;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_mag_geom ;PURPOSE: ; Given MAVEN magnetometer and ephemeris data, computes the azimuth, ; elevation and clock angles of the magnetic field in the local ; horizontal plane at the spacecraft, and traces the magnetic ; field in a straight line from the spacecraft to a specified ; altitude (see ALT keyword). This tracing calculation can be ; sigificantly in error when the distance to the central object is ; large and the straight-line approximation becomes dubious. ; ; The information is appended to the mag_pc structure with the ; following tags: ; ; amp : magnetic field amplitude (nT) ; azim : magnetic azimuth angle (deg) ; elev : magnetic elevation angle (deg) ; clock : magnetic clock angle (deg) ; dist : distance along the magnetic field line between the ; spacecraft and the trace location (km) ; lon : east longitude at the trace location (deg) ; lat : latitude at the trace location (deg) ; ; Magnetic azimuth and elevation are defined as follows: ; ; AZ = 0 --> East EL = 0 --> horizontal ; AZ = 90 --> North EL = +90 --> radial outward (up) ; AZ = 180 --> West EL = -90 --> radial inward (down) ; AZ = -90 --> South ; ; Magnetic clock angle is an angle in the local horizontal plane ; (like AZ) that is referenced to the azimuth of the Sun: ; ; CLOCK = 0 --> azimuth of Sun ; CLOCK = 180 --> opposite to azimuth of Sun ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_mag_geom ;INPUTS: ; None: All data obtained from tplot variables. The result is ; stored in tplot variables. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ALT: Electron absorption altitude. Default is 170 km for Mars ; and 0 km for Phobos and Deimos. ; ; VAR: Tplot variable name that contains the magnetic field data ; in payload coordinates. Default = 'mvn_B_1sec'. Variable ; names for MAG data in other frames are derived from this. ; ; PHOBOS: Set this keyword to trace magnetic field lines to Phobos. ; Good luck! The moon is small and you have to get very ; close for a reasonable chance of intersection. ; ; DEIMOS: Set this keyword to trace magnetic field lines to Deimos. ; Good luck! The moon is small and you have to get very ; close for a reasonable chance of intersection. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-25 20:11:20 -0700 (Mon, 25 Apr 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 20926 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/mag/mvn_mag_geom.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2015-04-02 ;- pro mvn_mag_geom, alt=alt, var=var, phobos=phobos, deimos=deimos @maven_orbit_common if (size(var,/type) ne 7) then var = 'mvn_B_1sec' get_data, var, data=mag_pl, index=i if (i eq 0) then begin print,"No MAG data found: ", var return endif tmin = min(mag_pl.x, max=tmax) - 600D tmax += 600D ; Central object dimensions. Use the radius of a sphere that has the same ; volume as the actual object. This makes the geometry calculations easier, ; and is probably good enough, given the straight-line approximation for ; magnetic field line tracing. ; Default central object is Mars. R_m = 3389.9D R_equ = 3396.2D R_pol = 3376.2D R_vol = (R_equ*R_equ*R_pol)^(1D/3D) if (size(alt,/type) eq 0) then alt = 170D to_frame = 'iau_mars' origin = 'Mars' if keyword_set(phobos) then