;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_qlook_load_kp ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_qlook_load_kp, trange = trange, files = files ;PURPOSE: ; Inputs MAVEN KP insitu data from text files for the given time range ;INPUT: ;OUTPUT: ; a set of tplot variables for the KP data ;KEYWORDS: ; files = if set, then read from these files, otherwise, files are ; figured out from the time range. ; trange = read in the data from this time range, note that if both ; files and time range are set, files takes precedence in ; finding files. If not set, the default is to use the output ; of timerange(), which may prompt the user ; user_pass = a user, password combination to be passed through to ; file_retrieve.pro, a string with format: ; 'user:password' for sites that require Basic ; authentication. Digest authentication is not supported. ; no_time_clip = if set do not clip the data to the time range. The ; trange is only used for file selection. ; tvars = the array of tplot names for variables created ;HISTORY: ; 25-sep-2015, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-01-08 13:33:01 -0800 (Fri, 08 Jan 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 19704 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/quicklook/mvn_qlook_load_kp.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_qlook_load_kp, trange = trange, files = files, $ user_pass = user_pass, no_time_clip = no_time_clip, $ tvars = tvars, _extra=_extra common mvn_file_source_com, psource tvars = '' ;The first step is to set up filenames, if there are any If(keyword_set(files)) Then Begin filex = files tr0 = [0.0, 0.0] Endif Else Begin tr0 = timerange(trange) ;Need number of days and app_ids start_day_dbl = time_double(time_string(tr0[0], precision = -3)) ;start day in seconds ndays = ceil((tr0[1]-start_day_dbl)/86400.0d0) days = start_day_dbl+86400.0d0*dindgen(ndays) daystr = time_string(days, precision = -3, format = 6) ;Files for all days filex = '' For j = 0, ndays-1 Do Begin yyyy = strmid(daystr[j], 0, 4) & mmmm = strmid(daystr[j], 4, 2) ;filej0 is the local data directory relative path, and the SSL remote ;data relative path filej0 = 'maven/data/sci/kp/insitu/'+yyyy+'/'+mmmm+'/mvn_kp_insitu_'+$ daystr[j]+'_v??_r??.tab' ;filej1 is the SDC remote data directory relative path filej1 = 'sci/kp/insitu/'+yyyy+'/'+mmmm+'/mvn_kp_insitu_'+$ daystr[j]+'_v??_r??.tab' ;uses spd_download if sdc_input is set, file_retrieve chokes on ;'https' If(is_struct(psource)) Then Begin sdc_input = strpos(psource.remote_data_dir, 'lasp.colorado.edu') Endif Else sdc_input = -1 If(sdc_input[0] Ne -1 && psource.no_server Eq 0) Then Begin local_path = psource.local_data_dir+filej0 local_files = file_search(local_path) remote_path = psource.remote_data_dir+filej1 remote_files = remote_path spd_download_expand, remote_files, /last_version If(is_string(local_files)) Then Begin filej = local_files[n_elements(local_files)-1] ;If the last version of remote_files is greater than the local ;version, then grab it, using gt and lt on file_basenames will work. If(is_string(remote_files)) Then Begin If(file_basename(remote_files[0]) Gt file_basename(filej)) Then Begin filej = spd_download(/last_version, $ local_path = file_dirname(local_path, /mark_directory), $ remote_file = remote_files) Endif Endif question_mark = strpos(filej, '?') Endif Else Begin filej = spd_download(/last_version, $ local_path = file_dirname(local_path, /mark_directory), $ remote_file = remote_files[0]) question_mark = strpos(filej, '?') Endelse Endif Else Begin filej = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(filej0, user_pass = user_pass) ;Files with ? or * left were not found question_mark = strpos(filej, '?') Endelse If(is_string(filej) && question_mark[0] Eq -1) Then $ filex = [filex, filej] Endfor If(n_elements(filex) Gt 1) Then filex = filex[1:*] Else Begin dprint, 'No files found fitting input criteria' Return Endelse Endelse ;Only files that exist here filex = file_search(filex) If(~is_string(filex)) Then Begin dprint, 'No KP files found for time range: '+time_string(tr0) Return Endif ;Only unique files here filex_u = filex[bsort(filex)] filex = filex_u[uniq(filex_u)] ;Ok, load the files, it's easier to work with the pointer array ;to concatenate and clip, and then create the tplot variables. nfiles = n_elements(filex) fc = 0L For j = 0, nfiles-1 Do Begin otpj = mvn_qlook_kp_read(filex[j], tim_arrj, col_qj, $ col_sj, col_uj, col_fj) If(ptr_valid(otpj[0])) Then Begin If(fc Eq 0) Then Begin otp = otpj tim_arr = tim_arrj ;we're going to assume