;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_sta_cmn_db_l2gen.pro ;PURPOSE: ; turn a MAVEN STA RATES common block into a L2 CDF. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_sta_cmn_db_l2gen, cmn_dat ;INPUT: ; cmn_dat = a structrue with the data: ; PROJECT_NAME STRING 'MAVEN' ; SPACECRAFT STRING '0' ; DATA_NAME STRING 'db_1024m' ; APID STRING 'db' ; VALID INT Array[1350] ; QUALITY_FLAG INT Array[1350] ; TIME DOUBLE Array[1350] ; END_TIME DOUBLE Array[1350] ; INTEG_T DOUBLE Array[1350] ; EPROM_VER INT Array[1350] ; HEADER LONG Array[1350] ; MODE INT Array[1350] ; RATE INT Array[1350] ; SWP_IND INT Array[1350] ; ENERGY FLOAT Array[9, 64] ; TOF FLOAT Array[1024] ; DATA DOUBLE Array[1350, 1024] ; All of this has to go into the CDF, also Epoch, tt200, MET time ; variables; some of the names are changed to titles given in the SIS ; Data is changed from double to float prior to output ;KEYWORDS: ; otp_struct = this is the structure that is passed into ; cdf_save_vars to creat the file ; directory = Set this keyword to direct the output into this ; directory; the default is to populate the MAVEN STA ; database. /disks/data/maven/pfp/sta/l2 ; no_compression = if set, do not compress the CDF file ;HISTORY: ; 13-jun-2014, jmm, hacked from mvn_sta_cmn_l2gen.pro ; 22-Dec-2014, jmm, Added eprom_ver, header ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-10-21 15:41:49 -0700 (Wed, 21 Oct 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 19131 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/sta/l2util/mvn_sta_cmn_db_l2gen.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_sta_cmn_db_l2gen, cmn_dat, otp_struct = otp_struct, directory = directory, $ no_compression = no_compression, _extra = _extra ;Need to keep track of spice kernels common mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime_com, cor_clkdrift, icy_installed, kernel_verified, time_verified, sclk, tls ;Keep track of software versioning here sw_vsn = mvn_sta_current_sw_version() sw_vsn_str = 'v'+string(sw_vsn, format='(i2.2)') If(~is_struct(cmn_dat)) Then Begin message,/info,'No Input Structure' Return Endif ;First, global attributes global_att = {Acknowledgment:'None', $ Data_type:'l2_db-1024tof>Level 2 Time of flight 1024 channels', $ Data_version:'0', $ Descriptor:'STATIC>Supra-Thermal Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions', $ Discipline:'Space Physics>Planetary Physics>Particles', $ File_naming_convention: 'mvn_descriptor_datatype_yyyyMMdd', $ Generated_by:'MAVEN SOC' , $ Generation_date:'2014-04-28' , $ HTTP_LINK:'http://lasp.colorado.edu/home/maven/', $ Instrument_type:'Particles (space)' , $ LINK_TEXT:'General Information about the MAVEN mission' , $ LINK_TITLE:'MAVEN home page' , $ Logical_file_id:'mvn_sta_l2_c6_00000000_v00_r00.cdf' , $ Logical_source:'urn:nasa:pds:maven.static.c:data.c6_2e64m' , $ Logical_source_description:'MAVEN Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions', $ Mission_group:'MAVEN' , $ MODS:'Rev-1 2014-04-28' , $ PI_name:'J. P. McFadden', $ PI_affiliation:'U.C. Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory', $ PDS_collection_id:'MAVEN', $ PDS_sclk_start_count:0.0d0, $ PDS_sclk_stop_count:0.0d0, $ PDS_start_time:'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ', $ PDS_stop_time:'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ', $ Spacecraft_clock_kernel:'', $ Leapseconds_kernel:'', $ Planet:'Mars', $ Project:'MAVEN', $ Rules_of_use:'Open Data for Scientific Use' , $ Source_name:'MAVEN>Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission', $ TEXT:'STATIC>Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions', $ Time_resolution:'4 sec', $ Title:'MAVEN STATIC Ion Spectra'} ;Now variables and attributes cvars = strlowcase(tag_names(cmn_dat)) apid = strlowcase(cmn_dat.apid) ; Here are variable names, type, catdesc, and lablaxis, from the SIS rv_vt = [['EPOCH', 'TT2000', 'UTC time from 01-Jan-2000 12:00:00.000 including leap seconds), one element per ion distribution (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'TT2000'], $ ['TIME_MET', 'DOUBLE', 'Mission elapsed time for this data record, one element per ion distribution (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Mission Elapsed Time'], $ ['TIME_EPHEMERIS', 'DOUBLE', 'Time used by SPICE program (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'SPICE Ephemeris Time'], $ ['TIME_UNIX', 'DOUBLE', 'Unix time (elapsed seconds since 1970-01-01/00:00 without leap seconds) for this data record, one element per ion distribution. This time is the center time of data collection. (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Unix Time'], $ ['TIME_START', 'DOUBLE', 'Unix time at the start of data collection. (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Interval start time (unix)'], $ ['TIME_END', 'DOUBLE', 'Unix time at the end of data collection. (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Interval end time (unix)'], $ ['INTEG_TIME', 'DOUBLE', 'Integration time for TOF accumulation. (NUM_DISTS elements).', 'Integration time'], $ ['EPROM_VER', 'INTEGER', 'An integer designating the version of the flight eprom load. (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Eprom version'], $ ['HEADER', 'LONG', 'A long integer that consists of bytes 12-15 in data packet header. See MAVEN_PF_FSW_021_CTM.xls for definition of header bits. (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Header'], $ ['VALID', 'INTEGER', 'Validity flag codes valid data (bit 0), test pulser on (bit 1), diagnostic mode (bit 2), data compression type (bit 3-4), packet compression (bit 5) (NUM_DISTS elements)', ' Valid flag'], $ ['MODE', 'INTEGER', 'Decoded mode number. (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Mode number'], $ ['RATE', 'INTEGER', 'Decoded telemetry rate number. (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Telemetry rate number'], $ ['SWP_IND', 'INTEGER', 'Index that identifies the energy and deflector sweep look up tables (LUT) for the sensor. SWP_IND is an index that selects the following support data arrays: ENERGY, DENERGY, THETA, DTHETA, PHI, DPHI, DOMEGA, GF and MASS_ARR. (NUM_DISTS elements), EN_IND Le NSWP', 'Sweep index'], $ ['DATA', 'FLOAT', 'Accumulated events binned into 1024 time-of-flight channels with dimension (NUM_DISTS, 1024) units=counts', 'Data'], $ ['QUALITY_FLAG', 'INTEGER', 'Quality flag (NUM_DISTS elements)', 'Quality flag']] ;Use Lower case for variable names rv_vt[0, *] = strlowcase(rv_vt[0, *]) ;No need for lablaxis values here, just use the name nv_vt = [['PROJECT_NAME', 'STRING', 'MAVEN'], $ ['SPACECRAFT', 'STRING', '0'], $ ['DATA_NAME', 'STRING', 'XX YYY where XX is the APID and YYY is the array abbreviation (64e2m, 32e32m, etc.)'], $ ['APID', 'STRING', 'XX, where XX is the APID'], $ ['NUM_DISTS', 'INTEGER', 'Number of measurements or times in the file'], $ ['NSWP', 'INTEGER', 'Number of sweep tables; will increase over mission as new sweep modes are added'], $ ['ENERGY', 'FLOAT', 'Energy array with dimension (NSWP, 64)'], $ ['NTOF', 'INTEGER', 'Number of TOF channels - 1024'], $ ['TOF', 'FLOAT', 'Time of flight value for each TOF bin in nanoseconds. (1024 elements)']] ;Use Lower case for variable names nv_vt[0, *] = strlowcase(nv_vt[0, *]) ;Create variables for epoch, tt_2000, MET, hacked from mvn_pf_make_cdf.pro cdf_leap_second_init date_range = time_double(['2013-11-18/00:00','2040-12-31/23:59']) met_range = date_range-date_range[0] epoch_range = time_epoch(date_range) et_range = time_ephemeris(date_range) tt2000_range = long64((add_tt2000_offset(date_range)-time_double('2000-01-01/12:00'))*1e9) ;If TIME_MET is in the structure, then we're working from L2 ;files, use that version, and recalculate center, start and end times, ;this is done to ensure that the latest SPICE clock kernel is used ;during reprocessing If(tag_exist(cmn_dat, 'met')) Then Begin met_center = cmn_dat.met center_time = mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime(met_center) offset = center_time - 0.5*(cmn_dat.time+cmn_dat.end_time) cmn_dat.time = cmn_dat.time+offset cmn_dat.end_time = cmn_dat.end_time+offset date = time_string(median(center_time), precision=-3, format=6) num_dists = n_elements(center_time) Endif Else Begin ;Use center time for time variables center_time = 0.5*(cmn_dat.time+cmn_dat.end_time) ;Grab the date, and clip anything plus or minus 10 minutes from the ;start or end of the date date = time_string(median(center_time), precision=-3, format=6) trange = time_double(date)+[-600.0d0, 87000.0d0] cmn_dat = mvn_sta_cmn_tclip(temporary(cmn_dat), trange) ;Reset center time center_time = 0.5*(cmn_dat.time+cmn_dat.end_time) num_dists = n_elements(center_time) ;met_center at the spacecraft timespan, date, 1 met_center = mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime(center_time, /reverse) Endelse ;Initialize otp_struct = -1 count = 0L ;FIrst handle RV variables lrv = n_elements(rv_vt[0, *]) For j = 0L, lrv-1 Do Begin ;Either the name is in the common block or not, names not in the ;common block have to be dealt with as special cases. Vectors will ;need label and component variables is_tvar = 0b vj = rv_vt[0, j] Have_tag = where(cvars Eq vj, nhave_tag) have_dvar = 1b ;Mostly all vars will be filled If(nhave_tag Gt 0) Then Begin dvar = cmn_dat.(have_tag) Endif Else Begin ;Case by case basis Case vj of 'epoch': Begin dvar = double(long64((add_tt2000_offset(center_time)-time_double('2000-01-01/12:00'))*1e9)) is_tvar = 1b End 'time_met': Begin dvar = met_center is_tvar = 1b End 'time_ephemeris': Begin dvar = time_ephemeris(center_time) is_tvar = 1b End 'time_unix': Begin dvar = center_time is_tvar = 1b End 'time_start': Begin dvar = cmn_dat.time is_tvar = 1b End 'time_end': Begin dvar = cmn_dat.end_time is_tvar = 1b End 'integ_time': dvar = cmn_dat.integ_t Else: Begin message, /info, 'Variable '+vj+' Unaccounted for; Skipping' have_dvar = 0b End Endcase Endelse If(have_dvar Eq 0) Then Continue ;change data to float from double if(vj eq 'data') then dvar = float(dvar) cdf_type = idl2cdftype(dvar, format_out = fmt, fillval_out = fll, validmin_out = vmn, validmax_out = vmx) ;Change types for CDF time variables If(vj eq 'epoch') Then cdf_type = 'CDF_TIME_TT2000' dtype = size(dvar, /type) ;variable attributes here, but only the string attributes, the others ;depend on the data type vatt = {catdesc:'NA', display_type:'NA', fieldnam:'NA', $ units:'None', depend_time:'NA', $ depend_0:'NA', depend_1:'NA', depend_2:'NA', $ depend_3:'NA', var_type:'NA', $ coordinate_system:'sensor', $ scaletyp:'NA', lablaxis:'NA',$ labl_ptr_1:'NA',labl_ptr_2:'NA',labl_ptr_3:'NA', $ form_ptr:'NA', monoton:'NA'} ;fix fill vals, valid mins and valid max's here str_element, vatt, 'fillval', fll, /add str_element, vatt, 'format', fmt, /add If(vj Eq 'epoch') Then Begin xtime = time_double('9999-12-31/23:59:59.999') xtime = long64((add_tt2000_offset(xtime)-time_double('2000-01-01/12:00'))*1e9) str_element, vatt, 'fillval', xtime, /add str_element, vatt, 'validmin', tt2000_range[0], /add str_element, vatt, 'validmax', tt2000_range[1], /add Endif Else If(vj Eq 'time_met') Then Begin str_element, vatt, 'validmin', met_range[0], /add str_element, vatt, 'validmax', met_range[1], /add Endif Else If(vj Eq 'time_ephemeris') Then Begin str_element, vatt, 