;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_gen_overplot ;PURPOSE: ; MAVEN PFP GEN Quicklook Plot ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_gen_overplot, date = date, time_range = time_range, $ ; makepng=makepng, device = device, directory = pdir, $ ; l0_input_file = l0_input_file, multipngplot = multipngplot, $ ; _extra=_extra ;INPUT: ; No explicit input, everthing is via keyword. ;OUTPUT: ; Plots, on the screen or in a png file ;KEYWORDS: ; date = If set, a plot for the input date. ; time_range = If set, plot this time range, note that this supercedes ; the date keyword, if both are set, the time range is ; attempted. ; l0_input_file = A filename for an input file, if this is set, the ; date and time_range keywords are ignored. ; makepng = If set, make a png file, with filename ; 'mvn_gen_qlook_start_time_end_time.png' ; device = a device for set_plot, the default is to use the current ; setting, for cron jobs, device = 'z' is recommended. Note ; that this does not reset the device at the end of the ; program. ; directory = If a png is created, this is the output directory, the ; default is the current working directory. ; noload_data = If set, assume that all of the data is loaded, and ; just plot. ; multipngplot = if set, then make multiple plots of 2 and 6 hour ; duration, in addition to the regular png plot ;Quicklook Tplot Panels ;------------------------- ;STATIC ; variables: ;mvn_sta_C0_P1A_E ;mvn_sta_C6_P1D_M ; mass spectrogram ; energy spectrogram ;SWIA ; energy spectrogram ;SWEA ; energy spectrogram ; pitch angle distribution (at 280 eV) ;SEP ; energy line plot electrons ; energy line plot ions ;LPW ; wave power (LF+MF+HF) ; IV-spectra+SC, potential+HTIME (see note) ;EUV ; EUV diodes + temperature ;MAG ; Bx, By, Bz, |B| ; RMS panel ;NGIMS ; CSN, OSNT, OSNB, OSI ;HISTORY: ; Hacked from thm_over_shell, 2013-05-12, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-19 13:00:28 -0700 (Tue, 19 Apr 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 20858 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/quicklook/mvn_gen_overplot.pro $ ;- Pro mvn_gen_overplot, date = date, time_range = time_range, $ makepng=makepng, device = device, $ directory = directory, $ l0_input_file = l0_input_file, $ noload_data = noload_data, $ multipngplot = multipngplot, $ _extra=_extra mvn_qlook_init, device = device ;First load the data, if requested If(keyword_set(l0_input_file)) Then Begin filex = l0_input_file[0] Endif Else Begin filex = mvn_l0_db2file(date, l0_file_type = 'all') Endelse If(~keyword_set(noload_data)) Then Begin mvn_load_all_qlook, l0_input_file = filex, device = device, _extra=_extra Endif ;Re-init here mvn_qlook_init, device = device ;Get a burst_data_bar mvn_bb = mvn_qlook_burst_bar(date, 1.0, /outline) ;Create a sc potential variable to overplot, this one seems to give ;the best results get_data, 'mvn_lpw_pas_V1', data = dddd If(is_struct(dddd)) Then Begin store_data, 'scpot_av', data = {x:dddd.x, y:dddd.y} store_data, 'minus_scpot_av', data = {x:dddd.x, y:-dddd.y} cc = get_colors() swe_v1 = scpot_overlay('scpot_av', 'swe_espec', sc_line_color = cc.black) if(is_string(swe_v1)) then begin ;if this fails, then options creates a structure options, swe_v1, 'yrange', [5.0, 5000.0] options, swe_v1, 'ystyle', 1 endif else begin swe_v1 = 'swe_espec' options, swe_v1, 'yrange', [5.0, 5000.0] options, swe_v1, 'ystyle', 1 endelse swi_v = scpot_overlay('minus_scpot_av', 'mvn_swis_en_counts', sc_line_color = cc.white) if(is_string(swi_v)) then begin options, swi_v, 'yrange', [5.0, 50000.0] options, swi_v, 'ystyle', 1 endif else begin swi_v = 'mvn_swis_en_counts' options, swi_v, 'yrange', [5.0, 50000.0] options, swi_v, 'ystyle', 1 endelse Endif Else Begin swe_v1 = 'swe_espec' swi_v = 'mvn_swis_en_counts' Endelse ;The definition of mvn_SEPS_OL changed somewhere, store_data,'mvn_SEPS_QL' , data='mvn_sep?_?_?????_tot mvn_sep?_svy_ATT',dlim={yrange:[.8,1e5],ylog:1,panel_size:2.} varlist=[swe_v1, 'swe_pad', swi_v, 'mvn_sta_C0_P1A_E',$ 'mvn_sta_C6_P1D_M', $ 'mvn_SEPS_QL', 'mvn_lpw_euv_ql','mvn_lpw_wave_spec_ql', $ 'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_log','htime', 'mvn_ql_mag1', 'mvn_ngi_csn', $ 'mvn_ngi_osnt', 'mvn_ngi_osnb', 'mvn_ngi_osi', mvn_bb] ;Set ytitle options here for each variable options, swe_v1, 'ytitle', 'SWE!CE spec' options, 'swe_pad', 'ytitle', 'SWE!CEPAD-280' options, swi_v, 'ytitle', 'SWIA!CE spec' options, 'mvn_lpw_spec_hf_pas', 'ytitle', 'LPW-HF' options, 'mvn_lpw_spec_?f_pas', 'ysubtitle', '(Hz)' options, 'mvn_lpw_spec_?f_pas', 'ztitle', 'Pwr(LSB)' options, 'mvn_lpw_spec_hf_pas', 'ytitle', 'LPW-HF' options, 'mvn_lpw_spec_mf_pas', 'ytitle', 'LPW-MF' options, 'mvn_lpw_spec_lf_pas', 'ytitle', 'LPW-LF' options, 'mvn_lpw_swp1_IV', 'ytitle', 'LPW!CSWP1' options, 'mvn_lpw_euv', 'ytitle', 'EUV' options, 'mvn_lpw_swp2_IV', 'ytitle', 'LPW!CSWP2' options, 'htime', 'ytitle', 'HSBM' options, 'mvn_lpw_euv_temp_C', 'ytitle', 'EUV-Temp' options, 'mvn_lpw_euv_temp_C', 'ysubtitle', '(raw)' options, 'mvn_lpw_euv', 'ysubtitle', '(raw)' options, 'mvn_ql_mag1', 'ytitle', 'MAG-B1' options, 'mvn_lpw_euv_ql', 'ytitle', 'EUV' options, 'mvn_lpw_euv_ql', 'ysubtitle', 'diodes' options, 'mvn_lpw_wave_spec_ql', 'ytitle', 'LPW Wave' options, 'mvn_lpw_wave_spec_ql', 'ysubtitle', '(Hz)' options, 'mvn_lpw_IV1_pasV2_ql', 'ytitle', 'LPW I-V' options, 'mvn_lpw_IV1_pasV2_ql', 'ysubtitle', '(V)' varlist = mvn_qlook_vcheck(varlist, tr = tr, /blankp) If(varlist[0] Eq '') Then Begin dprint, 'No data, Returning' Return Endif ;Remove gap between plot panels tplot_options, 'ygap', 0.0d0 ;Get the date p1 = strsplit(file_basename(filex), '_',/extract) date = p1[4] d0 = time_double(time_string(date)) tr = tr > d0 ;plot the data tplot, varlist, title = 'MAVEN PFP Quicklook '+date, var_label = 'mvn_orbnum' If(keyword_set(multipngplot)) Then makepng = 1b If(keyword_set(makepng)) Then Begin If(keyword_set(directory)) Then pdir = directory Else pdir = './' fname = pdir+mvn_qlook_filename('pfp', tr, _extra=_extra) If(keyword_set(multipngplot)) Then mvn_gen_multipngplot, fname, directory = pdir $ Else makepng, fname Endif Return End