;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_cio_plot ;PURPOSE: ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_sta_cio_plot, ptr, KEYWORD=value, ... ; ;INPUTS: ; ptr: A pointer to the cold ion data structure, which ; is obtained with 'mvn_sta_cio_load'. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; OPTIONS: Structure of options for selecting variables and binning ; parameters. Recognized options (tags) are: ; ; PVAR: Parameter to plot. Can be one of: ; ; 'den_i' -> ion density ; 'den_e' -> electron density ; 'temp' -> ion temperature ; 'vbulk' -> ion bulk velocity ; 'vratio' -> ratio of ion bulk velocity to escape velocity ; 'fbulk' -> ion bulk flux (den_i * vbulk) ; 'vel_x' -> ion velocity X component ; 'vel_y' -> ion velocity Y component ; 'vel_z' -> ion velocity Z component ; 'energy' -> ion bulk kinetic energy ; 'VB_phi' -> angle between V and B ; ; XVAR: Parameter for the X variable. Can be one of: ; ; 'time' -> time (UT/SCET) ; 'mso_x' -> MSO X (Rm) ; 'mso_y' -> MSO Y (Rm) ; 'mso_z' -> MSO Z (Rm) ; 'mso_r' -> MSO R (Rm) ; 'sza' -> solar zenith angle (degrees) ; 'alt' -> altitude (km) ; 'slon' -> subsolar longitude (degrees) ; 'slat' -> subsolar latitude (degrees) ; ; YVAR: Parameter for the Y variable (see XVAR). You must ; specify at least one of XVAR and YVAR. If only one ; of these keywords is set, the binned PARAM is plotted ; versus XVAR or YVAR. If both are set, then a color ; spectrogram of PVAR versus XVAR and YVAR is plotted. ; YVAR cannot be 'time'. ; ; XBINS: Number of bins for the X variable. A reasonable ; default based on XVAR is provided. ; ; YBINS: Number of bins for the Y variable. A reasonable ; default based on YVAR is provided. ; ; XSPAN: Range for binning the X variable. A reasonable ; default based on XVAR is provided. This is not ; the same as the X plot limits, which you specify ; in the LIMITS keyword. ; ; YSPAN: Range for binning the Y variable. A reasonable ; default based on YVAR is provided. This is not ; the same as the Y plot limits, which you specify ; in the LIMITS keyword. ; ; STYPE: Statistics to plot: 'mean' or 'median'. ; ; MTYPE: Which moment to plot: ; 'sdev' : sdev/mean (default) ; 'skew' : skewness ; 'kurt' : kurtosis ; 'adev' : adev/mean ; ; MINSAM: Minimum number of samples per cell. Cells that ; contain fewer samples than this are not included ; in the results. ; ; VVEC: Overplots projections of the bulk velocity vectors in ; the XVAR-YVAR plane. Set this keyword to the scale ; factor (Rm/km/s). Only works when PVAR is set and ; XVAR and YVAR are any two of MSO_X, MSO_Y, and MSO_Z. ; Using this keyword with MSO_R (cylindrical coordinates) ; is misleading! ; ; VSKIP: Bin spacing between vectors in x and y directions. ; Default = [1,1], i.e., every bin gets a vector. ; ; VBAR: Three element array specifying the length (km/s), and ; position (XVAR, YVAR) for a velocity scale bar. ; ; DATA: A named variable to hold the average, median and ; standard deviation of PARAM versus XVAR and/or YVAR. ; The sampling (number of points per cell) is also ; provided. Finally, a copy of the filter definition ; is included. ; ; DST: Save the distributions for each bin in DATA. Then use ; mvn_sta_cio_snap to view them. ; ; DOPLOT: Plot PVAR vs. XVAR and/or YVAR. ; Set this keyword to the IDL window number where you ; want the plot to appear (1 to 31). The window size ; is set to keep Mars round. ; ; DOSAMP: Plot the sampling function vs. XVAR and/or YVAR. ; Set this keyword to the IDL window number where you ; want the plot to appear (1 to 31). The window size ; is set to keep Mars round. ; ; DOMOM: Plot a moment of the distribution vs. XVAR and/or YVAR. ; Set this keyword to the IDL window number where you ; want the plot to appear (1 to 31). The window size ; is set to keep Mars round. ; ; DOALL: Put the parameter, sampling, and rms/mean plots on a ; single page. Also includes a panel of text with ; filter settings. Set this keyword to the IDL window ; number where you want the plot to appear (1 to 31). ; ; FILTER: Set this flag to a structure defining a filter. See ; mvn_sta_cio_filter for more information. If not set, ; then no filter is applied, even if it is present in ; the CIO data structure. ; ; LIMITS: Structure of plotting options. You can specify any ; option(s) accepted by PLOT. Reasonable defaults are ; provided for all unspecified options. To interpolate ; the binned distribution function (not recommended), set ; the tag 'no_interp' to zero. ; ; ZLIMITS: Sampling plot Z limits, with 2 to 4 elements: ; ; [zmin, zmax, zlog, zticks] ; ; By default, the sampling plot has the same X and Y ; limits and plotting options as the parameter plot ; (as controlled by LIMITS). Reasonable defaults are ; provided for the Z axis, but you can override them ; with this keyword. ; ; RLIMITS: RMS/Mean plot Z limits, with 2 to 4 elements: ; ; [rmin, rmax, rlog, rticks] ; ; By default, the rms/mean plot has the same X and Y ; limits and plotting options as the parameter plot ; (as controlled by LIMITS). Reasonable defaults are ; provided for the Z axis, but you can override them ; with this keyword. ; ; WSCALE: Scale factor for sizing windows. Default = 1 for a ; an external monitor. Use a smaller value for a laptop ; monitor. ; ; PNG: Set this keyword to the full filename (including path) ; for outputting a png plot. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-05-01 12:25:16 -0700 (Fri, 01 May 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28657 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/mvn_sta_cio_plot.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;FILE: mvn_sta_cio_plot.pro ;- pro mvn_sta_cio_plot, ptr, data=data, dst=dst, options=options, filter=filter, $ doplot=doplot, dosamp=dosamp, domom=domom, doall=doall, $ limits=ulimits, zlimits=zlimits, rlimits=rlimits, png=png, $ wscale=wscale ; Make sure inputs are reasonable if (data_type(ptr) ne 10) then begin print,'You must provide a pointer to the data.' return endif if (data_type(*ptr) ne 8) then begin print,'Data pointer does not refer to a structure.' return endif tags = strupcase(tag_names(*ptr)) dofilter = 0 if (size(filter,/type) eq 8) then mvn_sta_cio_filter, ptr, filter, success=dofilter data = 0B if not keyword_set(wscale) then wscale = 1. xsize = 711.*wscale ysize = 581.*wscale dst = keyword_set(dst) ; Gather options if (size(options,/type) eq 8) then begin str_element, options, 'pvar', value, success=ok if (ok) then param = value else param = 0 str_element, options, 'xvar', value, success=ok if (ok) then xvar = value else xvar = 0 str_element, options, 'xspan', value, success=ok if (ok) then xspan = value else xspan = 0 str_element, options, 'xbins', value, success=ok if (ok) then xbins = value else xbins = 0 str_element, options, 'yvar', value, success=ok if (ok) then yvar = value else yvar = 0 str_element, options, 'yspan', value, success=ok if (ok) then yspan = value else yspan = 0 str_element, options, 'ybins', value, success=ok if (ok) then ybins = value else ybins = 0 str_element, options, 'stype', value, success=ok if (ok) then stype = value else stype = 'mean' str_element, options, 'mtype', value, success=ok if (ok) then mtype = value else mtype = 'sdev' str_element, options, 'minsam', value, success=ok if (ok) then minsam = value else minsam = 0 str_element, options, 'vvec', value, success=ok if (ok) then vvec = value else vvec = 0 str_element, options, 'vskip', value, success=ok if (ok) then vskip = value str_element, options, 'vbar', value, success=ok if (ok) then vbar = value endif if ((not keyword_set(xvar)) and (not keyword_set(yvar))) then begin print,"You must specify X and/or Y variable names." return endif if keyword_set(param) then begin pvar = strupcase(param) indx = where(tags eq pvar, count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,'Parameter "',pvar,'" not found in data structure!' return endif ptag = indx[0] endif else begin print,"You must specify a parameter to plot." return endelse if keyword_set(xvar) then begin xvar = strupcase(xvar) indx = where(tags eq xvar, count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,'Variable "',xvar,'" not found in data structure!' return endif xtag = indx[0] endif else xvar = 'PARAM' if keyword_set(yvar) then begin yvar = strupcase(yvar) indx = where(tags eq yvar, count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,'Variable "',yvar,'" not found in data structure!' return endif ytag = indx[0] endif else yvar = 'PARAM' if keyword_set(xspan) then begin if (n_elements(xspan) ne 2) then begin print,"XSPAN must have two elements. Using default instead." xspan = 0 endif else xspan = float(xspan) endif if keyword_set(yspan) then begin if (n_elements(yspan) ne 2) then begin print,"YSPAN must have two elements. Using default instead." yspan = 0 endif else yspan = float(yspan) endif ; Set plotting defaults for PARAM case (*ptr).mass of 1 : species = 'H+' 16 : species = 'O+' 32 : species = 'O2+' endcase case strupcase(stype) of 'MEAN' : medflg = 0 'MEDIAN' : medflg = 1 else : begin print,"STYPE must be 'mean' or 'median'." return end endcase if (medflg) then mode = 'Median ' else mode = 'Mean ' case (pvar) of 'DEN_I' : begin zlab = species + ' Density (1/cc)' zmin = 0.1 zmax = 100. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 1 end 'DEN_E' : begin zlab = 'e- Density (1/cc)' zmin = 0.1 zmax = 100. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 1 end 'TEMP' : begin zlab = species + ' Temp (eV)' zmin = 1. zmax = 200. