;+ ; ;FUNCTION: MVN_MODEL_BCRUST_CALC ; ;PURPOSE: Calculates vector magnetic field at a given location (a_over_r, sct, scp) ; in spherical coordinates from a spherical harmonic crustal model. ; ;INPUTS: ; ; G, H: The coefficients, in square arrays with dimensions [nmax+1, nmax+1]. ; Coeffs are stored according to [n, m]. ; ; A_OVER_R: The value of a/r in the spherical harmonic expansion, ; or the mean Martian radius by the radius at which ; you are calculating the field. ; ; SCT, SCP: The colatitude and east longitude at which you are calculating ; the field, IN RADIANS. ; ;OUTPUTS: [Br, Bt, Bp] at scr, sct, scp. ; ;KEYWORDS: None. ; ;NOTE: It originally comes from sph_b.pro, which is a subroutine included in mvn_model_bcrust.pro. ; The original sph_b.pro was written by Dave Brain on 2001-10-08. ; It is vectorized to perform the fast calculation. ; ;CREATED BY: Takuya Hara on 2020-07-07. ; ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; $LastChangedBy: hara $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-07-07 11:27:32 -0700 (Tue, 07 Jul 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28856 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/models/mvn_model_bcrust_calc.pro $ ; ;- FUNCTION mvn_model_bcrust_calc_legendre, nmax, x ;NOTE: It originally comes from legendre_schmidt_all.pro, which is a subroutine included in mvn_model_bcrust.pro. ; The original sph_b.pro was written by Dave Brain on 2001-10-05. ; It is vectorized to perform the fast calculation. ndat = N_ELEMENTS(x) P = DBLARR(nmax+1, nmax+1, ndat) P[0, 0, *] = 1d IF nmax GT 0 THEN BEGIN twoago = 0d0 FOR i=1, nmax DO BEGIN P[i, 0, *] = ( x * (2d0*i - 1d0) * P[i-1, 0, *] - $ (i - 1d0) * twoago ) / (i) twoago = P[i-1, 0, *] ENDFOR ENDIF Cm = SQRT(2D0) FOR m=1d0, nmax DO BEGIN Cm = Cm / SQRT(2d0*m*(2d0*m-1d0)) P[m, m, *] = (1d0 - x^2)^(0.5d0 * m) * Cm FOR i=1d0, m-1 DO P[m, m, *] = (2d0*i + 1d0) * P[m, m, *] IF nmax GT m THEN BEGIN twoago = 0d0 FOR i = m+1d0, nmax DO BEGIN P[i, m, *] = ( x * (2d0*i - 1d0) * P[i-1, m, *] - $ SQRT( (i+m-1d0) * (i-m-1d0) ) * twoago ) / $ SQRT( ( i*i - m*m ) ) twoago = P[i-1, m, *] ENDFOR ENDIF ENDFOR ; m = 1D, nmax RETURN, TEMPORARY(P) END FUNCTION mvn_model_bcrust_calc, g, h, a_over_r, sct, scp, test=test IF KEYWORD_SET(test) THEN t0 = SYSTIME(/sec) ndat = N_ELEMENTS(a_over_r) ; Determine nmax nmax = N_ELEMENTS(g[0, *]) - 1 cntarr = DINDGEN(nmax+1) ; Compute R(r) and dR(r) at each n ; Only compute parts inside the summation over n ; R(r) = [a/r]^(n+1) ; dR(r) = (n+1)*[a/r]^(n+1) ( Factors omitted that can move ; outside of summation - see ; pg 34 in Thesis Book 2 ) IF ndat GT 1 THEN BEGIN R = TRANSPOSE(REBIN(a_over_r, ndat, nmax+1, /sample)) dR = R FOR n=1, nmax DO BEGIN R[n, *] = R[n, *] ^ (cntarr[n] + 1) dR[n, *] = R[n, *] * (cntarr[n] + 1) ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN R = (a_over_r)^(cntarr+1) dR = R*(cntarr+1) ENDELSE IF KEYWORD_SET(test) THEN $ dprint, 'R, dR are completed: ' + time_string(systime(/sec)-t0, tformat='mm:ss.fff, ') + $ string(double(memory(/current))/1.d9, '(F0.2)') + ' GB required.' ; Compute Phi(phi) and dPhi(phi) at each m,n combo ; Phi(phi) = gnm * cos(m*phi) + hnm * sin(m*phi) ; dPhi(phi) = m * [-gnm * sin(m*phi) + hnm * cos(m*phi)] cos_m_phi = COS( cntarr # scp ) sin_m_phi = SIN( cntarr # scp ) Phi = g*0d dPhi = Phi IF ndat GT 1 THEN BEGIN Phi = REBIN(Phi, nmax+1, nmax+1, ndat, /sample) dPhi = REBIN(dPhi, nmax+1, nmax+1, ndat, /sample) ENDIF FOR n=1, nmax DO BEGIN if keyword_set(test) then print, n IF ndat GT 1 THEN BEGIN Phi[n, *, *] = REFORM(cos_m_phi * REBIN(REFORM(g[n, *]), nmax+1, ndat, /sample) + $ sin_m_phi * REBIN(REFORM(h[n, *]), nmax+1, ndat, /sample), 1, nmax+1, ndat) dPhi[n, *, *] = REFORM((cos_m_phi * REBIN(REFORM(h[n, *]), nmax+1, ndat, /sample) - $ sin_m_phi * REBIN(REFORM(g[n, *]), nmax+1, ndat, /sample)) * REBIN(cntarr, nmax+1, ndat, /sample), $ 1, nmax+1, ndat) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Phi[n, *] = cos_m_phi * g[n, *] + sin_m_phi * h[n, *] dPhi[n, *] = ( cos_m_phi * h[n, *] - sin_m_phi * g[n, *] ) * cntarr ENDELSE ENDFOR ; n = 1, nmax IF KEYWORD_SET(test) THEN $ dprint, 'Phi, dPhi are completed: ' + time_string(systime(/sec)-t0, tformat='mm:ss.fff, ') + $ string(double(memory(/current))/1.d9, '(F0.2)') + ' GB required.' ; Compute Theta and dTheta at each m, n combo ; Theta(theta) = P(n,m,x) the Schmidt normalized associated legendre poly. ; dTheta(theta) = m * cos(theta) / sin(theta) * P(n,m,x) - ; C(n,m) / C(n,m+1) * P(n,m+1,x) ; Where C(n,m) = 1 if m=0 ; = ( 2 * (n-m)! / (n+m)! ) ^ (1/2) ; Cool math tricks are involved cos_theta = cos(sct) sin_theta = sin(sct) Theta = mvn_model_bcrust_calc_legendre(nmax, cos_theta) IF KEYWORD_SET(test) THEN $ dprint, 'Legendre poly expansion is completed: ' + time_string(systime(/sec)-t0, tformat='mm:ss.fff, ') + $ string(double(memory(/current))/1.d9, '(F0.2)') + ' GB required.' dTheta = Theta*0d IF ndat GT 1 THEN BEGIN dTheta[1, *, *] = REFORM(REBIN(cntarr, nmax+1, ndat, /sample), 1, nmax+1, ndat) * Theta[1, *, *] dTheta[1, *, *] = REFORM(dTheta[1, *, *]) * REFORM(TRANSPOSE(REBIN((cos_theta / sin_theta), ndat, nmax+1, /sample)), 1, nmax+1, ndat) ENDIF ELSE dTheta[1, *] = cntarr * cos_theta / sin_theta * Theta[1, *] dTheta[1, 0, *] = dTheta[1, 0, *] - Theta[1, 1, *] FOR n = 2, nmax DO BEGIN if keyword_set(test) then print, n IF ndat GT 1 THEN BEGIN dTheta[n, *, *] = REFORM(REBIN(cntarr, nmax+1, ndat, /sample), 1, nmax+1, ndat) * Theta[n, *, *] dTheta[n, *, *] = REFORM(dTheta[n, *, *]) * REFORM(TRANSPOSE(REBIN((cos_theta / sin_theta), ndat, nmax+1, /sample)), 1, nmax+1, ndat) dTheta[n, 0, *] = dTheta[n, 0, *] - $ SQRT( (n * (n+1)) * 0.5d ) * Theta[n, 1, *] dTheta[n, 1:n, *] = dTheta[n, 1:n, *] - $ REFORM(REBIN(SQRT( (n-cntarr[1:n]) * (n+cntarr[1:n]+1) ), n, ndat, /sample), 1, n, ndat) * $ [ [ Theta[n, 2:n, *] ], [ REPLICATE(0d, 1, 1, ndat) ] ] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dTheta[n, *] = cntarr * cos_theta / sin_theta * Theta[n, *] dTheta[n, 0] = dTheta[n, 0] - $ SQRT( (n * (n+1)) * 0.5d ) * Theta[n, 1] dTheta[n, 1:n] = dTheta[n, 1:n] - $ SQRT( (n-cntarr[1:n]) * (n+cntarr[1:n]+1) ) * $ [ [ Theta[n, 2:n] ], [ 0d ] ] ENDELSE ENDFOR ; n = 1, nmax IF KEYWORD_SET(test) THEN $ dprint, 'Theta, dTheta are completed: ' + time_string(systime(/sec)-t0, tformat='mm:ss.fff, ') + $ string(double(memory(/current))/1.d9, '(F0.2)') + ' GB required.' ; Put it all together ; Br = a/r Sum(n=1,nmax) { (n+1) * R(r) * ; Sum(m=0,n) { Theta(theta) * Phi(phi) } } br = TOTAL( Theta*Phi, 2 ) ; Sum over m for each n br = TOTAL( br * TEMPORARY(dR), 1) * a_over_r ; (0th element contributes 0) ; Btheta = B_SN ; Btheta = a*sin(theta)/r Sum(n=1,nmax) { R(r) * ; Sum(m=0,n) { dTheta(theta) * Phi(phi) } } bt = TOTAL( TEMPORARY(dTheta)*TEMPORARY(Phi), 2 ) ; Sum over m for each n bt = -1.d * total( bt * R, 1) * a_over_r ; (0th element contributes 0) ; Bphi = B_EW ; Bphi = -a/r/sin(theta) Sum(n=1,nmax) { R(r) * ; Sum(m=0,n) { Theta(theta) * DPhi(phi) } } bp = TOTAL( TEMPORARY(Theta)*TEMPORARY(dPhi), 2 ) ; Sum over m for each n bp = -1.d * total( bp * TEMPORARY(R), 1) * a_over_r / TEMPORARY(sin_theta) ; (0th element contributes 0) ; Return the vector field IF ndat EQ 1 THEN RETURN, [br, bt, bp] ELSE RETURN, TRANSPOSE([ [br], [bt], [bp] ]) END