;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_attitude_bar ;PURPOSE: ; Creates a horizontal color bar for tplot, where the spacecraft attitude ; is coded by color: ; ; orange = Sun point ; blue = Earth point ; green = Fly +/- Y ; red = Fly-Z ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_attitude_bar ; ;INPUTS: ; none ; ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-13 12:44:17 -0700 (Wed, 13 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26787 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/quicklook/mvn_attitude_bar.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;- pro mvn_attitude_bar ; Determine when the HGA points to the Sun or Earth mvn_sundir, frame='spacecraft', /pol get_data,'Sun_PL_The',data=sth npts = n_elements(sth.x) sun_th = sth.y et = time_ephemeris(sth.x) cspice_spkpos, 'Earth', et, 'MAVEN_MSO', 'NONE', 'Mars', pearth, ltime pearth = transpose(pearth)/1.495978707d8 xearth = pearth[*,0]/sqrt(total(pearth*pearth,2)) earth_th = 90D - acos(xearth)*!radeg ; elongation of Earth from Mars y = replicate(!values.f_nan,npts,2) indx = where(abs(sun_th - 90.) lt 0.5, count) ; HGA pointing at Sun if (count gt 0L) then y[indx,*] = 8. indx = where(abs(sun_th - earth_th) lt 0.5, count) ; HGA pointing at Earth if (count gt 0L) then y[indx,*] = 3. ; Identify Fly+-Y and Fly-Z mvn_ramdir, minmax(sth.x) + [-10D, 10D], dt=1D, frame='spacecraft', pans=rampan get_data, rampan[0], data=ram, index=i if (i gt 0) then begin indx = where(ram.x ge min(sth.x) and ram.x le max(sth.x), count) ram_x = ram.x[indx] ram_y = ram.y[indx,*] ram_v = sqrt(total(ram_y^2.,2)) ram_y /= (ram_v # replicate(1.,3)) get_data, 'alt', data=alt alt = spline(alt.x, alt.y, sth.x) indx = where((alt lt 800.) and (abs(abs(ram_y[*,1]) - 1.) lt 0.001), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[indx,*] = 4.85 ; Fly-Y or Fly+Y indx = where((alt lt 800.) and (abs(abs(ram_y[*,2]) - 1.) lt 0.005), count) if (count gt 0L) then y[indx,*] = 10. ; Fly-Z endif bname = 'mvn_att_bar' store_data,bname,data={x:sth.x, y:y, v:[0,1]} ylim,bname,0,1,0 zlim,bname,0,10,0 options,bname,'spec',1 options,bname,'panel_size',0.05 options,bname,'ytitle','' options,bname,'yticks',1 options,bname,'yminor',1 options,bname,'x_no_interp',1 options,bname,'xstyle',4 options,bname,'ystyle',4 options,bname,'no_color_scale',1 return end