;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_sta_l2_load ;PURPOSE: ; Loads MVN L2 data for a given file(s), or time_range ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_sta_l2_load, files = files, trange=trange, sta_apid=sta_apid, $ ; tplot_vars_create = tplot_vars_create ;INPUT: ; All via keyword, if none are set, then the output of timerange() is ; used, which may prompt for a time interval ;KEYWORDS: ; files = if set, then read from these files, otherwise, files are ; figured out from the time range. ; trange = read in the data from this time range, note that if both ; files and time range are set, files takes precedence in ; finding files. ; sta_apid = an apid for the data, e.g. ['c0', 'c6'], if not set all ; are included. ; user_pass = a user, password combination to be passed through to ; file_retrieve.pro, a string with format: ; 'user:password' for sites that require Basic ; authentication. Digest authentication is not supported. ; no_time_clip = if set do not clip the data to the time range. The ; trange is only used for file selection. ; tplot_vars_create = if set, call mvn_sta_l2_tplot to get tplot ; variables ; tvar_names = list of the STA tplot variable names loaded ; l2_version_in = if set, input this version, the default is to use ; the current version, but that may not exist yet if ; you are reprocessing ;OUTPUT: ; No variables, data are loaded into common blocks ;HISTORY: ; 16-may-2014, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-08-05 09:44:57 -0700 (Wed, 05 Aug 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28992 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/sta/mvn_sta_l2_load.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_sta_l2_load, files = files, trange = trange, sta_apid = sta_apid, $ user_pass = user_pass, no_time_clip = no_time_clip, $ tplot_vars_create = tplot_vars_create, $ tvar_names = tvar_names, l2_version_in = l2_version_in, $ iv1_load = iv1_load, _extra = _extra ;Keep track of software versioning here If(keyword_set(l2_version_in)) Then sw_vsn = l2_version_in $ Else sw_vsn = mvn_sta_current_sw_version() sw_vsn_str = 'v'+string(sw_vsn, format='(i2.2)') ;The first step is to set up filenames, if there are any If(keyword_set(files)) Then Begin filex = files Endif Else Begin ; If trange is set, do not time clip If(keyword_set(trange)) Then no_time_clip = 1 tr0 = timerange(trange) ;Need number of days and app_ids start_day_dbl = time_double(time_string(tr0[0], precision = -3)) ;start day in seconds ndays = ceil((tr0[1]-start_day_dbl)/86400.0d0) days = start_day_dbl+86400.0d0*dindgen(ndays) daystr = time_string(days, precision = -3, format = 6) ;App_ids If(is_string(sta_apid)) Then Begin If(n_elements(sta_apid) Eq 1) Then Begin ;we'll handle space-separated lists app_id = strsplit(sta_apid, ' ', /extract) Endif Else app_id = sta_apid app_id = strlowcase(strcompress(app_id, /remove_all)) Endif Else app_id = ['2a', 'c?', 'd?'] ;Globbing is not clear in mvn_pfp_file_retrieve app_id1 = '' For j = 0, n_elements(app_id)-1 Do Begin a1 = strmid(app_id[j], 0, 1) a2 = strmid(app_id[j], 1, 1) If(a2 Eq '?' Or a2 Eq'*') Then Begin If(a1 Eq 'c') Then Begin aj = a1+['0','2','4','6','8','a','c','d','e','f'] Endif Else If(a1 Eq 'd') Then Begin aj = a1+['0', '1', '4', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b'] Endif Else aj = '2a' Endif Else aj = app_id[j] app_id1 = [app_id1, aj] Endfor If(n_elements(app_id1) Gt 1) Then