,'title',msg endif endif ; Calculate H+, O+, and O2+ densities if (doden) then begin print, "Calculating densities ..." if keyword_set(beam) then begin get_data, 'mvn_sta_c6_mode', data=c6_mode wrong_mode = where((c6_mode.y ne 1) and (c6_mode.y ne 2), nwrong) erange = [0.,100.] mincts = 25 ; There is no H+ density calculation for the beam approx. ; Calculate the O+ density with the beam approx. getap = 'mvn_sta_get_c6' vname = 'mvn_sta_O+_raw_density' mass = m_arr[*,1] get_4dt, isuppress, getap, mass=minmax(mass), m_int=mass[1], $ energy=erange, name=vname get_data, vname, data=tmp if (nwrong gt 0L) then tmp.y[wrong_mode] = !values.f_nan store_data, vname, data=tmp options, vname, ytitle='sta c6 O+!cDensity (1/cc)', colors=icols[1] ylim, vname, 10, 100000, 1 tsmooth_in_time, vname, dt get_data, (vname + '_smoothed'), data=tmp result_o1.den_i = interp(tmp.y, tmp.x, time) ; Calculate the O2+ density with the beam approx. getap = 'mvn_sta_get_c6' vname = 'mvn_sta_O2+_raw_density' mass = m_arr[*,2] get_4dt, isuppress, getap, mass=minmax(mass), m_int=mass[1], $ energy=erange, name=vname get_data, vname, data=tmp if (nwrong gt 0L) then tmp.y[wrong_mode] = !values.f_nan store_data, vname, data=tmp options, vname, ytitle='sta c6 O2+!cDensity (1/cc)', colors=icols[2] ylim, vname, 10, 100000, 1 tsmooth_in_time, vname, dt get_data, (vname + '_smoothed'), data=tmp result_o2.den_i = interp(tmp.y, tmp.x, time) endif else begin ; Calculate H+, O+, and O2+ densities without beam approx. getap = 'mvn_sta_get_c6' dnames = 'mvn_sta_' + ['p+','o+','o2+','i+'] + '_c6_den' erange = [0.,30000.] mincts = 25 for i=0,2 do begin mass = m_arr[*,i] get_4dt, 'n_4d', getap, mass=minmax(mass), m_int=mass[1], $ energy=erange, name=dnames[i] tsmooth_in_time, dnames[i], dt get_data, (dnames[i] + '_smoothed'), data=tmp case i of 0 : result_h.den_i = interp(tmp.y, tmp.x, time) 1 : result_o1.den_i = interp(tmp.y, tmp.x, time) 2 : result_o2.den_i = interp(tmp.y, tmp.x, time) endcase endfor ; Make a tplot variable for the unsmoothed data get_data, dnames[0], data=tmp1 get_data, dnames[1], data=tmp2 get_data, dnames[2], data=tmp3 store_data, dnames[3], data={x:tmp1.x, y:(tmp1.y+tmp2.y+tmp3.y)} store_data,'mvn_sta_c6_den',data=dnames[[3,0,1,2]] ylim,'mvn_sta_c6_den',.1,100,1 options,'mvn_sta_c6_den','ytitle','Ion Density!c1/cc' endelse endif ; Set up filtering based on density igud = replicate(0,npts,3) ; start by assuming all data bad indx = where(result_h.den_i gt 0.1, ngud) if (ngud gt 0L) then igud[indx,0] = 1 else print,"H+ density is never above 0.1/cc!" indx = where(result_o1.den_i gt 0.1, ngud) if (ngud gt 0L) then igud[indx,1] = 1 else print,"O+ density is never above 0.1/cc!" indx = where(result_o2.den_i gt 0.1, ngud) if (ngud gt 0L) then igud[indx,2] = 1 else print,"O2+ density is never above 0.1/cc!" ; Filter density ibad = where(~igud[*,0], nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then result_h[ibad].den_i = !values.f_nan ibad = where(~igud[*,1], nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then result_o1[ibad].den_i = !values.f_nan ibad = where(~igud[*,2], nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then result_o2[ibad].den_i = !values.f_nan ; Calculate H+, O+, and O2+ temperatures if keyword_set(temperature) then begin print, "Calculating temperatures ..." if keyword_set(beam) then begin get_data,'mvn_sta_c6_mode',data=tmp7 ind_mode = where(tmp7.y ne 