;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_over_shell ;PURPOSE: ; Top shell for production of MAVEN PFP overview plots ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_over_shell, date = date, $ ; num_days = num_days, $ ; reprocess = reprocess, $ ; instr_to_process = instr_to_process, $ ; start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date ;INPUT: ; All via keyword ;OUTPUT: ; No explicit outputs, just plots ;KEYWORDS: ; date = start date for process, default is today ; num_days = number of days to process, default is 1 ; instr_to_process = which instruments, or plopt types, currently one ; of: ['over', 'lpw', 'mag', 'sep', 'sta', 'swe', 'swia'] ; plot_dir = the output directory. The deafult is to write files to: ; '/disks/data/maven/pfp/whatever_instrument/YYYY/MM' given ; the date ; directory = same as plot_dir, kept for backwards compatibility. If ; both plot_dir and directoy are set, plot_dir should ; take precedence. ; start_date, end_date = Start and end dates to facilitate ; reprocessing. ;HISTORY: ; Hacked from thm_over_shell, 2013-05-12, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; Added pfpl2 overplots, 2015-04-22, jmm ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-06-03 10:53:07 -0700 (Wed, 03 Jun 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17796 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/quicklook/mvn_over_shell.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_over_shell, date = date, $ num_days = num_days, $ instr_to_process = instr_to_process, $ plot_dir = plot_dir, $ start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, $ l0_input_file=l0_input_file, xxx = xxx, $ directory = directory, _extra=_extra ;Hold load position for error handling common mvn_over_shell_private, load_position If(~keyword_set(datein)) Then $ datein = time_string(systime(/seconds), precision = -3) ;oops, redundant keywords, this will insure that plot_dir takes precedence If(keyword_set(directory) And ~keyword_set(plot_dir)) Then Begin plot_dir = directory Endif catch, error_status If(error_status Ne 0) Then Begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Got Error Message' help, /last_message, output = err_msg For ll = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 Do print, err_msg[ll] Case load_position Of 'over':Begin print, 'Skipped Overview: '+time_string(datein) Goto, skip_over End 'lpw':Begin print, 'Skipped LPW Overview: '+time_string(datein) Goto, skip_lpw End 'mag':Begin print, 'Skipped MAG Overview: '+time_string(datein) Goto, skip_mag End 'sep':Begin print, 'Skipped SEP Overview: '+time_string(datein) Goto, skip_sep End 'sta':Begin print, 'Skipped STA Overview: '+time_string(datein) Goto, skip_sta End 'swe':Begin print, 'Skipped SWE Overview: '+time_string(datein) Goto, skip_swe End 'swia':Begin print, 'Skipped SWIA Overview: '+time_string(datein) Goto, skip_swia End 'pfpl2':Begin print, 'Skipped PFPL2 Overview: '+time_string(datein) Goto, skip_pfpl2 End Else: Begin print, 'MVN_OVER_SHELL exiting with no clue' End Endcase Endif load_position = 'init' mvn_qlook_init, device ='z', _extra=_extra ;not sure what this will do yet If(keyword_set(instr_to_process)) Then Begin instx = strcompress(/remove_all, strlowcase(instr_to_process)) Endif Else instx = ['over', 'lpw', 'mag', 'sep', 'sta', 'swe', 'swia'];, 'pfpl2'] over_all = where(instx Eq 'over') If(over_all[0] Eq -1) Then noload = 0b Else noload = 1b If(keyword_set(l0_input_file)) Then Begin p1 = strsplit(file_basename(l0_input_file), '_',/extract) p1 = strlowcase(p1) If((p1[2] NE 'all' And p1[2] NE 'svy') Or p1[3] NE 'l0') Then Begin dprint, 'Incorrect filename: '+file_basename(l0_input_file) Return Endif date = p1[4] start_date = time_double(date) end_date= start_date Endif Else Begin If(Not keyword_set(date)) Then $ date = time_string(systime(/seconds), precision = -3) If(keyword_set(start_date)) Then start_date = time_double(start_date) Else Begin If(keyword_set(num_days)) Then ndays = num_days Else ndays = 1 start_date = time_double(date)-86400.