;+ ;mvn_lpw_cdf_info_to_tplot, cdfi ; ;Original routine from SSL Berkeley was a .pro, with info below. Original routine edted by Chris Fowler from Oct 2013 onwards for use with the MAVEN ;lpw software. Routine is run from within mvn_lpw_cdf_cdf2tplot.pro. Routine takes data, tplot limit and dlimit data from a saved cdf file (input from ;mvn_lpw_cdf_cdf2tplot.pro) and creates a single tplot variable for this data. The name of the tplot variable is also returned so that we can check ;it has loaded into tplot. ; ;INPUTS: ; - cdfi: an IDL structure containing the tplot variable data. This structure comes directly out of mvn_lpw_cdf_load_vars.pro. ; ;OUTPUTS: ; - A single tplot variable. The variable name is that from within the CDF file, NOT the name of the CDF file. ; - The function also returns the tplot name of the variable loaded so that we can check if it loaded into tplot. ; ;EXAMPLE: ; mvn_lpw_cdf_info_to_tplot, cdfi ; ;EDITS: ; - Through till Jan 7 2014 (CF) ; ;############## ; Original routine notes: ; ; This is a new routine that needs further testing, development, and enhancements. ; PROCEDURE: cdf2tplot, cdfi ; Purpose: Creates TPLOT variables from a CDF structure (obtained from "CDF_LOAD_VAR") ; This routine will only work well if the underlying CDF file follows the SPDF standard. ; ; Written by Davin Larson ; ; $LastChangedBy: cfowler2 $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-31 10:58:33 -0700 (Mon, 31 Oct 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22234 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/lpw/mvn_lpw_cdf_info_to_tplot.pro $ ; ############# ; ; Version 2.0 ; ;140718 clean up for check out L. Andersson ; ;140918 CF: major changes to encompass SIS PDS requirements. Removed for loop over variables; deal with all variables at once. ; now include MET and TT2000 time in the final tplot variable. ; 151130: CMF: added cdf_filename keyword, to append cdf filename to dlimit.l0_datafile structure. ;- function mvn_lpw_cdf_info_to_tplot,cdfi,varnames,loadnames=loadnames, $ prefix=prefix,midfix=midfix,midpos=midpos,suffix=suffix,newname=newname, $ all=all, $ force_epoch=force_epoch, $ verbose=verbose,get_support_data=get_support_data, $ tplotnames=tplotnames, cdf_filename=cdf_filename if not keyword_set(cdf_filename) then cdf_filename = '' dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=4,'$Id: mvn_lpw_cdf_info_to_tplot.pro 22234 2016-10-31 17:58:33Z cfowler2 $' tplotnames='' vbs = keyword_set(verbose) ? verbose : 0 if size(cdfi,/type) ne 8 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'Must provide a CDF structure' return,1 endif if keyword_set(all) or n_elements(varnames) eq 0 then varnames=cdfi.vars.name nv = cdfi.nv ;number of variables in the CDF file. ;Global attributes is only present once in the CDF file, and covers all nv variables. The information for dlimit is contained within the 'data' ;attributes. Search through nv variables, find 'data', and use this to get dlimit information. We then do not need a for loop over nv variables. qq = where(cdfi.vars.name eq 'data', nqq) if nqq eq 1 then begin ;if we have only one 'data' structure v=cdfi.vars[qq] ;original index was 'i' in the for loop, replaced with qq now g_atts = cdfi.g_attributes ;structure containing the g-atts. Only one for all nv variables. Product_name = struct_value(g_atts, 'Product_name', default='NA') ;name of the product being read in if vbs ge 6 then dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=6, product_name if ptr_valid(v.dataptr) eq 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=5,verbose=verbose,'Invalid data pointer for ', product_name message, /info, "#### WARNING ####: Invalid data pointer for ", product_name, ". Skipping." tn = !values.f_nan return, tn endif attr = *v.attrptr ;Extract G-attr info: ;Product_name = struct_value(g_atts, 'Product_name', default = 'NA') ;read in above, here just for completeness Project = struct_value(g_atts, 'Project', default = 'NA') Discipline = struct_value(g_atts, 'Discipline', default = 'NA') gDatatype = struct_value(g_atts, 'Data_type', default = 'NA') ;data_type is an IDL function I think so no '_' Descriptor = struct_value(g_atts, 'Descriptor', default = 'NA') Data_version = struct_value(g_atts, 'Data_Version', default='NA') Instrument_type = struct_value(g_atts, 'Instrument_type', default='NA') Mission_group = struct_value(g_atts, 'Mission_group', default = 'NA') PI_name = struct_value(g_atts, 'PI_name', default = 'NA') PI_affiliation = struct_value(g_atts, 'PI_affiliation', default = 'NA') gTEXT = struct_value(g_atts, 'TEXT', default='NA') ;text is and IDL function. For some reason attr.text won't come out from cdfi.g_attributes.textso do "manually" Source_name = struct_value(g_atts, 'Source_name', default = 'NA') gby = struct_value(g_atts, 'Generated_by', default = 'NA') gdate = struct_value(g_atts, 'Generation_date', default='NA') rules_of_use = struct_value(g_atts, 'rules_of_use', default = 'NA') Acknowledgement = struct_value(g_atts, 'Acknowledgement', default='NA') ;Variable attributes: tplot_name = struct_value(attr, 'tplot_name', default='NA') ;this is the tplot name we want to give the variable derivn = struct_value(attr, 'derivn', default = 'NA') sig_digits = struct_value(attr, 'sig_digits', default = 'NA') SI_conversion = struct_value(attr, 'SI_conversion', default = 'NA') catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'catdesc', default = 'NA') ; x_tt2000_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'x_tt2000_catdesc', default='NA') x_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'x_catdesc', default='NA') ; x_met_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'x_met_catdesc', default='NA') y_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'y_catdesc', default='NA') v_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'v_catdesc', default='NA') dy_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'dy_catdesc', default='NA') dv_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'dv_catdesc', default='NA') flag_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'flag_catdesc', default='NA') info_catdesc = struct_value(attr, 'info_catdesc', default='NA') depend_0 = struct_value(attr, 'depend_0', default = 'depend_0') if tag_exist(attr, 'depend_1') then depend_1 = struct_value(attr, 'depend_1', default = 'depend_1') else depend_1 = 'NA' ;depend_1 is not always present display_type = struct_value(attr, 'display_type', default = 'NA') xfieldnam = struct_value(attr, 'xfieldnam', default = 'NA') yfieldnam = struct_value(attr, 'yfieldnam', default = 'NA') vfieldnam = struct_value(attr, 'vfieldnam', default = 'NA') dyfieldnam = struct_value(attr, 'dyfieldnam', default = 'NA') dvfieldnam = struct_value(attr, 'dvfieldnam', default = 'NA') flagfieldnam = struct_value(attr, 'flagfieldnam', default = 'NA') infofieldnam = struct_value(attr, 'infofieldnam', default = 'NA') fillval = struct_value(attr, 'fillval', default = 'NA') form_ptr = struct_value(attr, 'form_ptr', default = 'NA') lablaxis = struct_value(attr, 'lablaxis', default = 'NA') MONOTON = struct_value(attr, 'MONOTON', default = 'NA') SMIN = struct_value(attr, 'SCALEMIN', default = !values.f_nan) SMAX = struct_value(attr, 'SCALEMAX', default = !values.f_nan) units = struct_value(attr, 'units', default = 'NA') VMIN = struct_value(attr, 'VALIDMIN', default = -1.0e38) VMAX = struct_value(attr, 'VALIDMAX', default = 1.0e38) var_type = struct_value(attr, 'var_type', default = 'NA') var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'var_notes', default = 'NA') x_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'x_var_notes', default = 'NA') ; x_tt2000_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'x_tt2000_var_notes', default = 'NA') ; x_met_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'x_met_var_notes', default = 'NA') y_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'y_var_notes', default = 'NA') v_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'v_var_notes', default = 'NA') dy_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'dy_var_notes', default = 