begin print,"Calculating ephemeris w.r.t. Phobos ... " maven_orbit_makeeph, frame='PHO', origin='Phobos', eph=mpc, $ tstart=tmin, tstop=tmax, tstep=20D maven_orbit_makeeph, frame='MSO', origin='Phobos', eph=mss, $ tstart=tmin, tstop=tmax, tstep=20D moon = {pc:mpc, ss:mss} r = sqrt(mss.x^2. + mss.y^2. + mss.z^2.) store_data,'Phobos',data={x:mss.t, y:r} options,'Phobos','ytitle','Phobos Range!c(km)' ylim,'Phobos',0,0,1 Rx = 13.1D Ry = 11.1D Rz = 9.3D R_m = (Rx*Ry*Rz)^(1D/3D) alt = 0D ; no atmosphere to_frame = 'iau_phobos' origin = 'Phobos' endif if (size(deimos,/type) eq 8) then begin print,"Calculating ephemeris w.r.t. Deimos ... " maven_orbit_makeeph, frame='DEI', origin='Deimos', eph=mpc, $ tstart=tmin, tstop=tmax, tstep=20D maven_orbit_makeeph, frame='MSO', origin='Deimos', eph=mss, $ tstart=tmin, tstop=tmax, tstep=20D moon = {pc:mpc, ss:mss} r = sqrt(mss.x^2. + mss.y^2. + mss.z^2.) store_data,'Deimos',data={x:mss.t, y:r} options,'Deimos','ytitle','Deimos Range!c(km)' ylim,'Deimos',0,0,1 Rx = 7.8D Ry = 6.0D Rz = 5.1D R_m = (Rx*Ry*Rz)^(1D/3D) alt = 0D ; no atmosphere to_frame = 'iau_deimos' origin = 'Deimos' endif R_exo = R_m + alt ; Get the magnetic field in payload coordinates and rotate to the SS and PC ; frames with respect to Mars, Phobos or Deimos. The origin does not matter, ; since the vectors are scaled to the magnetic field amplitude. For the SS ; frame just use Mars-centered MSO. For the PC frame, use the appropriate ; central object, in case the magnetic field does intersect the object, and ; you would like to know where. (The PC frame keeps track of the orientation ; of the central object as seen from the spacecraft.) spice_vector_rotate_tplot, var, 'maven_mso', check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT' spice_vector_rotate_tplot, var, to_frame, check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT' tplot_names,var+'*',names=mname ok = strmatch(mname,'*'+to_frame+'*',/fold) i = (where(ok))[0] if (i eq -1) then begin print,"You must first load MAG data in " + strupcase(to_frame) + " coordinates." return endif pcname = mname[i] get_data,pcname,data=mag_pc nsam = n_elements(mag_pc.x) ok = strmatch(mname,'*maven_mso*',/fold) i = (where(ok))[0] if (i eq -1) then begin print,"You must first load MAG data in MAVEN_MSO coordinates." return endif ssname = mname[i] get_data,ssname,data=mag_ss ; Unit vectors in direction of B in pc and ss frames B_mag = reform([sqrt(total(mag_ss.y*mag_ss.y,2))]) str_element, mag_pc, 'amp', B_mag, /add B_pc = mag_pc.y B_pc[*,0] = B_pc[*,0]/B_mag B_pc[*,1] = B_pc[*,1]/B_mag B_pc[*,2] = B_pc[*,2]/B_mag B_ss = mag_ss.y B_ss[*,0] = B_ss[*,0]/B_mag B_ss[*,1] = B_ss[*,1]/B_mag B_ss[*,2] = B_ss[*,2]/B_mag ; Spacecraft position at each MAG sample time in PC and SS coordinates. ; Here the origin does matter, since the vectors are scaled by the radial ; distance to the central object. print,"Interpolating ephemeris ... ",format='(a,$)' case origin of 'Mars' : begin if (size(state,/type) ne 8) then maven_orbit_tplot,/load if ((min(state.time) gt tmin) or (max(state.time) lt tmax)) then maven_orbit_tplot,/load indx = where((state.time ge tmin) and (state.time le tmax), count) if (count eq 0L) then begin print,"Insufficient ephemeris data." return endif S_pc = fltarr(nsam,3) S_pc[*,0] = spline(state.time[indx], state.geo_x[indx,0], mag_pc.x) S_pc[*,1] = spline(state.time[indx], state.geo_x[indx,1], mag_pc.x) S_pc[*,2] = spline(state.time[indx], state.geo_x[indx,2], mag_pc.x) S_ss = fltarr(nsam,3) S_ss[*,0] = spline(state.time[indx], state.mso_x[indx,0], mag_pc.x) S_ss[*,1] = spline(state.time[indx], state.mso_x[indx,1], mag_pc.x) S_ss[*,2] = spline(state.time[indx], state.mso_x[indx,2], mag_pc.x) end 'Phobos' : begin jndx = where((moon.pc.t ge tmin) and (moon.pc.t le tmax), jcnt) if (jcnt eq 0L) then begin print,"Insufficient Phobos ephemeris data." return end S_pc = fltarr(nsam,3) S_pc[*,0] = spline(moon.pc.t[jndx], moon.pc.x[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_pc[*,1] = spline(moon.pc.t[jndx], moon.pc.y[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_pc[*,2] = spline(moon.pc.t[jndx], moon.pc.z[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_ss = fltarr(nsam,3) S_ss[*,0] = spline(moon.ss.t[jndx], moon.ss.x[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_ss[*,1] = spline(moon.ss.t[jndx], moon.ss.y[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_ss[*,2] = spline(moon.ss.t[jndx], moon.ss.z[jndx], mag_pc.x) end 'Deimos' : begin jndx = where((moon.pc.t ge tmin) and (moon.pc.t le tmax), jcnt) if (jcnt eq 0L) then begin print,"Insufficient Deimos ephemeris data." return end S_pc = fltarr(nsam,3) S_pc[*,0] = spline(moon.pc.t[jndx], moon.pc.x[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_pc[*,1] = spline(moon.pc.t[jndx], moon.pc.y[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_pc[*,2] = spline(moon.pc.t[jndx], moon.pc.z[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_ss = fltarr(nsam,3) S_ss[*,0] = spline(moon.ss.t[jndx], moon.ss.x[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_ss[*,1] = spline(moon.ss.t[jndx], moon.ss.y[jndx], mag_pc.x) S_ss[*,2] = spline(moon.ss.t[jndx], moon.ss.z[jndx], mag_pc.x) end endcase S_mag = sqrt(total(S_ss*S_ss,2)) S_pc[*,0] = S_pc[*,0]/S_mag S_pc[*,1] = S_pc[*,1]/S_mag S_pc[*,2] = S_pc[*,2]/S_mag S_ss[*,0] = S_ss[*,0]/S_mag S_ss[*,1] = S_ss[*,1]/S_mag S_ss[*,2] = S_ss[*,2]/S_mag print," " ; Calculate the azimuth and elevation angles print,"Calculating azimuth, elevation, and clock angles ... ",format='(a,$)' slon = atan(S_pc[*,1],S_pc[*,0]) slat = asin(S_pc[*,2] < 1.) sinlon = sin(slon) coslon = cos(slon) sinlat = sin(slat) coslat = cos(slat) rot = fltarr(3, 3, nsam) rot[0,0,*] = -sinlon rot[0,1,*] = coslon rot[0,2,*] = 0. rot[1,0,*] = -coslon*sinlat rot[1,1,*] = -sinlon*sinlat rot[1,2,*] = coslat rot[2,0,*] = coslon*coslat rot[2,1,*] = sinlon*coslat rot[2,2,*] = sinlat B_lg = B_pc for i=0L,(nsam-1L) do B_lg[i,*] = rot[*,*,i]#reform(B_pc[i,*]) B_azim = atan(B_lg[*,1],B_lg[*,0])*!radeg indx = where(B_azim lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then B_azim[indx] += 360. B_elev = asin(B_lg[*,2] < 1.)