*(ndays-1) Endelse If(keyword_set(end_date)) Then end_date = time_double(end_date) $ Else end_date = time_double(date) Endelse i = 0. ;Remove gap between plot panels tplot_options, 'ygap', 0.0d0 tplot_options, 'lazy_ytitle', 1 ;mess with margins tplot_options, 'xmargin', [ 18, 10] tplot_options, 'ymargin', [ 5, 5] While start_date+86400.*i Le end_date Do Begin If(~keyword_set(xxx)) Then del_data,'*' datein = time_string(start_date+86400.*i) dprint, 'Processing: '+time_string(datein) datein = time_string(datein) datein_d = time_double(datein) yyyy = strmid(datein, 0, 4) mmmm = strmid(datein, 5, 2) ;plot_dir check down here, to allow direct output If(keyword_set(plot_dir)) Then Begin pdir = plot_dir direct_to_dbase = 0b Endif Else Begin pdir = '/disks/data/maven/data/sci/' direct_to_dbase = 1b Endelse do_over = where(instx Eq 'over') If(do_over[0] Ne -1) Then Begin load_position = 'over' If(keyword_set(xxx)) Then noload_data = 1 Else noload_data = 0 If(direct_to_dbase) Then pdir1 = pdir+'pfp/ql/'+yyyy+'/' $ Else pdir1 = pdir If(~is_string(file_search(pdir1))) Then file_mkdir, pdir1 mvn_gen_overplot, date = datein, /makepng, device = 'z', $ directory = pdir1, l0_input_file=l0_input_file, noload_data = noload_data, _extra=_extra skip_over: Endif do_lpw = where(instx Eq 'lpw') If(do_lpw[0] Ne -1) Then Begin load_position = 'lpw' If(direct_to_dbase) Then pdir1 = pdir+'lpw/ql/'+yyyy+'/' $ Else pdir1 = pdir If(~is_string(file_search(pdir1))) Then file_mkdir, pdir1 mvn_lpw_overplot, date = datein, /makepng, device = 'z', $ directory = pdir1, noload_data = noload, _extra=_extra skip_lpw: Endif do_mag = where(instx Eq 'mag') If(do_mag[0] Ne -1) Then Begin load_position = 'mag' If(direct_to_dbase) Then pdir1 = pdir+'mag/ql/'+yyyy+'/' $ Else pdir1 = pdir If(~is_string(file_search(pdir1))) Then file_mkdir, pdir1 mvn_mag_overplot, date = datein, /makepng, device = 'z', $ directory = pdir1, noload_data = noload, _extra=_extra skip_mag: Endif do_sep = where(instx Eq 'sep') If(do_sep[0] Ne -1) Then Begin load_position = 'sep' If(direct_to_dbase) Then pdir1 = pdir+'sep/ql/'+yyyy+'/' $ Else pdir1 = pdir If(~is_string(file_search(pdir1))) Then file_mkdir, pdir1 mvn_sep_overplot, date = datein, /makepng, device = 'z', $ directory = pdir1, noload_data = noload, _extra=_extra skip_sep: Endif do_sta = where(instx Eq 'sta') If(do_sta[0] Ne -1) Then Begin load_position = 'sta' If(direct_to_dbase) Then pdir1 = pdir+'sta/ql/'+yyyy+'/' $ Else pdir1 = pdir If(~is_string(file_search(pdir1))) Then file_mkdir, pdir1 mvn_sta_overplot, date = datein, /makepng, device = 'z', $ directory = pdir1, noload_data = noload, _extra=_extra skip_sta: Endif do_swe = where(instx Eq 'swe') If(do_swe[0] Ne -1) Then Begin load_position = 'swe' If(direct_to_dbase) Then pdir1 = pdir+'swe/ql/'+yyyy+'/' $ Else pdir1 = pdir If(~is_string(file_search(pdir1))) Then file_mkdir, pdir1 mvn_swe_overplot, date = datein, /makepng, device = 'z', $ directory = pdir1, noload_data = noload, _extra=_extra skip_swe: Endif do_swia = where(instx Eq 'swia') If(do_swia[0] Ne -1) Then Begin load_position = 'swia' If(direct_to_dbase) Then pdir1 = pdir+'swi/ql/'+yyyy+'/' $ Else pdir1 = pdir If(~is_string(file_search(pdir1))) Then file_mkdir, pdir1 mvn_swia_overplot, date = datein, /makepng, device = 'z', $ directory = pdir1, noload_data = noload, _extra=_extra skip_swia: Endif do_pfpl2 = where(instx Eq 'pfpl2') If(do_pfpl2[0] Ne -1) Then Begin load_position = 'pfpl2' If(direct_to_dbase) Then pdir1 = pdir+'pfp/l2/plots/'+yyyy+'/'+mmmm+'/' $ Else pdir1 = pdir If(~is_string(file_search(pdir1))) Then file_mkdir, pdir1 mvn_pfpl2_overplot, date = datein, /makepng, device = 'z', $ directory = pdir1, noload_data = noload, _extra=_extra skip_pfpl2: Endif i=i+1 End Return End