;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_pfpl2_longplot ;PURPOSE: ; MAVEN PFP GEN Quicklook Plot, long-term 2 weeks ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_pfpl2_longplot, date = date, ndays = nays, makepng=makepng, $ ; device = device, directory = pdir ;INPUT: ; No explicit input, everthing is via keyword. ;OUTPUT: ; Plots, on the screen or in a png file ;KEYWORDS: ; date = If set, a plot for the input date and the previous ndays ; ndays = the number of days to plot ; attempted. ; makepng = If set, make a png file, with filename ; 'mvn_gen_qlook_start_time_end_time.png' ; device = a device for set_plot, the default is to use the current ; setting, for cron jobs, device = 'z' is recommended. Note ; that this does not reset the device at the end of the ; program. ; directory = If a png is created, this is the output directory, the ; default is the current working directory. ; multipngplot = if set, then make multiple plots for each orbit ;HISTORY: ; Hacked from mvn_pfpl2_overplot, 2019-12-10, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: muser $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-12-18 13:09:39 -0800 (Wed, 18 Dec 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28124 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/quicklook/mvn_pfpl2_longplot.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_pfpl2_longplot, date = date, ndays = ndays, $ directory = directory, $ device = device, $ not_save = not_save, $ _extra=_extra mvn_qlook_init, device = device ;First load the data del_data, '*' ;how many days? If(keyword_set(ndays)) Then nnday = ndays Else nnday = 14 ;the tplot_save program works with start and end dates, so calculate ;dates If(~keyword_set(date)) Then Begin ;today date0 = time_double(time_string(systime(/sec), precision = -3)) Endif Else date0 = time_double(date) one_day = 24.0d0*3600.0d0 days = date0-one_day*dindgen(nnday) ; No plots prior to 2014-10-14, as all of the data may not exist If(time_double(date0) Lt time_double('2014-10-14T00:00:00')) Then Begin dprint, 'Date too early: '+time_string(date0) Return Endif ;For today, create a tplot_save file, unless /not_save is set If(~keyword_set(not_save)) Then Begin mvn_ql_pfp_tplot_save, date0 Endif ;For the rest of the dates in question, only create a file if ;there isn't already one opath = root_data_dir() + 'maven/anc/tohban/' prefix = 'mvn_ql_pfp_' For j = 1, nnday-1 Do Begin path = opath + time_string(days[j], tformat='YYYY/MM/') fnamej = path+prefix + time_string(days[j], tformat='YYYYMMDD') fnamej = fnamej+'.tplot' If(~is_string(file_search(fnamej))) Then Begin mvn_ql_pfp_tplot_save, days[j] Endif Endfor ;At this point, you presumably have all of the data thay you need to ;plot timespan, days[nnday-1], nnday ;to be sure that date0 is processed tdays = timerange() ;set the title title = 'MAVEN PFP L2: '+strjoin(time_string(tdays, precision=-3), ' to ') tplot_options, 'title', title mvn_ql_pfp_tplot, /restore, /tplot, /png ;Plots are in the current directory, move it out if needed If(keyword_set(directory)) Then Begin If(~is_string(file_search(directory))) Then $ file_mkdir2, directory, mode = '0775'o filename = 'mvn_ql_pfp_tplot_' + $ time_string(tdays[0], tformat='yyMMDD_') + $ time_string(tdays[1], tformat='yyMMDD')+'.png' ; the filename is from the start of the data in the plot, to the end ; of the last day. Here keep the date of the last data processed in ; the filename, and keep to a consistent namimg convention new_filename = 'mvn_pfp_l2_long_' + $ time_string(days[0], tformat='YYYYMMDD_hhmmss')+'.png' file_move, filename, directory+new_filename, /overwrite Endif Return End