;+ ;PROCEDURE: morbit ;PURPOSE: ; Given the orbit size and shape (based on 2 of 5 orbital parameters), ; calculates the orbital position and velocity of a satellite around a ; planet as a function of time. This routine is very fast when the ; orbital eccentricity is less than 0.95, but labors when it is very ; close to unity. This routine will not work at all for parabolic and ; hyperbolic orbits. ; ; Calculations assume a spherical central body with a spherically ; symmetric mass distribution, and that the mass of the central body ; dominates in the region of interest. ; ; You can also specify an orientation for the orbit and then create a ; 'fly-through' in cartesian coordinates. ; ;USAGE: ; morbit, param, dt=dt, result=dat ; ;INPUTS: ; PARAM: Orbit parameter structure, which has two of the ; following tags: ; ; period : orbital period (hours) ; sma : semi-major axis (km) ; palt : periapsis altitude (km) ; aalt : apoapsis altitude (km) ; ecc : eccentricity ; ; The two parameters you specify must define the ; size and shape of the orbit. Any two will work, ; except for period and sma, which both define the ; orbit size. The remaining parameters are ; calculated from the two you specify. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ORIENT: A structure specifying the orientation of the ; orbit with three tags: ; ; lon : longitude of periapsis (deg) ; lat : latitude of periapsis (deg) ; incl : orbital inclination (deg) ; ; Lon and lat can be arrays, resulting in a grid of ; calculations. Incl must be a scalar. ; ; Note that abs(lat) <= abs(incl) is required. ; ; Default = {lon:0, lat:0, incl:90} ; ; Normally, the longitude, latitude, and inclination ; are specified in planetocentric coordinates (i.e., ; relative to the planet's spin axis); however, any ; coordinate system can be assumed, so long as all ; three parameters are in the SAME coordinate system. ; ; FLYTHRU: The name for a text output file containing the ; cartesian coordinates of the satellite vs. time ; for the orbit orientation specified in ORIENT. ; The columns for this table are: ; ; 1 -> time (sec after apoapsis) ; 2 -> X (km) ; 3 -> Y (km) ; 4 -> Z (km) ; 5 -> orbital velocity (km/s) ; ; If you don't specify this keyword, then the ; fly-through is still calculated and saved in ; RESULT. ; ; PLANET: This can be a string to select one of the eight ; planets. The following are also recognized: Moon, ; Sun, Pluto, Charon, Eris, and Ceres. It can also ; be a structure with the following tags: ; ; Mass : mass (g) ; Radius : radius (km) ; Name : 'name' [optional] ; ; Default = 'Mars'. If PLANET is unrecognized, you ; will be prompted for mass and radius. This routine ; is not expected to give good results for the Pluto- ; Charon system, because they have masses within a ; factor of 10 of each other. ; ; SHOCK: If PLANET = 'Mars' or 'Earth', then setting this ; keyword will show the nominal shock location on the ; orbit plots (see keyword OPLOT). Default = no. ; ; DT: Time resolution (sec). Default = PARAM.period/1000. ; ; NORBIT: Number of orbits for calculating the solution. ; Default = 1. ; ; NMAX: Maximum number of iterations for the orbit solver. ; Default = 400. Larger numbers might be needed if ; the orbital eccentricity