; ;+ ;Function: mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime ;Purpose: Convert MET (mission Elapsed Time) to Unix Time (which is almost equivalent to UTC) ;see also: "mvn_spc_unixtime_to_met" for the reverse conversion ; This routine is in the process of being modified to use SPICE Kernels to correct for clock drift as needed. ; Author: Davin Larson ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-10-21 11:55:01 -0700 (Wed, 21 Oct 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 19123 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime.pro $ ;- function mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime,input,reverse=reverse,correct_clockdrift=correct_clockdrift ,reset=reset ;,prelaunch = prelaunch common mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime_com, cor_clkdrift, icy_installed, kernel_verified, time_verified, sclk, tls ;Set clockdrift by default if n_elements(correct_clockdrift) eq 1 then begin cor_clkdrift = correct_clockdrift endif if n_elements(cor_clkdrift) eq 0 then cor_clkdrift = 1b if keyword_set(cor_clkdrift) then begin if n_elements(kernel_verified) eq 0 || keyword_set(reset) then begin ; check for cspice first if spice_test() then begin ; tls = spice_standard_kernels(/load) ;jmm, 22-sep-2014; DEL, tls included in call on next line tls = mvn_spice_kernels('LSK',/load) ; getting only the LSK file sclk = mvn_spice_kernels('SCK',/load) if keyword_set(sclk) then begin kernel_verified = 1 endif else begin kernel_verified = 0 dprint,dlevel=2,'ICY is not installed.' dprint,dlevel=2,'Times are subject to spacecraft clock drift.' prelaunch = 1 endelse endif else begin kernel_verified = 0 prelaunch = 1 endelse reset=0 time_verified = systime(1) endif endif else cor_clkdrift = 0b ;need to set this to avoid crash at line 66, jmm, 22-sep-2014 if n_elements(input) eq 0 then message,'Must provide input' if keyword_set(reverse) then begin if n_params() ge 1 then unixtime = input if ~keyword_set(cor_clkdrift) then begin epoch = 946771200d - 12L*3600 ; long(time_double('2000-1-1/12:00')) ; Normal use ut = time_double(unixtime) ; if unixtime[0] le 1354320000 then unixtime = met + epoch + 3600L*12 ; correction prior to '2012-12-1' delta = (ut le 1354320000) * 3600L*12 met = ut - epoch + delta return,met endif else begin ; dprint,'Using cspice',dlevel=3 et = time_ephemeris(unixtime) met = double(et) for i = 0,n_elements(met)-1 do begin cspice_sce2s, -202, et[i], sclk_out seconds = double(strmid(sclk_out,2,10)) subticks = double(strmid(sclk_out,13,5)) met[i] = seconds+subticks/(2.0^16) endfor return,met endelse return,met endif met = input if ~cor_clkdrift then begin ; epoch = 978307200d ; long(time_double('2001-1-1')) ; valid for files prior to about June, 2012 epoch = 946771200d - 12L*3600 ; long(time_double('2000-1-1/12:00')) ; Normal use unixtime = met + epoch ; if unixtime[0] le 1356998400 then unixtime = met + epoch + 3600L*12 ; correction prior to '2013-1-1' ; if unixtime[0] le 1354320000 then unixtime = met + epoch + 3600L*12 ; correction prior to '2012-12-1' delta = (unixtime le 1354320000) * 3600L*12 unixtime += delta ; if unixtime[0] le 1351728000 then unixtime = met + epoch + 3600L*12 ; correction prior to '2012-11-1' endif else begin seconds = floor(met,/l64) subseconds = met mod 1 subticks = round(subseconds*65536) sclk_in = string(seconds)+':'+string(subticks) n = n_elements(met) cspice_scs2e, -202, sclk_in, ET unixtime = time_ephemeris(ET,/et2ut) endelse return,unixtime end