app_id = app_id1[1:*] Else Begin app_id = ['2a', 'c'+['0','2','4','6','8','a','c','d','e','f'], 'd'+['0', '1', '4', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b']] Endelse napp_id = n_elements(app_id) ;FIles for all days and app_ids filex = '' For j = 0, napp_id-1 Do For k = 0, ndays-1 Do Begin ;fixed daystr to daystr[k], 2015-01-13 yyyy = strmid(daystr[k], 0, 4) & mmmm = strmid(daystr[k], 4, 2) If(keyword_set(iv1_load)) Then Begin filepath = 'maven/data/sci/sta/iv1/'+yyyy+'/'+mmmm+'/' Endif Else filepath = 'maven/data/sci/sta/l2/'+yyyy+'/'+mmmm+'/' filejk0 = filepath+'mvn_sta_l2_'+app_id[j]+'*_'+daystr[k]+'_'+sw_vsn_str+'.cdf' filejk = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(filejk0, user_pass = user_pass) ;Files with ? or * left were not found question_mark = strpos(filejk, '?') If(is_string(filejk) && question_mark[0] Eq -1) Then filex = [filex, filejk] Endfor If(n_elements(filex) Gt 1) Then filex = filex[1:*] Else Begin dprint, 'No files found fitting input criteria' Return Endelse Endelse ;ONly files that exist here filex = file_search(filex) If(~is_string(filex)) Then Begin dprint, 'No files found for time range and app_ids:'+app_id Return Endif ;Only unique files here filex_u = filex[bsort(filex)] filex = filex_u[uniq(filex_u)] ;Ok, load the files, extract app_ids from filenames-because you may ;have to concatenate data app_id by app_id nfiles = n_elements(filex) app_ids_all = '' For j = 0, nfiles-1 Do Begin xxxx = strsplit(file_basename(filex[j]), '_', /extract) app_ids_all = [app_ids_all, strmid(xxxx[3], 0, 2)] Endfor app_ids_all0 = app_ids_all[1:*] ;app_ids are in the same order as filex app_ids_all1 = app_ids_all0[bsort(app_ids_all0)] ;but sorted for uniq call app_ids_all = app_ids_all1[uniq(app_ids_all1)] ;otherwise files are loaded twice over month boundaries napp_ids_all = n_elements(app_ids_all) ;jmm, 2015-01-13 ;Now for each app_id, read the files For j = 0, napp_ids_all-1 Do Begin datj = -1 ssj = where(app_ids_all0 Eq app_ids_all[j], nssj) If(nssj Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No files for apid: '+app_ids_all[j] Continue ;to next app_id Endif Else Begin ck = 0 If(keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange[0, *]) Gt 1) Then Begin ntr = n_elements(trange[0, *]) For i = 0, ntr-1 Do For k = 0, nssj-1 Do Begin ;extract file time range from the filename, to check time ranges so ;that we don't need to load files if not necessary f1 = strsplit(file_basename(filex[ssj[k]]), '_', /extract) ti0 = time_double(f1[n_elements(f1)-2])+[0.0, 86400.0d0] If(time_double(trange[0, i]) Le ti0[1] and time_double(trange[1, i]) Ge ti0[0]) Then Begin datk = mvn_sta_cmn_l2read(filex[ssj[k]], trange = trange[*, i]) If(is_struct(datk)) Then Begin If(~is_struct(datj)) Then datj = temporary(datk) $ Else datj = mvn_sta_cmn_concat(temporary(datj), temporary(datk)) Endif Endif Endfor Endif Else Begin For k = 0, nssj-1 Do Begin datk = mvn_sta_cmn_l2read(filex[ssj[k]], trange = trange) If(is_struct(datk)) Then Begin If(~is_struct(datj)) Then datj = temporary(datk) $ Else datj = mvn_sta_cmn_concat(temporary(datj), temporary(datk)) Endif Endfor Endelse ;Check time range If(~keyword_set(files) and ~keyword_set(no_time_clip)) Then Begin If(is_struct(datj)) Then datj = mvn_sta_cmn_tclip(datj, tr0) $ Else Begin dprint, 'No data for apid: '+app_ids_all[j] Continue ;to next app_id Endelse Endif Endelse ;Contract nbins = 1 case, ; If(datj.nbins Eq 