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 1 end 'VBULK' : begin zlab = species + ' Velocity (km/s)' zmin = 2. zmax = 100. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 1 end 'VEL_R' : begin zlab = species + ' V_r (km/s)' zmin = -100. zmax = 100. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 0 end 'VEL_PHI': begin zlab = species + ' V_phi (deg)' zmin = 0. zmax = 360. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 4 zm = 0 zlog = 0 end 'VEL_THE': begin zlab = species + ' V_the (deg)' zmin = 90. zmax = 180. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 3 zm = 0 zlog = 0 end 'VRATIO' : begin zlab = species + ' V/V_esc' zmin = 0 zmax = 10 zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 0 end 'FBULK' : begin zlab = species + ' Flux (cm-2 s-1)' zmin = 1.e5 zmax = 1.e8 zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 1 end 'FRADIAL': begin zlab = species + ' Radial Flux (cm-2 s-1)' zmin = -1.e8 ; radial in zmax = 1.e8 ; radial out zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 0 end 'LOGFRAD': begin zlab = species + ' Log Radial Flux (cm-2 s-1)' zmin = -8 ; radial in zmax = 8 ; radial out zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 0 end 'VEL_X' : begin zlab = species + ' V_x (km/s)' zmin = -20. zmax = 20. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 4 zm = 5 zlog = 0 end 'VEL_Y' : begin zlab = species + ' V_y (km/s)' zmin = -20. zmax = 20. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 4 zm = 5 zlog = 0 end 'VEL_Z' : begin zlab = species + ' V_z (km/s)' zmin = -20. zmax = 20. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 4 zm = 5 zlog = 0 end 'VEL_XE' : begin zlab = species + ' V_x (km/s)' zmin = -20. zmax = 20. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 4 zm = 5 zlog = 0 end 'VEL_YE' : begin zlab = species + ' V_y (km/s)' zmin = -20. zmax = 20. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 4 zm = 5 zlog = 0 end 'VEL_ZE' : begin zlab = species + ' V_z (km/s)' zmin = -20. zmax = 20. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 4 zm = 5 zlog = 0 end 'ENERGY' : begin zlab = species + ' Energy (eV)' zmin = 1. zmax = 1000. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 0 zm = 0 zlog = 1 end 'VB_PHI' : begin zlab = species + ' VB_phi (deg)' zmin = 0. zmax = 90. zrange = [zmin,zmax] zt = 3 zm = 0 zlog = 0 end else : begin print,"Unrecognized parameter: ",pvar return end endcase tpflg = 0 vxvar = '' vyvar = '' case (xvar) of 'MSO_X' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = -3. xmax = 0. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'MSO X (R!dM!n)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 3 xm = 2 xlog = 0 vxvar = 'VEL_X' end 'MSO_Y' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = -3. xmax = 3. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'MSO Y (R!dM!n)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 6 xm = 2 xlog = 0 vxvar = 'VEL_Y' end 'MSO_Z' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = -3. xmax = 3. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'MSO Z (R!dM!n)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 6 xm = 2 xlog = 0 vxvar = 'VEL_Z' end 'MSO_S' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = 0. xmax = 3. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'MSO S (R!dM!n)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 3 xm = 2 xlog = 0 vxvar = 'VEL_S' end 'MSE_X' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = -3. xmax = 0. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'MSE X (R!dM!n)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 3 xm = 2 xlog = 0 vxvar = 'VEL_XE' end 'MSE_Y' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = -3. xmax = 3. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'MSE Y (R!dM!n)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 6 xm = 2 xlog = 0 vxvar = 'VEL_YE' end 'MSE_Z' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = -3. xmax = 3. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'MSE Z (R!dM!n)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 6 xm = 2 xlog = 0 vxvar = 'VEL_ZE' end 'SZA' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = 0. xmax = 180. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 18 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'SZA (deg)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 6 xm = 3 xlog = 0 end 'ALT' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = 1000. xmax = 7000. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'Altitude (km)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 6 xm = 2 xlog = 0 end 'SLON' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = 0. xmax = 360. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'Solar Longitude (deg)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 4 xm = 3 xlog = 0 end 'SLAT' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = -30. xmax = 30. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 24 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'Solar Latitude (deg)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 6 xm = 2 xlog = 0 end 'MDIST' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = 1.3 xmax = 1.7 endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 20 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'Mars-Sun Distance (AU)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 4 xm = 2 xlog = 0 end 'PSW' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = 0. xmax = 2. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 20 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'Dynamic Pressure (nPa)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 5 xm = 2 xlog = 0 end 'BCLK' : begin if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = 0. xmax = 360. endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 18 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'IMF Clock Angle (deg)' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 4 xm = 3 xlog = 0 end 'TIME' : begin tpflg = 1 if not keyword_set(xspan) then begin xmin = min((*ptr).time, max=xmax) endif else xmin = min(xspan, max=xmax) if not keyword_set(xbins) then xbins = 30 dx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) xlab = 'Time' xrange = [xmin,xmax] xt = 0 xm = 0 xlog = 0 end 'PARAM' : begin xmin = zmin xmax = zmax xrange = zrange xlab = zlab xt = zt xm = zm xlog = zlog end else : begin print,"Unrecognized X variable: ",xvar return end endcase case (yvar) of 'MSO_X' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = -3. ymax = 0. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'MSO X (R!dM!n)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 3 ym = 2 ylog = 0 vyvar = 'VEL_X' end 'MSO_Y' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = -3. ymax = 3. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'MSO Y (R!dM!n)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 6 ym = 2 ylog = 0 vyvar = 'VEL_Y' end 'MSO_Z' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = -3. ymax = 3. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'MSO Z (R!dM!n)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 6 ym = 2 ylog = 0 vyvar = 'VEL_Z' end 'MSO_S' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = 0. ymax = 3. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'MSO S (R!dM!n)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 3 ym = 2 ylog = 0 vyvar = 'VEL_S' end 'MSE_X' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = -3. ymax = 0. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'MSE X (R!dM!n)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 3 ym = 2 ylog = 0 vyvar = 'VEL_XE' end 'MSE_Y' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = -3. ymax = 3. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'MSE Y (R!dM!n)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 6 ym = 2 ylog = 0 vyvar = 'VEL_YE' end 'MSE_Z' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = -3. ymax = 3. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'MSE Z (R!dM!n)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 6 ym = 2 ylog = 0 vyvar = 'VEL_ZE' end 'SZA' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = 0. ymax = 180. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 18 dy = float(ymax - ymin)/float(ybins) ylab = 'SZA (deg)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 6 ym = 3 ylog = 0 end 'ALT' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = 1000. ymax = 7000. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'Altitude' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 6 ym = 2 ylog = 0 end 'SLON' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = 0. ymax = 360. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'Solar Longitude' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 4 ym = 3 ylog = 0 end 'SLAT' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = -30 ymax = 30. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 24 dy = (ymax - ymin)/ybins ylab = 'Solar Latitude' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 6 ym = 2 ylog = 0 end 'MDIST' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = 1.3 ymax = 1.7 endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 20 dy = float(ymax - ymin)/float(ybins) ylab = 'Mars-Sun Distance (AU)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 4 ym = 2 ylog = 0 end 'PSW' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = 0. ymax = 2. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 20 dy = float(ymax - ymin)/float(ybins) ylab = 'Dynamic Pressure (nPa)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 5 ym = 2 ylog = 0 end 'BCLK' : begin if not keyword_set(yspan) then begin ymin = 0. ymax = 360. endif else ymin = min(yspan, max=ymax) if not keyword_set(ybins) then ybins = 18 dy = float(ymax - ymin)/float(ybins) ylab = 'IMF Clock Angle (deg)' yrange = [ymin,ymax] yt = 4 ym = 3 ylog = 0 end 'TIME' : begin print,"Time must be the X variable." return end 'PARAM' : begin ymin = zmin ymax = zmax ylab = zlab yrange = zrange yt = zt ym = zm ylog = zlog end else : begin print,"Unrecognized Y variable: ",yvar return end endcase ; Set plot dimensions - make sure Mars is round if (strcmp(xvar, 'MS', 2, /fold) and strcmp(yvar, 'MS', 2, /fold)) then begin ysize *= abs(ymax - ymin)/abs(xmax - xmin) endif ; Velocity vector overlay if (keyword_set(vvec) and (vxvar ne '') and (vyvar ne '')) then dovec = 1 else dovec = 0 if (dovec) then begin indx = where(tags eq vxvar, count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,'Variable "',yxvar,'" not found in data structure!' dovec = 0 endif else vxtag = indx[0] indx = where(tags eq vyvar, count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,'Variable "',yyvar,'" not found in data structure!' dovec = 0 endif else vytag = indx[0] case n_elements(vskip) of 0 : vskip = [1,1] 1 : vskip = [round(vskip) > 1,1] else : vskip = round(vskip[0:1]) > 1 endcase case n_elements(vbar) of 0 : vbar = [10., (xmin + dx/2.), (ymax - dy/2.)] 1 : vbar = [vbar[0], (xmin + dx/2.), (ymax - dy/2.)] 2 : vbar = [vbar[0:1], (ymax - dy/2.)] else : vbar = vbar[0:2] endcase vbar = float(vbar) endif ; Make a Mars circle and curves for the shock and MPB (from Trotignon) phi = findgen(181)*(2.*!pi/180.) mars_x = cos(phi) mars_y = sin(phi) x0 = 0.600 psi = 1.026 L = 2.081 phi = (-150. + findgen(301))*!dtor rho = L/(1. + psi*cos(phi)) shock_x = x0 + rho*cos(phi) shock_y = rho*sin(phi) x0_p1 = 0.640 psi_p1 = 0.770 L_p1 = 1.080 x0_p2 = 1.600 psi_p2 = 1.009 L_p2 = 0.528 phi = (-160. + findgen(160))*!dtor rho = L_p1/(1. + psi_p1*cos(phi)) x1 = x0_p1 + rho*cos(phi) y1 = rho*sin(phi) rho = L_p2/(1. + psi_p2*cos(phi)) x2 = x0_p2 + rho*cos(phi) y2 = rho*sin(phi) indx = where(x1 ge 0) jndx = where(x2 lt 0) pileup_x = [x2[jndx], x1[indx]] pileup_y = [y2[jndx], y1[indx]] phi = findgen(161)*!dtor rho = L_p1/(1. + psi_p1*cos(phi)) x1 = x0_p1 + rho*cos(phi) y1 = rho*sin(phi) rho = L_p2/(1. + psi_p2*cos(phi)) x2 = x0_p2 + rho*cos(phi) y2 = rho*sin(phi) indx = where(x1 ge 0) jndx = where(x2 lt 0) pileup_x = [pileup_x, x1[indx], x2[jndx]] pileup_y = [pileup_y, y1[indx], y2[jndx]] if (((xvar eq 'MSO_Y') or (xvar eq 'MSO_Z') or (xvar eq 'MSO_R') or $ (xvar eq 'MSE_Y') or (xvar eq 'MSE_Z') or (xvar eq 'MSE_R')) and $ ((yvar eq 'MSO_Y') or (yvar eq 'MSO_Z') or (yvar eq 'MSO_R') or $ (yvar eq 'MSE_Y') or (yvar eq 'MSE_Z') or (yvar eq 'MSE_R'))) then begin L0 = sqrt((L + psi*x0)^2. - x0*x0) shock_x = L0*mars_x shock_y = L0*mars_y L0 = sqrt((L_p1 + psi_p1*x0_p1)^2. - x0_p1*x0_p1) pileup_x = L0*mars_x pileup_y = L0*mars_y endif i = where(strcmp(xvar, 'MS', 2, /fold), ni) j = where(strcmp(yvar, 'MS', 2, /fold), nj) bflg = (ni gt 0) and (nj gt 0) ; Default plotting options if (yvar eq 'PARAM') then psym = 10 else psym = 0 limits = {no_interp:1, xrange:xrange, yrange:yrange, zrange:zrange, xstyle:1, $ ystyle:1, xtitle:xlab, ytitle:ylab, ztitle:(mode+zlab), xlog:xlog, ylog:ylog, $ zlog:zlog, xticks:xt, yticks:yt, zticks:zt, xminor:xm, yminor:ym, $ zminor:zm, xmargin:[10,12], charsize:1.2, psym:psym} ; User defined plotting options (override defaults and/or add new options) if (data_type(ulimits) eq 8) then begin tags = tag_names(ulimits) ntags = n_elements(tags) for i=0,(ntags-1) do begin str_element, ulimits, tags[i], value str_element, limits, tags[i], value, /add endfor str_element, limits, 'xsize', value, success=ok if (ok) then begin xsize = value str_element, limits, 'xsize', /del endif str_element, limits, 'ysize', value, success=ok if (ok) then begin ysize = value str_element, limits, 'ysize', /del endif str_element, limits, 'note', value, success=ok if (ok) then begin note = value str_element, limits, 'note', /del endif else note = '' if keyword_set(doall) then begin str_element, limits, 'title', value, success=ok if (ok) then begin title = value str_element, limits, 'title', /del endif else title = '' endif endif ; Filter the data: ; fndx --> indices that pass through all filters if not keyword_set(minsam) then minsam = 0L if (dofilter) then fndx = (*(*ptr).filter).f_indx $ else fndx = lindgen(n_elements((*ptr).time)) ; Filter out invalid/missing data indx = where(finite((*ptr).