;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_call_sta_l2l2 ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_call_sta_l2l2 ;INPUT: ; None -- the default is to read in a file ; /disks/data/maven/data/sci/sta/l2/most_recent_l2_processed.txt ; and process the files 3, 10, 30, 60 days before ;KEYWORDS: ; days_in = An array of dates, e.g., ['2009-01-30','2009-02-01'] to ; process. ; out_dir = the directory in which you write the data, default is './' ;HISTORY: ;Hacked from mvn_call_sta_l2gen, 2016-10-18, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-11-18 09:08:17 -0800 (Mon, 18 Nov 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28028 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/sta/l2util/mvn_call_sta_l2l2.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_call_sta_l2l2, out_dir = out_dir, $ days_in = days_in, $ _extra = _extra common temp_call_sta_l2gen, load_position set_plot, 'z' load_position = 'init' ecount = 0 catch, error_status if error_status ne 0 then begin print, '%MVN_CALL_STA_L2L2: Got Error Message' help, /last_message, output = err_msg For ll = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 Do print, err_msg[ll] ;Open a file print out the error message, only once If(ecount Lt 1) Then Begin ecount = ecount+1 ec = strcompress(string(ecount), /remove_all) openw, eunit, '/mydisks/home/maven/muser/sta_l2l2_err_msg'+ec+'.txt', /get_lun For ll = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 Do printf, eunit, err_msg[ll] If(keyword_set(timei)) Then Begin printf, eunit, timei Endif free_lun, eunit ;mail it to jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu cmd_rq = 'mailx -s "Problem with STA L2L2 process" jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu < /mydisks/home/maven/muser/sta_l2l2_err_msg'+ec+'.txt' spawn, cmd_rq Endif case load_position of 'init':begin print, 'Problem with initialization' goto, SKIP_ALL end 'l2gen':Begin print, '***************FILE SKIPPED****************' goto, SKIP_FILE end else: goto, SKIP_ALL endcase endif If(keyword_set(out_dir)) Then odir = out_dir $ Else odir = '/disks/data/maven/data/sci/' ;-------------------------------- btime_set_from_file = 0b ;need this to handle defaults correctly times_of_procfiles = 0.0d0 one_day = 24.0*3600.0d0 If(keyword_set(days_in)) Then Begin days = time_double(time_string(days_in, precision = -3)) Endif Else Begin timefile = file_search(odir+'sta/l2/most_recent_l2_processed.txt') If(is_string(timefile[0])) Then Begin openr, unit, timefile[0], /get_lun btime = strarr(1) readf, unit, btime free_lun, unit btime = time_double(btime[0]) btime_set_from_file = 1b ;only reset the time if you input it ;sanity check If(btime lt time_double('2013-10-13') Or $ btime Gt systime(/sec)+one_day) Then Begin dprint, 'bad input time?' Return Endif Endif Else Begin dprint, 'Missing Input time file?' Return Endelse ;Only process if the date is less than today today = time_string(systime(/sec), precision = -3) btime = time_string(btime, precision = -3) If(time_double(btime) Ge time_double(today)) Then Begin ; dprint, 'No Times to process' Return Endif ;Process 3, 10, 30, 60 days before days = time_double(btime)-one_day*[3.0, 10.0, 30.0, 60.0] Endelse ;For each day timep_do = time_string(days, precision = -3) nproc = n_elements(days) ;Send a message that processing is starting openw, tunit, '/mydisks/home/maven/muser/sta_l2l2_msg0.txt', /get_lun printf, tunit, 'Processing: sta' For i = 0, nproc-1 Do printf, tunit, timep_do[i] free_lun, tunit cmd0 = 'mailx -s "STA L2L2 process start" jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu < /mydisks/home/maven/muser/sta_l2l2_msg0.txt' spawn, cmd0 message, /info, 'Processing: sta' For i = 0, nproc-1 Do print, timep_do[i] For i = 0, nproc-1 Do Begin ;extract the date from the filename timei = timep_do[i] ;Don't process any files with dates prior to 2013-12-04 If(time_double(timei) Lt time_double('2013-12-04')) Then Begin dprint, 'Not processing: '+timei Continue Endif yr = strmid(timei, 0, 4) mo = strmid(timei, 5, 2) ;filei_dir is the output directory, not necessarily the search ;directory filei_dir = odir+'sta/l2/'+yr+'/'+mo+'/' If(is_string(file_search(filei_dir)) Eq 0) Then Begin message, /info, 'Creating: '+filei_dir file_mkdir, filei_dir Endif load_position = 'l2gen' message, /info, 'PROCESSING: sta FOR: '+timei mvn_sta_l2gen, date = timei, directory = filei_dir, /use_l2_files, $ _extra=_extra SKIP_FILE: del_data, '*' heap_gc ;added this here to avoid memory issues Endfor load_position = 'Done' ;Send a message that processing is done openw, tunit, '/mydisks/home/maven/muser/sta_l2l2_msg1.txt', /get_lun printf, tunit, 'Finished Processing: sta' free_lun, tunit cmd1 = 'mailx -s "STA L2L2 process end" jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu < /mydisks/home/maven/muser/sta_l2l2_msg1.txt' spawn, cmd1 ;reset file time If(btime_set_from_file) Then Begin message, /info, 'Resetting last file time:' timefile = file_search(odir+'sta/l2/most_recent_l2_processed.txt') openw, unit, timefile, /get_lun time_out = time_string(time_double(btime)+one_day) printf, unit, time_out free_lun, unit Endif SKIP_ALL: Return End