;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_mag_trace ;PURPOSE: ; Given the spacecraft ephemeris and the mag vector in GEO coordinates, ; determines whether or not a straight-line extension of the mag vector ; intersects the Mars atmosphere at 170 km (nominally), and if so the ; location of that intersection point in GEO coordinates. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_mag_trace ;INPUTS: ; None: All data obtained from tplot variables. The result is ; stored in tplot variables. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ALT: Electron absorption altitude. Default = 170 km. ; ; TRACE: Named variable to hold result: [dist, lon, lat] ; Units: km, deg, deg ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-08-21 14:39:32 -0700 (Fri, 21 Aug 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 18564 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/mag/mvn_mag_trace.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2015-04-02 ;- pro mvn_mag_trace, alt=alt, trace=result @maven_orbit_common if not keyword_set(alt) then alt = 170. R_m = 3389.9D R_equ = 3396.2D R_pol = 3376.2D R_vol = (R_equ*R_equ*R_pol)^(1D/3D) R_exo = R_m + alt tplot_names,'mvn_B_*_iau_mars',names=mname if (mname eq '') then begin print,"You must first load MAG data in IAU_MARS coordinates." return endif get_data,mname,data=mag ; Unit vector in direction of B in GEO coordinates B = mag.y / (reform([sqrt(total(mag.y*mag.y,2))]) # replicate(1.,3)) ; Spacecraft position at each MAG sample time in GEO coordinates if (size(state,/type) ne 8) then maven_orbit_tplot,/load nsam = n_elements(mag.x) tmin = min(mag.x, max=tmax) indx = where((state.time ge (tmin - 600D)) and (state.time le (tmax + 600D))) S = fltarr(nsam,3) S[*,0] = spline(state.time[indx], state.geo_x[indx,0], mag.x) S[*,1] = spline(state.time[indx], state.geo_x[indx,1], mag.x) S[*,2] = spline(state.time[indx], state.geo_x[indx,2], mag.x) S2 = reform([total(S*S,2)]) ; Determine if/where the projected magnetic field line intersects the ; atmosphere at 170 km altitude and the spacecraft is above 170 km. SdotB = reform([total(S*B,2)]) SdotB2 = SdotB*SdotB S2mR2 = S2 - (R_exo*R_exo) indx = where((SdotB2 ge S2mR2) and (S2mR2 gt 0), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin T = replicate(!values.f_nan, nsam, 3) SdotB = SdotB[indx] SdotB2 = SdotB2[indx] S2mR2 = S2mR2[indx] S = S[indx,*] B = B[indx,*] sign = replicate(1., count) jndx = where(SdotB lt 0., jcnt) if (jcnt gt 0L) then sign[jndx] = -1. dist = -SdotB + sign*sqrt(SdotB2 - S2mR2) loc = S + (dist # replicate(1.,3))*B tlon = atan(loc[*,1], loc[*,0])/!dtor jndx = where(tlon lt 0., jcnt) if (jcnt gt 0L) then tlon[jndx] = tlon[jndx] + 360. tlat = asin((loc[*,2] / R_exo) < 1.)/!dtor T[indx,0] = reform(dist) T[indx,1] = reform(tlon) T[indx,2] = reform(tlat) result = {x:mag.x, y:T} polarity = replicate(!values.f_nan, nsam, 2) jndx = where(dist lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then polarity[indx[jndx],*] = -1. jndx = where(dist ge 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then polarity[indx[jndx],*] = 1. jndx = where(S2 le (R_exo*R_exo), count) if (count gt 0L) then polarity[jndx,*] = 0. store_data,'B_trace_pol',data={x:mag.x, y:polarity, v:[0,1]} ylim,'B_trace_pol',0,1,0 zlim,'B_trace_pol',-1,1,0 options,'B_trace_pol','spec',1 options,'B_trace_pol','panel_size',0.1 options,'B_trace_pol','ytitle','' options,'B_trace_pol','yticks',1 options,'B_trace_pol','yminor',1 options,'B_trace_pol','no_interp',1 options,'B_trace_pol','xstyle',4 options,'B_trace_pol','ystyle',4 options,'B_trace_pol','no_color_scale',1 store_data,'B_trace_dist',data={x:mag.x, y:abs(T[*,0])} options,'B_trace_dist','ytitle','Dist (km)' store_data,'B_trace_lon',data={x:mag.x, y:T[*,1]} options,'B_trace_lon','ytitle','Lon (deg)' ylim,'B_trace_lon',0,360,0 options,'B_trace_lon','yticks',4 options,'B_trace_lon','yminor',3 store_data,'B_trace_lat',data={x:mag.x, y:T[*,2]} ylim,'B_trace_lat',-90,90,0 options,'B_trace_lat','yticks',3 options,'B_trace_lat','yminor',3 endif return end