(ptag)[fndx]), count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,"No valid data: ",pvar return endif fndx = fndx[indx] if (xvar ne 'PARAM') then begin indx = where(finite((*ptr).(xtag)[fndx]), count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,"No valid data: ",xvar return endif fndx = fndx[indx] endif if (yvar ne 'PARAM') then begin indx = where(finite((*ptr).(ytag)[fndx]), count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,"No valid data: ",yvar return endif fndx = fndx[indx] endif ; Bin the data pmode = 2 ; plotting mode if (yvar eq 'PARAM') then begin bindata, (*ptr).(xtag)[fndx], (*ptr).(ptag)[fndx], xbins=xbins, xrange=[xmin,xmax], dst=dst, $ result=data str_element, data, 'xvar', xvar, /add str_element, data, 'yvar', pvar, /add pmode = 0 endif if (xvar eq 'PARAM') then begin bindata, (*ptr).(ytag)[fndx], (*ptr).(ptag)[fndx], xbins=ybins, xrange=[ymin,ymax], dst=dst, $ result=data str_element, data, 'xvar', yvar, /add str_element, data, 'yvar', pvar, /add pmode = 1 endif if (pmode eq 2) then begin bindata2d, (*ptr).(xtag)[fndx], (*ptr).(ytag)[fndx], (*ptr).(ptag)[fndx], xbins=xbins, $ ybins=ybins, xrange=[xmin,xmax], yrange=[ymin,ymax], dst=dst, result=data str_element, data, 'xvar', xvar, /add str_element, data, 'yvar', yvar, /add str_element, data, 'zvar', pvar, /add if (dovec) then begin bindata2d, (*ptr).(xtag)[fndx], (*ptr).(ytag)[fndx], (*ptr).(vxtag)[fndx], xbins=xbins, $ ybins=ybins, xrange=[xmin,xmax], yrange=[ymin,ymax], result=vxdat bindata2d, (*ptr).(xtag)[fndx], (*ptr).(ytag)[fndx], (*ptr).(vytag)[fndx], xbins=xbins, $ ybins=ybins, xrange=[xmin,xmax], yrange=[ymin,ymax], result=vydat endif endif str_element, data, 'mass', (*ptr).mass, /add str_element, data, 'filter', *(*ptr).filter, /add str_element, data, 'limits', limits, /add indx = where(data.npts ge minsam, ngud, complement=jndx, ncomplement=nbad) if (ngud gt 0L) then begin min_samp = min(data.npts[indx]) med_samp = median(data.npts[indx]) max_samp = max(data.npts[indx]) endif else begin min_samp = min(data.npts) med_samp = median(data.npts) max_samp = max(data.npts) endelse print," " print," Points per Cell" print," Min Median Max" print," ---------------------" print, min_samp, med_samp, max_samp, format='(5x,i5,2x,i6,2x,i6,/)' if (pmode eq 2) then ncell = n_elements(data.z) else ncell = n_elements(data.y) if (minsam gt 0L) then msg = " fewer than " else msg = " " msg = strtrim(string(ncell - ngud),2) + " of " + string(ncell) + $ " cells contain" + msg + string(minsam) + " points." print,strcompress(msg),format='(a,/)' if (ngud eq 0L) then return ; nothing to plot if (nbad gt 0L) then begin ; mask data with low sampling if (pmode eq 2) then begin str_element, data, 'valid', replicate(1, n_elements(data.x), n_elements(data.y)), /add data.valid[jndx] = 0 data.z[jndx] = !values.f_nan data.med[jndx] = !values.f_nan endif else begin str_element, data, 'valid', replicate(1, n_elements(data.y)), /add data.valid[jndx] = 0 data.y[jndx] = !values.f_nan data.med[jndx] = !values.f_nan endelse endif ; Put up probability, sampling, and/or rms plots if keyword_set(doall) then begin if (not execute('wset, doall',2,1)) then window, doall, xsize=(2.*xsize), ysize=(2.*ysize) !p.multi = [0,2,2,0,0] doall = 1 doplot = 1 dosamp = 1 domom = 1 endif else begin doall = 0 !p.multi = 0 endelse if keyword_set(doplot) then begin if (~doall) then begin if (not execute('wset, doplot',2,1)) then window, doplot, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize endif case pmode of 0 : begin if (medflg) then y = data.med else y = data.y if (tpflg) then begin store_data, pvar, data={x:data.x, y:y} ylim, pvar, limits.zrange, limits.zlog options, pvar, 'x_no_interp', limits.no_interp options, pvar, 'y_no_interp', limits.no_interp options, pvar, 'ytitle', limits.ztitle options, pvar, 'yticks', limits.zticks options, pvar, 'yminor', limits.zminor options, pvar, 'psym', limits.psym options, pvar, 'spec', 0 tplot_options, 'charsize', limits.charsize timespan,[xmin,xmax] tplot, pvar endif else plot, data.x, y, _extra=limits end 1 : begin if (medflg) then y = data.med else y = data.y plot, data.x, y, _extra=limits end 2 : begin if (medflg) then z = data.med else z = data.z if (tpflg) then begin store_data, pvar, data={x:data.x, y:z, v:data.y} ylim, pvar, limits.yrange, limits.ylog options, pvar, 'x_no_interp', limits.no_interp options, pvar, 'y_no_interp', limits.no_interp options, pvar, 'ytitle', limits.ytitle options, pvar, 'yticks', limits.yticks options, pvar, 'yminor', limits.yminor options, pvar, 'psym', limits.psym options, pvar, 'spec', 1 zlim, pvar, limits.zrange, limits.zlog options, pvar, 'ztitle', limits.ztitle options, pvar, 'zticks', limits.zticks