is greater than 0.95. ; ; OERR: Maximum error in orbit solution, which translates ; roughly into fractional error in the position. ; Default = 1.e-6. Increase this only if you want a ; quicker solution at the expense of accuracy. ; ; RESULT: A structure containing the satellite altitude and ; true anomaly versus time. The true anomaly is the ; angle in the plane of the orbit about the center ; of the planet, with zero degrees at periapsis. ; The orbital velocity, and the orbit size and shape ; parameters are also given. ; ; OPLOT: The number of an IDL window for plotting the orbit ; with three orthogonal views. Default = none. ; ; TPLOT: The number of an IDL window for a time series plot ; of altitude and orbital velocity. Default = none. ; ; WSCALE: Window size scale factor. Default = 1. ; ; XYPLANE: Plot the orbit in the XY plane only. Only works if ; OPLOT is set. ; ; XYRANGE: Axis plot ranges in planetary radii. Default is to ; fit the orbit on the plot. ; ; NODOT: Do not plot a symbol for periapsis. ; ; PS: Postscript plots are produced for OPLOT and TPLOT. ; ; SILENT: If set, then suppress output. ; ; SEGMENTS: Divide the orbit up into segments for color coding. ; This keyword should contain the time in minutes ; relative to apoapsis of each segment boundary. ; The first segment extends from APO to SEGMENTS[0]. ; The last segment extends from SEGMENTS[N-1] to APO, ; where N is the number of segments. ; ; SCOLORS: Color for each segment. Must have the same number of ; elements as SEGMENTS. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-12-20 11:02:44 -0800 (Fri, 20 Dec 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28133 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/morbit.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;- pro morbit, param, dt=dt, planet=planet, nmax=nmax, oerr=oerr, result=result, $ norbit=norbit, oplot=oplot, tplot=tplot, orient=orient, $ flythru=flythru, shock=shock, ps=ps, xyrange=xyrange, $ silent=silent, segments=segments, scolors=scolors, $ wscale=wscale, xyplane=xyplane, nodot=nodot if (size(param,/type) ne 8) then begin print, 'You must specify an orbit parameter structure.' return endif dtor = !dpi/180D dodot = ~keyword_set(nodot) xyflg = keyword_set(xyplane) if (size(wscale,/type) eq 0) then wscale = 1. if (xyflg) then wsize = round([535.,500.]*wscale) else wsize = round([326.,920.]*wscale) csize = 1.2*wscale nseg = n_elements(segments) if (n_elements(scolors) ne nseg) then begin print,"Each segment must have a color." return endif if (nseg gt 0) then begin doseg = 1 tseg = segments*60D cseg = scolors endif else doseg = 0 if (size(orient,/type) eq 8) then begin str_element, orient, 'lon', lon, success=ok if (ok) then lon = double(lon)*dtor else lon = 0D str_element, orient, 'lat', lat, success=ok if (ok) then lat = double(lat)*dtor else lat = 0D str_element, orient, 'incl', incl, success=ok if (ok) then incl = double(incl)*dtor else incl = !dpi/2D endif else begin lon = 0D lat = 0D incl = !dpi/2D endelse indx = where(abs(lat) gt abs(incl), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin print, 'Periapsis latitude is greater than orbit inclination!' print, 'Fix the ORIENT keyword and try again.' return endif lat = lat < (0.99999D*incl) lat = lat > (-0.99999D*incl) nlon = n_elements(lon) nlat = n_elements(lat) lon = lon # replicate(1.,nlat) lat = replicate(1.,nlon) # lat swfrac = replicate(0.,nlon,nlat) if (size(planet,/type) eq 8) then begin str_element, planet, 'mass', M, success=ok if (not ok) then begin print, 'You must specify the planet''s mass (g).' return endif M = double(M) str_element, planet, 'radius', R, success=ok if (not ok) then begin print, 'You must specify the planet''s radius (km).' return endif R = double(R) str_element, planet, 'name', Name, success=ok if (not ok) then Name = '' planet = 'USERDEF' endif if (size(planet,/type) ne 7) then planet = 'MARS' $ else planet = strupcase(planet) if not keyword_set(norbit) then norbit = 1D else norbit = double(norbit) if not keyword_set(nmax) then nmax = 400L else nmax = long(nmax) if not keyword_set(oerr) then oerr = 1.d-6 else oerr = double(oerr) oerr = oerr*oerr if keyword_set(ps) then begin psflg = 1 scol = 0 endif else begin psflg = 0 scol = 3 endelse wsave = !d.window if (size(oplot,/type) ne 0) then begin oflg = 1 window,oplot,xsize=wsize[0],ysize=wsize[1],xpos=25,ypos=25 endif else oflg = 0 if (size(tplot,/type) ne 0) then begin tflg = 1 if (oflg) then if (tplot eq oplot) then tplot = oplot + 1 window,tplot,xsize=720,ysize=500 endif else tflg = 0 ; Define some constants and change units ([M] = g, [R] = km) ; Source: https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/index.html ; Last Update: 2016-12-09. sflg = 0 mflg = 0 case (planet) of 'SUN' : begin M = 1.9885d33 R = 6.957d5 ; volumetric mean (photosphere) end 'MERCURY' : begin M = 3.3011d26 R = 2439.7D ; volumetric mean (surface) end 'VENUS' : begin M = 4.8675d27 R = 6051.8D ; volumetric mean (surface) end 'EARTH' : begin M = 5.9723d27 R = 6371.0D ; volumetric mean (surface) x0 = 3.5 ; shock psi = 1.02 L = 22.1 sflg = 1 end 'MOON' : begin M = 7.346d25 R = 1737.4D ; volumetric mean (surface) end 'MARS' : begin M = 6.4171d26 R = 3389.5D ; volumetric mean (surface) x0 = 0.64 ; shock psi = 1.03 L = 2.04 x0_p1 = 0.640 ; MPB-1 (sub-solar region) psi_p1 = 0.770 L_p1 = 1.080 x0_p2 = 1.600 ; MPB-2 (flanks) psi_p2 = 1.009 L_p2 = 0.528 sflg = 1 mflg = 1 end 'CERES' : begin M = 9.47d23 R = 469.3D ; volumetric mean (surface) end 'JUPITER' : begin M = 1.8982d30 R = 69911D ; volumetric mean (1 bar) end 'SATURN' : begin M = 5.6834d29 R = 58232D ; volumetric mean (1 bar) end 'URANUS' : begin M = 8.6813d28 R = 25362D ; volumetric mean (1 bar) end 'NEPTUNE' : begin M = 1.0241d29 R = 24622D ; volumetric mean (1 bar) end 'PLUTO' : begin print,"Warning: gravitational influence of Charon could be significant." M = 1.303d25 R = 1186D end 'CHARON' : begin print,"Warning: gravitational influence of Pluto could be significant." M = 1.586d24 R = 606D end 'ERIS' : begin M = 1.66d25 R = 1163D end 'USERDEF' : begin planet = strupcase(Name) end else : begin print, 'Unrecognized planet.' planet = strupcase(planet) M = 0D R = 0D print, 'Mass (g) ', format='(a,$)' read, M, format='(f)' print, 'Radius (km) ', format='(a,$)' read, R, format='(f)' end endcase if not keyword_set(SHOCK) then begin sflg = 0 mflg = 0 endif twopi = 2D*!dpi GM = (6.673889d-8)*M ; | ; Anderson, J.D., et al., EPL 110 (2015) 