;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_cio_snap ;PURPOSE: ; Makes plots of statistics within individual pixels in maps created with ; mvn_sta_cio_plot. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_sta_cio_snap, data ; ;INPUTS: ; data: A data structure returned by mvn_sta_cio_plot. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; KEEP: Keep the last snapshot window on exit. ; ; RESULT: Structure to hold the last distribution on exit. ; ; RANGE: Range for binning the data. Default = minmax(data). ; ; NBINS: Number of bins. Default = 30. ; ; LPOS: Legend position [X,Y], relative coordinates. ; ; ALLSTAT: Include skewness and kurtosis in legend. ; ; This routine also passes keywords to PLOT. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-05-01 12:25:49 -0700 (Fri, 01 May 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28658 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_sta_cio_snap.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;FILE: mvn_sta_cio_snap.pro ;- pro mvn_sta_cio_snap, data, keep=keep, result=result, range=range, nbins=nbins, lpos=lpos, $ allstat=allstat, nostat=nostat, _extra=extra result = 0 dorange = n_elements(range) eq 2 if (dorange) then range = range(sort(range)) dostat = ~keyword_set(nostat) if not keyword_set(nbins) then nbins = 30 case n_elements(lpos) of 0 : lpos = [0.70, 0.85] 1 : lpos = [lpos, 0.85] else : lpos = lpos[0:1] endcase ; Remember the graphics settings of the original plot pwin = !d.window xsys = !x ysys = !y zsys = !z psys = !p ; Make a new window to hold the snapshot if (not execute('wset,29',2,1)) then window, 29, xsize=700, ysize=500 swin = !d.window ; Get a point on the original plot ok = 1 nplot = 0 wset, pwin crosshairs, cx, cy, /nolegend, /silent, /oneclick, lastbutton=button while (ok) do begin dx = min(abs(data.x - cx), i) dy = min(abs(data.y - cy), j) z = reform(data.dist[i,j,*]) indx = where(finite(z), count) valid = data.valid[i,j] ; Put up a snapshot in the new window wset, swin if ((count gt 0) and valid) then begin if (not dorange) then range = minmax(z[indx]) dz = (range[1] - range[0])/float(nbins) h = histogram(z[indx], binsize=dz, loc=hz, min=range[0], max=range[1]) plot,hz,h,psym=10,charsize=1.8,xtitle=data.zvar,ytitle='Sample Number',_extra=extra hz = [hz[0] - dz, hz, max(hz) + dz] h = [0., h, 0.] result = {x:hz, y:h, dx:dz, npts:data.npts[i,j], mean:data.z[i,j], $ median:data.med[i,j], skew:data.skew[i,j], kurt:data.kurt[i,j]} oplot,hz,h,psym=10 if (dostat) then begin oplot,[data.z[i,j],data.z[i,j]],[0,10*max(h)],color=6,linestyle=2 oplot,[data.med[i,j],data.med[i,j]],[0,10*max(h)],color=2,linestyle=2 mx = lpos[0] my = lpos[1] mdy = 0.05 msg = strcompress(string(data.npts[i,j],format='("Samples = ",i8)')) xyouts, mx, my, /norm, msg, charsize=1.5 my -= mdy msg = strcompress(string(data.med[i,j],format='("Median = ",g8.3)')) xyouts, mx, my, /norm, msg, charsize=1.5, color=2 my -= mdy msg = strcompress(string(data.z[i,j],format='("Mean = ",g8.3)')) xyouts, mx, my, /norm, msg, charsize=1.5, color=6 my -= mdy msg = strcompress(string(data.sdev[i,j],format='("Std Dev = ",g8.3)')) xyouts, mx, my, /norm, msg, charsize=1.5 my -= mdy if keyword_set(allstat) then begin msg = strcompress(string(data.skew[i,j],format='("Skewness = ",g8.3)')) xyouts, mx, my, /norm, msg, charsize=1.5 my -= mdy msg = strcompress(string(data.kurt[i,j],format='("Kurtosis = ",g8.3)')) xyouts, mx, my, /norm, msg, charsize=1.5 my -= mdy endif endif endif else begin erase xyouts, 0.5, 0.5, /norm, "No Data", charsize=3.0, align=0.5, charthick=2 endelse ; Restore the original graphics settings and get the next point wset, pwin !x = xsys !y = ysys !z = zsys !p = psys nplot++ crosshairs, cx, cy, /nolegend, /silent, /oneclick, lastbutton=button, /lastpoint if (button eq 4) then ok = 0 endwhile if ~keyword_set(keep) then wdelete, swin return end