1 and tmp7.y ne 2, count) erange = [0.,100.] mincnts = 25 ; There is no H+ temperature calculation for the beam approx. ; Calculate the O+ temperature with the beam approx. getap = 'mvn_sta_get_c6' vname = 'mvn_sta_O+_raw_temp' mass = m_arr[*,1] get_4dt, tsuppress, getap, mass=minmax(mass), m_int=mass[1], $ energy=erange, name=vname options, vname, ytitle='sta c6 O+!cTemp (eV)', colors=icols[1] ylim, vname, 10, 100000, 1 get_data, vname, data=tmp if (nwrong gt 0L) then tmp.y[wrong_mode] = !values.f_nan store_data, vname, data=tmp tsmooth_in_time, vname, dt get_data, (vname + '_smoothed'), data=tmp result_o1.temp = interp(tmp.y, tmp.x, time) ; Calculate the O2+ temperature with the beam approx. getap = 'mvn_sta_get_c6' vname = 'mvn_sta_O2+_raw_temp' mass = m_arr[*,2] get_4dt, tsuppress, getap, mass=minmax(mass), m_int=mass[1], $ energy=erange, name=vname options, vname, ytitle='sta c6 O2+!cTemp (eV)', colors=icols[2] ylim, vname, 10, 100000, 1 get_data, vname, data=tmp if (nwrong gt 0L) then tmp.y[wrong_mode] = !values.f_nan store_data, vname, data=tmp tsmooth_in_time, vname, dt get_data, (vname + '_smoothed'), data=tmp result_o2.temp = interp(tmp.y, tmp.x, time) endif else begin ; Calculate H+, O+, and O2+ temperatures without beam approx. getap = 'mvn_sta_get_' + v_apid dname = 'mvn_sta_' + ['p+','o+','o2+'] + '_' + v_apid + '_temp' mincnts = 25 for i=0,2 do begin mass = m_arr[*,i] erange = e_arr[*,i] get_4dt, 't_4d', getap, mass=minmax(mass), m_int=mass[1], $ energy=erange, name=dname[i] tsmooth_in_time, dname[i], dt get_data, (dname[i] + '_smoothed'), data=tmp case i of 0 : result_h.temp = interp(tmp.y[*,3], tmp.x, time) 1 : result_o1.temp = interp(tmp.y[*,3], tmp.x, time) 2 : result_o2.temp = interp(tmp.y[*,3], tmp.x, time) endcase endfor endelse ; Filter temperature ibad = where(~igud[*,0], nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then result_h[ibad].temp = !values.f_nan ibad = where(~igud[*,1], nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then result_o1[ibad].temp = !values.f_nan ibad = where(~igud[*,2], nbad) if (nbad gt 0L) then result_o2[ibad].temp = !values.f_nan endif ; Calculate MSO velocity moments for H+, O+, and O2+, corrected for spacecraft ; potential and motion. ; (turn off messages: setdebug=0) if (max(dovel) eq 1) then begin dprint, "Calculating velocities ...", getdebug=old_dbug, setdebug=0 v_names = 'mvn_sta_' + ['p+','o+','o2+'] + '_' + v_apid + '_vmso' mvn_sta_v4d, result=r_str, /template for i=0,2 do begin if (dovel[i]) then begin mass = m_arr[*,i] erange = e_arr[*,i] v_bulk = replicate(r_str, npts) v_bulk.time = time jskip = npts/100L for j=0L,(npts-1L) do begin if (igud[j,i]) then begin if keyword_set(dt) then begin tsp = double([j, j+1])*dt + tmin indx = where((dat4d.x ge tsp[0]) and (dat4d.x lt tsp[1]), k) if (k gt 0L) then begin mvn_sta_v4d, tsp, mass=minmax(mass), m_int=mass[1], frame=frame, $ erange=erange, /dopot, vsc=vsc, apid=v_apid, result=result, $ /no_spice_check if (result.valid) then v_bulk[j] = result endif endif else begin mvn_sta_v4d, time[j], mass=minmax(mass), m_int=mass[1], frame=frame, $ erange=erange, /dopot, vsc=vsc, apid=v_apid, result=result, $ /no_spice_check if (result.valid) then v_bulk[j] = result endelse endif if (~(j mod jskip)) then print,string(13b),species[i],round(100.