;+ ; ;PROCEDURE: MVN_MODEL_BCRUST_LOAD ; ;PURPOSE: Loads the Martian crustal magnetic field model(s) at ; the MAVEN location. It is a simple wrapper of ; 'mvn_model_bcrust' and 'mvn_model_bcrust_restore'. ; ;INPUTS: ; ; TRANGE: An array in any format accepted by time_double(). ; The minimum and maximum values in this array specify ; the time range to load. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; ORBIT: Loads the Martian crustal magnetic field model(s) by orbit number ; or range of orbit numbers (trange is ignored). Orbits are numbered ; using the NAIF convention, where the orbit number increments ; at periapsis. Data are loaded from the apoapsis preceding ; the first orbit (periapsis) number to the apoapsis following ; the last orbit number. ; ; MORSCHHAUSER: Loads Morschhauser's 2014 spherical harmonic model. ; (It is the default model to resotre). ; ; ARKANI: Loads Arkani-Hamed's spherical harmonic model. ; ; CAIN_2003: Loads Cain's 2003 spherical harmonic model. ; ; CAIN_2011: Loads Cain's 2011 spherical harmonic model. ; ; PURUCKER: Loads Purucker's spherical harmonic model. ; ; LANGLAIS: Loads Langlais's 2019 spherical harmonic model. ; ; CALC: If there are no tplot save files to load, the Martian ; crustal magnetic field is calculated by 'mvn_model_bcrust'. ; ; NOCALC: If there are no tplot save files to load, then don't ; try to calculate them, and don't ask. (Allows non- ; interactive calls.) Takes precedence over CALC. ; ; STATUS: Returns the loading status: ; 0 = Failure. ; 1 = Success. ; ;RELATED ROUTINES: ; 'mvn_model_bcrust', 'mvn_model_bcrust_restore'. ; ;CREATED BY: Takuya Hara on 2015-02-18. ; ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; $LastChangedBy: hara $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-06-26 19:17:41 -0700 (Fri, 26 Jun 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28818 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/models/mvn_model_bcrust_load.pro $ ; ;- PRO mvn_model_bcrust_load, var, orbit=orbit, silent=sl, verbose=vb, calc=calc, status=status, $ cain_2003=cain_2003, cain_2011=cain_2011, arkani=arkani, $ purucker=purucker, morschhauser=morschhauser, path=path, $ resolution=resolution, data=modelmag, nmax=nmax, version=version, $ nocalc=nocalc, _extra=ext, langlais=langlais IF SIZE(var, /type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN trange = time_double(var) IF N_ELEMENTS(trange) NE 2 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'The time range must be two elements array like [tmin, tmax].' RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF keyword_set(orbit) THEN BEGIN imin = MIN(orbit, max=imax) trange = mvn_orbit_num(orbnum=[imin-0.5, imax+0.5]) undefine, imin, imax ENDIF tplot_options, get_opt=topt tspan_exists = (MAX(topt.trange_full) GT time_double('2014-09-22')) IF (tspan_exists) THEN trange = topt.trange_full undefine, topt, tspan_exists ENDELSE IF SIZE(trange, /type) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'You must set the specified time interval to load.' RETURN ENDIF IF keyword_set(sl) THEN silent = sl ELSE silent = 0 IF keyword_set(vb) THEN verbose = vb ELSE verbose = 0 verbose -= silent IF keyword_set(calc) THEN cflg = 1 ELSE cflg = 0 IF keyword_set(nocalc) THEN cflg = -1 mvn_model_bcrust_restore, trange, silent=silent, verbose=verbose, status=status, $ cain_2003=cain_2003, cain_2011=cain_2011, arkani=arkani, $ purucker=purucker, morschhauser=morschhauser, langlais=langlais IF status EQ 0 THEN BEGIN CASE (cflg) OF 1 : yes = 1 0 : BEGIN PRINT, ptrace() PRINT, ' It seems that the tplot save files have not been generated yet.' result = EXECUTE("READ, ' Do you want to calculate now (Yes=1 / No=0)?: ', yes ") IF result EQ 0 THEN yes = 0 END ELSE : yes = 0 ENDCASE IF yes EQ 1 THEN BEGIN IF SIZE(morschhauser, /type) EQ 0 THEN morschhauser = 1 dotplot = INTARR(6) dotplot[*] = 0 dotplot[0] = keyword_set(morschhauser) dotplot[1] = keyword_set(cain_2003) dotplot[2] = keyword_set(cain_2011) dotplot[3] = keyword_set(arkani) dotplot[4] = keyword_set(purucker) dotplot[5] = keyword_set(langlais) IF TOTAL(dotplot) EQ 1 THEN suffix = '' tname = 'mvn_model_bcrust' nname = 'mvn_mod_bcrust' modeler = ['morschhauser', 'cain_2003', 'cain_2011', 'arkani', 'purucker', 'langlais'] suffixes = ['_m', '_c03', '_c11', '_a', '_p', '_l'] FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(dotplot)-1 DO BEGIN IF (dotplot[i]) THEN BEGIN CASE i OF 0: mor = 1 1: c03 = 1 2: c11 = 1 3: ark = 1 4: pur = 1 5: lan = 1 ENDCASE mvn_model_bcrust, trange, resolution=resolution, data=modelmag, $ silent=silent, verbose=verbose, $ arkani=ark, purucker=pur, /tplot, $ cain_2003=c03, cain_2011=c11, $ version=version, morschhauser=mor, langlais=lan, _extra=ext IF SIZE(suffix, /type) NE 0 THEN suf = suffix ELSE suf = suffixes[i] store_data, tname + '_geo_' + modeler[i], /delete, verbose=verbose store_data, tname + '_amp_' + modeler[i], newname=nname + '_amp' + suf store_data, tname + '_mso_' + modeler[i], newname=nname + '_mso' + suf options, nname + ['_amp' , '_mso'] + suf, ytitle='Model' IF SIZE(suffix, /type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN status = 1 RETURN ENDIF undefine, suf undefine, mor, c03, c11, ark, pur, lag ENDIF ENDFOR status = 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END