;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_cio_save ;PURPOSE: ; Saves STATIC cold ion outflow results in save/restore files. ; See mvn_sta_coldion.pro for details. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_sta_cio_save, trange [, ndays] ; ;INPUTS: ; trange: Start time or time range for making save files, in any ; format accepted by time_double(). If only one time is ; specified, it is taken as the start time and NDAYS is ; used to get the end time. If two or more times are ; specified, then the earliest and latest times are used. ; Fractional days (hh:mm:ss) are ignored. ; ; ndays: Number of dates to process. Only used if TRANGE has ; only one element. Default = 1. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; DODEN: Calculate densities. Default = 1 (yes). ; ; DOTEMP: Calculate temperatures. Default = 1 (yes). ; ; DOVEL: Calculate temperatures. Default = 1 (yes). ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-09-12 17:08:19 -0700 (Wed, 12 Sep 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25781 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_sta_cio_save.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;FILE: mvn_sta_cio_save.pro ;- pro mvn_sta_cio_save, trange, ndays, doden=doden, dotemp=dotemp, dovel=dovel common coldion, cio_h, cio_o1, cio_o2 if (size(doden,/type) eq 0) then doden = 1 else doden = keyword_set(doden) if (size(dotemp,/type) eq 0) then dotemp = 1 else dotemp = keyword_set(dotemp) if (size(dovel,/type) eq 0) then dovel = 1 else dovel = keyword_set(dovel) dovel = replicate(dovel,3) dpath = root_data_dir() + 'maven/data/sci/sta/l3/cio/' froot = 'mvn_sta_cio_' version = '_v02' oneday = 86400D ; process one day at a time case n_elements(trange) of 0 : begin print,'You must specify a start time or time range.' return end 1 : begin tstart = time_double(time_string(trange,prec=-3)) if (size(ndays,/type) eq 0) then ndays = 1 end else : begin tmin = min(time_double(trange), max=tmax) tstart = time_double(time_string(tmin,prec=-3)) tstop = time_double(time_string((tmax + oneday - 1D),prec=-3)) ndays = (tstop - tstart)/oneday end endcase ; Process the data one calendar day at a time for i=0L,(ndays - 1L) do begin timer_start = systime(/sec) time = tstart + double(i)*oneday timespan, time, 1 tstring = time_string(time) yyyy = strmid(tstring,0,4) mm = strmid(tstring,5,2) dd = strmid(tstring,8,2) opath = dpath + yyyy + '/' + mm + '/' file_mkdir2, opath, mode='0755'o ; create directory structure, if needed if (!version.os eq 'linux') then spawn, 'chgrp maven ' + opath ofile = opath + froot + yyyy + mm + dd + version + '.sav' ; If the file already exists, then just update it finfo = file_info(ofile) if (0) then begin print,'CIO save file already exists. Updating.' mvn_sta_cio_update, time ; no need for this anymore endif else begin mvn_swe_spice_init, /force, /list mvn_swe_load_l0 mvn_swe_stat, npkt=npkt, /silent if (npkt[2] gt 0L) then begin maven_orbit_tplot, /shadow, /loadonly mvn_swe_sciplot, padsmo=16, /loadonly mvn_sundir, frame='swe', /polar mvn_sta_coldion, density=doden, temperature=dotemp, velocity=dovel, $ /reset, tavg=16, frame='mso', /doplot, pans=pans, success=ok if (ok) then begin save, cio_h, cio_o1, cio_o2, file=ofile if (!version.os eq 'linux') then spawn, 'chgrp maven ' + ofile file_chmod, ofile, '644'o endif else print,'CIO pipeline failed: ',tstring elapsed_min = (systime(/sec) - timer_start)/60D print,elapsed_min,format='("Time to process (min): ",f6.2)' endif else print,'No SWEA data: ',tstring endelse endfor return end