*j/npts),$ format='(a,a3,1x,i3," %",$)' endfor print,'' case (i) of 0 : begin result_h.v_sc = v_bulk.v_sc result_h.v_tot = v_bulk.v_tot result_h.v_mso = v_bulk.vel result_h.vbulk = v_bulk.vbulk result_h.magf = v_bulk.magf result_h.energy = v_bulk.energy result_h.VB_phi = v_bulk.VB_phi result_h.sc_pot = v_bulk.sc_pot result_h.mass = v_bulk.mass result_h.mrange = v_bulk.mrange result_h.erange = v_bulk.erange result_h.frame = v_bulk.frame result_h.apid = v_bulk.apid result_h.valid = v_bulk.valid end 1 : begin result_o1.v_sc = v_bulk.v_sc result_o1.v_tot = v_bulk.v_tot result_o1.v_mso = v_bulk.vel result_o1.vbulk = v_bulk.vbulk result_o1.magf = v_bulk.magf result_o1.energy = v_bulk.energy result_o1.VB_phi = v_bulk.VB_phi result_o1.sc_pot = v_bulk.sc_pot result_o1.mass = v_bulk.mass result_o1.mrange = v_bulk.mrange result_o1.erange = v_bulk.erange result_o1.frame = v_bulk.frame result_o1.apid = v_bulk.apid result_o1.valid = v_bulk.valid end 2 : begin result_o2.v_sc = v_bulk.v_sc result_o2.v_tot = v_bulk.v_tot result_o2.v_mso = v_bulk.vel result_o2.vbulk = v_bulk.vbulk result_o2.magf = v_bulk.magf result_o2.energy = v_bulk.energy result_o2.VB_phi = v_bulk.VB_phi result_o2.sc_pot = v_bulk.sc_pot result_o2.mass = v_bulk.mass result_o2.mrange = v_bulk.mrange result_o2.erange = v_bulk.erange result_o2.frame = v_bulk.frame result_o2.apid = v_bulk.apid result_o2.valid = v_bulk.valid end endcase y = fltarr(npts,4) y[*,0:2] = transpose(v_bulk.vel) y[*,3] = v_bulk.vbulk store_data, v_names[i], data={x:v_bulk.time, y:y, v:[0,1,2,3]} options, v_names[i], spice_frame=frame, spice_master_frame='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT' options, v_names[i], 'ytitle', (species[i] + ' V_MSO!ckm/s') options, v_names[i], 'labels', ['X','Y','Z',''] options, v_names[i], 'colors', [icols,!p.color] options, v_names[i], 'labflag', 1 endif endfor dprint, "Done", setdebug=old_dbug endif ; Thermal electron density from LPW (using C.F.'s quality filter) mvn_swe_addlpw, mincur=1.e-7 get_data,'mvn_lpw_lp_ne_l2',index=i if (i gt 0) then begin tsmooth_in_time, 'mvn_lpw_lp_ne_l2', dt get_data, 'mvn_lpw_lp_ne_l2_smoothed', data=n_e result_h.den_e = interpol(n_e.y, n_e.x, time) result_o1.den_e = result_h.den_e result_o2.den_e = result_h.den_e endif ; Spacecraft potential (fill in missing values) indx = where(~finite(result_h.sc_pot), count) if (count gt 0L) then result_h[indx].sc_pot = mvn_get_scpot(time[indx]) indx = where(~finite(result_o1.sc_pot), count) if (count gt 0L) then result_o1[indx].sc_pot = mvn_get_scpot(time[indx]) indx = where(~finite(result_o2.sc_pot), count) if (count gt 0L) then result_o2[indx].sc_pot = mvn_get_scpot(time[indx]) ; Magnetic field (fill in missing values) get_data, 'mvn_B_1sec_maven_mso', index=i if (i gt 0) then begin tsmooth_in_time, 'mvn_B_1sec_maven_mso', dt get_data, 'mvn_B_1sec_maven_mso_smoothed', data=mag, alim=alim indx = where(~finite(result_h.magf[0]), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin result_h[indx].magf[0] = interpol(mag.y[*,0], mag.x, time[indx]) result_h[indx].magf[1] = interpol(mag.y[*,1], mag.x, time[indx]) result_h[indx].magf[2] = interpol(mag.y[*,2], mag.x, time[indx]) endif indx = where(~finite(result_o1.magf[0]), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin result_o1[indx].magf[0] = interpol(mag.y[*,0], mag.x, time[indx]) result_o1[indx].magf[1] = interpol(mag.y[*,1], mag.x, time[indx]) result_o1[indx].magf[2] = interpol(mag.y[*,2], mag.x, time[indx]) endif indx = where(~finite(result_o2.magf[0]), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin result_o2[indx].magf[0] = interpol(mag.y[*,0], mag.x, time[indx]) result_o2[indx].magf[1] = interpol(mag.y[*,1], mag.x, time[indx]) result_o2[indx].magf[2] = interpol(mag.y[*,2], mag.x, time[indx]) endif endif ; Reference frame result_h.frame = frame result_o1.frame = frame result_o2.frame = frame ; Shape parameter (Xu method) mvn_swe_shape_restore, /tplot, parng=parng, result=shape if (size(shape,/type) eq 8) then begin shp = smooth_in_time(transpose(shape.shape[0:1,parng]), shape.t, dt) result_h.shape[0] = interpol(shp[*,0], shape.t, result_h.time) result_h.shape[1] = interpol(shp[*,1], shape.t, result_h.time) result_o1.shape = result_h.shape result_o2.shape = result_h.shape f40 = smooth_in_time(shape.f40, shape.t, dt) result_h.flux40 = interpol(f40, shape.t, result_h.time)/1.e5 result_o1.flux40 = result_h.flux40 result_o2.flux40 = result_h.flux40 frat40 = smooth_in_time(shape.fratio_a2t[0,parng], shape.t, dt) result_h.ratio = 1./interpol(frat40, shape.t, result_h.time) result_o1.ratio = result_h.ratio result_o2.ratio = result_h.ratio endif else print,'Could not get shape parameter.' ; Topology Index (Xu-Weber method) ; All types of closed loops (DD, DN, NN, TRP) are combined into one. ; 0 = unknown, 1 = closed, 2 = open to day, 3 = open to night, 4 = draped mvn_swe_topo, result=topo, /filter_reg, /storeTplot if (size(topo,/type) eq 8) then begin ttime = topo.time topo = round(topo.topo) indx = where((topo ge 1) and (topo le 4), count) ; closed loops if (count gt 0) then topo[indx] = 1 indx = where(topo eq 5, count) ; open to day if (count gt 0) then topo[indx] = 2 indx = where(topo eq 6, count) ; open to night if (count gt 0) then topo[indx] = 3 indx = where(topo eq 7, count) ; draped if (count gt 0) then topo[indx] = 4 dtt = ttime - shift(ttime,1) dtt = median(dtt[1:*]) nfilter = round(dt/dtt) if ~(nfilter mod 2) then nfilter++ topo = round(median(topo, nfilter)) ; dt-width median filter indx = nn2(ttime, time) result_h.topo = topo[indx] result_o1.topo = topo[indx] result_o2.topo = topo[indx] endif else print,'Could not get topology information.' ; Plasma Region (Halekas method) ; Both ionosphere indices are combined into one. ; 0 = unknown, 1 = solar wind, 2 = sheath, 3 = ionosphere, 4 = tail lobe get_data,'reg_id',data=reg_id if (size(reg_id,/type) eq 8) then begin dtt = reg_id.x - shift(reg_id.x,1) dtt = median(dtt[1:*]) nfilter = round(dt/dtt) if ~(nfilter mod 2) then nfilter++ region = round(median(reg_id.y, nfilter)) ; dt-width median filter indx = nn2(reg_id.x, time) result_h.region = region[indx] result_o1.region = region[indx] result_o2.region = region[indx] endif else print,'Could not get plasma region information.' ; Upstream drivers (direct and proxy) path = root_data_dir() + 'maven/data/sci/swe/l3/' tplot_restore, file=(path + 'drivers_merge_l2.tplot') ; direct (Halekas) ngud = 0L get_data, 'bsw', data=imf, index=i if (i gt 0) then begin dtmax = 5D*3600D ; within 5 hours of sw measurement By = interp(imf.y[*,1], imf.x, time, int=dtmax) Bz = interp(imf.y[*,2], imf.x, time, int=dtmax) gap = where(~finite(By) or ~finite(Bz), ngap) if (ngap gt 0) then begin restore, (path + 'mag_sheath.sav') ; proxy (Y. Dong) if (size(mag_sheath,/type) eq 8) then begin By[gap] = interp(mag_sheath.mag[*,1], mag_sheath.time, time[gap], int=dtmax) Bz[gap] = interp(mag_sheath.mag[*,2], mag_sheath.time, time[gap], int=dtmax) endif