1) Then Begin ; num_dists = n_elements(datj.time) ; temp = reform(datj.bkg, num_dists, datj.nenergy, datj.nmass) ; str_element, datj, 'bkg', temp, /add_replace ; temp = reform(datj.data, num_dists, datj.nenergy, datj.nmass) ; str_element, datj, 'data', temp, /add_replace ; temp = reform(datj.eflux, num_dists, datj.nenergy, datj.nmass) ; str_element, datj, 'eflux', temp, /add_replace ; temp = reform(datj.dead, num_dists, datj.nenergy, datj.nmass) ; str_element, datj, 'dead', temp, /add_replace ; Endif ;Which App id? Case app_ids_all[j] of '2a': Begin common mvn_2a, mvn_2a_ind, mvn_2a_dat mvn_2a_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_2a_ind = 0 End 'c0': Begin common mvn_c0, mvn_c0_ind, mvn_c0_dat mvn_c0_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_c0_ind = 0 End 'c2': Begin common mvn_c2, mvn_c2_ind, mvn_c2_dat mvn_c2_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_c2_ind = 0 End 'c4': Begin common mvn_c4, mvn_c4_ind, mvn_c4_dat mvn_c4_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_c4_ind = 0 End 'c6': Begin common mvn_c6, mvn_c6_ind, mvn_c6_dat mvn_c6_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_c6_ind = 0 End 'c8': Begin common mvn_c8, mvn_c8_ind, mvn_c8_dat mvn_c8_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_c8_ind = 0 End 'ca': Begin common mvn_ca, mvn_ca_ind, mvn_ca_dat mvn_ca_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_ca_ind = 0 End 'cc': Begin common mvn_cc, mvn_cc_ind, mvn_cc_dat mvn_cc_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_cc_ind = 0 End 'cd': Begin common mvn_cd, mvn_cd_ind, mvn_cd_dat mvn_cd_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_cd_ind = 0 End 'ce': Begin common mvn_ce, mvn_ce_ind, mvn_ce_dat mvn_ce_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_ce_ind = 0 End 'cf': Begin common mvn_cf, mvn_cf_ind, mvn_cf_dat mvn_cf_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_cf_ind = 0 End 'd0': Begin common mvn_d0, mvn_d0_ind, mvn_d0_dat mvn_d0_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d0_ind = 0 End 'd1': Begin common mvn_d1, mvn_d1_ind, mvn_d1_dat mvn_d1_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d1_ind = 0 End 'd2': Begin common mvn_d2, mvn_d2_ind, mvn_d2_dat mvn_d2_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d2_ind = 0 End 'd3': Begin common mvn_d3, mvn_d3_ind, mvn_d3_dat mvn_d3_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d3_ind = 0 End 'd4': Begin common mvn_d4, mvn_d4_ind, mvn_d4_dat mvn_d4_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d4_ind = 0 End 'd6': Begin common mvn_d6, mvn_d6_ind, mvn_d6_dat mvn_d6_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d6_ind = 0 End 'd7': Begin common mvn_d7, mvn_d7_ind, mvn_d7_dat mvn_d7_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d7_ind = 0 End 'd8': Begin common mvn_d8, mvn_d8_ind, mvn_d8_dat mvn_d8_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d8_ind = 0 End 'd9': Begin common mvn_d9, mvn_d9_ind, mvn_d9_dat mvn_d9_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_d9_ind = 0 End 'da': Begin common mvn_da, mvn_da_ind, mvn_da_dat mvn_da_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_da_ind = 0 End 'db': Begin common mvn_db, mvn_db_ind, mvn_db_dat mvn_db_dat = temporary(datj) & mvn_db_ind = 0 End Endcase Endfor If(keyword_set(tplot_vars_create)) Then Begin mvn_sta_l2_tplot, /replace tvar_names = tnames('mvn_sta_'+app_id+'*') Endif Else tvar_names = '' Return End