10002, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/110/10002 ; Process the orbit parameter structure pflg = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] str_element, param, 'period', period, success=ok if (ok) then pflg[0] = 1 str_element, param, 'sma', sma, success=ok if (ok) then pflg[1] = 1 str_element, param, 'ecc', ecc, success=ok if (ok) then pflg[2] = 1 str_element, param, 'palt', palt, success=ok if (ok) then pflg[3] = 1 str_element, param, 'aalt', aalt, success=ok if (ok) then pflg[4] = 1 ; Determine the orbit size if (pflg[0]) then begin period = double(period)*3600D ; orbital period (sec) k = twopi/period sma = (GM/(k*k))^(1D/3D) sma = sma/1.d5 ; semi-major axis (km) goto, OSHAPE endif if (pflg[1]) then begin sma = double(sma) k = sqrt(GM/(sma*1.d5)^3D) period = twopi/k ; orbital period (sec) goto, OSHAPE endif if (pflg[2] eq 0) then begin if ((pflg[3] eq 0) or (pflg[4] eq 0)) then begin print, 'Insufficient orbit parameters.' return endif palt = double(palt) aalt = double(aalt) sma = R + (palt + aalt)/2D k = sqrt(GM/(sma*1.d5)^3D) period = twopi/k ; orbital period (sec) goto, OSHAPE endif if (pflg[3] eq 0) then begin if ((pflg[2] eq 0) or (pflg[4] eq 0)) then begin print, 'Insufficient orbit parameters.' return endif ecc = double(ecc) aalt = double(aalt) sma = (aalt + R)/(1D + ecc) k = sqrt(GM/(sma*1.d5)^3D) period = twopi/k ; orbital period (sec) goto, OSHAPE endif if (pflg[4] eq 0) then begin if ((pflg[2] eq 0) or (pflg[3] eq 0)) then begin print, 'Insufficient orbit parameters.' return endif ecc = double(ecc) palt = double(palt) sma = (palt + R)/(1D - ecc) k = sqrt(GM/(sma*1.d5)^3D) period = twopi/k ; orbital period (sec) endif ; Determine the orbit shape OSHAPE: if (pflg[2]) then begin ecc = double(ecc) palt = sma*(1D - ecc) - R aalt = sma*(1D + ecc) - R endif else begin if (pflg[3]) then begin palt = double(palt) ecc = 1D - (palt + R)/sma aalt = sma*(1D + ecc) - R endif else begin if (pflg[4]) then begin aalt = double(aalt) ecc = (aalt + R)/sma - 1D palt = sma*(1D - ecc) - R endif else begin print, 'Insufficient orbit parameters.' return endelse endelse endelse sre = sqrt((1D + ecc)/(1D - ecc)) ; Solve for the orbital position vs. time -- the method is described ; in Moulton, An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics, pp. 158-163. if not keyword_set(dt) then dt = period/1000D else dt = double(dt) npts = round(norbit*period/dt) + 1L t = dt*dindgen(npts) dist = dblarr(npts) thet = dist for i=0L,(npts-1L) do begin m = k*t[i] - !dpi eps1 = m + ecc*(sin(m) + ecc*sin(2D*m)/2D) eps = m + ecc*sin(eps1) x = eps - eps1 n = 0 while (x*x gt oerr) do begin eps1 = eps n = n + 1 if (n gt nmax) then begin print, "Not converging!" print, "Percent complete: ", round(100D*double(i)/double(npts)) print, "oerr = ", x*x return endif eps = m + ecc*sin(eps1) x = eps - eps1 endwhile dist[i] = sma*(1D - ecc*cos(eps)) thet[i] = 2D*atan(sre*tan(eps/2D)) endfor ; Get orbital velocity from Vis-viva equation v = sqrt(GM*(2D/dist - 1D/sma)/1.d15) Vesc = sqrt(2D*GM/(1.d15*dist)) ; Create a fly-through sc = replicate(0D,3,npts) sc[0,*] = dist*cos(thet) sc[1,*] = dist*sin(thet) for i=0L,(nlon-1L) do begin for j=0L,(nlat-1L) do begin ; Rotate about the Z axis to set the SS