else print,'Could not get solar wind proxy database.' endif Bclk = atan(Bz,By) ; radians (0 = east, pi = west) result_h.imf_clk = Bclk result_o1.imf_clk = Bclk result_o2.imf_clk = Bclk igud = where(finite(Bclk), ngud) if (ngud gt 0L) then begin cosclk = cos(Bclk) sinclk = sin(Bclk) result_h[igud].v_mse[0] = result_h[igud].v_mso[0] result_h.v_mse[1] = cosclk*result_h.v_mso[1] + sinclk*result_h.v_mso[2] result_h.v_mse[2] = cosclk*result_h.v_mso[2] - sinclk*result_h.v_mso[1] result_o1[igud].v_mse[0] = result_o1[igud].v_mso[0] result_o1.v_mse[1] = cosclk*result_o1.v_mso[1] + sinclk*result_o1.v_mso[2] result_o1.v_mse[2] = cosclk*result_o1.v_mso[2] - sinclk*result_o1.v_mso[1] result_o2[igud].v_mse[0] = result_o2[igud].v_mso[0] result_o2.v_mse[1] = cosclk*result_o2.v_mso[1] + sinclk*result_o2.v_mso[2] result_o2.v_mse[2] = cosclk*result_o2.v_mso[2] - sinclk*result_o2.v_mso[1] endif get_data, 'npsw', data=npsw, index=i Np = interp(npsw.y, npsw.x, time, int=dtmax) ; cm-3 get_data, 'vpsw', data=vpsw, index=i Vp = interp(vpsw.y, vpsw.x, time, int=dtmax) ; km/s Psw = (1.67e-6) * (Np*Vp*Vp) ; nPa result_h.sw_press = Psw result_o1.sw_press = Psw result_o2.sw_press = Psw endif else print,'Could not get upstream drivers database.' ; MSO, MSE and GEO ephemerides get_data,'alt',data=alt,index=i if (i eq 0) then begin maven_orbit_tplot, /shadow, /load get_data,'alt',data=alt,index=i endif maven_orbit_tplot, eph=eph, /noload result_h.alt = spline(alt.x, alt.y, time) result_o1.alt = result_h.alt result_o2.alt = result_h.alt result_h.mso[0] = spline(eph.time, eph.mso_x[*,0], time) result_h.mso[1] = spline(eph.time, eph.mso_x[*,1], time) result_h.mso[2] = spline(eph.time, eph.mso_x[*,2], time) result_o1.mso = result_h.mso result_o2.mso = result_h.mso if (ngud gt 0L) then begin result_h[igud].mse[0] = result_h[igud].mso[0] result_h.mse[1] = cosclk*result_h.mso[1] + sinclk*result_h.mso[2] result_h.mse[2] = cosclk*result_h.mso[2] - sinclk*result_h.mso[1] result_o1.mse = result_h.mse result_o2.mse = result_h.mse endif result_h.geo[0] = spline(eph.time, eph.geo_x[*,0], time) result_h.geo[1] = spline(eph.time, eph.geo_x[*,1], time) result_h.geo[2] = spline(eph.time, eph.geo_x[*,2], time) result_o1.geo = result_h.geo result_o2.geo = result_h.geo ; Escape velocity M = 6.4171d26 ; https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/index.html G = 6.673889d-8 ; Anderson, J.D., et al., EPL 110 (2015) 10002, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/110/10002 Vesc = sqrt(2D*G*M/(1.d15*sqrt(total(eph.mso_x^2.,2)))) store_data,'Vesc',data={x:alt.x, y:Vesc} options,'Vesc','linestyle',2 result_h.v_esc = spline(alt.x, Vesc, time) result_o1.v_esc = result_h.v_esc result_o2.v_esc = result_h.v_esc ; Direction of Sun in IAU_MARS frame (orientation of crustal fields) s_mso = [1D, 0D, 0D] # replicate(1D, n_elements(time)) s_geo = spice_vector_rotate(s_mso, time, 'MAVEN_MSO', 'IAU_MARS') s_lon = reform(atan(s_geo[1,*], s_geo[0,*])*!radeg) s_lat = reform(asin(s_geo[2,*])*!radeg) result_h.slon = s_lon result_h.slat = s_lat result_o1.slon = s_lon result_o1.slat = s_lat result_o2.slon = s_lon result_o2.slat = s_lat ; Mars season (Ls) L_s = mvn_ls(time) result_h.L_s = L_s result_o1.L_s = L_s result_o2.L_s = L_s ; Mars-Sun distance au = 1.495978707d8 ; Astronomical Unit (km) odat = mvn_orbit_num() Mdist = interp(odat.sol_dist, odat.peri_time, time)/au result_h.Mdist = Mdist