;+ ;PROCEDURE: fit_pad_mag ;PURPOSE: ; Determines the time offset between MAG1 data and SWEA MAG angles. For SWEA pitch ; angle sorting, the magnetic field is averaged over the second half of the 2-sec ; measurement cycle. However, there can be apparent differences between the MAG and ; SWEA timing if one of the decommutators has an error. Here, I assume that the SWEA ; timing is correct (naturally) and fit for a constant MAG time offset. ; ;USAGE: ; fit_pad_mag ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; RESULT: Timing and angular offsets. The timing offset is robust. ; Angular offsets are for reference only. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-02-04 13:44:34 -0800 (Wed, 04 Feb 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 16867 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/fit_pad_mag.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 07-24-12 ;- pro fit_pad_mag, trange=trange, result=result @mvn_swe_com if (size(a2,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"No PAD data." return endif if (size(swe_mag1,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"No MAG1 data." return endif if (size(swe_mag2,/type) eq 8) then domag2 = 1 else domag2 = 0 if not keyword_set(trange) then tmin = min(swe_mag1.time, max=tmax) $ else tmin = min(trange, max=tmax) ; Get SWEA PAD MAG angles and MAG1 data Sx = a2.time + 1.5D ; center time of SWEA MAG sample Sy = (a2.Baz + 0.5)*(360./256.) ; azimuth (deg) Sz = (a2.Bel + 0.5)*(180./40.) - 90. ; elevation (deg) Bx = swe_mag1.time By = swe_mag1.Bphi*!radeg Bz = swe_mag1.Bthe*!radeg indx = sort(Bx) ; MAG times sometimes not monotonic Bx = temporary(Bx[indx]) By = temporary(By[indx]) Bz = temporary(Bz[indx]) ; Trim the data to trange indx = where((Bx ge tmin) and (Bx le tmax), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin Bx = temporary(Bx[indx]) By = temporary(By[indx]) Bz = temporary(Bz[indx]) endif else begin print,"No MAG data within trange." return endelse indx = where((Sx ge tmin) and (Sx le tmax), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin Sx = temporary(Sx[indx]) Sy = temporary(Sy[indx]) Sz = temporary(Sz[indx]) endif else begin print,"No SWEA data within trange." return endelse ; Differentiate to ignore constant angle offsets dSy = Sy - shift(Sy,1) dSy = dSy[1L:*] ; Calculate correlation function dt_min = -10D dt_max = 10D dt_step = 0.125D npts = round((dt_max - dt_min)/dt_step) + 1L dt = dt_min + dt_step*dindgen(npts) Bc = fltarr(npts) for i=0,(npts-1L) do begin BSy = interpol(By, (Bx-dt[i]), Sx) ; sample at PAD times dBSy = BSy - shift(BSy,1) ; differentiate to ignore offsets dBSy = dBSy[1L:*] chi2 = (dSy - dBSy)^2. indx = where(chi2 lt (1.e3*median(chi2))) ; filter spikes Bc[i] = total(chi2[indx]) ; chi2 at dt[i] endfor Bc = Bc/mean(Bc) ; normalize Bc_min = min(Bc,i) ; minimum chi2 toff = dt[i] ; timing difference (PAD - MAG) ; Plot the result Twin = !d.window window,/free tmin = min(swe_mag1.time, max=tmax) tmsg = time_string(tmin) + " to " + time_string(tmax) plot,dt,Bc,/ynozero, thick=2, xrange=[min(dt),max(dt)],/xsty, title=tmsg, $ xtitle='Time Offset (sec)',ytitle='Bphi Chi2 Amplitude (MAG - PAD)',charsize=1.4 oplot,[toff,toff],[0,2D*max(Bc)],line=2 xnorm = 1.05*(toff - dt[0])/(max(dt) - dt[0]) xyouts,xnorm,0.85,string(toff,format='("Offset: ",f6.3)'),/norm,charsize=1.4 ; Gain and offset "corrections" - these are for reference only and should not be ; used to correct MAG data. They are way too simplistic. BSy = interpol(By, (Bx-toff), Sx) gphi = median(Sy/BSy) dphi = median(Sy - BSy) BSz = interpol(Bz, (Bx-toff), Sx) gthe = median(Sz/BSz) dthe = median(Sz - BSz) result = {toff:toff, gphi:gphi, gthe:gthe, dphi:dphi, dthe:dthe} ; Apply the time offset yn = 'N' print,toff,format='("Time offset: ",f7.3," sec")' read, yn, prompt='Apply time offset (y|n) ? ' if (strupcase(yn) eq 'Y') then begin swe_mag1.time = swe_mag1.time - toff if (domag2) then swe_mag2.time = swe_mag2.time - toff get_data,'Bphi1',data=Bphi1,index=k if (k gt 0) then begin Bphi1.x = Bphi1.x - toff store_data,'Bphi1',data=Bphi1 endif get_data,'Bthe1',data=Bthe1,index=k if (k gt 0) then begin Bthe1.x = Bthe1.x - toff store_data,'Bthe1',data=Bthe1 endif get_data,'Bphi2',data=Bphi2,index=k if (k gt 0) then begin Bphi2.x = Bphi2.x - toff store_data,'Bphi2',data=Bphi2 endif get_data,'Bthe2',data=Bthe2,index=k if (k gt 0) then begin Bthe2.x = Bthe2.x - toff store_data,'Bthe2',data=Bthe2 endif get_data,'mvn_B_1sec',data=mag,index=k if (k gt 0) then begin mag.x = mag.x - toff store_data,'mvn_B_1sec',data=mag endif get_data,'mvn_B_full',data=mag,index=k if (k gt 0) then begin mag.x = mag.x - toff store_data,'mvn_B_full',data=mag endif get_data,'mvn_B_full_amp',data=mag,index=k if (k gt 0) then begin mag.x = mag.x - toff store_data,'mvn_B_full_amp',data=mag endif endif wset, Twin return end