'NA') dv_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'dv_var_notes', default = 'NA') flag_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'flag_var_notes', default = 'NA') info_var_notes = struct_value(attr, 'info_var_notes', default = 'NA') t_epoch = struct_value(attr, 't_epoch', default=!values.f_nan) l0_datafile = struct_value(attr, 'L0_datafile', default='NA') + ' # '+cdf_filename cal_vers = struct_value(attr, 'cal_vers', default='NA') cal_y_const1 = struct_value(attr, 'cal_y_const1', default='NA') cal_y_const2 = struct_value(attr, 'cal_y_const2', default='NA') cal_v_const1 = struct_value(attr, 'cal_v_const1', default='NA') cal_v_const2 = struct_value(attr, 'cal_v_const2', default='NA') cal_datafile = struct_value(attr, 'cal_datafile', default='NA') cal_source =struct_value(attr, 'cal_source', default='NA') info_info = struct_value(attr, 'info_info', default='NA') flag_info = struct_value(attr, 'flag_info', default='NA') flag_source = struct_value(attr, 'flag_source', default='NA') xsubtitle = struct_value(attr,'xsubtitle', default='NA') ysubtitle = struct_value(attr,'ysubtitle', default='NA') zsubtitle = struct_value(attr,'zsubtitle', default='NA') SPICE_kernel_flag = struct_value(attr, 'SPICE_kernel_flag', default = 'NA') SPICE_kernel_version = struct_value(attr, 'SPICE_kernel_version', default = 'NA') ;SPICE times extracted below with colors etc ;SPICE time fields are done below. CDF save routine can't save string ararys so must be compressed in to one string and then separated out ;Get limit info: char_size = struct_value(attr, 'char_size', default=2.) spec = struct_value(attr, 'spec', default=float(0.)) xtitle = struct_value(attr, 'xtitle', default='NA') ytitle = struct_value(attr, 'ytitle', default='NA') ztitle = struct_value(attr, 'ztitle', default = 'NA') yrange = struct_value(attr, 'yrange', default=[0.,1.]) ylog = struct_value(attr, 'ylog', default=float(0.)) zrange = struct_value(attr, 'zrange', default = [0.,1.]) zlog = struct_value(attr, 'zlog', default=0.) colors = struct_value(attr,'colors', default='0') ;colors is compressed as a string labels = struct_value(attr,'labels', default='NA') ;if labflag = 0. we won't get labels anyway, but we need a string letter here for the code to work labflag = struct_value(attr,'labflag', default=0.) noerrorbars = struct_value(attr, 'noerrorbars', default = 1.) psym = struct_value(attr, 'psym', default=0.) noint = struct_value(attr, 'no_interp', default=0.) ;================== ;Extract the labels and color values: ;added tag_exist calls, jmm, 2013-11-13 ;================== IF tag_exist(attr, 'labels') && attr.labels NE 'NA' THEN labels = strsplit(attr.labels, '::', count=lcount, /extract, /regex) ELSE labels='' ;extract labels as strings into the array labels, which has count elements. IF tag_exist(attr, 'colors') && (attr.colors NE '0' OR attr.colors EQ '0') THEN BEGIN ;Want to convert colors to a string if it's zero (black) or something else strcolors = strsplit(attr.colors, '::', count = ccount, /extract, /regex) ;/regex splits strings by '::' not ':' or ':' colors = float(strcolors) ;convert strings to floats ENDIF IF tag_exist(attr, 'time_field') THEN time_field = strsplit(attr.time_field, '::', count = strcount, /extract, /regex) ;unpack SPICE fields to string array time_start = struct_value(attr, 'time_start', default=dblarr(6) + !values.f_nan) ;default is NaN time_end = struct_value(attr, 'time_end', default=dblarr(6) + !values.f_nan) ;If we have multiple labels but no colors specified for them they all come out as black. Here, we change them to rainbow colors: nele_lab = n_elements(labels) ;number of labels IF nele_lab gt 1 and n_elements(colors) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN colors = fltarr(nele_lab) ;colors needs to be an array of equal length to number of labels FOR aa = 0, nele_lab-1 DO BEGIN colors[aa] = 10. + aa*(floor(245. / (nele_lab-1.))) ;continuous color table is 10-255, with 255 = white ENDFOR IF colors[nele_lab-1] EQ 255 then colors[nele_lab-1] = 254 ;dont want the last label to be white ENDIF ;================== ;If the default subtitles are still present remove them: #### fix for if only x,y plot, get rid of ztitle altogether. IF ysubtitle EQ 'NA' THEN ysubtitle = '' IF xsubtitle EQ 'NA' THEN xsubtitle = '' IF zsubtitle EQ 'NA' THEN zsubtitle = '' IF display_type NE 'spectrogram' then ztitle = '' ;Replace NA with '' if we have no z dimension in the data ;================== ;Ensure NaNs in the data are NaNs: if finite(fillval) and keyword_set(v.dataptr) and (v.type eq 4 or v.type eq 5) then begin w = where(*v.dataptr eq fillval,nw) if nw gt 0 then (*v.dataptr)[w] = !values.f_nan endif ;Check which variables are present and save them into a data structure. ;We save the attributes here, and use the data pointers within the atts to get the data later. j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'epoch', /fold_case), nj))[0] ;epoch is the cdf TT2000 time data. Find where it is in the cdf structure if nj gt 0 then tt2000_time = cdfi.vars[j] ;add tt2000 info from structure j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'time_unix', /fold_case), nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then time_unix = cdfi.vars[j] ;add tt2000 info from structure ;save unix time as data.x so tplot recognizes it. j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'time_met', /fold_case), nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then time_met = cdfi.vars[j] ;add tt2000 info from structure j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'data', /fold_case), nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then ydata = cdfi.vars[j] ;save the data as data.y, but need to keep 'data' a free variable for later j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'freq', /fold_case), nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then freq = cdfi.vars[j] ;save the freq information as data.v j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'volt', /fold_case), nj))[0] ;For IV sweeps, data.v is the voltage, called 'volt' in the CDF files if nj gt 0 then freq = cdfi.vars[j] ;save the freq information as data.v j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'ddata', /fold_case), nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then ddata = cdfi.vars[j] ;error on data, data.dy j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'ddata_up', /fold_case), nj))[0] ;'ddata_up' is the error going into data.dy, which is stored as ddata_up in the CDF files if nj gt 0 then ddata = cdfi.vars[j] ;error on data, data.dy j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'dfreq', /fold_case), nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then dfreq = cdfi.vars[j] ;error on freq, data.dv j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'ddata_lo', /fold_case), nj))[0] ;'dfreq' if nj gt 0 then dfreq = cdfi.vars[j] ;error on freq, data.dv which is stored as ddata_lo in the CDF files. j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'dvolt', /fold_case), nj))[0] ;'dfreq' in the CDF files, for IV Sweeps, dvolt the name for data.dv if nj gt 0 then dfreq = cdfi.vars[j] ;error on freq, data.dv j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'flag', /fold_case), nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then flag = cdfi.vars[j] ;flag information, data.flag j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, 'info', /fold_case), nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then info = cdfi.vars[j] ;info information, data.info ;Now create the final data structure using ptrs: if ptr_valid(time_unix.dataptr) and ptr_valid(ydata.dataptr) then begin ;if we have at least UNIX and ydata valid: data = {x:time_unix.dataptr, y:ydata.dataptr} ;Now add fields that are also present. Use str_element to add to the structure if size(time_tt2000, /type) NE 0 then if ptr_valid(time_tt2000.dataptr) then str_element, data, 'time_tt2000', time_tt2000.dataptr, /add if size(time_met, /type) NE 0 then if ptr_valid(time_met.dataptr) then str_element, data, 'time_met', time_met.dataptr, /add if size(freq, /type) NE 0 then if