result_o1.Mdist = Mdist result_o2.Mdist = Mdist ; Elevation angle of the Sun in the spacecraft frame ; 0 deg = x-y plane ; +90 deg = +z ; cold-ion configuration is +45 deg for twist, +90 deg for no-twist get_data,'Sun_SWEA_The',data=sthe_swe,index=i if (i eq 0) then begin mvn_sundir, frame='swe', /polar get_data,'Sun_SWEA_The',data=sthe_swe,index=i endif if (i gt 0) then begin indx = where(finite(sthe_swe.y), count) if (count gt 0) then begin result_h.sthe = spline(sthe_swe.x[indx], sthe_swe.y[indx], time) result_o1.sthe = result_h.sthe result_o2.sthe = result_h.sthe endif else print,'MVN_STA_COLDION: Failed to get Sun (PL) direction!' endif else print,'MVN_STA_COLDION: Failed to get Sun (PL) direction!' ; Elevation angle of the Sun in the APP frame ; 0 deg = i-j plane ; +90 deg = +k ; cold-ion configuration is ~0 deg mvn_sundir, frame='app', /polar get_data,'Sun_APP_The',data=sthe_app,index=i if (i gt 0) then begin indx = where(finite(sthe_app.y), count) if (count gt 0) then begin result_h.sthe_app = spline(sthe_app.x[indx], sthe_app.y[indx], time) result_o1.sthe_app = result_h.sthe_app result_o2.sthe_app = result_h.sthe_app endif else print,'MVN_STA_COLDION: Failed to get Sun (APP) direction!' endif else print,'MVN_STA_COLDION: Failed to get Sun (APP) direction!' ; Elevation angle of MSO RAM in the APP frame ; 0 deg = i-j plane ; +90 deg = +k ; cold-ion configuration is ~0 deg mvn_ramdir, /mso, frame='app', /polar get_data,'V_sc_APP_The',data=rthe_app,index=i if (i gt 0) then begin indx = where(finite(rthe_app.y), count) if (count gt 0) then begin result_h.rthe_app = spline(rthe_app.x[indx], rthe_app.y[indx], time) result_o1.rthe_app = result_h.rthe_app result_o2.rthe_app = result_h.rthe_app endif else print,'MVN_STA_COLDION: Failed to get MSO RAM direction!' endif else print,'MVN_STA_COLDION: Failed to get MSO RAM direction!' ; Transform ion bulk velocity to the APP frame ; For [-V,0,0], flow is directed into NGIMS aperture. ; Want the velocity out of the i-j plane to be small (well within STATIC fov) dV = result_h.v_mso - result_h.v_sc V_app = spice_vector_rotate(dV,result_h.time,'MAVEN_MSO','MAVEN_APP',check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT') result_h.v_app = V_app phi = atan(sqrt(V_app[1,*]^2. + V_app[2,*]^2.), V_app[0,*])*!radeg result_h.VI_phi = reform(phi) phi = atan(sqrt(V_app[0,*]^2. + V_app[1,*]^2.), V_app[2,*])*!radeg - 90. result_h.VK_the = reform(phi) dV = result_o1.v_mso - result_o1.v_sc V_app = spice_vector_rotate(dV,result_o1.time,'MAVEN_MSO','MAVEN_APP',check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT') result_o1.v_app = V_app phi = atan(sqrt(V_app[1,*]^2. + V_app[2,*]^2.), V_app[0,*])*!radeg result_o1.VI_phi = reform(phi) phi = atan(sqrt(V_app[0,*]^2. + V_app[1,*]^2.), V_app[2,*])*!radeg - 90. result_o1.VK_the = reform(phi) dV = result_o2.v_mso - result_o2.v_sc V_app = spice_vector_rotate(dV,result_o2.time,'MAVEN_MSO','MAVEN_APP',check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT') result_o2.v_app = V_app phi = atan(sqrt(V_app[1,*]^2. + V_app[2,*]^2.), V_app[0,*])*!radeg result_o2.VI_phi = reform(phi) phi = atan(sqrt(V_app[0,*]^2. + V_app[1,*]^2.), V_app[2,*])*!radeg - 90. result_o2.VK_the = reform(phi) ; Put copies of the results into the common block cio_h = result_h cio_o1 = result_o1 cio_o2 = result_o2 success = 1 ; Make tplot variables if keyword_set(doplot) then mvn_sta_cio_tplot return end