that all of these don't change col_quantity = col_qj col_source = col_sj col_units = col_uj col_fmt = col_fj Endif Else Begin If(Not array_equal(col_quantity, col_qj)) Then $ dprint, 'Array mismatch for col_quantity, concat may be off' If(Not array_equal(col_source, col_sj)) Then $ dprint, 'Array mismatch for col_source, concat may be off' If(Not array_equal(col_units, col_uj)) Then $ dprint, 'Array mismatch for col_units, concat may be off' If(Not array_equal(col_fmt, col_fj)) Then $ dprint, 'Array mismatch for col_quantity, concat may be off' tmp = *otp[j] tmpj = *otpj[j] ptr_free, otp[j] otp[j] = ptr_new([tmp, tmpj]) tim_arr = [tim_arr, tim_arrj] Endelse fc = fc+1 Endif Else Begin dprint, 'Unreadable file: '+filex[j] Endelse Endfor If(fc Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No KP files found, no data input' If(keyword_set(files)) Then dprint, 'Files:'+files dprint, 'Time range: '+time_string(tr0) Return Endif ;clip data here ncol = n_elements(otp) If(~keyword_set(no_time_clip) && total(tr0) Gt 0) Then Begin keep = where(tim_arr Gt tr0[0] And tim_arr Le tr0[1], nkeep) If(nkeep Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No data in time range: '+time_string(tr0) Return Endif tim_arr = tim_arr[keep] For j = 0, ncol-1 Do Begin ;Everything's a pointer here If(ptr_valid(otp[j])) Then Begin tmpj = *otp[j] ptr_free, otp[j] tmpj = tmpj[keep] otp[j] = ptr_new(tmpj) Endif Endfor Endif ;tplot variables tplot_name0 = col_source+strcompress(col_quantity, /remove_all) ;Swap 'XQuality' for 'QualityX', Y and Z, this will help, to combine ;variables, now if something ends in 'X', 'Y', 'Z' then this is a ;component that can be combined tplot_name0 = ssw_str_replace(tplot_name0, 'XQuality', 'QualityX') tplot_name0 = ssw_str_replace(tplot_name0, 'YQuality', 'QualityY') tplot_name0 = ssw_str_replace(tplot_name0, 'ZQuality', 'QualityZ') ;Ok, now is this an X, or start of a rotation matrix? xvar = bytarr(ncol) mtvar = bytarr(ncol) For j = 1, ncol-1 Do Begin ;the first column is time tplot_namej = tplot_name0[j] lastchar = strmid(tplot_namej, strlen(tplot_namej)-1) If(lastchar Eq 'X') then xvar[j] = 1 last9chars = strmid(tplot_namej, strlen(tplot_namej)-9) If(last9chars Eq 'Row1,Col1') Then mtvar[j] = 1 Endfor ;Keep track of variables that have been used: used = bytarr(ncol) ;will need this to make x,y,z, variables tvars = '' For j = 1, ncol-1 Do Begin tplot_namej = tplot_name0[j] dlimits = {data_att:{units:col_units[j]}} If(used[j] Eq 0) Then Begin If(~xvar[j] && ~mtvar[j]) Then Begin ;just a variable tvars = [tvars, tplot_namej] store_data, tplot_namej, data = {x:tim_arr, y:*otp[j]}, $ dlimits = dlimits used[j] = 1 Endif Else If(xvar[j]) Then Begin ;Strip the last character from the name, find the Y and Z components tpl0 = strmid(tplot_namej, 0, strlen(tplot_namej)-1) ss_yvar = where(tplot_name0 Eq tpl0+'Y', yes_yvar) ss_zvar = where(tplot_name0 Eq tpl0+'Z', yes_zvar) If(yes_yvar Gt 0 And yes_zvar Gt 0) Then Begin y = replicate((*otp[j])[0], n_elements(tim_arr), 3) y[*, 0] = *otp[j] y[*, 1] = *otp[ss_yvar[0]] y[*, 2] = *otp[ss_zvar[0]] used[j] = 1 used[ss_yvar[0]] = 1 used[ss_zvar[0]] = 1 tvars = [tvars, tpl0] store_data, tpl0, data = {x:tim_arr, y:y}, $ dlimits = dlimits options, tpl0, colors = [2, 4, 6], $ labels = ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], labflag = 1 Endif Else Begin ;shouldn't happen dprint, 'Missing Y or Z for:'+tplot_namej tvars = [tvars, tplot_namej] store_data, tplot_namej, data = {x:tim_arr, y:*otp[j]}, $ dlimits = dlimits used[j] = 1 Endelse Endif Else If(mtvar[j]) Then Begin ;Strip the last 9 characters from the name, find the other 8 components tpl0 = strmid(tplot_namej, 0, strlen(tplot_namej)-9) ss_var = bytarr(3, 3) For k = 0, 2 Do For l = 0, 2 Do Begin kl_test = tpl0+'Row'+strcompress(k+1, /remove_all)+$ ',Col'+strcompress(l+1, /remove_all) ss_var[k, l] = where(tplot_name0 Eq kl_test) Endfor ok = where(ss_var Ne -1, nok) If(nok Eq 9) Then Begin y = replicate((*otp[j])[0], n_elements(tim_arr), 3, 3) For k = 0, 2 Do For l = 0, 2 Do Begin y[*, l, k] = *otp[ss_var[k, l]] ;note transpose for columns used[ss_var[k, l]] = 1 Endfor used[j] = 1 ;redundant tvars = [tvars, tpl0] store_data, tpl0, data = {x:tim_arr, y:y}, $ dlimits = dlimits Endif Else Begin dprint, 'Missing Col or Row for:'+tplot_namej tvars = [tvars, tplot_namej] store_data, tplot_namej, data = {x:tim_arr, y:*otp[j]}, $ dlimits = dlimits used[j] = 1 Endelse Endif Endif ; Else message, /info, tplot_namej+'already used' Endfor If(n_elements(tvars) Gt 1) Then tvars=tnames(tvars[1:*]) Return End