longitude of periapsis cphi = cos(lon[i,j]) sphi = sin(lon[i,j]) r1 = dblarr(3,3) r1[*,0] = [ cphi , sphi , 0D ] r1[*,1] = [ -sphi , cphi , 0D ] r1[*,2] = [ 0D , 0D , 1D ] ; Rotate about the Y axis to set the SS latitude of periapsis cphi = cos(lat[i,j]) sphi = sin(lat[i,j]) r2 = dblarr(3,3) r2[*,0] = [ cphi , 0D , sphi ] r2[*,1] = [ 0D , 1D , 0D ] r2[*,2] = [ -sphi , 0D , cphi ] ; Rotate about the X axis to set the orbital inclination cphi = cos(incl)/cos(lat[i,j]) sphi = sqrt(1D - cphi*cphi) r3 = dblarr(3,3) r3[*,0] = [ 1D , 0D , 0D ] r3[*,1] = [ 0D , cphi , sphi ] r3[*,2] = [ 0D , -sphi , cphi ] ; Perform the three rotations ss = transpose(((r1 # r2) # r3) # sc) ; Output the fly-through to a text file if (size(flythru,/type) eq 7) then begin openw, lun, flythru, /get_lun for k=0L,(npts-1L) do $ printf,lun,t[k],ss[k,0],ss[k,1],ss[k,2],v[k],$ format='(4(f7.1,3x),f9.7)' free_lun,lun endif ; Orbit plots with three orthogonal views if (oflg) then begin phi = findgen(361)*!dtor xm = cos(phi) ym = sin(phi) rmin = min(dist, imin) imin = imin[0] rmax = ceil(aalt/R + 1D) if keyword_set(xyrange) then begin xrange = [-xyrange,xyrange] yrange = xrange endif else begin xrange = [-rmax,rmax] yrange = xrange endelse if (psflg) then begin popen,'morbit_oplot' if (xyflg) then !p.multi = 0 else !p.multi = [3,2,2] endif else begin wset, oplot if (xyflg) then !p.multi = 0 else !p.multi = [3,1,3] endelse x = ss[*,0]/R y = ss[*,1]/R z = ss[*,2]/R s = sqrt(x*x + y*y) ; X-Y plane xo = x yo = y mndx = where((z lt 0.) and (s lt 1.), mcnt) if (mcnt gt 0L) then begin x[mndx] = !values.f_nan y[mndx] = !values.f_nan endif if (psflg) then begin plot,[xrange[0]],[yrange[0]],xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,$ /xsty,/ysty, xtitle='X (Rp)',ytitle='Y (Rp)',charsize=1.0, $ ymargin=[8,9],title=planet oplot,xm,ym,color=6,thick=2 if (doseg) then begin tstart = tseg tstop = shift(tseg,-1) tstop[nseg-1] = max(t) for i=0,(nseg-1) do begin sndx = where((t ge tstart[i]) and (t lt tstop[i]), count) if (count gt 0) then oplot,x[sndx],y[sndx],color=cseg[i] endfor endif else oplot,x,y if (dodot) then oplot,[x[imin]],[y[imin]],psym=4,color=4,thick=2 endif else begin plot,xm,ym,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,/xsty,/ysty, $ xtitle='X (Rp)',ytitle='Y (Rp)',charsize=2.0,title=planet oplot,xm,ym,color=6 if (doseg) then begin tstart = tseg tstop = shift(tseg,-1) tstop[nseg-1] = max(t) for i=0,(nseg-1) do begin sndx = where((t ge tstart[i]) and (t lt tstop[i]), count) if (count gt 0) then oplot,x[sndx],y[sndx],color=cseg[i] endfor endif else oplot,x,y if (dodot) then oplot,[x[imin]],[y[imin]],psym=4,color=4,thick=2 endelse ; Shock conic if (sflg) then begin phm = 160.*!dtor phi = (-150. + findgen(301))*!dtor rho = L/(1. + psi*cos(phi)) xs = x0 + rho*cos(phi) ys = rho*sin(phi) oplot,xs,ys,color=scol,line=1 s = sqrt(yo*yo + z*z) phi = atan(s,(xo - x0)) rho = sqrt((xo - x0)^2. + s*s) indx = where(rho lt L/(1. + psi*cos(phi < phm)), count) if (count gt 0L) then oplot, x[indx], y[indx], color=4, psym=3 swfrac[i,j] = float(npts - count)/float(npts) endif ; MPB conic if (mflg) then begin phi = (-160. + findgen(160))*!dtor rho = L_p1/(1. + psi_p1*cos(phi)) x1 = x0_p1 + rho*cos(phi) y1 = rho*sin(phi) rho = L_p2/(1. + psi_p2*cos(phi)) x2 = x0_p2 + rho*cos(phi) y2 = rho*sin(phi) indx = where(x1 ge 0) jndx = where(x2 lt 0) xpileup = [x2[jndx], x1[indx]] ypileup = [y2[jndx], y1[indx]] phi = findgen(161)*!dtor rho = L_p1/(1. + psi_p1*cos(phi)) x1 = x0_p1 + rho*cos(phi) y1 = rho*sin(phi) rho = L_p2/(1. + psi_p2*cos(phi)) x2 = x0_p2 + rho*cos(phi) y2 = rho*sin(phi) indx = where(x1 ge 0) jndx = where(x2 lt 0) xpileup = [xpileup, x1[indx], x2[jndx]] ypileup = [ypileup, y1[indx], y2[jndx]] oplot,xpileup,ypileup,color=scol,line=1 endif ; X-Z plane if (~xyflg) then begin x = ss[*,0]/R y = ss[*,1]/R z = ss[*,2]/R s = sqrt(x*x + z*z) indx = where((y gt 0.) and (s lt 1.), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin x[indx] = !values.f_nan z[indx] = !values.f_nan endif if (psflg) then begin plot,[xrange[0]],[yrange[0]],xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,$ /xsty,/ysty,xtitle='X (Rp)',ytitle='Z (Rp)',charsize=1.0,$ ymargin=[16,1] oplot,xm,ym,color=6, thick=2 if (doseg) then begin tstart = tseg tstop = shift(tseg,-1) tstop[nseg-1] = max(t) for i=0,(nseg-1) do begin sndx = where((t ge tstart[i]) and (t lt tstop[i]), count) if (count gt 0) then oplot,x[sndx],z[sndx],color=cseg[i] endfor endif else oplot,x,z if (dodot) then oplot,[x[imin]],[z[imin]],psym=4,color=4,thick=2 endif else begin plot,xm,ym,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,/xsty,/ysty, $ xtitle='X (Rp)',ytitle='Z (Rp)',charsize=2.0 oplot,xm,ym,color=6 if (doseg) then begin tstart = tseg tstop = shift(tseg,-1) tstop[nseg-1] = max(t) for i=0,(nseg-1) do begin sndx = where((t ge tstart[i]) and (t lt tstop[i]), count) if (count gt 0) then oplot,x[sndx],z[sndx],color=cseg[i] endfor endif else oplot,x,z if (dodot) then oplot,[x[imin]],[z[imin]],psym=4,color=4,thick=2 endelse ; Shock conic if (sflg) then begin phm = 160.*!dtor phi = (-150. + findgen(301))*!dtor rho = L/(1. + psi*cos(phi)) xs = x0 + rho*cos(phi) zs = rho*sin(phi) oplot,xs,zs,color=scol,line=1 s = sqrt(y*y + z*z) phi = atan(s,(x - x0)) rho = sqrt((x - x0)^2. + s*s) indx = where(rho lt L/(1. + psi*cos(phi < phm)), count) if (count gt 0L) then oplot, x[indx], z[indx], color=4, psym=3 endif ; MPB conic if (mflg) then begin phi = (-160. + findgen(160))*!dtor rho = L_p1/(1. + psi_p1*cos(phi)) x1 = x0_p1 + rho*cos(phi) y1 = rho*sin(phi) rho = L_p2/(1. + psi_p2*cos(phi)) x2 = x0_p2 + rho*cos(phi) y2 = rho*sin(phi) indx = where(x1 ge 0) jndx = where(x2 lt 0) xpileup = [x2[jndx], x1[indx]] ypileup = [y2[jndx], y1[indx]] phi = findgen(161)*!dtor rho = L_p1/(1. + psi_p1*cos(phi)) x1 = x0_p1 + rho*cos(phi) y1 = rho*sin(phi) rho = L_p2/(1. + psi_p2*cos(phi)) x2 = x0_p2 + rho*cos(phi) y2 = rho*sin(phi) indx = where(x1 ge 0) jndx = where(x2 lt 0) xpileup = [xpileup, x1[indx], x2[jndx]] ypileup = [ypileup, y1[indx], y2[jndx]] oplot,xpileup,ypileup,color=scol,line=1 endif ; Y-Z plane x = ss[*,0]/R y = ss[*,1]/R z = ss[*,2]/R s = sqrt(y*y + z*z) indx = where((x lt 0.) and (s lt 1.), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin y[indx] = !values.f_nan z[indx] = !values.f_nan endif if (psflg) then begin plot,[xrange[0]],[yrange[0]],xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,$ /xsty,/ysty,xtitle='Y (Rp)',ytitle='Z (Rp)',charsize=1.0, $ ymargin=[16,1] oplot,xm,ym,color=6,thick=2 if (doseg) then begin tstart = tseg tstop = shift(tseg,-1) tstop[nseg-1] = max(t) for i=0,(nseg-1) do begin sndx = where((t ge tstart[i]) and (t lt tstop[i]), count) if (count gt 0) then oplot,y[sndx],z[sndx],color=cseg[i] endfor endif else oplot,y,z if (dodot) then oplot,[y[imin]],[z[imin]],psym=4,color=4,thick=2 endif else begin plot,xm,ym,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,/xsty,/ysty, $ xtitle='Y (Rp)',ytitle='Z (Rp)',charsize=2.0 oplot,xm,ym,color=6 if (doseg) then begin tstart = tseg tstop = shift(tseg,-1) tstop[nseg-1] = max(t) for i=0,(nseg-1) do begin sndx = where((t ge tstart[i]) and (t lt tstop[i]), count) if (count gt 0) then oplot,y[sndx],z[sndx],color=cseg[i] endfor endif else oplot,y,z if (dodot) then oplot,[y[imin]],[z[imin]],psym=4,color=4,thick=2 endelse ; Shock conic if (sflg) then begin phm = 160.*!dtor L0 = sqrt((L + psi*x0)^2. - x0*x0) oplot,L0*xm,L0*ym,color=scol,line=1 s = sqrt(y*y + z*z) phi = atan(s,(x - x0)) rho = sqrt((x - x0)^2. + s*s) indx = where(rho lt L/(1. + psi*cos(phi < phm)), count) if (count gt 0L) then oplot, y[indx], z[indx], color=4, psym=3 endif ; MPB conic if (mflg) then begin L0 = sqrt((L_p1 + psi_p1*x0_p1)^2. - x0_p1*x0_p1) oplot,L0*xm,L0*ym,color=scol,line=1 endif endif if (psflg) then pclose !p.multi = 0 endif ; Time series plot if (tflg) then begin store_data,'alt',data={x:t, y:(dist-R)} ylim,'alt',0,0,0 options,'alt','ynozero',1 options,'alt','ytitle','Altitude (km)' if (aalt/palt gt 10D) then ylim,'alt',0,0,1 store_data,'vel',data={x:t, y:v} options,'vel','ynozero',1 options,'vel','ytitle','Velocity (km/s)' store_data,'Vesc',data={x:t, y:Vesc} options,'Vesc','color',6 options,'Vesc','linestyle',2 store_data,'Velocity',data=['vel','Vesc'] tplot_options,'charsize',1.2 tplot_options,'title',planet wset, tplot timespan,[min(t),max(t)],/sec tplot,['alt','Velocity'] tplot_options,'title','' tplot_options,'charsize',1.0 endif endfor endfor ; Package the result wset, wsave period = period/3600D lon = lon/dtor lat = lat/dtor incl = incl/dtor result = {t : t , $ ; time from apoapsis (sec) dist : dist , $ ; radial distance (km) thet : thet , $ ; true anomaly (radians) x : ss , $ ; cartesian coord. (km) alt : dist - R , $ ; altitude (km) vel : v , $ ; orbital velocity (km/s) period : period , $ ; orbital period (hours) sma : sma , $ ; semi-major axis (km) palt : palt , $ ; periapsis altitude (km) plon : lon , $ ; periapsis longitude (deg) plat : lat , $ ; periapsis latitude (deg) aalt : aalt , $ ; apoapsis altitude (km) ecc : ecc , $ ; orbital eccentricity incl : incl , $ ; orbital inclination (deg) swfrac : swfrac , $ ; fraction of time in solar wind planet : planet , $ ; planet name radius : R , $ ; planet radius (km) Vesc : Vesc } ; escape velocity (km/s) ; Output the orbit parameters if not keyword_set(silent) then begin print,'' print,'Planet : ',result.planet print,' orbital period (hr) : ',result.period,format='(a,f9.4)' print,' semi-major axis (km) : ',result.sma,format='(a,f9.1)' print,' periapsis altitude (km) : ',result.palt,format='(a,f9.1)' print,' apoapsis altitude (km) : ',result.aalt,format='(a,f9.1)' print,' eccentricity : ',result.ecc,format='(a,f9.4)' print,'' endif return end