;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_qlook_kp_read ;PURPOSE: ; Reads a MAVEN KP text file,returns an array of values ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; otp_array = mvn_qlook_kp_read(filename, time_array, column_ids, $ ; tplot = tplot, tvars = tvars) ;INPUT: ; filename = the input filename ;OUTPUT: ; otp_array = an array of data pointers ; time_array = a time array for the values ; col_quantity = the quantity in the appropriate column ; col_source = the source instrument ; col_units = units ; col_fmt = the format code of the original quantity ; header = a string array of the header lines ;HISTORY: ; 18-sep-2015, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 25-sep-2015, jmm, Moved tplot variable stuff to mvn_qlook_load_kp.pro ;$LastChangedBy: ali $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-08-27 13:59:45 -0700 (Tue, 27 Aug 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 27681 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/quicklook/mvn_qlook_kp_read.pro $ ;- Function mvn_qlook_kp_read, filename, time_array, col_quantity, col_source, $ col_units, col_fmt, col_ids_arr = col_ids_arr, $ _extra = _extra mvn_qlook_init ;Initialize output otp = -1 time_array = -1 column_ids = -1 ;Get file filex = file_search(filename) If(~is_string(filex)) Then Begin dprint, 'File not found: '+filename Return, otp Endif ;Read the file ll = file_lines(filex) all_lines = strarr(ll) openr, unit, filex, /get_lun readf, unit, all_lines free_lun,unit ss_h = where(strmid(all_lines, 0, 1) Eq '#', nssh) header = all_lines(ss_h) ;Search in the header for the number of columns, rows and the format ncol = -1 & nrow = -1 & fmt = -1 For j = 0L, nssh-1 Do Begin pc = strpos(header[j], 'Number of parameter columns') If(pc[0] Ne -1) Then Begin temp = strsplit(header[j], ' ', /extract) ncol = long(temp[1]) Endif pr = strpos(header[j], 'Number of lines (rows)') If(pr[0] Ne -1) Then Begin temp = strsplit(header[j], ' ', /extract) nrow = long(temp[1]) Endif pf = strpos(header[j], 'Format codes (IDL/Fortran)') If(pf[0] Ne -1) Then Begin temp = strsplit(header[j+1], ' ', /extract) fmt = strjoin(temp[1:*]) Endif Endfor If(ncol Eq -1) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad column number' Return, otp Endif If(nrow Eq -1) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad row number' Return, otp Endif If(~is_string(fmt)) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad format' Return, otp Endif ;temp1 is used to find where the column descriptions start temp1 = ['#', strcompress(indgen(ncol)+1, /remove_all)] pt = -1 For j = nssh-1, 0L, -1 Do Begin temp = strsplit(header[j], ' ', /extract) If(array_equal(temp1, temp)) Then Begin pt = j break Endif Endfor If(pt Eq -1) Then Begin dprint, 'Bad column line' Endif ;Extract column ids: hdr2col = header[pt:*] nrow_col_ids = n_elements(hdr2col) col_ids_arr = strarr(ncol, nrow_col_ids) For j = 0, nrow_col_ids-1 Do Begin temp = hdr2col[j] For k = 0, ncol-1 Do col_ids_arr[k, j] = strmid(temp, 3+16*k, 16) Endfor col_quantity = strarr(ncol) For k = 0, ncol-1 Do Begin temp = reform(strtrim(col_ids_arr[k, *], 2)) col_quantity[k] = strjoin(temp[1:3], ' ') Endfor col_source = reform(strcompress(col_ids_arr[*, 4], /remove_all)) col_units = reform(strtrim(col_ids_arr[*, 5], 2)) col_fmt = reform(strtrim(col_ids_arr[*, 6], 2)) ;For the time variable col_fmt[0] = 'A19' ;Oh, how about the data? data = temporary(all_lines) ;maybe this'll help with memory data = data[nssh:*] ndata = n_elements(data) data_arr = strarr(ncol, ndata) For j = 0L, ndata-1 Do Begin temp = strsplit(data[j], ' ', /extract) data_arr[*, j] = temp Endfor ;Output is an array of pointers time_array = time_double(reform(data_arr[0, *])) otp = ptrarr(ncol) For k = 0, ncol-1 Do Begin ;keep string values for strings, use format for others x = strupcase(strcompress(col_fmt[k], /remove_all)) x = strmid(x, 0, 1) If(x Eq 'E' Or x Eq 'F') Then Begin temp = reform(float(data_arr[k, *])) otp[k] = ptr_new(temp) Endif Else If(x Eq 'I') Then Begin temp = reform(long(data_arr[k, *])) otp[k] = ptr_new(temp) Endif Else Begin temp = reform(data_arr[k, *]) otp[k] = ptr_new(temp) Endelse Endfor ;there's a typo If(col_quantity[205] Eq 'APP Attitude GEO X') Then Begin col_quantity[205] = 'APP Attitude GEO Z' col_ids_arr[205, 3] = 'GEO Z' Endif Return, otp End