'validmin', et_range[0], /add str_element, vatt, 'validmax', et_range[1], /add Endif Else If(vj Eq 'time_unix' Or vj Eq 'time_start' Or vj Eq 'time_end') Then Begin str_element, vatt, 'validmin', date_range[0], /add str_element, vatt, 'validmax', date_range[1], /add Endif Else Begin str_element, vatt, 'validmin', vmn, /add str_element, vatt, 'validmax', vmx, /add ;scalemin and scalemax depend on the variable's values str_element, vatt, 'scalemin', vmn, /add str_element, vatt, 'scalemax', vmx, /add ok = where(finite(dvar), nok) If(nok Gt 0) Then Begin vatt.scalemin = min(dvar[ok]) vatt.scalemax = max(dvar[ok]) Endif Endelse vatt.catdesc = rv_vt[2, j] ;Rates are data, all else is support data IF(vj Eq 'data') Then Begin vatt.scaletyp = 'log' vatt.display_type = 'time_series' vatt.var_type = 'data' Endif Else Begin vatt.scaletyp = 'linear' vatt.display_type = 'time_series' vatt.var_type = 'support_data' Endelse vatt.fieldnam = rv_vt[3, j] ;shorter name ;Units If(is_tvar) Then Begin ;Time variables If(vj Eq 'epoch') Then vatt.units = 'nanosec' Else vatt.units = 'sec' Endif Else Begin If(vj Eq 'data') Then vatt.units = 'counts' Endelse ;Depends and labels vatt.depend_time = 'time_unix' vatt.depend_0 = 'epoch' vatt.lablaxis = rv_vt[3, j] ;Assign labels and components for vectors If(vj Eq 'data') Then Begin vatt.depend_1 = 'tof' vatt.labl_ptr_1 = 'tof_labels_1024' Endif ;Time variables are monotonically increasing: If(is_tvar) Then vatt.monoton = 'INCREASE' Else vatt.monoton = 'FALSE' ;delete all 'NA' tags vatt_tags = tag_names(vatt) nvatt_tags = n_elements(vatt_tags) rm_tag = bytarr(nvatt_tags) For k = 0, nvatt_tags-1 Do Begin If(is_string(vatt.(k)) && vatt.(k) Eq 'NA') Then rm_tag[k] = 1b Endfor xtag = where(rm_tag Eq 1, nxtag) If(nxtag Gt 0) Then Begin tags_to_remove = vatt_tags[xtag] For k = 0, nxtag-1 Do str_element, vatt, tags_to_remove[k], /delete Endif ;Create and fill the variable structure vsj = {name:'', num:0, is_zvar:1, datatype:'', $ type:0, numattr: -1, numelem: 1, recvary: 1b, $ numrec:0L, ndimen: 0, d:lonarr(6), dataptr:ptr_new(), $ attrptr:ptr_new()} vsj.name = vj vsj.datatype = cdf_type vsj.type = dtype vsj.numrec = num_dists ;It looks as if you do not include the time variation? ndim = size(dvar, /n_dimen) dims = size(dvar, /dimen) vsj.ndimen = ndim-1 If(ndim Gt 1) Then vsj.d[0:ndim-2] = dims[1:*] vsj.dataptr = ptr_new(dvar) vsj.attrptr = ptr_new(vatt) ;Append the variables structure If(count Eq 0) Then vstr = vsj Else vstr = [vstr, vsj] count = count+1 Endfor ;Now the non-record variables nrv = n_elements(nv_vt[0, *]) For j = 0L, nrv-1 Do Begin vj = nv_vt[0, j] Have_tag = where(cvars Eq vj, nhave_tag) have_dvar = 1b If(nhave_tag Gt 0) Then Begin dvar = cmn_dat.(have_tag) Endif Else Begin ;Case by case basis Case vj of 'num_dists': Begin dvar = num_dists End 'nswp': Begin dvar = fix(n_elements(cmn_dat.energy[*,0])) End 'ntof': Begin dvar = fix(n_elements(cmn_dat.tof)) End Else: Begin message, /info, 'Variable '+vj+' Unaccounted for. Skipping' have_dvar = 0b End Endcase Endelse If(have_dvar Eq 0) Then continue cdf_type = idl2cdftype(dvar, format_out = fmt, fillval_out = fll, validmin_out = vmn, validmax_out = vmx) dtype = size(dvar, /type) ;variable attributes here, but only the string attributes, the others ;depend on the data type vatt = {catdesc:'NA', fieldnam:'NA', $ units:'NA', var_type:'metadata', $ coordinate_system:'sensor'} str_element, vatt, 'format', fmt, /add ;Don't need mins and maxes for string variables If(~is_string(dvar)) Then Begin str_element, vatt, 'fillval', fll, /add str_element, vatt, 'validmin', vmn, /add str_element, vatt, 'validmax', vmx, /add ;scalemin and scalemax depend on the variable's values str_element, vatt, 'scalemin', vmn, /add str_element, vatt, 'scalemax', vmx, /add