;+ ;mvn_lpw_cdf_cdf2tplot, file, varnames=varnames, all=all ; ;Original file from SSL Berkeley, with original info below. Original file edited by Chris Fowler from Oct 2013 onwards for use ;with the MAVEN lpw software. Routine takes a single CDF file input and loads the data, limit and dlimit data into IDL memory as ;a tplot variable for plotting with the tplot software. ; ;Note: Capital letters are important for tplot variables and should be included in 'file'. ; The varformat='*' needs to be included otherwise not all of the cdf variables are loaded. ; ;INPUTS: ; - file: the full string directory and filename of the CDF file to be loaded into IDL memory. ; ;NOTE: I haven't used the other keywords, they're not needed for basic cdf file loading. ; ;OUTPUT: ; - a tplot variable in IDL memory containing the data, tplo limit and dlimit data for the specified CDF file. The tplot variable ; will have the same name as that for the variable saved within the CDF file, NOT the file name. ; ;EXAMPLE: ; mvn_lpw_cdf_cdf2tplot, '/Users/MAVEN_example/mvn_lpw_act_V1.cdf', varformat='*' => produces a tplot variable with the name 'mvn_lpw_act_V1' ; ;EDITS: ; - Through till Jan 7 2014 (CF) ; ;########### ; Original routine notes: ; ; Please note this routine is still in development ;CDF2TPLOT ,files,varnames=varnames,all=all ; ; record=record if only one record and not full cdf-file is requested ; ; $LastChangedBy: cfowler2 $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-11-30 08:31:39 -0800 (Mon, 30 Nov 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 19487 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/lpw/mvn_lpw_cdf_cdf2tplot.pro $ ;########## ; ;Version 1.0 ;;140718 clean up for check out L. Andersson ;151130: CMF: added cdf_filename keyword in sub routines to append cdf filename to dlimit.L0_datafile structure. ;- pro mvn_lpw_cdf_cdf2tplot,file=file,prefix=prefix,midfix=midfix,midpos=midpos,suffix=suffix ,newname=newname $ ,varformat=varformat ,varnames=varnames2 $ ,all=all,verbose=verbose, get_support_data=get_support_data, convert_int1_to_int2=convert_int1_to_int2 $ ,record=record, tplotnames=tplotnames cdf_filename = file_basename(file) ;take CDF file. ;Automatically use varformat='*' to load all variables: IF varformat NE '*' THEN varformat = '*' dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,'$Id: mvn_lpw_cdf_cdf2tplot.pro 19487 2015-11-30 16:31:39Z cfowler2 $' vb = keyword_set(verbose) ? verbose : 0 ; Load data from file(s) dprint,dlevel=5,verbose=verbose,'Starting CDF file load' if not keyword_set(varformat) then var_type = 'data' if keyword_set(get_support_data) then var_type = ['data','support_data'] cdfi = mvn_lpw_cdf_load_vars(file,varformat=varformat,var_type=var_type,/spdf_depend, $ varnames=varnames2,verbose=verbose,record=record, convert_int1_to_int2=convert_int1_to_int2) dprint,dlevel=5,verbose=verbose,'Starting load into tplot' ; Insert into tplot format tn = mvn_lpw_cdf_info_to_tplot(cdfi,varnames2,all=all,prefix=prefix,midfix=midfix,midpos=midpos,suffix=suffix,newname=newname, $ ;bpif keyword_set(all) eq 0 verbose=verbose, tplotnames=tplotnames, get_support_data=get_support_data, cdf_filename=cdf_filename) ;added get_support_data, jmm, 2013-11-13 dprint,dlevel=5,verbose=verbose,'Starting Clean up' ;bpif keyword_set(all) eq 0 tplot_ptrs = ptr_extract(tnames(/dataquant)) unused_ptrs = ptr_extract(cdfi,except=tplot_ptrs) ptr_free,unused_ptrs ;Check the variable was loaded into tplot memory: names = tnames() ;names is an array containing all tplot variable names, removed (s), 2013-11-13, jmm nele_names = n_elements(names) IF nele_names EQ 0. THEN BEGIN print, "#########################################################" print, "File load unsuccessful: no tplot variables in IDL memory." print, "Check file name and directory: ", file print, "#########################################################" ENDIF IF nele_names GT 0. THEN BEGIN ;str = file_basename(file, '.cdf') ;remove directory and .cdf to give tplot variable name - only works if filename is same as tplot variable name str = tn ;works regardless of what the filename is; tplot variable name taken from CDF file. r = strmatch(names, str) ;does str occur in names array? 0 if not, 1 if yes. w = where(r EQ 1, n_w) IF n_w gt 0 THEN BEGIN ;print, "###################################" print, "File loaded into tplot memory: ", file print, "Tplot name: ", tn ;print, "###################################" ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "######################################################" print, "FILE LOAD UNSUCCESSFUL: ", file, " not loaded into tplot memory" print, "Check file name and directory." print, "######################################################" ENDELSE ENDIF ;stop end