ptr_valid(freq.dataptr) then str_element, data, 'v', freq.dataptr, /add ;use tplot names now if size(ddata, /type) NE 0 then if ptr_valid(ddata.dataptr) then str_element, data, 'dy', ddata.dataptr, /add if size(dfreq, /type) NE 0 then if ptr_valid(dfreq.dataptr) then str_element, data, 'dv', dfreq.dataptr, /add if size(flag, /type) NE 0 then if ptr_valid(flag.dataptr) then str_element, data, 'flag', flag.dataptr, /add if size(info, /type) NE 0 then if ptr_valid(info.dataptr) then str_element, data, 'info', info.dataptr, /add ;================================== ;Append values to dlimit and limit: ;================================== ;dlimit is missing x_tt_2000_catdesc:x_tt2000_catdesc, x_met_catdesc:x_met_catdesc, x_tt2000_var_notes:x_tt2000_var_notes, x_met_var_notes:x_met_var_notes, dlimit = {Product_name: Product_name, Project:Project, Discipline:Discipline, Data_type:gDatatype, Descriptor:Descriptor, Data_version:Data_version, $ Instrument_type:Instrument_type, Mission_group:Mission_group, PI_name:PI_name, $ PI_affiliation:PI_affiliation, TEXT:gtext, Source_name:Source_name, Generated_by: gby, Generation_date:gdate, rules_of_use:rules_of_use, $ Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement, $ ;end of Global atts derivn:derivn, sig_digits:sig_digits, SI_conversion:SI_conversion, $ catdesc:catdesc, x_catdesc:x_catdesc, y_catdesc:y_catdesc, $ v_catdesc:v_catdesc, dy_catdesc:dy_catdesc, dv_catdesc:dv_catdesc, flag_catdesc:flag_catdesc, info_catdesc:info_catdesc, display_type:display_type, $ var_notes:var_notes, x_var_notes:x_var_notes, y_var_notes:y_var_notes, v_var_notes:v_var_notes, $ dy_var_notes:dy_var_notes, dv_var_notes:dv_var_notes, flag_var_notes:flag_var_notes, info_var_notes:info_var_notes, $ xfieldname:xfieldnam, yfieldnam:yfieldnam, vfieldnam:vfieldnam, dyfieldnam:dyfieldnam, dvfieldnam:dvfieldnam, flagfieldnam:flagfieldnam, infofieldnam:infofieldnam, $ info_info: info_info, fillval:fillval, form_ptr:form_ptr, lablaxis:lablaxis, monoton:monoton, scalemin:smin, scalemax:smax, units:units, $ validmin:vmin, validmax:vmax, var_type:var_type, $ t_epoch:t_epoch, l0_datafile:l0_datafile, cal_vers:cal_vers, cal_y_const1:cal_y_const1, $ cal_y_const2:cal_y_const2, cal_v_const1:cal_v_const1, cal_v_const2:cal_v_const2, cal_datafile:cal_datafile, cal_source:cal_source, $ flag_info:flag_info, flag_source:flag_source, xsubtitle:xsubtitle, ysubtitle:ysubtitle, zsubtitle:zsubtitle, $ spice_kernel_flag:spice_kernel_flag, spice_kernel_version:spice_kernel_version, time_field:time_field, time_start:time_start, time_end:time_end} limit = {char_size:char_size, xtitle:xtitle, ytitle:ytitle, ztitle:ztitle, yrange:yrange, ylog:ylog, zrange:zrange, zlog:zlog, $ spec:spec, colors:colors, labels:labels, labflag:labflag, noerrorbars:noerrorbars, psym:psym, no_interp:noint} ;================================== tn = tplot_name ;final tplot product name if keyword_set(midfix) then begin if size(/type,midpos) eq 7 then str_replace,tn,midpos,midfix $ else tn = strmid(tn,0,midpos) + midfix + strmid(tn,midpos) endif if keyword_set(prefix) then tn = prefix+tn if keyword_set(suffix) then tn = tn+suffix ;Store data as tplot variable: store_data,tn,data=data,dlimit=dlimit, limit=limit, verbose=verbose ;Set the y and z ranges: IF yrange[0] NE 0. OR yrange[1] NE 0. THEN ylim, tn, yrange ;default is [0., 0.] ;For some reason this isn't needed for zrange, and actually messes it up when it's included: ;IF zrange[0] NE 0. OR zrange[1] NE 0. THEN zlim, tn, zrange ;default is [0., 0.]. tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,tn] : tn endif else begin ;over valid pointers print, "#### WARNING #### : No UNIX time and / or data present in CDF file for ", product_name, ". Skipping." tn = !values.f_nan return, tn endelse ;over pointers not valid endif else begin ;'data' structure present in CDF file print, "#### WARNING #### : No data structure found within CDF file structure ", cdfi, ". Skipping loading." tn = !values.f_nan endelse return, tn ;return the tplot name of the variable saved so we can check if it loaded. end