;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_sta_l2scpot ;PURPOSE: ; Wrapper for mvn_sta_scpot_load that insures that c0 and c6 data have ; the same number of times ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_sta_l2scpot ;INPUT: ; the c6 and c0 data structures are assumed to have been loaded ;OUTPUT: ; none, the sc_pot tag is filled for all ap_ids using ; mvn_sta_scpot_load ;KEYWORDS: ; l0l2 = if set, then the input comes from L0 data. ;HISTORY: ; 2017-04-10, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-04-10 12:52:08 -0700 (Mon, 10 Apr 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23128 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/sta/l2util/mvn_sta_l2scpot.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_sta_l2scpot, l0l2=l0l2, _extra=_extra common mvn_c0, mvn_c0_ind, mvn_c0_dat common mvn_c6, mvn_c6_ind, mvn_c6_dat If(~is_struct(mvn_c0_dat) || ~is_struct(mvn_c6_dat)) Then Return c0_time = mvn_c0_dat.time & nc0 = n_elements(c0_time) c6_time = mvn_c6_dat.time & nc6 = n_elements(c6_time) date = time_string(median(c0_time), precision=-3, format=6) t0 = time_double(date)+[0.0d0, 24.0d0*3600.0d0] If(keyword_set(l0l2)) Then Begin If(nc0 Gt nc6) Then Begin c0_tmp = mvn_c0_dat mvn_c0_dat = mvn_sta_cmn_tclip(temporary(mvn_c0_dat), t0) mvn_sta_scpot_load, /tplot ;ok for all except c0 data, now to fix mvn_c0_dat = c0_tmp pot_all = mvn_c6_dat.sc_pot time = c6_time get_data, 'mvn_sta_scpot_valid', data = dscpotv pot_valid = dscpotv.y pot_c0 = interp(pot_all,time,(mvn_c0_dat.time+mvn_c0_dat.end_time)/2.) mvn_c0_dat.sc_pot = pot_c0 pot_valid_c0 = fix(round(interp(pot_valid,time,(mvn_c0_dat.time+mvn_c0_dat.end_time)/2.))) mvn_c0_dat.quality_flag = (mvn_c0_dat.quality_flag and 30719) or 2^11*(1-pot_valid_c0) Endif Else Begin mvn_sta_scpot_load Endelse Endif Else Begin ;in the l2-l2 processing, we should be able to insure that c0 and c6 have the same time arrays, add 5 minutes to each end t005 = t0+[-300.0d0, 300.0d0] mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid= ['c0', 'c6'], trange = t005 nc05 = n_elements(mvn_c0_dat.time) nc65 = n_elements(mvn_c6_dat.time) If(nc05 Gt nc65) Then Begin c0_tmp = mvn_c0_dat t065 = minmax(mvn_c6_dat.time) mvn_c0_dat = mvn_sta_cmn_tclip(temporary(mvn_c0_dat), t065) mvn_sta_scpot_load, /tplot ;ok for all except c0 data, now to fix mvn_c0_dat = c0_tmp pot_all = mvn_c6_dat.sc_pot time = c6_time get_data, 'mvn_sta_scpot_valid', data = dscpotv pot_valid = dscpotv.y pot_c0 = interp(pot_all,time,(mvn_c0_dat.time+mvn_c0_dat.end_time)/2.) mvn_c0_dat.sc_pot = pot_c0 pot_valid_c0 = fix(round(interp(pot_valid,time,(mvn_c0_dat.time+mvn_c0_dat.end_time)/2.))) mvn_c0_dat.quality_flag = (mvn_c0_dat.quality_flag and 30719) or 2^11*(1-pot_valid_c0) Endif Else Begin mvn_sta_scpot_load ;ok for all except c0, c6, clip those Endelse ;for exact clipping, extend end time by 1 second c0_tr = minmax(c0_time)+[0.0, 1.0] c6_tr = minmax(c6_time)+[0.0, 1.0] mvn_c0_dat = mvn_sta_cmn_tclip(temporary(mvn_c0_dat), c0_tr) mvn_c6_dat = mvn_sta_cmn_tclip(temporary(mvn_c6_dat), c6_tr) Endelse End