*!radeg str_element, mag_pc, 'azim', B_azim, /add str_element, mag_pc, 'elev', B_elev, /add ; Calculate clock angle ; ; The tangent plane is orthogonal to the line connecting ; Mars' center of mass with the spacecraft. ; ; SxB is a unit vector in the tangent plane orthogonal to B. ; SxSun is a unit vector in the tangent plane orthogonal to Sun. ; ; The angle between these two vectors is the clock angle ; (0 to 180 degrees), between the azimuths of B and Sun. ; SxB = fltarr(nsam,3) SxSun = SxB for i=0L,(nsam-1L) do $ SxB[i,0:2] = crossp(reform(S_ss[i,0:2]), reform(B_ss[i,0:2])) SxB_mag = sqrt(total(SxB*SxB,2)) SxB[*,0] = SxB[*,0]/SxB_mag SxB[*,1] = SxB[*,1]/SxB_mag SxB[*,2] = SxB[*,2]/SxB_mag SxSun[*,0] = 0. SxSun[*,1] = S_ss[*,2] SxSun[*,2] = -S_ss[*,1] Sun_mag = sqrt(total(SxSun*SxSun,2)) SxSun[*,0] = SxSun[*,0]/Sun_mag SxSun[*,1] = SxSun[*,1]/Sun_mag SxSun[*,2] = SxSun[*,2]/Sun_mag B_clock = acos(total(SxB * SxSun, 2))*!radeg str_element, mag_pc, 'clock', B_clock, /add print," " ; Determine if/where the projected magnetic field line intersects the ; atmosphere at 170 km altitude and the spacecraft is above 170 km. ; (or 0 km altitude for Phobos and Deimos). S = S_pc * (S_mag # replicate(1.,3)) ; scaled vector S2 = S_mag*S_mag B = B_pc ; unit vector SdotB = reform([total(S*B,2)]) SdotB2 = SdotB*SdotB S2mR2 = S2 - (R_exo*R_exo) indx = where((SdotB2 ge S2mR2) and (S2mR2 gt 0), count) if (count gt 0L) then begin T = replicate(!values.f_nan, nsam, 3) SdotB = SdotB[indx] SdotB2 = SdotB2[indx] S2mR2 = S2mR2[indx] S = S[indx,*] B = B[indx,*] sign = replicate(1., count) jndx = where(SdotB lt 0., jcnt) if (jcnt gt 0L) then sign[jndx] = -1. dist = -SdotB + sign*sqrt(SdotB2 - S2mR2) loc = S + (dist # replicate(1.,3))*B tlon = atan(loc[*,1], loc[*,0])/!dtor jndx = where(tlon lt 0., jcnt) if (jcnt gt 0L) then tlon[jndx] = tlon[jndx] + 360. tlat = asin((loc[*,2] / R_exo) < 1.)/!dtor T[indx,0] = reform(dist) T[indx,1] = reform(tlon) T[indx,2] = reform(tlat) result = {x:mag_pc.x, y:T} str_element, mag_pc, 'dist', T[*,0], /add str_element, mag_pc, 'lon', T[*,1], /add str_element, mag_pc, 'lat', T[*,2], /add polarity = replicate(!values.f_nan, nsam, 2) jndx = where(dist lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then polarity[indx[jndx],*] = -1. jndx = where(dist ge 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then polarity[indx[jndx],*] = 1. jndx = where(S2 le (R_exo*R_exo), count) if (count gt 0L) then polarity[jndx,*] = 0. store_data,'B_trace_pol',data={x:mag_pc.x, y:polarity, v:[0,1]} ylim,'B_trace_pol',0,1,0 zlim,'B_trace_pol',-1,1,0 options,'B_trace_pol','spec',1 options,'B_trace_pol','panel_size',0.05 options,'B_trace_pol','ytitle','' options,'B_trace_pol','yticks',1 options,'B_trace_pol','yminor',1 options,'B_trace_pol','no_interp',1 options,'B_trace_pol','xstyle',4 options,'B_trace_pol','ystyle',4 options,'B_trace_pol','no_color_scale',1 store_data,'B_trace_dist',data={x:mag_pc.x, y:abs(T[*,0])} options,'B_trace_dist','ytitle','Dist (km)' store_data,'B_trace_lon',data={x:mag_pc.x, y:T[*,1]} options,'B_trace_lon','ytitle','Trace Lon (deg)' ylim,'B_trace_lon',0,360,0 options,'B_trace_lon','yticks',4 options,'B_trace_lon','yminor',3 store_data,'B_trace_lat',data={x:mag_pc.x, y:T[*,2]} options,'B_trace_lat','ytitle','Trace Lat (deg)' ylim,'B_trace_lat',-90,90,0 options,'B_trace_lat','yticks',3 options,'B_trace_lat','yminor',3 endif else begin print,"Crikey! The magnetic field never intersects " + origin + "!" get_data,'B_trace_pol',index=i if (i gt 0L) then store_data,'B_trace_pol',/delete get_data,'B_trace_dist',index=i if (i gt 0L) then store_data,'B_trace_dist',/delete endelse store_data, pcname, data=mag_pc return end