tplot_options, 'charsize', limits.charsize timespan,xrange tplot, pvar endif else begin specplot,data.x,data.y,z,limits=limits if (bflg) then begin oplot, mars_x, mars_y, thick=2 oplot, shock_x, shock_y, linestyle=2, thick=2 oplot, pileup_x, pileup_y, linestyle=2, thick=2 endif if (dovec) then begin for i=0,(xbins-1),vskip[0] do begin x0 = vxdat.x[i] for j=0,(ybins-1),vskip[1] do begin y0 = vxdat.y[j] x1 = x0 + vxdat.z[i,j]*vvec y1 = y0 + vydat.z[i,j]*vvec if (finite(data.z[i,j])) then arrow, x0, y0, x1, y1, /data, hsize=5 endfor endfor x0 = vbar[1] y0 = vbar[2] x1 = x0 + vbar[0]*vvec y1 = y0 oplot, [x0,x1], [y0,y1], thick=2 vbmag = strtrim(string(round(vbar[0])),2) + ' km/s' xyouts, (x0 + x1)/2., (y0 - dy), vbmag, align=0.5, charsize=limits.charsize*0.8 endif endelse end endcase endif if keyword_set(dosamp) then begin if (~doall) then begin if (not execute('wset, dosamp',2,1)) then window, dosamp, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize endif z = data.npts if (nbad gt 0L) then z[jndx] = 0 ; mask values below minimum sampling if (pmode eq 2) then begin z_max = round(alog10(max(z,/nan))) z_min = round(alog10(min(z,/nan) > 1)) endif else begin z_max = ceil(alog10(max(z,/nan))) z_min = floor(alog10(min(z,/nan) > 1)) endelse zrange = 10.^[z_min, z_max] zticks = (z_max - z_min) if (zticks lt 2) then begin zticks = 0 zlog = 0 endif else zlog = 1 nzlim = n_elements(zlimits) if (nzlim ge 2) then begin zrange = float(zlimits[0:1]) if (nzlim ge 3) then zlog = round(zlimits[2]) if (nzlim ge 4) then zticks = round(zlimits[3]) endif ztitle = 'Points per Bin' case pmode of 0 : begin if (tpflg) then begin store_data,'SAMP',data={x:data.x, y:z} ylim, 'SAMP', zrange[0], zrange[1], zlog options, 'SAMP', 'ytitle', ztitle options, 'SAMP', 'yticks', zticks options, 'SAMP', 'yminor', 0 options, 'SAMP', 'psym', limits.psym options, 'SAMP', 'spec', 0 timespan,[xmin,xmax] tplot, 'SAMP' endif else begin str_element, limits, 'yrange', zrange, /add str_element, limits, 'ytitle', ztitle, /add str_element, limits, 'yticks', zticks, /add str_element, limits, 'yminor', 0, /add str_element, limits, 'ylog', zlog, /add plot, data.x, z, _extra=limits endelse end 1 : begin str_element, limits, 'xrange', zrange, /add str_element, limits, 'xtitle', ztitle, /add str_element, limits, 'xticks', zticks, /add str_element, limits, 'xminor', 0, /add str_element, limits, 'xlog', zlog, /add plot, z, data.y, _extra=limits end 2 : begin str_element, limits, 'zrange', zrange, /add str_element, limits, 'ztitle', ztitle, /add str_element, limits, 'zticks', zticks, /add str_element, limits, 'zminor', 0, /add str_element, limits, 'zlog', zlog, /add if (tpflg) then begin store_data,'SAMP',data={x:data.x, y:z, v:data.y} ylim, 'SAMP', limits.yrange[0], limits.yrange[1], limits.ylog options, 'SAMP', 'x_no_interp', limits.no_interp options, 'SAMP', 'y_no_interp', limits.no_interp options, 'SAMP', 'ytitle', limits.ytitle options, 'SAMP', 'yticks', limits.yticks options, 'SAMP', 'yminor', limits.yminor options, 'SAMP', 'psym', limits.psym options, 'SAMP', 'spec', 1 zlim, 'SAMP', zrange[0], zrange[1], zlog options, 'SAMP', 'ztitle', ztitle options, 'SAMP', 'zticks', zticks options, 'SAMP', 'zminor', 0 tplot_options, 'charsize', limits.charsize timespan,[xmin,xmax] tplot, 'SAMP' endif else begin specplot,data.x,data.y,z,limits=limits if (bflg) then begin oplot, mars_x, mars_y, thick=2 oplot, shock_x, shock_y, linestyle=2, thick=2 oplot, pileup_x, pileup_y, linestyle=2, thick=2 endif endelse end endcase endif if keyword_set(domom) then begin if (~doall) then begin if (not execute('wset, domom',2,1)) then window, domom, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize endif if (pmode eq 2) then begin case mtype of 'skew' : begin z = data.skew ztitle = 'Skewness ' + zlab end 'kurt' : begin z = data.kurt ztitle = 'Kurtosis ' + zlab end 'adev' : begin if (data.zvar ne 'VB_PHI') then begin z = data.adev/abs(data.z) ztitle = 'Adev/Mean ' + zlab endif else begin z = data.adev ztitle = 'Adev ' + zlab endelse end else : begin if (data.zvar ne 'VB_PHI') then begin z = data.sdev/abs(data.z) ztitle = 'Sdev/Mean ' + zlab endif else begin z = data.sdev ztitle = 'Sdev ' + zlab endelse end endcase endif else begin case mtype of 'skew' : begin z = data.skew ztitle = 'Skewness ' + zlab end 'kurt' : begin z = data.kurt ztitle = 'Kurtosis ' + zlab end 'adev' : begin if (data.yvar ne 'VB_PHI') then begin z = data.adev/abs(data.y) ztitle = 'Adev/Mean ' + zlab endif else begin z = data.adev ztitle = 'Adev ' + zlab endelse end else : begin if (data.yvar ne 'VB_PHI') then begin z = data.sdev/abs(data.y) ztitle = 'Sdev/Mean ' + zlab endif else begin z = data.sdev ztitle = 'Sdev ' + zlab endelse end endcase endelse