;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_sta_cmn_l2file_save ;PURPOSE: ; saves an STA L2 cdf, managing the revision number and md5 sum. The ; file will have the latest revision number, there will be a hard ; link to the revisioned file with no revision number, andan md5 sum ; for the uncompressed file. Also deletes old versions. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_sta_cmn_l2file_save, otp_struct, fullfile0, no_compression = no_compression ;INPUT: ; otp_struct = the structure to output in CDF_LOAD_VARS format. ; fullfile0 = the full-path filename for the revisionless cdf file ;OUTPUT: ; No explicit output, the revisioned file is written, an md5 sum file ; is written in the same directory, and the revisionless file is ; linked to the revsioned file ;KEYWORDS: ; no_compression = if set, skip the compression step ; temp_dir = if set, output files into subdirectories of this dir, ; then move to final destination. The default is ; '/mydisks/home/maven/', don't forget the slash ;HISTORY: ; 22-jul-2014, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: muser $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-11-02 17:17:47 -0700 (Sat, 02 Nov 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27969 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/sta/l2util/mvn_sta_cmn_l2file_save.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_sta_cmn_l2file_save, otp_struct, fullfile0, temp_dir = temp_dir, $ no_compression = no_compression, _extra = _extra If(~is_struct(otp_struct)) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad structure input ' Return Endif If(~is_string(fullfile0)) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad filename input ' Return Endif ;Ok, get the next revision, and any files to delete mvn_sta_l2_filerevision, fullfile0, fullfile, delfiles If(~is_string(fullfile)) Then Begin dprint, 'No filename for file: '+fullfile0 Return Endif file = file_basename(fullfile) file_id = file_basename(file, '.cdf') otp_struct.filename = file ppp = strsplit(file_id, '_', /extract) app_id = strmid(ppp[3], 0, 2) ;only mvn_sta_l2_app_id_etc here, no date otp_struct.g_attributes.logical_source = strjoin(ppp[0:3], '_') ;File id has the date and sw version otp_struct.g_attributes.logical_file_id = strjoin(ppp[0:5], '_') ;Add compression, 2014-05-27, changed to touch all files with ;cdfconvert, 2014-06-10 ;Creates an md5sum of the uncompressed file, and saves it in the same ;path, 2014-07-07 ;Now do all of the work in /tmp, because ;cdfconvert over the network is killing my computer, 2014-11-07, jmm ;make a directory for the file ;Have a backup for bad temp directories, so that /tmp isn't deleted If(keyword_set(temp_dir)) Then tdir = temp_dir Else tdir = '/mydisks/home/maven/' If(n_elements(ppp) Eq 7 && strlen(ppp[4]) Eq 8) Then tdir_out = tdir+ppp[4] $ Else tdir_out = tdir+'YYYYMMDD' file_mkdir, tdir_out fullfilex = tdir_out+'/'+file dummy = cdf_save_vars2(otp_struct, fullfilex, /no_file_id_update) spawn, '/usr/local/pkg/cdf-3.6.3_CentOS-6.8/bin/cdfconvert '+fullfilex+' '+fullfilex+' -compression cdf:none -delete' md5file = ssw_str_replace(fullfile, '.cdf', '.md5') md5filex = ssw_str_replace(fullfilex, '.cdf', '.md5') If(is_string(file_search(md5filex))) Then file_delete, md5filex spawn, 'md5sum '+fullfilex+' > '+md5filex ;Extract the md5 sum, and replace the filename in the file, because ;you do not want the path name, yuck md5str = strarr(1) openr, unit, md5filex, /get_lun readf, unit, md5str free_lun, unit ppp = strsplit(md5str[0], /extract) openw, unit, md5filex, /get_lun printf, unit, ppp[0], ' ', file free_lun, unit If(~keyword_set(no_compression)) Then Begin spawn, '/usr/local/pkg/cdf-3.6.3_CentOS-6.8/bin/cdfconvert '+fullfilex+' '+fullfilex+' -compression cdf:gzip.5 -delete' Endif ;move the files to the output directory dir = file_dirname(fullfile) print, 'Moving: '+fullfilex+' To: '+fullfile file_move, fullfilex, fullfile, /overwrite file_move, md5filex, md5file, /overwrite ;Delete files, fullfile0 is a link if it exists, but must be re-linked If(is_string(file_search(fullfile0))) Then file_delete, fullfile0 ;md5 files need deleting too If(is_string(delfiles)) Then Begin ndel = n_elements(delfiles) For j = 0, ndel-1 Do Begin file_delete, delfiles[j] del_md5filej = ssw_str_replace(delfiles[j], '.cdf', '.md5') If(is_string(file_search(del_md5filej))) Then file_delete, del_md5filej Endfor Endif ;delete temporary directory file_delete, tdir_out, /recursive ;Link revisionless file: spawn, 'ln '+fullfile+' '+fullfile0 ;chmod to g+w for the files spawn, 'chmod g+w '+fullfile spawn, 'chmod g+w '+fullfile0 spawn, 'chmod g+w '+md5file Return End