ok = where(finite(dvar), nok) If(nok Gt 0) Then Begin vatt.scalemin = min(dvar[ok]) vatt.scalemax = max(dvar[ok]) Endif Endif vatt.catdesc = nv_vt[2, j] vatt.fieldnam = nv_vt[0, j] If(vj Eq 'tof') Then vatt.units = 'nanosec' ;Create and fill the variable structure vsj = {name:'', num:0, is_zvar:1, datatype:'', $ type:0, numattr: -1, numelem: 1, recvary: 0b, $ numrec:-1L, ndimen: 0, d:lonarr(6), dataptr:ptr_new(), $ attrptr:ptr_new()} vsj.name = vj vsj.datatype = cdf_type vsj.type = dtype ;Include all dimensions ndim = size(dvar, /n_dimen) dims = size(dvar, /dimen) vsj.ndimen = ndim If(ndim Gt 0) Then vsj.d[0:ndim-1] = dims vsj.dataptr = ptr_new(dvar) vsj.attrptr = ptr_new(vatt) ;Append the variables structure If(count Eq 0) Then vstr = vsj Else vstr = [vstr, vsj] count = count+1 Endfor ;Labels now, only tof labels lablvars = 'tof_labels_1024' For j = 0, n_elements(lablvars)-1 Do Begin vj = lablvars[j] xj = strsplit(vj, '_', /extract) nj = Fix(xj[2]) aj = xj[0] dvar = strupcase(aj)+strcompress(/remove_all, string(indgen(nj))) ndv = n_elements(dvar) numelem = strlen(dvar[ndv-1]) ;needed for numrec fmt = 'A'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(numelem)) ;Label attributes vatt = {catdesc:vj, fieldnam:vj, $ format:fmt, dict_key:'label', $ var_type:'metadata'} ;Create and fill the variable structure vsj = {name:'', num:0, is_zvar:1, datatype:'', $ type:0, numattr: -1, numelem: 1, recvary: 0b, $ numrec:-1L, ndimen: 0, d:lonarr(6), dataptr:ptr_new(), $ attrptr:ptr_new()} vsj.name = vj vsj.datatype = 'CDF_CHAR' vsj.type = 1 vsj.numelem = numelem ;Include all dimensions ndim = size(dvar, /n_dimen) dims = size(dvar, /dimen) vsj.ndimen = ndim If(ndim Gt 0) Then vsj.d[0:ndim-1] = dims vsj.dataptr = ptr_new(dvar) vsj.attrptr = ptr_new(vatt) ;Append the variables structure If(count Eq 0) Then vstr = vsj Else vstr = [vstr, vsj] count = count+1 Endfor nvars = n_elements(vstr) natts = n_tags(global_att)+n_tags(vstr[0]) inq = {ndims:0l, decoding:'HOST_DECODING', $ encoding:'IBMPC_ENCODING', $ majority:'ROW_MAJOR', maxrec:-1,$ nvars:0, nzvars:nvars, natts:natts, dim:lonarr(1)} ;time resolution and UTC start and end If(num_dists Gt 0) Then Begin tres = 86400.0/num_dists tres = strcompress(string(tres, format = '(f8.1)'))+' sec' Endif Else tres = ' 0.0 sec' global_att.time_resolution = tres ;times for PDS attributes PDS_time = time_string(minmax(center_time), tformat='YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ') PDS_met = mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime(minmax(center_time), /reverse) PDS_etime = time_ephemeris(minmax(center_time)) cspice_sce2c, -202, PDS_etime[0], PDS_sclk0 cspice_sce2c, -202, PDS_etime[1], PDS_sclk1 global_att.PDS_sclk_start_count = pds_sclk0 global_att.PDS_sclk_stop_count = pds_sclk1 global_att.PDS_start_time = pds_time[0] global_att.PDS_stop_time = pds_time[1] ;save kernel values If(is_string(sclk)) Then global_att.Spacecraft_clock_kernel = file_basename(sclk[0]) If(is_string(tls)) Then global_att.Leapseconds_kernel = file_basename(tls[0]) otp_struct = {filename:'', g_attributes:global_att, inq:inq, nv:nvars, vars:vstr} ;Create filename and call cdf_save_vars. If(keyword_set(directory)) Then Begin dir = directory If(~is_string(file_search(dir))) Then file_mkdir, dir temp_string = strtrim(dir, 2) ll = strmid(temp_string, strlen(temp_string)-1, 1) If(ll Ne '/' And ll Ne '\') Then temp_string = temp_string+'/' dir = temporary(temp_string) Endif Else dir = './' ext = strcompress(strlowcase(cmn_dat.apid), /remove_all)+'-1024tof' file0 = 'mvn_sta_l2_'+ext+'_'+date+'_'+sw_vsn_str+'.cdf' fullfile0 = dir+file0 ;save the file -- full database management mvn_sta_cmn_l2file_save, otp_struct, fullfile0, no_compression = no_compression, _extra = _extra Return End