if (nbad gt 0L) then z[jndx] = !values.f_nan ; mask values below minimum sampling zrange = minmax(z) zticks = 0 zlog = 0 nrlim = n_elements(rlimits) if (nrlim ge 2) then begin zrange = float(rlimits[0:1]) if (nrlim ge 3) then zlog = round(rlimits[2]) if (nrlim ge 4) then zticks = round(rlimits[3]) endif case pmode of 0 : begin if (tpflg) then begin store_data,'RMS',data={x:data.x, y:z} ylim, 'RMS', zrange[0], zrange[1], zlog options, 'RMS', 'ytitle', ztitle options, 'RMS', 'yticks', zticks options, 'RMS', 'yminor', 0 options, 'RMS', 'psym', limits.psym options, 'RMS', 'spec', 0 timespan,[xmin,xmax] tplot, 'RMS' endif else begin str_element, limits, 'yrange', zrange, /add str_element, limits, 'ytitle', ztitle, /add str_element, limits, 'yticks', zticks, /add str_element, limits, 'yminor', 0, /add str_element, limits, 'ylog', zlog, /add plot, data.x, z, _extra=limits endelse end 1 : begin str_element, limits, 'xrange', zrange, /add str_element, limits, 'xtitle', ztitle, /add str_element, limits, 'xticks', zticks, /add str_element, limits, 'xminor', 0, /add str_element, limits, 'xlog', zlog, /add plot, z, data.y, _extra=limits end 2 : begin str_element, limits, 'zrange', zrange, /add str_element, limits, 'ztitle', ztitle, /add str_element, limits, 'zticks', zticks, /add str_element, limits, 'zminor', 0, /add str_element, limits, 'zlog', zlog, /add if (tpflg) then begin store_data,'RMS',data={x:data.x, y:z, v:data.y} ylim, 'RMS', limits.yrange[0], limits.yrange[1], limits.ylog options, 'RMS', 'x_no_interp', limits.no_interp options, 'RMS', 'y_no_interp', limits.no_interp options, 'RMS', 'ytitle', limits.ytitle options, 'RMS', 'yticks', limits.yticks options, 'RMS', 'yminor', limits.yminor options, 'RMS', 'psym', limits.psym options, 'RMS', 'spec', 1 zlim, 'RMS', zrange[0], zrange[1], zlog options, 'RMS', 'ztitle', ztitle options, 'RMS', 'zticks', zticks options, 'RMS', 'zminor', 0 tplot_options, 'charsize', limits.charsize timespan,[xmin,xmax] tplot, 'RMS' endif else begin specplot,data.x,data.y,z,limits=limits if (bflg) then begin oplot, mars_x, mars_y, thick=2 oplot, shock_x, shock_y, linestyle=2, thick=2 oplot, pileup_x, pileup_y, linestyle=2, thick=2 endif endelse end endcase endif if (doall) then begin plot, [-1.], [-1.], xrange=[0,1], yrange=[0,1], xstyle=5, ystyle=5 x = [0.1, 0.35, 0.5] dx = 0.05 y = 0.95 dy = 0.05 if (strlen(title) gt 0) then begin xyouts, x[0], y, title, charsize=limits.charsize*1.2 y -= (2.*dy) endif if (strlen(note) gt 0) then begin xyouts, x[0], y, note, charsize=limits.charsize y -= (2.*dy) endif if (dofilter) then begin tag = strlowcase(tag_names(*(*ptr).filter)) indx = where(tag ne 'f_indx', ntag) tag = tag[indx] jndx = where(tag eq 'topo', nj) xyouts, x[0], y, 'TOPOLOGY', charsize=limits.charsize x += dx y -= dy if (nj gt 0) then begin tstring = ['unknown','closed','open to day','open to night','draped','impossible'] value = (*(*ptr).filter).(jndx[0]) for i=value[0],value[1] do begin xyouts, x[0], y, tstring[i < 5], charsize=limits.charsize y -= dy endfor endif else begin xyouts, x[0], y, 'all', charsize=limits.charsize y -= dy endelse x -= dx y -= dy xyouts, x[0], y, 'FILTER', charsize=limits.charsize x += dx y -= dy for i=0,(ntag-1) do begin case tag[i] of 'time' : begin xyouts, x[0], y, tag[i], charsize=limits.charsize value = (*(*ptr).filter).(indx[i]) xyouts, x[1], y, time_string(value[0]), charsize=limits.charsize, align=1 xyouts, x[2], y, time_string(value[1]), charsize=limits.charsize, align=1 y -= dy end 'topo' : ; do nothing here (see above) else : begin xyouts, x[0], y, tag[i], charsize=limits.charsize value = (*(*ptr).filter).(indx[i]) if (size(value,/type) gt 3) then vstring = string(value, format='(f9.2)') $ else vstring = string(value, format='(i)') vstring = strtrim(vstring,2) xyouts, x[1], y, vstring[0], charsize=limits.charsize, align=1 xyouts, x[2], y, vstring[1], charsize=limits.charsize, align=1 y -= dy end endcase endfor x -= dx endif y -= dy xyouts, x[0], y, ('MINSAM = ' + strtrim(string(minsam),2)), charsize=limits.charsize y -= dy cx = float(xmax - xmin)/float(xbins) cy = float(ymax - ymin)/float(ybins) cellsize = string(cx,cy,format='(f4.2,", ",f4.2)') xyouts, x[0], y, ('CELLSIZE = ' + strtrim(string(cellsize),2)), charsize=limits.charsize y -= (2.*dy) xyouts, x[0], y, systime(), charsize=limits.charsize y -= dy endif else begin if (strlen(note) gt 0) then begin xyouts, 0.8, 0.9, note, charsize=limits.charsize, /norm, align=1 endif endelse if (size(png,/type) eq 7) then begin device, get_decomposed=old_decomposed device, decomposed=0 loadct2,43 write_png, png, tvrd(/true) print,'Plot written to: ',file_basename(png) print,'' device, decomposed=old_decomposed endif !p.multi = 0 return end